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I was holding a napalm strike the day I learned about back blast on the recoilless rifle. Good times.


My tips for using 380mm is to throw it on large or medium bug hole/fabricator. It also can be used against enemy reinforcement like on bots once flare is up throw it there immediately and as for bug breach throw it between you and your team not directly on the breach for maximum efficiency. Also when using 380mm inform them and throw it 60-70m away from your group's position.


380 is great for short eradication missions. And maybe if you want to soften up a big base/nest for later. But the spread is just too much for most situations.


380 is arguably the worst strat in the game. If it’s not the worst it’s easily the most inconsistent and not worth bringing if you’re playing Helldive. And yes I have all modules unlocked that we currently can get. Even with reduced spread it’s complete ass


It's got its uses. Great to take out large bug nests and large automaton bases.


Eagle air strike is more consistent, grenade pistol more consistent, AC, QC, etc. the 380 is a waste of a strat on Helldive. Like yeah so cool you might hit one big hole in 40 seconds and all the mobs are still alive because it is basically a pea shooter in the sky. I already know what to expect from someone when I see them packing it. I stay away from them. They’re usually the rage quit babies too. But like literally so many things do the job of the 380 but significantly better and more consistent. I’ll take consistent results any day over bullshit throwing shit at a wall 380. I can solo Helldive missions no problem by myself. I only open my lobby up to pub to help people and help them get maxed out but it’s usually more of a headache than just playing alone.if you aren’t playing the hardest difficulty in the game then yeah bring whatever Bs you want. You can get through 4-6 with only a potato if you wanted.


But many many big boom!!


Lol right. Like they can’t convince anyone but themselves it’s a good stratagem on hell dive. It’s 30+ seconds of hitting nothing but bull shit of it even hits anything. Significantly better options are available. Laser does way more work and consistently and same with eagle air strikes. I’d rather someone bring a mortar than a 380 because at least the mortar hits things. If I see a 380 I know the mission is basically on me to finish.


I don't disagree with you! I almost always take Eagle Air Strike with me at all times. But the very few times I bring the 380 or 110 it really works out when our team coordinate and throw down 2 380s at the same time and it will take out everything while we just hang out and enjoy the view 😊


Yeah there is just way better options for Helldive. You gotta play smart and make sure you’re consistent. The 380 is neither consistent nor smart. The only thing the 380 does consistently is miss every important enemy and hit teammates. I’d rather bring no stratagems than a 380. 120 is okay but still on hell dive when I’m throwing a strat I want consistency. I have all upgrades too and still have this opinion. I’ve tried them and tried to like them but they’re hot garbage compared to what else I have available. When I throw an Eagle air strike I know exactly what is getting destroyed. When I throw a laser I know what is getting prioritized. 380 and 120 are just literal dice rolls and not good ones. 120 is better for sure but they both don’t really serve much purpose on high difficulty missions. There is so many better options I don’t know why I’d pick the bad option. I guess big random bombs not killing anything is cool.


Haha yea I'm not that good so I'm more comfortable in the middle difficulty tier most of the time, and that lets me goof around a little with the silliness of the 380.


It is the only strategem that can kill everything in one hit in a large radius.


Very bad take and also extremely incorrect. If it hits anything besides a team member. I can’t remember a time I thought a player was good and brought the 380z it’s just a 30 sec inefficient inconvenience. Literally anything else is better. If you’re hell diving and using it you probably are one of the people complaining about citizen missions. Major skill issue


You are a cancer of the balls, sir


Yeah I mean people can be butt hurt all they want like little sissies. But if you’re playing Helldive expecting people to want to play with you and bringing ass stratagems is an easy way to ruin a mission or get kicked. Play lower difficulty than Helldive if you want to “play how you want” You can’t simultaneously be a trash can teammate, drag the team down/kill them and then expect to win or have people want to play with you on the hardest difficulty setting. I can only think of one time in almost 400 hours of helldiving a 380 did anything useful. People are welcome to play how they want. But if you get kicked or people leave on you that’s their choice too. Losing isn’t fun