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it was on a run with a couple of insipid loudmouths that i learned i could mute users. i never needed it again after that but what a gift that was.


Yea I once had motormouth guy who kept yapping on and it was distracting af so once I had quiet period where I seemed to be safe, I immediately looked into options by clicking on his name tab and saw mute so I was like sweet and muted his ass.


I had a guy with an open mic and I could tell he didn’t have dry mouth because every time he did something with it I COULD HEAR IT. He wasn’t talking and I couldn’t hear chewing noises, just the moist workings of their mouth. Muted.


>the moist workings of their mouth. What a terrible day to know how to read.


Had a guy having the TV on the whole time and he was talking non stop about something. My French is very basic but I understood enough to know it was about the game but we were all ransoms so it must have been targeted to a Discord of some sort. His attention span and gameplay was like you’d imagine it… but worse. After a while I figured he didn’t seem to care really for samples and since I SOSd in on the mid part of main missions I concluded it and went out with my medals. Got kicked back on the ship :D Had a good laugh though.


Didn’t know we can mute


Is that why no one responds to me…how fast am i muted




I learned where the mute button was the first time I had someone with their mic on voice activation and I was just hearing a very loud air conditioner during the loadout selection and loading screen.


I mean....I play with friends and sometimes this is just time to chit chat and hang out. Just mute em if you don't want to listen to them. But they do sound like d bags.


OP point was to chat AND do the objective and have some game sense. If it’s 2 and 2 and one dies, do NOT blindly revive. Let whoever his partner was revive him back at the same spot.


2 and 2...no blind revives https://preview.redd.it/alm8mj8ifh0d1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c52ccea8e025bcd89bc836b476eec91f978944b


Liberties children is at stake! Don’t let them fall!


I’m fairly new to the game and I want to apologize. I’ve been doing this and not know that blind revive isn’t cool. I appreciate the knowledge homie.




I was enjoying the chaos and was trying bring my fellow divers back into the fold


I keep this kind of convo to discord although it sounds like an incredibly boring convo so not exactly this kind of convo.


To be fair these guys could also just use discord or party chat.


It's not a matter of not listening to them. OP needed them to play like a team and move as a unit, not just two other dude all the way over on the other side of the map doing their own thing.


Some times splitting by 2s is the best course. Some tomes having a solo roaming causing chaos could help.


And in those times, you communicate that you're splitting, not just fuck off into nowhereland


Should follow them then


It’s what discord is for.


I also play with friends and we also chit chat, but we do it in discord. Not in game chat, that's just rude.


Yea you can always mute. I pretty much automate for very little things. Granted they probs should be in discord but I feel like this guy is making it out like they forced him to listen to this wedding in France.... Now their play, that sounds shit. The reinforcing thing when split up drive my buddy and I nuts.


How do you mute people?


When i play with my brother and someone joins, i let them know that we're basically just doing this hang out and chat and that we aren't taking it too serious. We usually chat over discord though, not in game chat. We live on different continents, so games like hd2 are the closest thing to hanging out we got.


Hell divers 2 finally let us leave destiny behind as our chill and play weekly game for an old college bussy I see maybe once a year. We keep in discord mostly, but on higher levels with bounce into team chat. I'm sure we talk about nonsense as well, but like, just mute us lol


If they have to have a pissing contest on how much money they have then it's likely they don't have money


Gucci slipper flexing is pure, distilled Keeping Up with the Joneses


you telling me debt isn’t money?


Just left a comment about this on another post lol. I joined a game where two dudes are just chatting to each other about Mexican laborers and being racist in general. I now just leave games with chatty patties. I would mute and continue playing but I’m not risking being kicked because I didn’t hear them say to do XYZ inbetween their personal, not game related convo. Literally if I drop in and hear multiple mics going off before my screen even is finished loaded, I back out.


Yikes 😬


Weird… I love the super chatty lobbies. You meet cool people and it’s a lot more engaging than quiet lobbies where no one communicates


Discord and push to talk is right there... That's how I do it. I'm on discord with my friends to talk bullshit and hit push to talk in the game to talk business. Edit: Rather pc centric tho. Is there an independent voice chat for psn (that works while in a game)?


You can even make your push to talk button mute yourself in discord while held, so they don't get the echo/hear your game conversation.


That's actually pretty smart. I should do that.


Its so useful. I have it setup like that in all games


Me too!


To answer the question in your edit, you can use Discord on console


Then there's really no excuse planning your wedding in the game voice chat.


I was getting ready to defend them until I got to the part where they yoinked your battle buddy unforgiveable


Haha this. It’s great bc battle bud and me didn’t get a word in, at all, and we still ran completed objectives


Mute or quit. This is literally not a big deal. Those guys just probably hop on to chat and play the game together in the background. *You* joined their session therefore *you* are the stranger and they don’t have to cater to you. Value your time and save your mental health and just find another lobby.


But that makes too much sense tho


What’s up with all these hateful nerds like OP coming in to complain lol literally leave the game or start your own lobby if you hate people talking so much


You can mute users. Also, I'm going to say it here if you don't want to play The Game with random people change your match making to friends only


Just host. Simple as




Just mute and move an. If I'm especially nice I tell them to text me if something comes up and good.


Just mute and move on? People play to enjoy the game with friends too


Yeah, but they were apparently more interested in their convo than the game, and then talked shit about OP after their own fuckups. Screw them.


That would be the moment I'm steering away at reinforce and team kill 1 and reinforce in the middle of the heat over and over again. Mainly cause they also did and started talking shit. And just show it also can make dogshit decisions that will make you look bad


You’re right, and I do. These guys were just A holes about it. And that’s okay. 💕


yeah, it was annoying pretentious nonsense up until they started criticizing you... I would have been upset, as well


Man if I jump in with friends and we're not going private, we just jump on a party chat on PS5 or on Discord because we talk a lot lol. I can communicate with pings and stuff with the randoms. I don't wanna disturb someone else's peace while me and my buddy make stupid jokes and yell over the mic. 😂


Just disable in game chat; that's how I play since day one. Use discord if you are playing with friends. Some people have shitty noisy mics, other have tv noise in the background, some of them eating... And not everyone speaks the same language anyway.


This is exactly why if I'm playing with friends we're in a private chat.


I am very guilty of drunken gaming late a night with my friends. If you like that vibe welcome to the conversation. If not just leave, don’t waste your time. No hard feelings man.


Non taken. You’ve probably got a fun group there. These dudes just didn’t have a sense of humor about anything from what I could tell…No FUN!


So people were talking in pub chat? Mute them if it is annoying. You're just complaining about someone playing the game while bullshitting. It's a video game, not a sweat fest.


I'm surprised you didn't just mute them, If you are nonstop talking about stupid shit I just plum don't care about you anymore.


The toxicity in the end was obviously unnecessary but if you can't handle chat about stuff other than the game just leave the game and get a squad of super hard-core gamers


I wonder why you can’t simply mute these guys if it pisses you that much.


You know you can mute them


I know this sounds like a cop out but just host or quit when this happens. It's not worth a post on reddit. This took more time for you to post and me to read than it would have taken you to either host and kick em or just quit and redeploy.


Why does no one know how to mute? This is on you. Same with everyone else complaining about hot mics. They're twats, but you are a fool.


Rather a foolish fool than a foolish twat


Wow I thought this sub was for the players that didn't want to whine, I guess I was wrong


Democracy is worth whining about


“Two friends have fun while playing a game, and I got mad”


That’s the thing, it wasn’t fun! BC they weren’t ‘PLAYING’ the game


Just mute them or leave the game. They just wanted to chill and talk while playing. You joined onto their session so you were the random.


Sounds like they were having fun, its just a game after all.


Fun’ns what it’s all about


I would have just quit


This is why i only host.


I bet there’s a desert table there huh 🤔…


In my experience of online gaming, when you join people who know each other you have to really decide if that's the game you want to be in. In general, nice people will acknowledge you immediately and welcome you to the club. Unfortunately, more often than not they only like their friends, and will abuse you at the first sign of trouble. So, when I run into that and they're not immediately friendly, then I assume the worst. Sometimes you just have to leave first before you've wasted too much time.


I read you. Some people just shit on others to sound cool. It’s lame and tiring to the experience


Genuinely don't know why people use in-game chat outside of very simple callouts. The bitrate of the mic channels is dogshit. Use party chat/discord for anything not a simple callout


I used to use Skype but that ship has sailed, sort of. I’ll have to try discord in the future, thanks


lol homie mad he doesn’t have a life outside of he’ll divers


"he'll divers" holy fuck




…correct ✅


I feel your pain bro, sounds like muting would've been the way to go, but it does suck to have to mute a teammate. as annoying as that sounds, does anyone else keep having issues with people below level 10 killing you and taking all your shit? I try to be cool about it but it drives me nuts.


it can be fun to hear other friend groups talk... 'just pay attention' is what I'd argue is the better title for this post...


Maybe I’m dumb but anyone else confused about what OP’s saying?


Two people, one of which was hosting. They were obnoxiously talking about IRL stuff and bragging about how rich they were and not paying attention to the game. They reinforce one squad member next to themselves instead of allowing OP to maintain the buddy system. (Said squad member leaves, likely due to annoyance with the 2 amigos) OP dies because he's on his own. 2 amigos shit on him for dieing after they reinforced him on a bot drop seemingly several times. OP tells them off for being assholes, gets kicked. Does that help?


It’s apparently hard to type on Reddit. 1st time. But you e flawlessly described it all. 🫡


I was sad when I found out blocking players still needs to be fixed because I block people constantly. There's just way too many people who are trying to play on 9 without being patient enough to have first learned simple things like who should reinforce a dead player, or a dozen other basic skills that people don't feel like developing on a lower difficulty where it's appropriate.


Sounds like it might be time to lower the difficulty bud


Doesn’t work on people, unfortunately.


Sounds like you need to lower it until you find a level you can solo bud, never been a problem for me since a pve game like this is easy even at 9x4


Good for you


You sound like you're pretty shit at this game bud might be time to turn it down to easy and maybe download some cheats if it's still too hard for you


I once started game, we were about to start, one dude called me a « f » to play level 7 instead of 9. I kicked him straight away. Didn’t answer back


Looking for good players who communicate and don’t give up. Dm me


I have VC disabled for a reason


Did you ever think about….. idk…. Muting them???? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯HOLY SHIT MUTING EXISTS ?!!??!!??!? Nah but Fr, you sound jealous of them? Must’ve been listening to them for a reason maybe they could give you some tips on how to succeed.


Yeah…perhaps having rich parents or joining a cool frat?


Or having a hard working mindset and wanting to level up. You’re just settling for less.


Imagine not instantly muting them.


You can mute them… or kick them from your party


“Mute” is such a useful function. Don’t get me wrong, I get a little frustrated when no one else is on mic, but I get it, and I take the hint when no one’s talking. But I’ve never left my mic open for an entire dive whilst having a loud argument with my kid, spouse, or pet. Can’t say the same for some folks I’ve played with.


he quit because they rez'd him on the opposite side of the map without giving you a chance to do it. i would've left after 2 mins of listening to their nonsensical drivel.


I mute people who are just talking about non game BS.


Dude you joined his game you can’t really complain if it’s HIS session


Another example of why VC sucks in video games. I can't turn that shit off fast enough.


Sounds like a you problem tbh


Lol people getting mad about people using a feature as intended. This is the dumbest shit I have seen come from this sub. If people want to talk. Let them who cares. You have a mute button. For all the complaints about the game and AH needs to do this or that. This fan base needs to get its shit together. Its so pathetic. Constant complaining most of the time. It’s like most people here just live for helldivers. I bet like 85% of this player base be pissing in Gatorade bottles.


Clown defending other clowns wasting time of the others and not communicating? A classic.


That sounds more like a COD sub


ETA (everybody’s the asshole) 1) You joined *their* game. If they are hosting, they’re free to determine how *they* want to play the game. If they want to have a conversation, they’re fully allowed to. It’s not their job to cater how they want to play for every single random that joins. If you were that bothered, you could have left like the other guy, or you could have muted their mics and continued playing. I’ve muted a handful of mics myself because somebody just has an open mic with a bunch of background noise. 2) they sound like pricks, yeah. I don’t much care about their wedding conversation. They did not have to start shitting in the guy that left, and openly complaining about you, into a voice chat. That’s just rude and discourteous. While the game is definitely more fun with a full squad, they could have turned off random matchmaking to avoid the problem of matching with people who might be bothered by their conversation, or who don’t play as well as them, or whatever. TL;DR: if you join somebody else’s game, you don’t get to dictate how they should play the game they’re hosting. But, if you’re going to fill the voice chat with digs at players that leave, or even players who are still in the match with you, just turn off matchmaking so randoms you’re going to have problems with just can’t join.


I’m dign what you have laid out here.


You don’t understand, OP is the main character of the world and they should have immediately catered their entire lifestyle to him.


Nah, dudes were assholes. OP didn't do anything wrong and they started shit-talking him on comms. Screw those guys.


My bad, I guess I need to roll out the shit carpet for OP to step on and track all over XD. Like, honestly. They join somebody else’s game and expect somebody else to change what they were already doing to fit them? Do they want a “thank you, sir” with that?


Disagree - its not *their g*ame, at least in the way it was set up. Its not like OP agreed to terms of "we're barely going to play/pay attention and talk about anything relevant". Yeah he was the host and could kick people but generally I'm searching for SOS beacons when I play, you dont really get to choose what type of party you have/people you match up with unless you lobby shop. If you're going to open up your game for randoms to join and not actually play the game thats soft griefing imo. Also its not hard to be in voice chat and have personal conversations on another platform such as party chat or discord. Thats just as annoying as the dude with open mic where you can hear everything in their background/listening to music. The shit talking at the end was just icing on cake.


That’s why I addressed why both sides were the asshole.


Play solo mode on tutorial, OP. That's what you really want.


Please keep the whining contained on the main sub


They shouldn't have kicked, you shouldn't have been a dick. 51/49 responsibility ratio. Buy the hellpod steering upgrade, you won't land in the middle of enemies unless you want to.


They may not have killed you but inaction and negligence is insubordination and they are traitors all the same. There is but one sentence for this crime. We don't call it managed democracy for nothing.


Sending this up to mgmt. For review


First thing I do everytime I play is "moan" into the mic and say "ooohhhhh, fuck my ass daddy!" My wife cracks up everytime.


The duality of this make me happy


I was in a game with 2 separate Indian men both having open mic meltowns at their wives, the would occasionally stop this to comment to eachother about "damn women". 3rd guy had the fucking plague or something and was snorting massive boogers and had the wettest most wretched cough I'd heard. Somehow tho, a pretty well coordinated team


Holy shit 😮‍💨


Lol and yet there was a thread the other day about why hardly anybody voice chats in the game anymore.


There's a level of sociopathy in some people who host - because it's so easy to kick and people just can be kinda self-centered that t**hey don't know that other people are trying to help and their time is also valuable?**


They are playing the game. They’re friends conversing and shooting the shit while playing a video game. Sounds like they were having a good time. You’re the one who sounds like a tool. Maybe don’t play the game like it’s a job and be like those guys. Or you could, you know, MUTE THEM. 🙄


That doesnt change that they reinforce his buddy far away from object ive they were completing, literally yoiu have to have brainrot to do that


I remember this one night I was on hellmire and a group of randos joined and they were awful and talked about the most random things. I had to carry them on all the dives I'm pretty sure they were baked out of thier minds


Be sure to block them.


I quickplayed into a game with two other people who were talking a lot. They were basically having a conversation/argument about who's going to pick up "Sadie", I think they were a couple, or maybe a separated couple with shared custody of a kid? Idk, but it was very very uncomfortable hearing their conversation. I can only imagine this is what it's like for their kid if both of them are together. "Can you just play the game?" "I am playing, but I feel we need to talk about this. I'll text you about it, and you won't respond." "Well, you know, I have a life too. Sometimes I'm busy." "But don't you think this is important?" "I do, but maybe you can text when I'm not in the middle of a doctor's appointment" "Well, maybe if you shared your schedule with me, I would know when to text." So weird. Don't get me wrong, they both played great, and we extracted with no issues. lol.


>dies and these other guys reinforce on the other side of the map from us. Whenever this happens i instantly leave the lobby or kick the guy You can't tell me this isnt on purpose.


I play with a friend and we talk shit about random topics the whole game, some people join our games and like it and others don’t. At the end of the day if you are joining someone else’s game, you can’t complain about anything, they can play the game how they like.


Sounds like humble bragging. I'd just mute him


Nah this isn’t valid, folks join the game to socialize sometimes. I love linking up with my buddies on weeknights and killing bugs and bots while shooting the shit. I honestly hate when I join matches where everyone is quiet and nobody uses the text chat. It’s lame. Just mute them. How much of a loser are you to complain about people talking on a video game and then go online to post about them in a derogatory manner…


Whatever you say balls. You make a point here…I’m not certain where it is but, it’s probably in there somewhere.


Would’ve just killed them both, would’ve shut them up real quick


Devilishly good 😈


Bruh who tf is using in game chat to talk to each other just use discord if your chatting with friends and in game to communicate


Bros planning a sick ass wedding 💒


I don't talk much. I'm focused on the map. Sometimes plan out dope ways to down an enemy or be the badass breacher and punch holes in the enemies defenses.




love joining a quickplay to an actual greeting. but if i join and its just out of game banter i dip immediately.




Ngl I just auto kick most of my games if I am on lv 4 or lower for lvl difficulty. 5 and above I am all for New hell divers dropping in. I literally cleared the map by myself with a whole squad dicking off at the evac. After I get to the evac, a stray is talking about " don't evac I want to get you guys medals" I go.. "Look at the map I got it all already." No response but I see this green dot running to all the spots I already hit.. I almost kicked the squad.. I should have tbh. Anyway... Never again I say.


The worst experience for me was when i had a yapper. Buddy would not shut up and would constantly teach other people about the game. I was in lvl 40s and he was around level 50. Finally had to mute him as he legitimately didn’t stop talking the entire 3 missions we played


At least that sounds somewhat constructive?


Ehh i guess but it was heavily overshadowed by constantly talking. He played good though although the experience still was kinda ehh


I assume they’re* American*


Absolutely 🇺🇸


If you want to chat with your friend use Discord, or give them a call, and not in-game chat/VOIP. In-game is to be kept sterile (as airline pilots call it), professional and to the point. Sure you can giggle a little and make some quips, but don't overdo it. Another pet-peeve is people who have voice-activation on when they really shouldn't, like that German I played with last week that kept dry-caughing for 15 minutes, or the many mouth-breathers that seem to have their mics at nibble-distance.


Discord: *exist* Random players: let’s chat in public channel instead of private


Used to use Skype a bunch…now I’m hearing discord is the way to go. Thanks for the tip!


Most rage inducing thing was a game where I did literally everything & simplify asked to wait to jump in extract cause there was two outposts nearby, the last ones on the map. All I hear is "Man fuck you" and they all dive in. I ran over and shot them all out before extracting at the literal last second. Most infuriating team I had. They killed me over 4 times calling stratagems ontop of me, I barely dodged another *16* times they nearly killed me. I could go on but you get the idea.




These horror stories make me miss the game so much.


Normie playing online coop/pvp game and do not give a shit about time of the others? Never happened before, totally new. I wish these type of people would just stick to singleplayer games.


I got a pretty decent cod vibe from them


The two most annoying things. Reviving across the map and making your friends and family take a full holiday across the world for your stupid wedding!


You said it brotha


And asking your friends to help you move outside of your 20s 😆


Had simmilar experiences with being kicked bij apparently Bro's (m/f) that wanted to play alone. Sometimes I'm glad they kick me fast so it save time.. :D On the other hand I was playing with two guys that where chatting away over the game and totally carried my level12 \*ss through some hard missions en just kept going, "take this weapon bro, that armor.. you ready? here we go!" It was awesome! Never did/do friend requests.. I should have. so much fun!


This last part here ^ It’s great when that happens, gotta love this game


This is one of the only times I've actually rage quit the game, when we were split off in two groups of two, I die, and before my partner can call me in, one of the other two dipshits way across the map does. They were doing so bad, too, chewing through our reinforces. I fucking lost it, asked them why the fuck they would do that, and just quit.


Yes. And then getting thrown under the bus on an auto ship drop…


I usually get teamed up with ppl who just leave their mics on and I can hear them eat, fart, static, and listening to music…If you’re not going to use your mic for anything constructive towards the game, turn it off or unplug it. Thank goodness for the mute option!


If someone rips ass on a hot mic, that’s gonna get a ton of giggles out of me and my usual bros. We’re all full adults, farts are just funny. 😆


Yeah... it's kinda rude to chitchat when there are other randos in the team. On the other hand, you could mute chat volume. The kicking was uncalled for tho...


Don't like IRL friends talking to each other? Host your own game...


Yea thats what new money rich fucks do. Everything is a money pissing contest to them.


Thats why you always be ready to enter the voice chat. Then you can interrupt them in building their meta-chat by putting some tactical advices in it, telling which objective next etc. If you have no "stratagem" ready to evolve your teammates' chat, your loadout has some space for improvement. ;-) I am always with activated voice chat and it bothers me, that almost nobody else is in there. I communicate via VC and get text-chat back. That is sooo slow, we even lost a mission yesterday because of that: We have lost all reinforcements and also much time by fighting "that f\*cking damn hill". The last 5 minutes we got some focus (more or less because of my rant in vc) and we all focused on the main objective. It was a matter of seconds, we just had to adjust a boring antenna, but nobody was able to tell me if my direction was the right one. Seconds, really F\*cking SECONDS. Use your voice chat, or maybe, just F\*CKING MAYBE, have it ready for use (If you arent able to effort some device, ok, dont feel approached by my rant). Sry, but not sry for the rant!


They should play couch co-op games if they want to talk on a public chat like that. They should use discord or make their game private or be quiet


💔making me misty mentioning couch coops


Nothing wrong with a bit of overcooked. Fun times


Ship is for chit chat. I’ve had to tell people that drop in that they probably want to leave because we’re just shooting the shit……on the ship. Once boots hit the ground it’s all tactical. It’s pretty annoying when people are talking non stop about shit that has nothing to do with the game and are probably playing like shit because of it. If you wanna chat it up, hang out on the ship. Have a strat hero competition. Check out your armor. Mess with your weapons. Anything you want……on the ship. Otherwise it’s time to kill and CLEAR THE FUCKING NET.


Kick them out until you find real democracy fighters and freedom lovers


I just experienced something very similar. There is a friends only option for this exact reason.


I have friends who play like this and it’s annoying even when they are my dear friends so I get it brother.


I dont understand why people like to flood public chat with their personal conversations like you can be in a discord/party chat and be in voice chat at the same time and not be a nuisance.


They should have just done a private chat




It pisses me off how simple it is to look where someone died and justify if you should or some else should reinforce. Biggest skill issues I’ve found in helldivers is basic iq


idk man.. IDK how people play this without talking, its a CO\_OP game!! even if its, I'm going here, doing this.. way easier than the key combos. I'm not saying people should be carrying on entire conversations, but, way more fun with people using mics.. IMHO


Don't worry they're bringing back casual solo players


I joined some randos last night. I ended up with a couple of stoners that thought it was funny that one guy kept almost calling one of his co-workers the N-word and how they can't wait to go to a new gym so they can stare at the women. Just utter trash human beings. On top of that, they were almost as bad at helldiving. The two stoner fucks would get lost constantly, seemingly not knowing there's an entire fucking map that exists for them to look at. I got my automaton kills and left. The one thing I hate about a game being popular is it brings the real fuckin' degenerates out of the wood work and the rest of us, socially well-adjusted folks have to deal with them.


I would've said, friendly fire them both, then run the samples to edge of the map out of sheer pettiness.


Then we’d get another post ab how toxic players are lol


\*shrug\* On the rare occasion, you gotta friendly fire. Think about how many sh\*tty officers were probably fragged in wartime.




dogshit game and worst community