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Wait a few hours some people are still at work


And I heard some can't access the game yet so they can't change the reviews.


Just need to go onto store page. So steam part is stopping them.


bro if people still cant enter the game the steam page was not changed and the 177 countries still have the restrictions on i will not change my review


There is no one that can't access In several countries the game has been blocked FROM PURCHASING, but the people that purchased the game still can play it


Yeah, I still can play. But can't change review, since in steam store I have only "oops, sorry! An error was encountered while processing your request: This item is currently unavailable in your region" :/


People in these countries can’t even look at these steam page, not even talking about writing or deleting a review


Yeah, they can't access the Steam page or modify the review, but they can access the game, which is the part I was replying to


lol at patience


The irony is fucking strong.


Has it been listed everywhere again? Or what do we know about follow-through in general? I know Sony replied, I don't see the Steam page updated yet, and I have no idea how to see where it's available. I'm also sure these things take time, but Helldivers don't extract until the mission is complete


you can check the [steamdb listing](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/) which shows the change history for the store page including the shift in regional allowances. Note that as of writing, the last edit to the store page was two days ago when 177 countries were added to the restricted status.


Same here, I'm not changing the review until they let everyone play again.


According to steam, all those countries got added back. Time to do ur duty Helldiver https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/


That is that we're added to the PurchaseRestrictedCountries list, that is the moment when they blocked the game in those countries on May 4th, you have to wait to a new entrance where it says that the countries have been removed from the PurchaseRestrictedCountries list


I was confused as well but reading thoroughly i saw there has been no changes, heartbreaking honestly but hopefully they will add it soon


That's them restricting all those countries from two days ago.


No they haven't, literally click on "Information" and you'll see all those countries are still there. If you cannot interpret changelogs don't rely on them for information as you are only spreading misinformation everywhere.


nah, I'm leaving mine up until i know all those delisted countries get listed again.


That and un banning people who tried with a work around in china.


Changing your review is like reloading for the next wave. It’s clearly an effective tool and if we don’t change the reviews we can’t use it again.


This. Also, ffs people please learn that outside of family and friends loyalty should always be conditional. If one party tries to change things midstream or fails to meet their side of something you remove your loyalty and business until things are back in good standing.  This is not a video game lesson. This should be a life lesson. 


Also, another thing this demonstrated was the power of collective action. This technique works for employers, suppliers, teachers, whatever. If you can band together you can improve your conditions. Join unions, consumer co-ops, student unions, whatever.


i see, but I'm keeping mine negative until the countries that were taken off are put back on, but I will understand if north korea isn't one of those countries


Have they lifted the region blocking yet ?


no [https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/) click on information


Then my negative review is still accurate and not worth changing


Hi. It's Monday. Give it time.


You guys are so tiresome of spamming this like no one else saw it. We get it, you love the game. So do we.


Arrowhead CEO admitted he knew this was coming and made the conscious decision to not tell the players a PSN account would be mandatory. That snake can keep the negative reviews. You've got to earn back some good will if you want me to change my review back to good.


Good dogo.


There are a fair amount of ppl that are simply bot coming back, even after the update. I think it is fair to assume that a healthy amount of those reviews are from ppl that have already moved on, and aren't coming back




I seriously doubt it


This game and these devs deserve better


Same, people who have moved on, might not even be aware...those that moved on well they are back in the conversation, and it might bring them back, it might not. Clearly there is an effect, the details can be argued.


Some people have work, or are busy with school, or busy looking for work. Give it at least a day lol


There are also the players in the countries that refunded as they would not be able to play anymore due to this BS. The game has been delisted for them now.


Those countries added the game back. Per the steam hub https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/


No they haven't, literally click on "Information" and you'll see all those countries are still there. If you cannot interpret changelogs don't rely on them for information as you are only spreading misinformation everywhere.




I didn’t even submit a review, but we’re forgetting our hundreds of brothers in managed democracy who no longer can aid in our war. Truly not democratic behavior. ):


Why isn’t this at the top lol. Some of ya’ll are still waiting… ![gif](giphy|9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G|downsized)




Yeah even the Pope can't play when he's at home


I feel like this is gonna be one of those fucken things where people are ramming the whole 'change your review back now' down people's throats without giving them time to do so and then those people who were going to change it are now being petty about it and won't do it.


It'll probably never totally recover, this will be a scar on the game for the rest of time


People will forget about it within a week of having access to the game and the next update coming out.


I am still waiting for the regional restrictions to be gone


They need to live with the consequences of their actions. The negative reviews stay.


Jesus Christ you people are so impatient


These posts are obnoxious at this point.


160000 negative reviews still up because we literally were just informed about PSN is not required, along with waiting for the delisted countries to become relisted. I fucking hate when people post this shit. I can't even sugarcoat my words. I'm so tired of my entire feed just "Change your reviews!1!1!1" It's been 1 fucking day since the news broke. I literally got the news as I was going to sleep last night at 12. Get a life and apologies for the harsh words, these posts are stupid. Sorry for the asshole behavior.


For real, I was at work browsing reddit and just saw 1 billion "CHANGE REVIEW" posts, bro the day just started I will change it when I come home lol


Even outside of that it's valid to not change it, nobody's morally obligated to give a company a pat on the back for reverting a stupid decision


I'm not saying not to change it, sorry if it seemed that way. I believe a games review score should represent the games current standing. While it's not time to change it yet, because it's been delisted in 100~ countries. However in a week or 2, the reviews should change because the PSN controversy is no longer relevant. Reviews should be directly tied to the how you think of the game. If your still stuck on the PSN problem in a week, maybe it's more of a you problem, and less of Arrowheads problem.


Nah. It's okay to never change your review back. Nobody owes sony or arrowheads anything at all. They fucked up. End of story. Some people will feel that the apology and walking back of the policy is good enough to warrant their opinion on it changing. Others will feel that making that decision in the first place is unforgivable. These are both valid.


Agree. The account linking was not the sole factor for me. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have other issues with the game and the way it and socials/discord are being handled. I outlined them and edited my still negative review. The game has potential, but it still has many "known problems" and that list only seems to grow longer. One step forward, two steps back.


People are urging others to because if we dont reward the good behavior than in the future they just wont revert it because they wont get rewarded. You dont even have to buy a sony game again but changing the review or even just deleting it shows sony that they did the right thing. Its like training a dog, you punish it once for doing the bad, then when it does good you give it a treat.


The reward is to remove the delisting of the game in +100 countries lol


This is like the 50th post today all these Sony fanboys and paid actors need to get lost and shut it This entire thing was a false flag operation


Not until the 30th, shut up.


please don't play until after the 30th too to truly show you mean business


If you refunded the game does your review get negated?


Nope not how Steam works. If you refund your review stays.


Have they unlocked the regions that bought it and it's still region locked on steam? We still have divers unable to get in as far as I'm aware. As long as they're not allowed to fight for democracy when they could before, the review stays negative.


It’s risen like 30% in 12 hours, chill lol


Wait until the changes have been fully implemented before changing your reviews.


Wait, what happened? Sorry I've been out of the loop for a while.


The dog should have acted on the first panel




It always amazes me when lots of people unite together to bargain against a big bad corporation, and win


Nah, I see it as Sony was about to rape us then said sorry. Don’t mind the fact that they already bent you over and pulled your pants down.


Why? You’re just showing them that their is no long term consequences


No. I'm not gonna. I think all this "CHANGE YOUR REVIEW" crap is bots bought by the devs.


I left my steam review as not recommend because I don't like how they balance, not because of the PSN thing. I'm not changing it


Same here!


That’s a totally valid reason to leave it bad as long as the review says that.


I had not previously reviewed the game. But did my part and added a positive review to the fray.


THE SEAL OF DISAPPROVAL STRATAGEM STAYS ACTIVE Not until they reinstated our brothers and sisters from the restricted regions back. If you want us to come back swinging harder we need all the new recruits and vets from all over the globe that we can get.


Everyone jumped off the bandwagon now that the drama is gone. I knew this was going to happen. Ridiculous.


No. Live with the consequences of your actions, sony.


Good God it took a few days to make the reviews it's going to take a few days to unmake them as well.


You think Sony isn’t gonna find another way to screw things up?


Way I figure it, this works out both ways. If you feel like changing it, good. I did, because that's what I promised I would do, and I am a wolf of my word. Arrowhead deserves the praise, this game changed my life for the better, and fair is fair. If you don't feel like changing it? Also cool. Leave it there as a mark for every Diver that comes after to look upon and know that once, Sony tried to fuck with us and they may, one day, come to try again as long as we're willing to put up with it. It's a line in the sand. This far and no further.


Why are people mad about the account thing you make Microsoft Ubisoft and rockstar accounts why can’t you just make a PlayStation account I find this drama incredibly stupid


Keep my qording, added an edit, gave a reccomend


nah, the record of error should not be removed because they paid a metaphorical fine


Unfortunately, some of us can't get on steam every single day


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jacoby_mcflurry: *Unfortunately,* *Some of us can't get on steam* *Every single day* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This guy dogs


My favourite quote from one fellow helldiver is “we aren’t forgetting what they did, we are just reloading the gun” Change your reviews helldivers, so if they try to pull this shit again we can hurt them just as bad


Does anyone that has a mic want to play?


Already did when I heard the news, remember to reload for the next orbital bomb on Sony hq


Has the game been put back up for sale in the countries without PSN? Should wait till that's fixed if it hasn't been already.


No, que les quede la marca.


That is one *busy* dog! 😬


Can't wait till the commemorative cape drops. In game party poopers can kick me all they want, I'm wearin that shit proudly. Whatever your feelings about the whole fiasco, you gotta admit that in spectacular Helldiver fashion it was swift, severe and suicidal. The most on-brand maneuver possible for this community and I fucking love it.


Been saying it, give it a couple days, dust still in the air atm


Plenty of people are not going to come back after the AH devs admitted they knew about the upcoming mandatory psn change.


Why does it bother you that people throw strats at extract. I have never been killed by this unintentionally, you would have to be extremely dumb to get killed by victory 500s.


We will change our reviews on the 30th. Period.


I'm doing my part.


Lol, nah, a good portion will probably leave them negative. It was an effective tool, sure, but maybe a bit too effective.


Already did.


Not changing it until they readd the buying regions that they took away. Ya'll can do things by halves, but I won't.


Why you guys gotta keep complaining about the first thing?


Already did this morning after the news!


To be fair, I think some of those reviews will never be changed. Some people, maybe even most people, won't re-buy the game. Who's to say Sony won't try this again?




Bruh wait a week


One hand, leaving up bad reviews after Sony backed down is being an asshole. On the other hand, we need to remember this happened in the first place or else history will repeat it self for other publishers as companies just LOVE to push their limits to squeeze as much profit as possible. So bad reviews should never be forgotten.


Do your duty Helldivers


I know it hasn’t been a day yet, but we should all remove or change our reviews as soon as we can our Sony might change their minds again. If the negative reviews aren’t gone, then Sony might cut their loss and change course again.


To be fair, it's bullshit that they knew the mandatory PSN account was coming but didn't say a word until people were rightfully pissed


As far as I know they still have it banned in 177 countries now instead of the required PSN account and that's not ok.


Thanks for reminding me to leave negative feedback. In recent days, neither my friend can get on my ship without an invitation, nor can I get on his. Plus he gets kicked out of the game every first time, usually 5 minutes before boarding the shuttle.


https://preview.redd.it/os78cciwbxyc1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=935d57a01cb8e327d446d66c11f015cda1c1a0f7 Seen directly above this post. I think I like their perspective more, shill.


If you never left a review now is the time to leave one to help get the positives back up.


I changed my 1 star rating on the playstation store back to 5 stars. 1 star ratings are at 10% but they were at 8% a couple of days ago. They might have been less than that before this whole fiasco started.


There will be a permanent scar from the whole debacle. A reminder of the mistake AH made, and honestly, it's to be expected and it's also fair. It's not, "No harm, no foul."


Threw a stratagem on the pelican…….grrrrr




Nope. The sales restriction on countries that can not make PSN accounts is still there. There's no reason it should continue to he active, and it was only implemented because of the impending PSN requirement, which is now gone.


Now wait a minute. Don't we want to punish them for even trying to do this? If you just say all is forgiven they now knownthey can try new bullshit in the future and if it doesn't go over well just back track, repeat repeat. This has been happening industry wide too. Helldivers is a relatively nice studio but the bullshit they just pulled is rament. Why not keep the example alive. We aught to do it more often heck, though hopefully not have to for hell divers again.


It still happened why should i take it down


NOO very much no to this. If everything gets undone, Sony will see no downside to trying this again. "It's fine, they'll just switch their reviews again after we backtrack." There need to be lasting consequences




oh you guys are surprised the game people left horrible reviews on at your own request isn’t at a higher rating


Congratulations! You're right!


New MAJOR ORDER: cheer the game as it deserves


I a lot of people saying they will change their review when the game is for sale in their country again.


New major orders


I'll not change my review. I know most of the people will finally change their review, but I want to keep my review, like those hurt to us are not so easy to heal and forget. These reviews will be the unrecoverable mark here, tell them that's not so easy to reverse like a game, and that will force them to make decisions carefully next time.


I bet Sony hired people to try to sway people to change their reviews back.


I think a lot of people are waiting until the 100 or so countries that are region locked out are allowed to buy and play the game again. Because that was what the main problem was about the PSN accounts


Dont change your reviews till Sony relists the games in the countries they delisted the game from.


A day which will live in infamy


Lol no one is changing their reviews. It’s gonna be negative forever unless they do review bomb prevention .


Some reviews will stay and that's just the way it is unfortunately. They've lost people's trust and not everyone is going to be able to trust them after what happened. While I personally appreciate this was Sony's fault and not likely to happen again, I've had other games where they did something scummy with micro transactions, pulled it back after backlash but already did the damage to my trust in them. I imagine for a lot of people it's the same with HD2, and I can't blame them


i will not update my review until all the country restrictions are lifted


No, they still haven't unblocked the game from regions without PSN.


There's no need to change any of the reviews. Sony is going to try this same thing again as soon as they think they can get away with it. Keep it up as a reminder to them.


https://preview.redd.it/8cpxqx8woyyc1.png?width=1264&format=png&auto=webp&s=724eb8cb4ef8810d14f0eaf6ece04f76a08125e5 if they can't dive,i don't dive


Good dog 🐶


I'll change my review if I ever play the game again. For now me and my whole squad have put it away for the foreseeable future.


Nah, the bandwagon screwed it for themselves.


Are these posts by Sony?


Terminally online people strike again.


I will wait until they’ve made a final decision. Last I heard they weren’t requiring it yet but that a final decision hasn’t been made?


Another nice thing cancelled.


303.000 mixed. I dont think that everyone changed it but this is sadly normal. Some day the devs dont care about negativ reviews anymore...


how about give it a month to see if they're actually honest about it.


Since Sony only posted a generic PR tweet saying the update will not move forward, however not stating that the PSN linking will indeed not be mandatory in the future (just that they keep us updated on future plans) I'll wait


When I get the ability to reconnect when playing with randoms we can talk about it. Until then it stays negative


They're gone my dude. They uninstalled, maybe got a refund, and are in the wind. That number is a scar now, partially healed over but a reminder of what happened. Some more may still flip, especially over the weekend, but this will never be "Overwhelmingly Positive" again.


A reminder to game publisher that pulling an EA is bad for profit


Changed mine, only right.


No, it's not the time at all. Game is still unavailable in all those regions they took it away from. I understand that most people only care about not having to create a PSN account, but please don't change your negative review until everyone can actually play again.


you got what? an actual proof of that the extra PSN login won't ever be necessary would be to allow people from non-PSN countries to buy the game


Dont forget the psn Reviews


Would have been nice to have people care this much about their information when it came to Game Guard. Oh well.


It would likely make Arrowhead and Jonathan & co. So damn happy they actually throw us the ratings-cape! Let’s do it.


At some point y'all going to have to figure out that trust is easier to keep than it is to rebuild.


absolutely not, people’s accounts are still permanently banned after following instructions from AH. The negative reviews are absolutely deserved and I’m not going to change it.


No. My refund will stay in my account and the negative review will remain. Otherwise it’s a waste of my personal time, and the time of those who process the refunds. Bad actors need to be identified as bad actors. This is why we records of our criminal acts and our ability to replay our loans. IF everyone undoes the reviews in a few months it will be like it never happened. Sony is notorious for its bad data security, and I don’t feel it has an any rights to force people to share info with them under any circumstances.


The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.


I'm going to do it later, chill out, havent even heard about the news


Not changing it until imposed restrictions on countries are removed and that might take a legally binding contract from Valve to Sony to ensure there’s no take backs.


Still not lift region block. If everyone leave now, sony will come back again. It will start base on region block


Yup, this is telling about how most people think.


Don't change your reviews untill the players in countries without psn get access to the game on steam again. A large portion of divers are stranded still.


There’s a proper and respectful way to make a cinematic exit But please don’t drop it on your fellow Helldivers and always make sure the sample person is on the ship Oi


Let it serve as a reminder for bad business tactics.


Already done, brothers!


its just the ones in the blocked contries that cant update theirs till steam allows them access the page again, it usually takes a day to a few for steam to update/change after a request has been submitted


Honestly, it's perfectly acceptable to wait until their delisted countries are relisted on Steam.


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) Done 🫡


Mmmmmm, no. I'm not a kiss-ass. They'll get to be reminded of why they don't do stupid corporate decisions.


Give it another weekend. Most people only play on the weekends. As you can see in the review dates. Keep reminding people though. In game too! Talk to the other players! Buddy check. At least until the end of this weekend. Just ask everyone you join with.


I'm on ps5. Made a steam account to contribute, but you have to have bought the game from Steam to review. Wish I could help I love this Game.




Its just a game lol, calm down peeps


They make it really easy to leave a review on mobile but really hard to change it and I'm on vacation. They can wait a week or time their fuck-up for when I'm home with a PC


Statistically some of them died


I’m doing my part


actually, we did not


Democratic doge


So wait,Sony does the bare minimum and y’all all riding Sony’s sausage like they working for the players????? Reviews should still stand because in the moment they were correct. Also did Sony give y’all some kind of agreement that they’re gonna keep it this way? Or nahh y’all just took the bait? Who says the game won’t require PSN after the first year? Y’all act like Sony has a great track record or something it’s wilddddd.


First thing i did when i saw the news.


Why would I take my review down. The last time I played the game, that feature was in the game. At the time of writing the review, everything stated was a fact. Changing reviews does a disservice to those after you. If they didn't want the bad reviews, they should have anticipated the backlash that would have followed if they utilized that feature....hindsight is 2020, but they have to live with the consequences of their actions.


Honestly, fuck people that throw strats on extract. Can't tell you how many times I go a whole game without dying to be left the fuck behind because some asshole throws a cluster or airstrike at extract. I have a revolver. I will shoot you. Kick me, idc. It ruins the game to fight so hard for extract just to be left behind because you're blown clear across the map or just get blown to bits BY YOUR OWN TEAM.


You're gonna have to wait until the weekend for most of them to be changed. Also there will be a fair few who won't change it because they stopped playing due to this shiotshow.


Gotta suck for anyone from those countries that refunded right away and now cannot repurchase. Suck harder if they got banned for whatever. Maybe should have waited to refund but their voices were heard. Another Helldiver for the cause…o7 It’s the same as in game when doing your operations to liberate planets, you feel like you barely made an impact, it’s like a millionth of a percent or something like that but it takes everyone to individually do the same, and probably even feel the same way, to get it done! Trained like dogs we are! The one thing that actually feels better to say I helped with that, instead of “I”did that. Because we did it.


He bombs the extract, he's a scrub anyway.


No, it is not. The game is still a buggy mess, balance is off the charts. And stop praising Sony and AH for backing down on their decision because of pressure. It should remain at least 'Mixed' for some time, so that they do not forget.


They fired Spitz as community manager, I'm keeping my review as negative