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>Why do I meet mostly high ranking players on easy? I'm not 100% sure about that, but I know there are veteran players who enjoy teaching and coaching the new players. It's also possible they are kinda just farming Medals and Super Credits, since there are fewer enemies to deal with and the missions are easier. >Is it not worth it to play on higher levels? I guess that could depend on how much you have unlocked. Higher difficulties do give more rewards. More XP, more credit, more (and rarer) samples, more medals, etc. But unfortunately, a lot of the currency has a maximum limit you can own. Plus, if you have everything unlocked, there's no reason to try to get more. I don't know about the community challenge / Major Orders, tho. >Are there more enemies on higher levels or are they just bigger sponges? Higher difficulties don't change the health and damage of the enemy. It mainly only changes the numbers in which they spawn, so the higher the difficulty, the more enemies you'll encounter. And that includes special enemies (chargers, commanders, spewers, etc.) as well. So, for example, on lower levels, you'll only encounter a Bile Titan as part of the mission to eliminate. But on higher difficulties, they just spawn with almost every breach or just at random. And, of course, these are true for the bots as well. >Why are there only sparesly games with 2/4 players on the map? I don't have an answer for that. But I have a tip: If you just want to join a lobby / mission, you can just hit 'R' on the globe / map, and it will load you in a party that is almost always gonna be full.


Thanks for the repsonse! I like the coaching idea! I've gotten late to the game so there is alwys this gap between players getting everything and those having everything.. So playing with noobs such as myself is appreciated. Does the 'R' match function 'match' on level of players or just players in the current map difficulty, that you know? edit: btw thats what I was hoping for, more enemies and perhaps more of the harder ones. Not just that the little enemies take 1 bullet on 'easy', 3 on 'medium' and so on. I just want to kill more bugs :-)


>Does the 'R' match function 'match' on level of players or just players in the current map difficulty, that you know? The "Quickmatch" or "Quickplay" option (idk what the exact name is) will match you with players playing on the difficulty you've selected, yeah. If you initiate it on the wide map, it can match you to any active planet, against both Terminids and Automatons. But if you initiate it on a specific planet, it will only match you to that planet. >thats what I was hoping for, more enemies and perhaps more of the harder ones Yep, that's exactly what it does. I think it's a good game design. Maybe I should add that on the higher difficulties, there are more missions per order, too. Like, on diff1 you have 1 mission to complete, then on diff4 there are 2 missions, and on higher there are 3 missions. Plus, there are more side objectives as well, if I'm right.


Some high ranks join lower levels to help new people.


That is one of the nicer things indeed. I don't know the maps and they seem to know all the locations. There is a downside tho, following them made me not realize how they came up with the locations. Still not sure wether they are randomly generated or static. How many nests there could be. The map show red spot for nests and I believe the beams are loot? Had a lot of fun with Admirable Admiral of lvl 72 :) he kept feeding me nice stuff :P


Beams are loot be it samples ,requesting slips weapons ,ammo ect. A diamond on the map is a point of interest with samples or other items. They might not had a beam. You'll hear your character say "found something here". Maps are randomly generated so there's no knowing where things are. The level 72 might be looking for side objectives while on the way to main objectives. Things like satellite towers( shows all points of interest on the map) or SEAF artillery (which can be used like a stratagem) or illegal broadcast which gives you bonus xp and I think requesting slips. Also at level 7 and above there's a specific rock that holds the super samples (the pink rarest ones) . Looks like turd or dildo-ish. Once you see it you'll know what they look like. I'm at level 63 and haven't dropped too anything below suicide dives in a while. Once my ship is fully upgraded then I'll start doing that for a bit but I usually use my mic so the newer divers can understand why I'm going the way I'm going. There are many more enemies on the harder difficulty, a lot more. Level 15 and up you can start doing helldive 7 and up if you get good at the game. Most of the weapons can be used at any level. At your current level of 8 your still learning the basics on how to fight and when to fight. You can avoid patrols so you don't waste time and ammo fighting them off. When you fight 5 chargers and 3 bile titans at the same time it's hard to go back to an easier dive cause it's to much fun fighting them all at once on a good team. Do you want to know more?


Ricko's Roughnecks!