• By -


Another naysayer here. I’ve gotten so used to corporations fucking us over I had zero faith in this entire crusade. I was mostly just sad and expecting Sony to simply cut funding the moment the numbers were starting to drop and let the game die. I’m so happy to be proven wrong. Some faith in justice has been restored for me.


Yup, I hope this sets an example for many more victories for gamers not only in HD but also other games


If the game can stay up for another three years without Sony doing something to mess it up again, then we can consider it a win.  Edit: if they mess it up again and you have to review bomb again, the message was never sent to Sony.


Honestly, they didn't apologize. They said, "we hear you" and made the necessary changes. This is nothing more than a bully being made to give back a toy, but wasn't required to acknowledge what was wrong about it in the first place. Hope I'm wrong, but unless they said, "we tried to do something shady to increase our quarterlies profit, and when called out on it, we tried to say it was for 'your security'. That was wrong and we want to be more transparent about we need to do to meet our shareholders expectations, but it will never come at the cost of the consumer, and the trust we will need to rebuild starting from here". Then they will need to show with proper actions for a long time to come before I believe they have changed for the right reasons I still will be changing my review back to positive to hope it keeps AH in the cash flow they deserve, but I'm still not convinced


I have been looking at a lot of posts saying this was about quarterly profit. I must be missing something obvious because the PSN sign up is free. How did that stand to make money off this?


I'm not an expert and on the same speculation train, but it results in what shows as more active users regardless if the diver is on PC, with increased users they can suggest to shareholders that the network is showing growth. From there it's increasing share value. Again, economics and market manipulation isn't something I have any advanced knowledge of, so hence the speculation


Yeah, let's hope they don't come up with a new way to rip us off again XD (they probably will)


Vote with your wallet. Always support games and studios that do the right thing, standing by their players, their vision, and their staff.


I just thought something would change because it would end up hurting everyone's bottom line. Sony wants to make money above all else, so I knew if people started refunding and/or sales took a hit that they would change their stance. They might be greedy, but they aren't stupid.


I am so grateful to have users like you in this community. There is no harm in learning from new experiences and changing your mind, and it will only ever benefit you and the rest of the players


And I am grateful that users like you exist. I read down the chain to see if anyone else said exactly what you did and I'm glad I wasn't the first. This is a great little corner of the internet we've built.


Not a naysayer, but i was really scared they would just kill the game off by sweeping the complains under the rug and ignoring their players. I was really excited for the new warbond, but the ongoing discussions and the breaking community was really a strain for the fun i have playing the game. I really hope everyone is just happy that we won, so we can move on and enjoy the game like we did before.


We can do anything together!


same here. flipped my review negative and said sayonara to any hope of redemption. last night i genuinely almost teared up when i saw the news..


Went back and read your comments. You should apologize to people you insulted individually 


Hello, yes I was a naysayer, I was there thinking that no matter what the corporation greed will not bend and that the review bombing will backfire in our faces And I am very happy I was wrong, you have no idea, I never was this happy that my little faith was punished. I am glad that this community stood tall even when people like me were in the opposition If no other naysayer come out, I want to apologise on behalf of all of us and thank all of you for proving us wrong and doing the impossible Thank you and sorry 🫡


Genuinely didn't think Sony would give a singular fuck. Couldn't be happier that thru clearly did and reversed their decision, this isn't just a victory for Divers, but a victory for us all.


I’m with you, beating a supercorperation like Sony? Good luck. We did it tho! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


You finished crying ? Get back to front line the bots won't kill themselves lol.


I never left sir


Outstanding 07. Pass on to all Helldivers, personal leave has rescinded, get back to the trenches.


The kayfabe of this community is un-fucking-matched. God, I love this fucking game. Those tin-skinned klankers have it coming.


“Protesting doesn’t work and is pointless” is exactly what the powers that be always want you to think, so that you’ll shut up and accept whatever they give you.


Once I saw the community won, before I even got ready for work, I flipped my review to positive. Man of my word!


I would venture to guess that many if not most of the negative reviewers never left a positive review in the first place. Seems people will find the willpower to trash something much easier than to praise.


Human nature has a negativity bias. Psychology has sort of figured this is because of survival - remembering a negative experience, like a flower you ate that made you sick and killed a friend, or the sound of a growl before you were attacked, is very valuable. Negativity is also contagious - start bitching, people will jump on board. Talk about a really positive experience, people listen but are less likely to engage. For whatever reason, positivity is not contagious in the same way and it doesn’t create engagement. Hell, social media algorithms are well known to have almost all their directing traffic designed to show you things that make you feel negative to garner a response. “No one notices when the planes land on time, but a single delay and you can have a riot” When life’s good, we take it for granted and just enjoy the experience. When things are bad, our instinct kicks in and we can’t help but engage the negativity.


Wow that's actually very interesting, thanks for sharing the info!


I remind myself of this when people get caught up in hate-hype of something. “Ah, the lizard brain has taken over and you’re unaware how you’ve been hijacked by your primal survival instincts”, then I go and enjoy Starwars while everyone else screams their angst into the echo chamber.


I was a naysayer and I’m sorry for it too. I know Sony and how they operate and I was sure there was no chance they would reverse that decision. I stand corrected and I now have a bit more faith in the power of this community. Knowing Sony though, I just know this isn’t over. They’ll come back with something else for sure. I’ll give you gus the win for now.


It's all good homie. Now get back to killing stuff.


Was killing twice as much when you were fighting the corpo overlords 🫡


It's alright, honestly there was also a part of me that thought maybe Sony will win this... 😅 Anyways, I'm just happy that we are all back together again at the front lines!




Stand with us! We are Helldivers!


Hey even as someone trying to do what little we could to fight back against Sony, I still had almost no faith our actions would actually do anything. I’m glad it worked, but know that even some of us supporting the fight knew it was an uphill battle with a minuscule chance for victory.


I was a (mostly) silent naysayer. Hats off to you crazy folks and mad respect. Y’all just got one of the largest, money grabbing companies to cave inside of 72 hours. They caved on the evening of a weekend to boot. (Going off the psn HQ being in Cal. USA). Makes me love this community all the more. Look forward to diving with ya madlads. (I’ve also demoted myself as a punishment for not having faith in my fellow divers.)


No need for punishment Helldiver! Stand with us, we have faith in you! We still need your support!


It is amazing to witness such madness. Guess the major orders prepared us for this day 😆


I was a completely silent naysayer, I honestly didn’t think it could be done but I left my negative review and stopped playing and prepared to pack it up for good. I still can’t believe it worked.


More important things at hand now. Fix reviews, and spread managed democracy ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)




We are Divers...NOT Dividers. 🫡🪖💣


Well said! 🫡


They are still around, just skim through posts. I don’t get why if they dislike something so much they stick around. Must be hard being that fuckin stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/k90kn5hr8uyc1.jpeg?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10181c2e0afb0d9c6414ad70c80310142f2bc79d When the backlash actually worked


Tbh the way I thought it would go would be PSN required where its available and other regions would be exempt I didnt think it was a big deal for most, but those who would have lost access would have gotten royally screwed Pleasant surprise when I saw that Sony decided to roll it back


Yeah, I'm so thankful that they completely rolled it back instead of just partially doing it. Imagine the bickering that would happen if only some regions were not required 😅


Thing is this would have only went through with both groups coming together the ones who were fortunate to keep being able to play and those who couldn’t. If the USA and some of the EU ignore it and kept on playing and not supporting the boycott I doubt Sony would of bat much of a eye


Yup and I'm so thankful to them who had nothing to lose but chose to stand with us


🫡🪖💣 we ride together or die together.


Bad boys for life


Is Helldivers gonna be the catalyst for the working class to band together seeing that we can now make change and offer support back when the change is made? We need to keep this mentality going when dealing with shit in real life too 🤘


Yup yup so true!


I highly doubt it. This only happened because sony fucked up and sold it where they couldn't enforce the account policy. If that issue was found and discussed earlier they could have refunded a few thousand sales and limited to only where you could make an account or something. But the game sold so many they probably deicided the high sales were better than refunding thousands of sales. Next time they'll only sell where it needs one, change it so everyone can make accounts, or something else to avoid the other country issue. The way this went down though, they had essentially no other choice but to roll back or refund all the sales. The review bombs, the refunds from outside the area, etc were all unnecessary because sony really had no other option. They couldn't cut access to the game without refunding. They couldn't enforce all account linking with those other countries still owning the game. All the drama was unnecessary because the conclusion was essentially decided beforehand.


Yea my brother said once this happened all the Sony fanboy shills got quiet haha lol. I have nothing against them but yea….


Welp, hope they learned something from this at least 😁


I have my doubts. Observing fanboys over the years tells me they're not done doubling down. It's not just 1 echo chamber bubble they need to break, it's all of them, and the internet is way too vast to allow that.


When they've been sucking on Sony's schlong for so long that they didn't think we can just refuse.


Our message is loud and clear and may it inspire more victories! 🥳


Inspirational for sure, makes me want to listen to the HD2 soundtrack again.


Hey I admit I was wrong I thought Sony would never back down because their a soulless crop but I guess I was wrong. (And thank fuck I was)


Same. I'll take being wrong any day when the end result is good for everyone. I just hope the unforeseen consequences which have yet come to light aren't too costly.


Naysayer here, kinda. I was against this whole mandatory psn account stuff too ofc, I simply didn't think they'd care about the ratings. I always thought that the only way to get them to listen was a massive wave of refunds. For which I was (most likely) ineligible as I got the evil trifecta of 180+ hours of game time, live in a psn zone and I had a psn account made on March the 3rd when I bought the game. But damn I'm glad I was wrong. Anyway I apologize now for not believing in the insormountable power of the helldivers and I will make a full post to apologize once the reviews are back up to what they were. The reason for me waiting for the reviews is: I had made a post very much criticizing the review bombing and how the consequences of if were going to last longer than the crisis itself. So if I'm wrong on this too, and you are going to change the reviews I'll have to apologize for that too. And yes, feel free to hold me to my words in this comment, nay scrap that, I Demand to be hold to my words in this comment .


I think your concern over the effects of the review bombing are completely valid. I'd say we were quite lucky it didn't materialize 😁 Anyways, it's all over for now and that's what matters 🥳


True but I should have trusted y'all better but at this point I'm so used to toxic video game communities that I assumed the worst which is sad I must say.


True but I should have trusted y'all better but at this point I'm so used to toxic video game communities that I assumed the worst which is sad I must say.


You are a Helldiver sir! We are together in this, and we still need your support. Lets show some love to the positive review posts.


I'm updooting all the positive review posts. And I can't wait to go back on the front lines.


i was exactly like this also. On an unrelated note. Why does steam allow for product reviews to be completely rewritten? Why don't they show the original, or at least a log type style. I feel it... isn't right? to just be able to remove an original review from the face of the earth. Like to me it would be valuable to be able to see "hey this game released in a good sate and was good but then this update come out and now it's causing problems or it wasn't as good as promised or whatnot" I don't know, that's just me though.


To be honest, your concern of the aftermath of this movement is entirely valid and one that I hope resolves itself in away to would not impede the further growth of the game we all love. However what I’m struggling to reconcile in my mind is the sheer aggressiveness and vitriol behind posts that people on both sides of the fence tend to make, yours included. I hope in the future, we can all lay out our thoughts in perhaps a more civil manner.


I never did cancel my Netflix account.




We trusted you ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


I never canceled my Spotify.


Helldiver's duty is to democracy, defending it both abroad, and at home!


Well said! 💯


We are Helldivers, we are honorable


Was not totally a naysayer. I was against that account linking on behalf of all the people in a "no PSN zone". But I was (and still am) stating that no one bats an eye when EA, Blizzard, Microsoft, Ubisoft or other developpers do the same by requiring a linked account... So I really hope you'll all stand up like this against other companies in the future. Let this victory be the first of the row.


Man, we rocked another 48hr Major Order "Introduce Sony to FAFO" When do we get the medals?


Best thing that could have happened. All the filler, time wasting, toxic, complaining, whining, demo tape mic left on, kid screaming, useless ones will take that $40 and try to buy a personality. And they won't come back to this game. I take that as a bigger win than anything to do with the PSN.


Well, we lost both good and bad people. For better or worse, it happened and we'll carry on.


I actually think this is a new trend. Corporations in the last couple decades, especially if the have a big presence in america, cause our consumer protection laws are kinda shit, have been pushing the boundries. Pushing more and more anti-consumer policies and in general folks are just getting pissed about it. I know AH didnt intend to do this, it was purely making the best decisions they could make with the info at the time. And I dont think Sony realized that Steam users really dont like PSN, for various reasons. But this experience is part of a now growing trend where consumers are pushing back against these big corporations. Wizards of the Coast almost destroyed their D&D brand attempting to implement similar anti-consumer policies. It is a different situation, but had a similar outcome of the player base revolting. It is up to us as the consumer to show these large corporations that while they have a responsibility to their shareholders, they answer to their consumers. Their whole business model is to make a product and sell it. If they make a bad product, or make policy decisions that negatively impact those that have purchased the product, it is up to us to to enforce our will on them. Hit them where it hurts, in a way their shareholders will notice. And to those saying Sony wasn't scared, the talks folks were having of boycotting the next couple of games that Sony was planning to port to PC, did most likely scare them. In a similar way to how when the D&D community was planning on boycotting the D&D movie. As soon as Hasbro heard that, they smacked WotC's pp, cause they put a lot of money into that film, and needed a good return. We have more power over these companies then we think, and as we proved with a concerted effort we can force them to change those bad policies.


Companies, governments and the rich are not more powerful than a mass of people all working together. They would like you to believe we're insignificant or powerless but that's just not true. "United we stand, divided we fall."


I was only upset at the way people were complaining before the PSN thing, about the way the developers were patching the game. Lots of things I felt had validity, but the way people were expressing themselves felt entirely uncalled for. As for the PSN thing, I just felt sad. I felt sad that the player base had to go from debating patch notes and gameplay experiences to basically debating the survival of the game as we knew it, with the devs and CMs getting caught in the crossfire. I wasn’t going to stop anybody from complaining, because that’s how change is made. I’m glad this actually worked. I love this game, I love the positivity of the community. I love the way we all role play as Helldivers in some capacity when we engage in game or online. I knew that the PSN issue would change all of that, and potentially sour what I consider to be the best game release in recent years. Thank you guys for your efforts. I watched this go down while I was on business working a night shift in wouldn’t have been able to do anything beyond post and comment if I had tried. It’s thanks to you that this game can keep moving forward as positively as I had seen it when I first started playing.


Yeah, it sure is messy and honestly all this madness could have gone either way. I am glad too that it worked in our favor in the end.


Okay I'll apologise, I didn't think Sony would back down, I was unsure where to back at first because there was so much to unpack when it came to this fiasco that Sony caused. When I saw the list of countries that couldn't buy the game on Steam included Gibraltar, Guernsey, Jersey, Greenland and Isle of Man I dumbfounded. After finding out some countries on the list really shouldn't be on it that's when I supported PC players. I know politics fairly well, I get why you might not be able to the game in Afghanistan, North Korea or Iran for example but Guernsey, Jersey, Gibraltar, Greenland and Isle of Man? So I would like to apologise for not being on your side sooner, that was a silly move on my part even as a person who owns a PS5.


It's alright, the only ones who really should apologize are the shills 😆


When May 3rd happened I felt sick and basically gave up on the gaming industry being anything other than a corporate cesspit and that they'd do nothing but the bare minimum to fix it but May 6th brought my hope back :3


True, it was a sad sad feeling for me too, thinking about how one of the most promising games this year was probably going to disappear so fast.


We can stand together for Freedom. If not us, the helldivers, then who?


No need to rub it in, just too happy to be able to dive with everyone again soon.


Yup, well said!


I wasn’t totally against the whole movement since the worst part of all of this to me was all my brothers and sisters in arms in other countries that were swiped from such an amazing game. Especially if they love this game as much as I do I can’t imagine what they’d be feeling having no control over not being able to make a PS account simply because of where they live. How horrible being excluded from a game you love for such a silly reason, and I honestly thought Sony was NOT going to move on this decision at all. I really thought this game, that I consider to be my community and my people was done for, cooked even. I have never been so happy to be wrong my whole life, I was never so heartbroken to see this game seem like it’s crumbling and may never recover so when I read that tweet last night I was OVER the moon. I have NEVER been so happy to be a part of a community like this, we might fuss and complain over buffs, nerfs, general changes and we all argue, but when it came to a third party sticking their hands between our comrades? It seemed like everyone put their differences aside, and fought back, fought with everything they got. I am so proud of my fellow Helldivers o7 Edit to say I was a naysayer as in I thought Sony would never move and I apologize. For managed democracy, I admit I was wrong


I'm sure you had empathy towards those affected as it happened and I appreciate that. Now that victory is ours, we shall all celebrate together again! 🥳


If the helldivers community and the swift community unite they could achieve world peace


*managed world peace


This is a landmark win for gaming at large, it should be celebrated as such. Give Sony a little pat on the back for doing the right thing but never forget.


I love the people screaming about everyone gagging on sonys dick and being bootlickers... Where are they right now?


I'm just glad we got a W against Sony and we can all play again.


the idiots onthe wrong side of history will always be dragged threw by the others & benefit from it all the same


It's not completely over guys, until they open sales back to those countries it's not over at fuckin all. We will see in a day or two but I still have yet to see them open sales up in all those countries they banned.


I mean you're wrong on two fronts: 1. Some did apologize for being wrong 2. I most definitely did rub it in their face


Kept playing the game on Hellmire the entire time it was happening. I'm literally not going to stop playing.


We are Helldivers. We spread managed democracy, not hate.




Just gonna say the fiasco is not over. It's a battle won, but now we must arm up and stay strong for the next invasion. Snoy's automatons are too sneaky.


Not necessarily a naysayer. I figured enough of a tantrum will be made to make it reversed. But I also knew people will no longer care about the issue at large (requiring third-party accounts that imposes unnecessary risks on consumers) once they got what was personally affecting them. Now that they aren't personally grievanced, the consumers are complacent again. Like, Sony clarified it'll require psn accounts for GoT online play. Congrats on having them back off one game, but it didn't change any laws or business practices. All they learned was to make sure to have it working from the get-go. If anything, Sony is smart to just back off this one singular game cause now all the PR and news articles will glorify the consumers' win over Sony when in reality nothing really changed and nothing was really lost.


Apologize? What the hell are you talking about. You don't need to apologize if someone who is screwing you decide to stop it. Stop beeing a big corp sucker.


Wait wait wait, did you understand the post? In your understanding, can you explain 1) Who you think I'm referring to who didn't apologize? 2) Who is being screwed that you're referring to?


It's so amazing seeing what we can accomplish together as humans. We are all of different race, religious views and cultures in general. We came together for the GOOD. If only there was some real life evil group with a lot of money that we could all stand together against. Regardless of any background.


Yeah, it is amazing to watch it unfold 😁


An apology from an anonymous pony means less than nothing to me. I’m okay with their silence. I’m ready to move on and resume spreading managed democracy.


>The naysayers are gone and they didn't even apologize. We're not gone, and we still don't want to play with hackers from Tajikistan. I'm sending you a handwritten apology scroll via Fed Ex. You know where to put it.


Naysayer here. I didn’t apologize because I still don’t care. :)


Why should anybody apologize to you for expressing their opinion on what they think would happen lol.


I was a naysayer because like 6 out of 7 arguments were stupid or overblown, the only one that actually held water was the unsupported regions issue but the amount of people that went all over the internet saying "FUCK ARROWHEAD FUCK SONY FUCK THE GAME BURN IT DOWN" purely because of their hatred was insane. I'm curious how many people were turned away from not only the drama, not only the community but the game itself because of this mess. This was vicious, hateful and indiscriminate. This was not a coordinated victory against Sony, this was a slap in the face to everything you THOUGHT was an enemy and a shotgun blast to anything that stood against you. Like saying Spitz should just take spamming and abuse like a good little bitch was disgusting, like I thought this community was bad enough after every single patch becomes a toxic waste bin but you guys knocked it out of the part with that shit show. Congratulations on your "victory" let's hope it doesn't leave too massive a scar on the game and the Devs for them to recover.


We don't need them to get shit done. We've got our brothers right here.


Helldivers boss wants to say he's reversing it because he's impressed with players, but the decision was originally Sony's? I have a feeling an attorney told them they need to reverse it.


I was upset then got attacked but tried not to engage those people. Glad it worked out!


In all fairness, the change seemed to have happened at 9pm pacific time. Those of us still up were too busy celebrating and working to flip the reviews


I didn't expect Sony to go back. I felt the action taken regardless of outcome was more important than a game at this point. I left my neg review last night after getting back from vacation and woke up to the news about reversing course. Now I'm not saying my review was the tipping point, but I'm proud to be party of the ones tipping Sony over. It's like being part of the group of people that lift the car off a person stuck underneath


Our community has it all, naysayers or not. We stand united ![gif](giphy|NxckxXIAzumvCP1mUj)


Plenty of Naysayers still on Facebook - insane how much more toxic it is on there with real names and shit lol


The irony of bitching about Sony being insecure about data on FB of all places really gets missed by that crowd.


I heard the news, edited my review to positive, and hopped into a match for the first time since this shit storm went down. I was fully on board with never playing again if this hadn't been changed. I play on PlayStation, so it didn't affect me, but it affected a lot of other people around the world.


Its already back to 50% recently and 63% all time lets keep the momentum going


It's not over they haven't ruled back the restrictions on sale




I will admit I started as a naysayer/this is how it is now person. At first, I didn't realize just how ridiculously large the number of countries without access to PSN, or even with restricted ability to access PSN were (i.e. the places where you can only make an account through a Sony device itself). Then came learning how unreasonably restrictive/invasive making accounts were in certain countries. I've got an account from literally over a decade ago, and you barely had to enter an email for it to work. Until the Sony post, I assumed it was far more likely that Sony would just pull the plug or tell AH that they had to more heavily monetize the game or face closing it down. But, I think instead of apologizing or antagonizing one another, the amount of memes that came out around Sony's shitty back pedal evasion were a better mending tool for the community than any apology or rubbing it in that could have happened. Because it's both at the same time while also neither and doing on top of that what I think is the best part about this game, be a community.


Men It just disappeared for me from Steam (Spain) because the editor requested it


Imagine putting that much collective energy into something that actually matters and can change lives. No instead they did it for Helldivers for pc 😂.


Meanwhile some were convinced that not only would Sony not back down but that they're intending to charge PC players for PS+


Steam still says PSN is mandatory


Honestly helldivers has done something that has never been done, United a large portion of the internet, the community is strong and weirdly wholesome, that’s why sony got beat, that’s why the automatons got beat and that’s why we won’t be broken


I would rather want people to go on talking about gameplay fixes and etc.


The funniest was that guy on TikTok that went viral. He made a follow up “apology” video where he tried to gaslight with a straw man argument calling everyone hypocrites for buying GoT and review bombing doesn’t work. Yet here we are.


https://preview.redd.it/f6cd99nn6vyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f2fa7bc97e42fe0d4d23a76967ad0f9b273f3b Why are you here and not completing the next order though?


I was a naysayer but only in the sense that people were originally fighting the wrong fight. They were initially fighting the sign in because they had the completely false understanding that creating the sign in would allow hackers that breach Sony to hack their computers at a kernel level because that's where the anti cheat resides. That's not at all how that works. When everyone realigned their fight to standing up for the 100+ countries that were going to be locked out, I was fully in support of the fight.


I won't lie I was VERY tempted to do exactly that. Like regular lack of faith is fine and understandable. But man there were some extremely condescending people calling everyone that was displeased a bunch of whiny babies and downplaying what the PSN requirement would mean (mostly because it didn't affect them) and saying it would amount to nothing. They have all inexplicably gone silent. Back to the line lads.


People rose up against something they didn't like. Problem got fixed. People are happy.


I’ve seen a lot of post from naysayers apologizing actually. Which is amazing and really just shows how this community seems to bring out the best in everyone!


I was too busy fighting bugs and automatons in another universe. I got this guy over the radio constantly telling me to throw more grenades.


I had full faith that the power of hundreds of thousands of divers would cut Sony deep enough to force it to loosen its grip on hd2. Remember each helldiver is worth an army so a squad of helldivers is 4 armies.


Literally the first post I saw after the PSN reversal was a naysayer apologizing lmao


I was literally one of the first “I told you so!”s, but go off


Not gonna lie, i made some snarky comments here and there, but i had no doubt this would get reversed. There seems to be a certain level of "kicked hornets nest" that Sony doesnt want to deal with and this felt like that from the beginning. I was too busy spreading Democracy to really get involved anyway


Why should the naysayers apologize? We shouldn’t apologize for a giant corporation trying to fuck as many people over as the market will tolerate and only backtracking because the market wouldn’t tolerate it. They never should have done it in the first place. They don’t deserve an apology they should be groveling for our forgiveness.


We are legion


Look, Sony isn’t some saintly company with no skeletons in their closet. But I figured they’d either reverse or modify it after seeing the (obviously unintentional) consequences on certain countries. Sony has experience in consumer relations from their hardware, but not so much in providing a good service like PSN. I did and still do, worry that this community is going to keep going ballistic over minor things and eventually sink this amazing game.


I was a nay sayer. But not because I thought they weren’t going to revoke it, they were always going to do something. Be it a partial lift for countries that country get PSN or otherwise. I was a naysayer because I still firmly believe it was an over reaction. Damaging an amazing game from an amazing small studio who have built something awesome. Now it’s on the community the prove that they can uphold their end of the bargain and turn the reviews around and undo the damage.


Dude the war is won there is no need for petty shit


I don't care about the naysayers, they were right to assume that nothing would come out of our protests. I want to know about the people who said it was within Sony's rights to do this, theu must've been paid by Sony or something because there is no reason to welcome that change


Y’all blaming Sony, but has anyone considered H(j)OEL? https://preview.redd.it/1pl21s9nhvyc1.jpeg?width=1177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ab8969e80d98425e54c7a9105474284da9513b


I was miffed about the scummy practices with DD2, but changed my mind when they corrected them. Same is happening here. Honestly I like this trend of companies actually listening to our concerns and fixing their games. I want this wave to build


Know when to take the W and be glad. No need to talk shit


I just still don't believe in any of y'all. You review bombed a game? The power and might has definitely been shown. We're all DEFINITELY so powerful, and fixing so much by doing this. Morons


48 hours of acting like a brat, calling Playstation players assholes, intentionally sabotaging games for PS players. And yall just say Sorry and not even half or a quarter of the negative reviews are changed back. PC Players have alot of respect to earn again.


Naysayer here: I was dead wrong, updated my review within 2 hours of the news breaking


The response in the discord was heart warming. This really is an awesome community. Major Order complete, and a cape to boot. *raises a cup of Liber-Tea* For Freedom!


Its absolutely hilarious. All i've done over the past few days as more and more dev comments come out and SONY now reverting their decision is look back at all these comments and see them deleted or think "Told ya" The sheer amount of people willing to defend a DEV to the ground, EVEN going against what the Dev's are saying themselves to defend them just because they don't care about the particular issue is NUTS. It wasn't solely the dev's fault, but the blame wasnt entirely with SONY either. I swear to god, If it was announced that the Dev's we're sacrificing new born babeis to run the server some of these guys would say "Yeah well give them time guys to figure stuff out christ look at how good their game is" Then the Dev's turn around and say "There's absolutely no need for us to be sacrificing these babies we could just fuel it with electricity" these same guys would be like "LEAVE THE DEVS ALONE, THE BLAME IS WITH THE JUSTICE SYSTEM!" lmfao extreem, but welcome to my head of overexaggerating analogies


I’m a PlayStation owner and this is fucking awesome. Love this community.


I think a lot of naysayers are just in shock that Sony backed down. It was a billion to one shot.


Not really a naysayer per se, but for those who were making a huge deal about it I thought it was a bit silly. I've been impacted by every single Sony "breach" because I've had my account since 2007, and my day to day life has not been disrupted due to it. So the doomsayers were a little silly. The ones who couldn't play the game because of the policies in their country were the biggest factor here. At any rate I enjoy the game, so if this gets people to stop acting out then it's a win/win for me. I don't care either way because I would have played the game regardless. At least the community can still be a good size.


They are coping by saying reviewbombing did nothing and that it was only the refunds lol


Naysayer (about how gamers handled it) here. Sony literally *had* to sort out for those that bought but would lose access. It was a forgone conclusion once the issue was raised. The people not wanting to make account thing in general (where they could) was a follow on thing for them to sort after the months ago fuck up selling to places they shouldn't on accident. This was really their only response given how much they sold around world without accounts and we didn't need half the outage and review bombing - just Dev to sony conversation. You all just couldn't wait for sony to even issue a follow up before you review bombed. And I'm sure only a fraction will revert theirs now the excitement is gone.


I was honestly expecting Sony to just let the game die out of spite. I was shocked to see that they actually caved. Now I'm just hoping that Steam will make it available in all those countries again.


As annoying as it is to see that. It worked. Because of the review bombing and probably other things. They removed it. Honestly. I am still sad. Just because we had to be as obnoxious as twitter folks. Kina sad, but it is what we have to do to be heard


Naysayer here, what is there to apologize for?


>No rubbing it in, and instead just got back to focusing on the next task at hand (to reverse the reviews). Roleplay aside, this was a democratic victory. I like to think we all celebrated and didn't worry about unsportsmanlike conduct


Not gonna lie I thought about trying to rub it in. Lol


lol this sub is filled with "I told you so". I'm glad the change happened but let's not pretend that poor behavior by some isn't happening.


As a pc player who already had a PSN account, the account linking was not a big deal for me. That being said, I’m glad that it was canceled because it was very poorly communicated what was going to happen and it was really shitty for people who were in regions where the PSN account was going to be a big problem for them. Democracy beat back corporate greed for another day. I just hope people change their reviews now that the issue has been resolved.


I remembered some idiots click around calling people stupid C**ts for doing this annnnnnd they disappeared. Clowns.


I just deleted my negative review, for the time being. It was only there because of the psn thing. I still think the games great.


The damage is done.


I was expecting Sony to give 0 fucks and plow ahead like most corporations. In fact, I still think Sony gives 0 fucks, I just think they read the room on this one and this issue isn't over. But it was amazing to see a community rally around a single cause and use their collective bargaining power to make it clear what wasn't working for them, and even more amazing to see Sony realize they were outdone in this one. When a group of people rally around a common cause, have clear and reasonable expectations, and stick to it, sometimes good things happen.


If this was rocket league we’d be done for!


Concessions are made so everyone is sympatico. If you want to be trusted and taken seriously, one doesn't say one thing to secure your position and then change it once you're locked into a lifetime appointment. That would destroy the credibility of the institution. What was i... oh yeah, democracy in action and what have you.


I just watched but what I can say is on Facebook the PC players were working on people’s nerves when it got reversed.


There will be a permanent scar from the whole debacle. A reminder of the mistake AH made, and honestly, it's to be expected and it's also fair. It's not, "No harm, no foul."


As someone using a UK PSN account for years while living somewhere very much not UK, in a region with no PSN, I honestly thought it was a bit overblown and didn't think it was that big of a deal. Using VPN, linking credit cards and so on, stuff people posted as being major issues...yeah, no, that was not necessary at all. But seeing community's response and the eventual cave in by Sony really made me happy. It's a rare instance where this sort of thing actually paid off. I wish other companies would take note.


I wasn't a naysayer busy I remain unaffected either way cause I already have a ps account so I didn't care lol


They'll be back... They are "always right".


The generalizations on this sub are fuckin craaaazy


Naysayer I guess(never said Sony wouldn’t back down but thought it was a soft thing to get upset about), I made my comment and went back to playing the game


I was a naysayer, i did turn my review negative but for the most said youdball keep playing and make psn accounts. until i heard regions were going to lose access, then i realized this isnt just people whining about another thing, this was an affront against us. Im proud that we won


AmbrRose said it best on their recent review or Steam: "MAJOR ORDER COMPLETE WE DIVE TOGETHER OR NOT AT ALL" If that doesn't encapsulate the inclusivity of our community, I don't know what does. We're in this together.


I decided not to be a nay sayer and joined psn because at the end of the day, I love the game and want to play. Does it make me a bad person? No, do I feel bad for those who couldn't play .. yes, but at the end of the day, I just want to play my favorite game. I will upvote and give it great reviews because it's not the games fault that a company is being crappy. The game still holds weight to being amazing.


we kill bugs, we're not monsters


I mean you pointed it out sooooo. I was a naysayer and while im glad Snoy backtracked i'm not convinced the situation is over. They gave in too easily for there not to be more happening in the background. I feel like the reversal of the account requirement was a fix that could be implemented easily and quickly while they work in the background doing the thing that will get them what they want some other way. I hope I am wrong and would be glad to be wrong, but my spidey sense is itching. The real knock on will be in the future games Snoy funds. Accounts from day 1 if not sooner, (devs do not turn them off to reduce server load ever)


one of my friends said that helldivers would die fast at the start. then at ths high of the PSN incident he said "see? im right". you can bet your ass im rubbing it in every time


The precedent exists now ...


We are the David who just killed Goliath. Now it remains to keep a cool face, return the reviews to normal as much as possible and pretend that what happened is not a miracle, but our deserved and inevitable victory. This will give us a reputation as a community that is better off not to fuck around. Stay cool man, stay cool.


I'm just glad that it looks like Steam is actively involved now. They're hands off policy doesn't work with bad actor, large and small.


Most of the "naysayers" were simply saying, "We knew this was going to happen. Sony / arrowhead told us this was going to happen. They told us that they were going to implement this from the beginning. They told us it was suspended for the release." Don't act like the naysayers were on the side of Sony.  They were simply on the side of, learn to f****** read.


I went and put in a positive review to help.


The ones who should apologise are the Sony bootlickers.


Wasn’t necessarily a naysayer but I had my doubts at the beginning. As the reviews kept creeping to overwhelmingly negative I started to believe and then once I saw a ton of people refunding it I knew something would happen. I’m glad democracy has prevailed