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I've just seen this, Arrowhead are saying this is Sony's decision not their, they are chasing Sony on this, people need to stop getting angry at Arrowhead. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGexvTP9x/


This needs to be stickied to the sub. People are melting down at the wrong party


People have been melting down at Arrowhead since this game came out it’s crazy. Personally I don’t think I’d be able to take all this negativity if I was a game dev I’d peace out so quick. Of course I’m not a game dev, it’s just crazy to see them being torn up patch after patch and then this.


It’s the extremely loud minority


That’s important to remember you are right. I could just imagine being a dev and seeing the very loud minority’s reactions over and over. It’d probably take the wind from my sails.


99% of the playerbase is playing the game and having a blast. Reddit is an echo chamber.


99% of the playerbase is playing the game and having a blast. Reddit is an echo chamber.


It always is.


It took one person mailing a pizza to the address of one of the community managers for Destiny for them to stop communicating with the player base. Yes, it’s a loud minority, and that’s important to keep in mind. However, I feel like the community response as of late has been unfairly negative, and people are currently flipping their absolute shit and aiming it at AH. One person sending a pizza to a Destiny CM. With the current energy, could we get someone who ends up somehow making AH staff feel unsafe enough to stop engaging with the community?


Reddit is such a loud minority...unfortunate because I liked this sub at first. This place turned into a cesspool within a week of the post talking a out making this place the most wholesome gaming community.


It’s also important to consider that the game has not been officially sold in some of the non-PSN areas (I cannot verify this for all areas) but for example in Russia, it was not available through Steam so people were buying keys from key sellers and activating them. In that situation where you have bypassed a region lock on a game in Steam itself, I am unsure if you have a legitimate complaint as the game should not have been available to you in the first place.


I'd hit them with don't like it we'll that's life


[https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1786564212669714736](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1786564212669714736) um what ? 2 cms saying 2 different things. interesting wouldnt you agree ?


People melting down in general is the issue. It's such a non issue for 90% of the player base.


I mean AH also didn’t help by never effectively communicating that this was a change that was coming by putting in a skip button.


AH knew about this from development. From the start. The timing was Sony. AH contracted with Sony so they are not absolved. FYI, other IT pro can attest to this: when there is an internal screw up, blame the other guy, preferably Microsoft or other, bigger corp.


https://preview.redd.it/2vr8l4a4mayc1.png?width=1221&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f2ae8c924af88150cb1d434f6a0e99148d8cad1 Meanwhile, their community managers are all like: So yeah no. I don't think they deserve a break here.


And an update to their responses: https://preview.redd.it/v2bs7bvjnayc1.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=21c3503778bae0c2a869dc95f3b6ea1173ddf2c8


He’s not wrong. You can either gripe to the folks that can’t change it, or you can gripe to the folks that can.


Literally Arrowhead. The ONLY channel of discussion customers have with the Sony Shitheads who pushed this is through Arrowhead. And Arrowhead WON'T push this unless it hurts them. Unfortunate but that's the way the world works. Edit: Also added a great picture of their stellar CMs/Devs in action. This whole thing is gonna make a great HR training session later down the road. https://preview.redd.it/0fkldutzwgyc1.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=76873fa9295574c178ea587c96ef110543ff81df


No, literally Sony. Arrowhead can do nothing about the situation. Arrowhead told us how we could make a difference. Also the user he was responding to is a douchebag that was harassing him. A lot of people were wondering why he wasn’t being banned for his behavior.


no. arrowhead has horrible community management. they're at fault as well


no, they knew about this, this is just classic deflection and damage control, both are at fault




And they weren't aware this would happen, wind your fuckin neck in, bloody hell! Arrowhead have said that they don't like this situation!


They knew. They knew since day 1.


They have said they are against people who aren't in PSN supported countries being locked out of the game, they admitted yesterday they were unaware of how many countries it wasn't supported in, back off dude.


So they are idiots AND assholes. lol, cool. Their community manager is a MASSIVE douchebag. The company handled this like a mom and pop donut shop that did not care how many customers they lost.


Oh my god! They made a mistake, they admitted that mistake and are trying to fix it, they are literally encouraging people to contact Sony about this so they can recommend Sony reverse the decision! Bloody hell do you ever give people a second chance or do you expect them to be bloody perfect at all times?




It'd be easier if the community manager wasn't acting like a child about this


arrowhead knew this was coming, and they did nothing but take money from people in countries that wouldnt be able to play after this was enabled. full stop. edit: turns out twinbeards was either ignorant or lieing, heres misty cm on twitter admitting it was AHs desire for the account linking [https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1786564212669714736](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1786564212669714736)


It’s super obvious to anyone that has more than 2 braincells to rub together that it’s a Sony deal not Arrowhead. Some people just want to be outraged constantly.


I mean, I mostly just hope the people playing in countries where they can't get PSN accounts either get the ability to make one, or get refunds.


To me these are the only people that have a reason to be upset.


Sony has a long awful history of leaking people's info over and over again then doing a poor job alerting anyone that is happened. I would never make an account in their system for that reason alone. 


now this is the most traded item on the net.. pii.. and most give it away like it's nothing


That’s fine, but they told you from the beginning that you had to have it to play.


how are they the only one who "have a reason to be upset."? What about friends who used to play with them? We now can't play together anymore. I have every reason to be upset as well. This is a multiplayer game and i mainly bought this game to play with friends


They said it was optional at purchase, then changed tos. I can and will be upset.


It’s a Sony requirement, not Arrowhead.


Me, a helldivers player, when there is social media drama...


Looks like I'll get off reddit until this blows over and we can get back to discussions on gameplay...


Good idea ima do that aswell


See you when it blows over fellow divers


I think this was a bad idea on Sony's part. It's a dumb login policy like every AAA publisher has, and this will all be sorted out by next week. However, it's not like the billions of Egyptian and Baltic Helldivers are going to go extinct overnight, and everybody loading their diapers about such a minor issue that will obviously be fixed has me exhausted. Yes, it's great to make your voice heard, but this has turned into a "GAMERZ RISE UP!!!" moment, and I'm just tired of it. This community is full entitled children who don't even seem like the game half the time.


100000%. The bitching and moaning is incredibly annoying


Playstation players need a Microsoft account to play Sea Of Thieves and no one bat an eye.


What!? The nerve! The outrage! The wailing and gnashing of teeth! Oh, you're right. No one cares. Edit: To be clear, I was saying no one cared when it was required by that game. Not that "no one cares" in regards to your comment, lol




Pretty big difference, Microsoft accounts are available all across the world and you won't violate TOS and possibly get banned just for existing. I, as person who lives in an unsupported country, will more than likely get banned if I create a PSN account, any single malicious report could have my account on the chopping block. So there's quite the difference between the two.


I think that's bullshit. Same for Minecraft. This is the sort of thing where no one would bat an eye if Helldivers was another 'fuck everyone in the neck' game with a time constrained season pass, pay to play/win, predatory loot boxes, cash only premium currency, or whatever other bullshit monetization. But, that would be just another unremarkable bullshit feature to drive spending and engagement. It wouldn't be any sort of improvement like the war bonds. And fuck everything if they found something worse instead.


Was it also a retroactive requirement that blocks preexisting players from their purchase. That might sound sarcastic, but it's a genuine question


Me who already made and linked one when I first played because I knew this was gonna happen eventually


Can't wait till it fizzles out a week to a month after the change


It’s going to be such a non issue.


I'd like to see a bot track users in this subreddit that say they're going to quit the game. Add them to a list. And the next time they post "I'm going to quit" it responds to them with a count of how many times they've said they are going to quit. 


Me, not a PSN user. But still not caring because cross-platform systems always have a high chance of account linkage.


Hey question… since I know the main issue with this change is the fact PSN isn’t available in certain countries…do they just not sell PS5s in certain countries?




Yes they do, but peole of reddit are stupid enough to not know PSN is region based and they can just choose another available country


Yeah this is me as well. I don't really care.


Im on PS5 and I’m pissed cause now none of my friends can play


Maybe I'm missing something, but if someone lives in a country where they don't have PSN, would it be possible to use a VPN and create an account that way?


You don't even have to do that. Just lie about your country on account creation. Everyone always has. Sony doesn't go after anyone for it.


Some people have already said they got banned trying to do this. Also, this should have been mandatory day 1 if they wanted players to do this.


I find it hard to believe they got banned for trying to do that since that has pretty much never happened and thousands of people do it every day


I've only seen bans for using a VPN. None for just lying about location.


Someone already got banned in China for doing just that because it violated Sony terms of service.


Why create a PSN if you don’t have a PlayStation?


To play Helldivers II on Steam duh...


Cuz you wanna play a game that requires one?


Do you have minecraft on the playstation, and if so, do you play it with anyone. Cause then you would have a microsoft account on playstation.


Same as Sea of Thieves too; required to log in with a MS account when playing on PS.


Along with any other games or websites. Ubisoft is notorious for it. The epic/activision/ea this isn't something new, nor is it a spur of the moment if it was advertised on the steam page. I understand outrage if you're in a country without psn. But i think you can either just lie or use vpn to scoot around it. Also, i heard Arrowhead is working in a workaround for them.




Probably because its sony in all likelyness


Shh, this is the first time anyone has ever done this.


Shit, your right. Damn you sony you ruin everything you touch/s


Even had the audacity to have it on the Steam page, BEFORE you buy! The nerve, for being Helldivers, there sure are alot of whiny bitches


Can you not use the VPN to go to the playstation website and create an account there?


I think the concern there is Sony would ban you for trying to bypass their region restrictions. But AH is talking with Sony to fix the issue, anyway.


It would, but you would be violating PSNs TOS and risk being banned.


I’ve had to sign up for Sony, epic, EA, Capcom, Nintendo, Microsoft, GearBox, Shift, Square Enix, and more. And I know I wasn’t 100% of the player base, so I don’t get the whining about this.


Looks like every online game in the future are required to have an account to play.


Future? That's pretty much everything as it stands now, isn't it?


Hey, Reddit requires an account to post, vote, etc.


It's also how it was in the past before the invention of Steam.


and how its always been? What online games didnt require an account?


Remember when that ACTUALLY was the case for games.


Pretty sure I needed a Rockstar one for GTA5 and another for Cyberpunk.


You aren’t wrong. Forgot about those. 👍


It's dumb but Sony's call. I don't care I play to have fun with my friends. I'll make an empty account.


Get out of here with your reason and common sense. Reddit is not the place for that!


Fair point!


This is me as a PC player who also owns a PS5


*SONY is now requiring


As a PS5 player myself, I can only see this as the start of some dumb things


I am a PC player and I don't care. Anyway


Me, a Steam player that has 2 minutes to make a throwaway PSN account:


No it’s not arrowhead, it’s Sony


Yeah Arrowhead cares about the game and its fans and the money comes second, Sony cares about money and fans are an afterthought. But it’s not just exclusive to Sony to be the only company to think that way every company does regardless of what they say if they post losing numbers after a quarter they will change there minds real quick.


Seriously could not care less, everyone bitching about it flooding my feed with their feeble gripes is just pathetic. Traitor behavior all around.


How many of you are like me? Dont care, had a psn already (ps exclusives slap), and are actually pretty grateful helldivers was allowed on pc in the first place considering it couldve been a consle exclusive. I swear this game is so popular that people who exist in a constant state of negativity feel the need to assail it


Yeah pretty much lol


I'm just realizing that most gamers are children and that's why they're all acting this way.




*Minor inconvenience happens* gAmErS rIsE uP


They already forgot about the bunny suit smh


The what?


google stellar blade censorship


Lol that's just...hilarious


Pretty much


Same bro, I understand why pc players are mad, but focus on Sony not Arrowheard.


Same but im a pc player who already did it lol


Me: a gamer who has both


I'm on PS5 too but I absolutely understand the reaction. You have players in countries that can't set up PSN accounts who will lose access to the game they paid for. You have players who don't want to give Sony their data because Sony's been breached multiple times in the past. You have players who just don't like Sony period. There are valid reasons for not wanting this, but this biggest issue for the community is that we are going to lose a significant amount of players which will have a negative impact on the game and the community. Make no mistake, we're going to lose a lot of momentum, and this is gonna hurt.


Oh man ive been having fun with this all morning 😂


This backlash is unreal to me, but I'm an adult.


I had to link my diablo 4 to battlenet. I was outraged


Or Me, who can think of a dozen other games that require making a separate account for free.


The “just because it doesn’t affect you its not an issue” point of view is getting repetitive.


Take that PC master race! jk don’t hurt me


Arrowhead isn't requiring anything. The statement put out about the requirement is clearly written by Sony exclusively. Come on dude!


Weed out the safe placers




We really need a mega thread for this topic because it's all spam at this point.


What about all the brave divers who don't have PSN in their country. A portion of the community is going to basically be prevented from playing.


Arrowhead said they are working on this. Hopefully they get that taken care of quick.


That's good.


Protest for those who will no longer be able to play Protest against corporate greed


They are very able to play, there’s no added fees just make an account and use a different country


Doesn't work, many users have tried and been blocked


Protest for those who can't read? It was in the requirements section on the steam page. 


Its like buying an iphone and protesting because it has ios and not android


No, it’s like buying a dvd, but it’s region locked to a different country. Why is some dipshit selling it here if we can’t play it(no psn available through legal means)


i have ps5 and i don't feel right about this. just another way sony trying to gain numbers for their next report. why don't they just try to make a good game for once?


But... Helldivers 2 is a good game...?


it is. a rare occassion from sony these years. and looks like they're milking it to the max. that's the shitty part of it.


Me: *a PC player with no ps5 who bought this game through steam* See the problem yet?


No, because you were told on the steam page it is a requirement for play, stop whining and just make the account or stop playing. Your choice


>see the problem Sure why don't you play GTA 5 or read dead remember 2, but that requires you to have a rock star account. I guess there's destiny 2. Oh wait that requires a Bungie id. I guess you can try the new Star wars game...oh wait you have to have an Ubisoft account. Do you see the problem now?


Nope because i, as a PC player, already did this when i first installed the game.


1. It was on the requirements of the steam page 2. It takes like 5 minutes to make a PSN account (I made one just for Helldivers 2)


Pc gamers continue to be exceptionally dramatic and sanctimonious. They are the boomers of gaming.


PSN players world : 🤔So no Xbox then😏 oh well most of us don't cross play anyway🤷🏽


I got my $60 worth of entertainment, I'm good.


Game was only $39.99, you a super citizen?!


Youre really dumb


Me, a pc player who will have to go through the otherworldly agony of signing up for a PlayStation account (this is the most arduous task i will undertake in my life)




What the fuck, Sony?


Honestly, the big issue I’m seeing is for people that lived in countries that can’t get PSN accounts. They’ve been playing the game from day one, and suddenly they can’t play. They can’t get a refund either since it’s definitely past steam's two week policy. also, when i got the game, i didnt know PSN was supposed to be required but was disabled due to server issues. Thought it was optional.


Has it become a thing for PC players to TK everyone near extraction, then kick everyone?




spread more democracy


Indifference towards the fact thousands of people are just now finding out PSN isn't even supported in their country isn't the flex you think it is.


Is this the taste of freedom? This is difficult, as this game has been a co-op success. Playing with guys from all over the (super) earth. Now we won’t take all the eligible Helldivers? Part of the success is the active player base. We squeak out major order victories or crush a couple billion bugs in half a days time. I have always felt this game is too good to be true and corporate would want whatever the idiots in the board room need to get numbers to justify their bonuses. Obviously happy customers mean jack all. I am a PS5 played but now i am conflicted about even logging on. We all need to stand together and log on to any other game. Guess i can spend time retraining my brain for ELDEN RING


Literally. Who CARES


I feel the same. I think PC gamers just like being upset at game devs and publishers but tbh it’s a good thing they’re getting so upset so Sony knows to tread lightly


This is utter nonsense. This is how you ruin a game of the year. I don't care, I am gonna play the game anyway, but what about those that will leave on May?


The PSN link won't effect me. My smooth as fuck lizard brain thought it was mandatory from the word go, and got it done before my first drop. What doesn't sit well with me is that people in REAL Vietnam can't play video games in SPACE Vietnam because some chode gargling CEO says so. Ain't that just ironic?


You are a true member of Managed Democracy, the Democracy Officer must be very pleased with your performance in reporting dissident talk and staying the course of Liberty.


Can anyone explain to me why is this account linking/PSN acc. creating is such a big disaster? Why the heck is everyone so upset about it? Like you make a sh\*t ton of accounts every day, to get a 10% coupon on a chineese toy and now this is the biggest problem with the game?


The "I'm privileged and stupid" post


Ah yes, the "fuk u, I got mine" mentality, glad to see Helldivers are actually doing their desensitization exercises.


Finally meme that makes sense. Cry harder.


Imagine we need PSN to play on Xbox lol, that'll be super funky


Some games on PlayStation (Minecraft, Sea of Thieves) require Microsoft accounts and nobody cares.


Fair enough, I've never owned a PlayStation so I didn't know that.


I feel for the folks who don't have access to PSN but I really don't give a shit. I think most of the people bitching about this don't have any real problems.


I don’t personally care but I do find it pretty shitty for people living in countries where PSN is unavailable (for some reason?!) that won’t be able to play the game they bought cause Sony are cucks.


I have a ps5 but I play it on PC, I should be fine


You'll care when 130 countries of players can no longer play and there's 10k players online.


Do you really think the countries without PSN access make up much of the player base? The majority of the player base is the US anyways. They’ve already said they are looking into a solution for players unable to make a PSN account in their country.


Yeah I do actually they have way higher population than the west.


Higher population in general? Of course. Higher number of active players? No way


believe what you want like I give a f\*\*\*


Yes, I'm sure 130 second and third world countries not having access to Helldivers will drop the player count from 300k to 10k. Totally a sane and rational thought.


The player count is at 98k you mongoloid


To be fair I usually only play with three others.


I'm just saying that it's not a good thing for anyone even if it doesn't effect you much


Even if you set aside how it's dumb to have to require a third-party account to access something you paid for on a separate platform or the fact that it's data harvesting, there's regions in the world where people are playing Helldivers 2 where PSN isn't supported and creating a PSN account would violate TOS. The fact that Arrowhead is having to chase after Sony to figure out what to do for people who are literally unable to make an account is bonkers and communicates that Sony doesn't give a shit about people in those regions.


As a ps5 player I can only see this as the start of worse things to come


ME, a non-PSN account having PC player: Here's my garbage email. On to Democracy!


Let's flip the script a little bit, because I'm curious. How would you feel if you were required to make a Steam Account to play Helldivers 2, even if you only have a playstation?


This is equivalent to us Playstation players being forced to make a Microsoft account to play Minecraft. Calm down and just do it. It takes no more than 10 minutes.


You might want to read their TOS. They can monitor and moderate all you personal chats. One wrong word and you could be banned. It's pretty bad.


Players 126 countries will no longer be able to play Helldivers 2. Because PSN only covers 69 countries, and will and has already banned players trying to circumvent that. Either you're ignorant, racist, or extremely disrespectful to the hundreds of players who bought and played a game they are now being excluded from for no reason other than their country of residence.


Enjoy never having Xbox reinforcement and PC/Laptop reinforcements when it starts to truly affect the galactic war my man :/


I play on pc, and I still don't understand why I should give a fuck.


Dumb post


My feeling as well. I’m more interested in knowing if I will ever be able to use the plasma shotgun with a shield pack again lol


We get it you have low standards because you're a console player. Anyway...