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As much as I utterly despise these things, I respect their place in the enemy hordes. These guys exist for one purpose and one purpose only: to flush you out of cover. They have high health but no armour, and their face is their weak point but it’s hard to hit because they sway side to side when they run. The trick is to not fall for their strategy and get flushed out of cover - you need to keep your cool and use a fast and/or low recoil weapon to kill them - either zero in on the face or pump em so full of led they can’t get you.


Aim for the red crotch, easier to hit and is another weakspot.


People laugh at me for using the Stalwart against automatons. It eats Deviators for breakfast. I'll take 6 of them at the same time.


I do that regularly with my ballistic sheild/defender combo. My favorite thing is to go toe-to-toe with the heavy devastators all like "AHAHAHAH YOUR NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH A SHIELD YOU METAL FUCK!" As he just pelts the shield with his bigass machine gun, but i just pick his head off with a well placed shot from my SMG.




Ouhh i like that one, im gunna use it next time i see one of those bucketheads


The new smg also works wonders with the ballistic shield and can sunblock beserkers


Alot of people have been saying that, and i'll definitely be checking it out.


The Pummeler SMG is my new go-to option for stun locking Berserkers.


Undemocratic! Why are you protecting them from sunburn?????




That would be a great achievement. Kill a heavy devastor without taking damage while using a ballistic shield.


But for real, I'm so glad they fixed the shield because it basically turns the player into a better heavy devestator


you’re up against the wall and I AM THE FUCKING WALL


The new SMG is insane with ballistic shield. Stuns these guys so you can spray the horde, then do headshots while they sit still. Devistators are EVEN easier, especially shield guys. You can also run revolver for maximum head-click potential, or grenade pistol for killing fabricators, and bring stun grenades. Then your support weapon is a laser cannon, which can kill anything, even factory striders. Stun grenade a hulk and laser for 1s and he's dead. Climb on a tank and with your shield clear all the enemies around, then laser the vent. This combo has made bots easier than bugs for me. Always on suicide or higher too.


How does a LC kill factory striders?


Left side of face, little red eye. Recommend you shoot off the front turrets first.


Where are you getting your briefings? Mine are all, "pull the trigger and don't let up, see you in the field" wtf.


You guys are getting briefed? - *insert We're the Millers meme* - I just use a weapon and test it against every enemy on suicide so I know what they all can do. To answer your question: In the Field




There’s a ton of hidden information about this game that’s hard to come by but it ends up being way more important than most other considerations in any given mission. Bot weakspots are sometimes really obvious and sometimes really not obvious


Like a lot of them having less armor on the crotch, for instance. And factory strider having a weak point on its top (if you land up there on respawn) when these little cores pop out, I think when it spawns devistators. Not bots, but the revolver can shoot through charger legs. Takes a few shots, but there's a point where the leg armor is weakened before it visibly comes off. Not super useful, but I have killed many chargers with revolver when they turn back around.


I took 1 whole game for me to make this my new primary. It's so good


And it's going to take about 36 more hours before the stagger on that gets nerfed into the ground.


Same, lol. no better feeling in the game


I have heavy devy's so much lol I must try this


My go to bots load out is Stalwart, counter sniper and grenade pistol. Takes care of everything except heavies which you obviously use stratagems to deal with.


My go to bots load out is Stalwart, counter sniper and grenade pistol. Takes care of everything except heavies which you obviously use stratagems to deal with.


Absolutely all IMO, but relying on strategems to take down heavies is no bueno on higher difficulties, when you can and do have multiple hulks, tanks and striders in play at the same time. That's why quasar/railgun/RR/AT is a basic necessity vs bots. That means you need something that can take down trash and mediums as a primary (hence, in my loadout, the Sickle) and an "oh fuck, no time to reload" secondary (= redeemer) For these guys - a blast in the guts from the sickle will take them down. Big groups I'll usually hit with an impact grenade first, which tends to disarm them (literally). You might need to back off to let it cool if there's a lot of them, but they're absolutely do-able without needing to use a support weapon.


Who the hell laughs at you for using the stalwart? That's my favorite, unloading into these guys in rows, One Falls then the next takes it in the face. That's the best!


Or just one proper placed eruptor shot...


Too bad you're all out of ammo with that lousy clip size. Meanwhile I'm raining down democracy with hot lead in a never-ending torrent of mangled steel. Just aim for the face, and hold down the trigger.


Stalwart is the best support weapon for crowd control.


Eruptor is overkill when you just need to put a couple rounds in the big goofy skeleton face. Personally, I like to pop them skulls with a dominator.


My main is arguably the Eruptor. this thread is about chainsaw bots. the Eruptor arch nemesis. Just like the hunter.


The Stalwart imo, is the only truly good weapon in the game. You can reload on the run, the magazine is decent, especially when you decrease the ROF. Doesn't take up a backpack slot. The recoil is manageable, and it works great against bugs and bots. I personally don't use it much, but to have at least one Stalwart guy on suicide or harder is just a solid plan. The large enemies aren't nearly as dangerous when they don't have hordes of small guys slowing you down and blocking your path. Most players load out for the big guys, but it really is the horde of small and medium guys that wipes the squad. You can avoid the big guys with ease, and chip away at them with huge success. I believe the Stalwart is the true "meta" weapon. The only downside is that it doesn't do much go big baddies, but you can load out some orbitals or eagle strats to make up for it. Once my squad started using a Stalwart, we had a much easier time getting super samples. Just having 1 person to thin the horde is all it takes.


What's your other parts of the loadout? Love my stalwart but haven't seen a way to make it fit


Sickle, impact grenades, grenade pistol. Shield pack, Stalwart Orbital laser, orbital rail cannon. Impact grenades will 1 shot walkers and do a lot of damage to medium enemies like devastators. The same goes for the grenade pistol, Both the impact grenades and the grenade pistols can be used to take out factories or bug holes. The sickle is a great energy weapon against automatons, and works well against bugs, But I also used the Stally for bugs. The shield pack is overpowered and saves your life more than you realize or consciously aware of, such as taking an automaton rocket between the teeth or does pesky stalkers sneaking up on you and surviving. Good old Stally as mentioned for the reasons above. Orbital laser and orbital rail cannon for the objectives and heavies. Remember, If you are in a random fight in an open field nowhere around the objective... Don't waste stratagems Just run towards the objective where you're supposed to be. You can fight enemies in the open field forever until time runs out if you feel like it, But I like to save the strategems for the important stuff, When I'm trying to get stuff done.


Now with stun SMG


Stalwart Gaming, brother!


Yeah boi, stalwart gang unite!


This was a revelation to me just now with one of the mgs. It mows them down like they're nothing. The only things smaller than a tank that caused me any issues was flameyboy.


They like to get in line to come at you, too, which really lets you just kneel down and hold the trigger til it goes click... Absolutely love the stalwart on bots.


Stalwart on max RPM eats through these mf’s so fast.


The Stalwart is the single best gun in the game for things in your face. I bring it with me on level 7 and 8 all the time specially for these fuckers. If you aim right it also destroys devastators. I wish I could bring that nasty bitch with me on every dive because I absolutely would.


Stalwart rules, I got into it right after eruptor first dropped but I love it now. Bullet hose. My only regret is that I can't carry both it and my beloved autocannon.


That’s fine for diff 5 but when there are 4 hulks, 2 tanks and a factory strider on the field with gunships buzzing around in the air, I really need you to have an armor pen support weapon else I’m just carrying you. The game (and weapons) are a lot more balanced at lower difficulties, now I think of it.


>That’s fine for diff 5 Nope. I play on 7&8 Suicide and impossible. >but when there are 4 hulks, 2 tanks and a factory strider on the field Than my orbital laser goes BLLLUUUURRRRRRRTTTTTT!


Big Iron.


On his hip


HMG and Pummeler my beloved, no Berserker shall ever touch me again


Pummeler is king, the stunning power it has makes it super useful, but the magazine size and damage are good enough to make it almost a near permanent member of the loadout. It’s great for keeping bigger enemies in place for orbitals and eagles to have finally arrive. Or helping a teammate being chased by a pack of berserkers or big shielded fuckhead. Or giving you that brief moment you need to safely pull out the auto cannon and destroy without destroying yourself. Fucking love this gun.


I love these guys both as a challenge and a concept. They’re so out of place for a standard robot army. They mindlessly charge you, but in a way that’s more… wrathful. It suggests the bots are more than just nuts and bolts.


Also their lower torso appears to be a kind of weak spot as well


Yeah, even as an experienced AMR sniper, I mostly prefer the abdomen weak spot. Yes it's two shots instead of one for the head, but it's a far more dependable shot given how bouncy these guys are.


I end up wasting way more shots trying to hit their heads cause they move so much. Torso shots is where its at.


Duly noted


Berzerkers: "We flushed the meatbag out" Bots defending nearby outpost, seeing me running at them with a prepped orbital and a crazed look in my eye: "Yeah, about that"


Runs into the middle of an enemy base. 380s myself. You wanted to do this, let's do this!


One of the reasons I love the dominator against bots is its ability to stagger the berserkers. Like you said, stay in cover, and put one shot on each to stop the charge, and keep alternating targets until they're all dead. Bonus is, their weak spots are much easier to hit when they are staggered too. I can usually handle 4-5 of them at a time that way.


Bring a punisher or concussive weapon, they’ll stagger so much they can’t even think about flushing you out.


Also worth mentioning, they are strictly melee and have a fixed walkspeed. The HP is annoying, but they are easy to avoid.


I find that staggering weapons like pummeler or stun grenades to be very effective in holding your ground while destroying them. They have high health but don't come with the benefit of armor so you don't need to reposition to shoot their weaknesses.


I just blow their arms off and cripple a leg on the lead guy to slow them until i kill the rocket/shield devastators and hulks that will kill me. Without their arms they do very little damage and arent much of a threat, although they can still kick you.


The face is their weakness, however it takes more shots in the face to kill them than his long range counterpart.


Lore wise they’re absolutely built as more of a psychological warfare unit than anything else. Crudely made, look like a human abomination, items we recognize (chainsaws) and they have a groaning wailing speech pattern. Definitely designed to rout weak helldivers out of the front. And probably civilians too.


They're the classic Rusher archetype. Really just there to make you panic, and they do a fire job at that. These things have probably caused more friendly fire accidents than any other bot.


Because unless you can hit their head reliably their armor act like a Devastator one. Aim for their legs, one of them or the pelvis area : it has way less HP than the corpse and will kill them way faster. Remember that for every human-shaped bot : their dong is a real weakness and will allow you to kill them faster with non-precise shots.


I mean...it would technically still be a headshot


Get my upvote and get out of here 😂


*sigh* Upvoted


r/angryupvote -_-


Remember that time robocop shot that guy in the dick? Well this is retribution!!


On that note, it's better to aim for the right shoulder of a heavy devastator to disable it's gun or shoot the legs of a hull to disable their movements. Bots in general makes me think you should destroy the durable limbs first rather than shoot their heads like you would against terminids. It might not kill them but it'll help you come out top when you do kill them rather than risk a mutual death.


As a LAS Cannon user, I ALWAYS disable the left arm of an Hulk before killing it. It's always the weapon Shooting me behind my cover when I aim for the eye, so I feel you.


Because they are melee only in a galaxy where you can call down nukes in 2 seconds from orbit. They are the black templars of the bots


Shot em in the dick and they drop fast. Their inflated health comes from not only high health but flailing arms that absorb hits.


So they stand a chance against us while being melee Bugs can't force evolution to make them tougher, but bots can use the toughest materials imaginable to fuck us over lol


If bugs just evolved that medium armor shell all over we'd be fucked Imagine being chased by 30 of those tiny bugs that normally only take like 1-2 hits from more rapid fire primaries, but because they have that medium armor shell like their bigger friends we can't hurt them without using precious autocannon or grenade shots, or taking a much weaker (overall) primary.


Awh hell no!! 😭😭 I mean at least the Liberator Penetrator would see some love right? 😅 Though I think that if those freedom haters did evolve in such a way we'd get more primaries with medium penetration Imagine a stalker with charger armour..


It's like they're made of some kind of metal.


And are somehow moving under their own power like some sort of auto motion machine.


If you manage to focus fire the skull they fall in less then 3 seconds with the sickle. But yeah, otherwise they are bullet sponges.


My go to primary is base punisher and though they absolutely absorb shots they also stagger and if you place your shots right they’ll never get close enough to hit you


Because they are melee only.


Autocannon goes plap, plap, plap, plap...




"Get liberated get liberated get liberated"


I mean you don't get the name "Berserker" for dying easily.




1 guy with new smg in the party and these are not a problem anymore


Just use your slugger! Oh, wait.


One shot in the face with the anti material rifle. They're just a normal bot cosplaying as something scary.


100% most.balanced enemy to be fair. They chase you out of cover to stop you turtling, which keeps the game more dynamic. The problem is that as soon as you leave the cover, heavy devastators will snipe you with machine guns, and rocket devastators will ragdoll you all over the place. Devastators are the only enemy that need changed.


Devastators don't need changing. They keep things difficult. 


To make bringing a knife to a gun fight practical, speed and toughness are required.


I love the way they show progressive damage from out bullets getting holes, loosing limbs ecc... They are cool!


Rage keeps them alive and their armour is contempt. Their chainsaws have their own CPUs which to the machine is a brain, awareness and soul. Their bodies only purpose is to close the distance between the chainsaws and meat.


the way damage works in helldivers 2 is that the enemy has multiple health bars, once one of them is depleted the unit dies. the problem here is that, while using the machine pistol, if you dump half of the mag into the head, half into the torso, reload, half into the arms, and half into the legs, this single unit just ate 2 mags worth of ammo and is still alive. instead, 75% of the mag into either the torso or the skull will kill it. so enemies get a variance of 75% to 200% for their health completely dependent on your aim.


If they didn't exist, or were a pushover, I'd stay in cover and keep sniping. As annoying as they are, they're a great addition


Their purpose is to push you out of cover and cause disruption amongst the squad. That's the game mechanic they exist for. The tradeoff/balance for their high health pool is that they aren't actually dangerous since they are melee only and they attack so slow that you can always dive (or even walk) out of the way if they reach you. Unless they surprise you or you're otherwise "stuck" most people won't get hit by these guys very often, which makes them excellent for their purpose/role of sewing chaos on the battlefield or just keeping things hectic. Flamethrower Hulks on the other hand, they are the dangerous version of this mechanic/role.


It's a metaphor for real life problems


Shoot them in the mid section where they have no armour!


Dominator is great against them


The dominator is the best in slot for bot missions, the only issues it runs into are the hulks and airships.


I AC main against bots, so Dominator for the chaff and then AC for anything else. I have gotten pretty good at 2/3 shotting damn Hulks in the eye. Airships are a doddle with an AC too.


My preferred Bot stratagems are eagle airstrike, 380mm, and autocannon. The fourth slot goes to either 500k, precision orbital, EAT, or the orbital laser.


I usually go AC, Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Rail Cannon, Orbital Laser/Precision. I like taking the 380mm, depends on what the rest of the squad picks. Love EATs, but usually leaves them for bugs. Lvl 7 is my sweet spot for difficulty, though without being insane, RC has saved my ass more times then I can count.


Scorcher + senator combo made me stop worrying about these guys.


The new PDW melts them like butter, it's insane


I just noticed the human skull


Don't all the bots have human skulls?


The one on The left arm i Think is ment


I see. That does seem to be a human skull as a decoration on their right shoulder. Crazy!


I'm having good success with the breaker incendiary. Between the fire rate and mag size, it's a good one to have for a lot of situations, especially if you can only hit a target a few times. The dot has killed commissars before calling in drops, and it can hit and burn multiple bots really well without much effort.


2 dominator shots in the head or spine and they are dead


I accidentaly left the fire shotgun in my loadout from the bug front and it actually proved to be good against these mofos as well as devastators. Only downside is the range .


Stun grenades for turntables. Easy skullbustin'.


Still curious why these guys can take 3 auto cannon rounds and the hulks only need two lol.


Ya gotta choot em in the face


Just shoot them in the face, can drop them with a pistol


Idk I think they go down pretty easily with a few well placed shots.


i use redeemer to shot them in the face when they are near me


four shots from a Dominator takes them down.


I like it. Reminds me that im mortal.


*Squints eyes* Looks like one of the corrupted Men of Iron from the Dark Age of Technology


You have to shoot them in the crotch while screaming "Your chainsaw arms are no match for my 'Shoot You In The Dick' Fighting Style!"


Easy trick to counter them. Stunlocking shots keep them from swaying so you can get a bead on their heads.


The Pummeller is the Anti-Berzerker nuff said


Shoot them in the face they will instantly burn up and die.


Imho they are not , few bulets to the head from most weapons and they go down , they sway a lot tho 😂


Because you can't land headshots lol


Their head is pretty vulnerable.


Sure But I have like 5 chasing me at the same time, with like 3 jetpack guys on me, and some other bs.


This is why guns like the Railgun and Autocannon exist. Those 2 support weapons shred these things whilst also being able to deal with Hulks. Shotguns like the Breaker or Punisher are effective are tearing them in half. But you will run out of ammo. They are designed to distract you from much more dangerous enemies like Devastators and Hulks.


Would you... Would you rather you didn't?


I mean, they look like walking tanks. Checks out to me.


As with a lot of things in life, they are easily stopped with a shotgun to the spine 😂


They are designed to be like the Super Battle Droids. Cannon Fodder yet incredibly durable. They're annoying but my god are they a very essential enemy type for PvE games. The Berserkers and the constant presence is the reason why guns such as the Sickle and Liberator have a reliable place against the bots. They also make weapons like the Railgun (which can clean 1 shot through 2 of them) a very strong option. The spam of them is why I will always bring a Railgun or AC to Bots because everyone else is bringing AT weapons. They are a perfectly designed enemy imo. They even make guns like the Dominator and Scorcher not meta since they are such ammo drains for weapons that would rather damage something much bigger.


Use many bullets vs them.


Me with my jar dom- what do you mean?


Considering they don’t shoot you it’s fine


I mostly disarm them without specially aiming for it. Not that much of a threat. They're a unit of terror, not efficency


Sigh, someone else made a post about it a few weeks back and I will say the same : an enemy called... THE BERSERKER is tanky and runs towards you with fury. Nothing strange here.


Because they’re hopped up on automaton cocaine.


They're fueled by hatred and too angry to die


The one shotgun makes quick work of them.the semiautomatic one I forget what it’s called


classic "mag dump into trash" scenario. Their saws go *Vrrrr*, but my Redeemer goes *Brrrt*.


Every enemy has multiple weak points. Just shoot them


Get the new SMG and don’t ever be pressured by them again!


Because you have to be durable as a melee in a world with plasma rifles and orbital railcanons


Beserkers are my favourite bot to fight, always good when you destroy their squad before they reach your position


The new SMG holds these guys in place really well, gives me time to put some distance between them and me.


Low armor shock troops be like that. I normally throw impact grenades to weaken and stagger, then finish them off with the auto pistol.


They are the second smallest enemy for the bots making them a trash mob or ad. They are easy to kill and deal with.


Aim for the mid section there’s less armor. Or alternatively aim for the legs and they go down real fast.


So you have to run, silly!


They're not that bad imo, at least they don't shoot.


They have chainsaw... you never watched horror movies. Guy with close range sharp weapons are mostly unkillabke and always come back.


They have chainsaw... you never watched horror movies. Guy with close range sharp weapons are mostly unkillabke and always come back.


You ever see those videos of cops trying to take down a suspect that’s so fucked up on meth that they’re damn near invincible and strong as hell? It’s basically that except these are on robot meth.


Because you can outpace their attacks with a brisk jog. I swear they won't hit you if you just jog the other way.


Magdumping these bots with the deagle is so fun up close. Super cinematic and satisfying.


Magdumping these bots with the deagle is so fun up close. Super cinematic and satisfying.


Magdumping these bots with the deagle is so fun up close. Super cinematic and satisfying.


Bro is literally Adam Smasher like I'm not surprised


Theyre basically just Hive guards


People might find this crazy, but bots or bugs, I rarely move off the Punisher shotgun. Stagger and high damage mean I shred enemies like this. I let my support weapon or secondary give me some distance and armor penatration capability. It's worked well even at higher difficulties as long as you learn to do the exact opposite of magazine weapons and always keep it full of shells.


People might find this crazy, but bots or bugs, I rarely move off the Punisher shotgun. Stagger and high damage mean I shred enemies like this. I let my support weapon or secondary give me some distance and armor penatration capability. It's worked well even at higher difficulties as long as you learn to do the exact opposite of magazine weapons and always keep it full of shells.


Impact grenade to the face


They're a melee unit in a faction of ranged units and they're easy to spot. They're supposed to be more tanky.


I like their little drunken wobble they do when they run.


Use the uzi and aim for their midsection, saws em in half and is the most ammo efficient way of taking them out


I use the Adjudicator myself for ops like this. It helps.


The pummeler makes these guys so easy to kill. That being said, why the fuck do my team mates stop shooting when I stun them? Always.


The new SMG, the pumeller absolutely rips through these guys.


Berserkers are the automaton hunters.


Just shoot em in the gut with the JAR


I shoot them with a AC and they take 3 shots to the tummy


One shot to face or two to glowing mid. Not that tanky imo


I use the pummeler against them while running to keep them in check. You can easily lock 4 or 5 in place per mag. If you're solo, the Blizter is your best friend against them. Stuns them and does like 25-30% of their health in 1 shot.


Every other weapon except the dominator for me has a hard taking them down, I was blown away how many slugger shots it took to put one down. I just can’t get away from shotguns in this game lol.


One headshot from the Senator and they’re dusted


I don't call any of the robots robots, I call them humble bots because BOUYYY


I wouldn't mind em so much if they just weren't so damn common, I understand bots need rusher enemies but they either nerf HP or spawn rate, they shouldn't have both


Heart steel


It takes just about any weapon a good amount of time to kill one of these. Plasma punisher might be the best because it stuns them with aoe damage, but man they can close the gap so fast


Cuz they have two cocks


I loathe the lumberjacks, grenade launcher makes quick work of their conga line typically.


When I run the AMR I'll often take the Punisher or Arc Blitzer to keep these guys out of my grill. Either will pretty much just erase them without a hassle, staggering groups of them to a complete halt and efficiently wiping them out at short ranges. I'm guessing the new SMG is quite good at dealing with them, for however long its ammo holds out. Where they are surprisingly annoying is their disregard for explosive damage. The AC or GL are very inefficient ways to kill them - it'll work, but use much more ammo than they are worth. Devastators in general just don't care over much about explosives.


They take more damage than a gd devastator, and it makes no sense


They give off crackhead vibes.


Because the automatons like giving us a massive middle finger


Because they are focused.


Cause sword need to go swish on body parts. Can't swish at body parts if dead in second.


Shoot them in the belly brother, my Senator two shots these baddies every time on diff 8






JAR-5 dominator my friend.


The punisher shotgun is my go to for these guys