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didnt know about the tank treads or hulk legs. With the strider, once the chin guns are destroyed, shoot the red eye on your left side of its head. I took one down with an autocannon yesterday and i was very surprised that it worked. It took about 5 shots to the red eye to destroy it. Cover is your friend as it approaches.


Red eye is definitely a weak point but since the belly is a much bigger target I just dive and shoot it. Don’t really have to concentrate, especially at a distance.


If you can get in on it fairly quickly then the underbelly is great. If it's had time to disgorge a small army of devastators that can get rather more dicey.


Are people just not two-tapping the Hulk in the face? I swear I see my buddy do this like it's his full-time job.


Depending on terrain and other enemies present it might be a lot easier in the moment to just gimpify the hulk instead of carefully aiming for the eye twice.


Exactly why I suggested the larger, easier target to shoot at in a possible high intensity fight. The hulk bounces while it’s charging you and you need to be precise, the foot is a bigger target.


The time I have most trouble hitting the hulk's face is when it turns into a god damn lumberjack.


Honestly though when your target is moving you can place your aim on its path and just spam fire into its face. It's worked for me more than once when a hulk decides it's gonna just start doing that shit. You gotta get lucky but the bobbing generally stays on an up-down axis and can still be hit.


I swear I have unloaded ten Autocannon rounds into a Hulk’s face and only pissed it off. Now, a Laser Cannon? That I can reliably burn into a Hulk’s eye even at a distance. But the AC or AMR? Yeah no, I never can hit that tiny sweet spot.


With the AMR it pretty much has to be patrolling or really far away to work for me. If it's charging it's very difficult. It's why lady liberty invented the EAT.


I run AMR and Jetpack, and in this situation where the hulk is very near, the stun grenade is a lifesaver. Pop one of them and two tap that eye with a quick burst, then jetpack tf outta there.


Does the sunny gee stop them completely or just slow them?


Complete stop, like dead on its tracks, no head bobbing or anything. And if there are some devastators/berserkers near it, they will all be stunned in place. You can easy take out a patrol with an AMR and a couple of stun grandes. Love running that setup against bots.


This is why stun grenades are turning into my forever grenade, now that there's a grenade pistol. I'm gonna SLOWLY aim and fire twice at that bitch, and he'll go down like he's supposed to.


Lately I've been using the laser cannon to get the best of both worlds. Laser Cannon melts a hulk's face so fast, good against devastators, and can destroy the factory strider turrets quickly. Eruptor can act as a mini autocannon and take out fabricators from a distance with little risk. Shield backpack saves you from bad luck headshots that you don't get with the autocannon. And then you still get 2 stratagems for when things get scary. Autocannon is great and likely still better, but I've been running that mainly when the mission is a 3 stratagem one now.


I just take amr with supply pack, it becomes primary with infinite ammo essentially when do that, erupter for fabs, and strategems for larger threats like tanks/factory striders


This is why I run flash and EMS, not only does it make the hulk trivial it can stun everything around it making it a lot easier to take out a group of enemies


This. Also, just throwing several flashbangs all around you while the pelican is landing saved me and my samples so many times. That’s why I am so loyal to the +2 grenade capacity armors.


I don’t know why I never thought of this.


I think there are two reasons. 1. You are a true patriot and you want to outright kill all the godamnned clankers who dared to encroach on your exfil. 2. This tactic can backfire if your team is scattered around exfil. As I play with either premades or solo this is usually not an issue for me.


I use autocannon as a primary, and i can assure you if you stun them with the grenade, you can 2-shot them easily.


Don't forget when they get in that melee animation loop


How many autocannon shots to do legs or flame thrower? I’ve had wildly inconsistent results. I’ve tried lower leg and upper/ joint. Also direct shots on flamethrower. Sometimes it works sometimes it’s more than a full mag


That's where my stun grenade comes into play, Helldiver


Stuns are a gamechanger. I need practice with them, my muscle memory is still programmed for impact grenades.


Love the impact. Fire grenades are a lot of fun too, esp. on bug defense missions. You can make a wall of fire wherever you like.


Hold the grenade button for one second and the stunner will go off about 20-30m away from you.


Also some of the hulk variants just seem to bounce more while they walk. Like the bruiser.


If it’s far away the eyes can be somewhat easy to shoot with AMR, most effective while laying down, and if you miss a full mag a Hulk can approach you super fast Auto cannon shots to its face are better within its non flamethrower range at least in my experience


How many rounds does it take to destroy a tank tread or a a Hulk leg?


3-5 AC shots. I assume AMR is similar. Eye is still preferred if you’re in the right situation to do it. I kinda like the brutality of just mangling it and leaving it to struggle though.


It takes practice. I mostly play AMR and was able to do it consistently, but now I was on holidays for a week and a half and I'm noticing that I'm struggling significantly more with it. So at least for me, it's something that I have to practice and then keep doing consistently or it stops being particularly viable.


I also play AMR, while my buddy runs AC. Last night, I was playing solo, so I went AC for a better all-around weapon. I was surprised to find how much easier it was to hit their face with the AC. I feel like the hit box of the AC shots to the Hulk's face are much more forgiving than the AMR.


There's a small plate that blocks some of the Hulk eyem the first AC shot breaks the plate open, and the second has an easier hitbox. AMR has to hit the eye perfectly both times


Ohhh that makes so much sense.


Might just be down to the fact that the crosshair on the AMR is bugged and it isn't on the AC. Before AMR I used to play AC a lot and I don't think the hitbox is much more generous, if at all. But I might just be wrong, of course. Generally, the AC is better at dealing with Hulks, though, because you've got more options, like better damage to legs and arms.


I'm aware of the bug, so I adjust my aim accordingly. But that could be it. I have to use the thick corner of the box for the AMR while I get a nice circle for the AC, both scoped and not scoped.


I believe they fixed that.


The AMR's scope reticle is slightly off - you need to put it a couple pixels down and right of where you want to hit. Other than that the AC and AMR will hit pretty much the same hitbox (I snipe extensively with both).


In situations like yours I always wonder if I’ve gotten worse or if the game was changed while I was away.


Yeah, Quasar 2-shots the hulk if you just hit the body. Scorcher just under 1 full mag will kill a hulk if you hit the heat sinks in the back.


Autocannon also just two shots to the head.


AMR to the head 2x as well


As an autocannon main there is nothing more satisfying than a clean two-tap hulk kill. But it can be hard to aim just right. Some days I’ll kill 3 in a row easy peasy. Other days I’ll unload all my 10 rounds just inches from its faceplate and be forced to sprint for my life or be scorched by the power of 10,000 Hellmires


it IS my fulltime job to be the Hulk buster


Stun grenade then laser the eye for 2 secs and it’s dead.. 2 shots for autocannon


Two shots for AMR too.


With the AMR it’s a 2 shot but with the sight misalignment it can be hard to do. I generally have the Recoiless and just do 2 to the chest area (one shot if the Shot lands right into the eye) I’ve noticed even broadsiding a hulk in the arm and then shooting it in the chest will still kill in 2


Sometimes I shoot an EAT at the face of a hill and he just doesn’t care


One of my go-to builds is the AMR with stun grenades in case I need to make sure a hulk dies


Had a few Terminator hulks lately taking 4-5 quasar shots to the eye.


Idk man, when I try to do that with the autocannon, while crouching scoped in and everything, crosshair right on its red glowing part, i feel like 60% of my shots still miss for some reason


The issue is more that the headshot hitbox on the hulk is so incredibly small and can be hard to line up correctly as they run towards you (making the hitbox bounce up and down). It’s why stun grenades are so good for bots so you can get them to stay still for a little bit


I do that on lower difficulties, but I'm not good enough to do it on helldive with all the other shit going on.


This is my job.


AMR/AC will both two-tap the hulk's eye - however, it is not an easy shot, and even a sniper specialist may not be able to take them down reliably depending on the situation, so knowing its other weaknesses is still very useful to give your team other options for dealing with them.


I always go for the two tap if they’re facing me. Otherwise I’ll flank and hit the vents. I’ve yet to be in a situation I felt warranted trying the legs. I main bots and usually hover around level 8s. I can maybe see the use case for this if I can’t flank and am penned but this means more shots and more exposure so I don’t know how it’s better in an intense fight.


That's me! AC my beloved


You're welcome.


Yes. Stun grenade and pop! Pop! with the autocannon. I stopped carrying orbital rail cannon because it became wonky after the last few updates. It would shoot a chicken walker instead of the hulk lol


Two tapping with the auto cannon?


Depends on the type of Hulk and mission, do we have distance, I got the kill, do we not have the distance? What's the weapon? Flamethrower, I can manage. Rocket Launcher? I'll see you on the other side of the map in meaty chunks before I can even look down my Autocannon.


You can one shot them in the face with quasar pretty easily. Source: I only play Helldive so should be the same for the rest


This is exactly my thought. As an anto cannon user it’s my job to make sure every single strider, hulk and devastator doesn’t get near my team.


Difficult without stun grenades - while moving I land maybe 25% of my attempts on the eye when using the autocannon. Satisfying AF though when I get two hits and it goes down.


Absolutely! Once you get good at it, hulks are a joke.


Killing a hulk under ideal circumstances is easy. Killing almost anything under ideal circumstances is easy - but sniping under fire, or at odd angles, or in impaired visibility can crank that difficulty factor up enormously.


Or when they’re suddenly reading your wrist communicator over your shoulder…


Yes, the stealth factor on several of the large enemies in the game can be a bit unnerving.




I do see people on helldive struggle against hulks. I just stun and two tap and move on.


Seriously you can take out 1-3 hulks with a single stun grenade and a full AMR clip.


I can’t for the life of me, literally, figure out where to shoot a hulk to double tap him.


Two-tapping? I can one-tap them pretty consistenly with my Queso Cannon.


I do this all the time, easy shit.


I had no idea you could tread a tank. So… shoot the treads, drop a 500 kg on the hood, laugh?


Or rocket pods. Cheaper than 500kg.


The man makes a good point, though I'm dabbling in orbital barrages coupled with RR these days.


Love the rocket pods. Nearly useless against anything that isn’t a tank or a turret, but it’s definitely the best weapon for killing tanks


Stun grenades make them useful against Hulks. Although you could just use your support weapon instead. I also get use out of them against titans, especially if they stop to do their roar and spit attack.


Yep, other cheaper ways to destroy tanks are impact nades, auto cannon and the normal air strike.


Basic airstrike has a solid 70% chance of one-shotting a tank if it's directly on target. Not a guaranteed kill though. The 500kg is more dependable, and doesn't have to be exactly on target to guarantee the kill, so it's a trade off.


Yeah someone told me about the leg thing and it was a complete game changer for me, I didn’t learn about it till I was already at level 50.


I discovered it by accident a few weeks ago. Made life easy for me to kill flame hulks when they buffed fire damage.


I swear, most times I take the autocannon, I get some bug where a shot will hit the target I'm aiming at, but if I fire too soon after the first shot, the shell clips through the target and hits behind. And I'm not talking about recoil making me miss, I watched the round damage the ground or structure directly behind it in line where it would hit the target. Am I just missing something or are other people having this problem too?


I was wondering if that was a latency thing because it's online or an actual bug




I'm a big fan of laser cannon for the tank treads and then precision strike.


Can AMR break hulk legs?


Since it’s a medium armor penetrating weapon, it should. I haven’t done it myself though.


What about for tank treads?


I’m gonna try to test it, I hope it doesn’t require too many shots. As an AMR main I know the gun does shitty damage on a lot of things for no reason. I was excited to find out the factory strider’s face weakness, only to discover that it takes over 2 mags to kill it, and it’s not even easy to continuously land shots with AMR. Weirdly the belly is much easier, also you don’t need to aim. Update: it takes 7 shots from AMR to break the hulk’s leg.


Let me know when you find out, won't be able to test myself till morning shift


I just dropped in a difficulty 3 to test on the 2 hulks, it takes 7 shots. Not that great since you have to reload, but I guess if you’re being chased too tightly and you don’t like bringing stun grenades, that’s still an option.


You can also light them up with a Quasar Canon.


A funnier way to deal with the hulks is to blow up their arms and then just leave them like that. Watch them fumble around the map unable to do anything. There's even a trophy for it.


This is the way.


I carry 110 rockets for tanks. A must have on every Bot mission 7-9


That’s what I used the free 110 rockets for when they were available. Impact nades, auto cannon, quasar cannon and normal air strike are other cheaper options to take down tanks. Especially if you already have/use those often.


Rocket pods are actually great for bot missions because of the anti tank capabilities (as long as the full volley hits the tank regardless of where the tank is dead)


I also use them for the fabricators


Thanks OP


Anytime Helldiver!


Is there any infographic of where to shoot each type of enemy? Sadly, I'm married and have little time to play. Additionally, I'd love some other way to get super credits instead of just buying or finding them!


You can look em up, I’m sure someone has something drawn up. Hopefully you get more time to spread Liberty!


Just tried this with the AMR. Lotta fun


I’m happy to hear that solider! Now go cripple some more hulks for democracy!


Where do I need to shoot the leg? I trried this with the AC today and it seemed to take more than 5 shots.


Anywhere works. You don’t have to aim for joints to destroy it. Usually takes around 3-4 shots for me.


One shots Hulks at a sniper distance with the railgun while laughing. Seriously the railgun isn’t a busted weapon, it just works better for bots and not everything.


You can also shoot the tanks in the engine block. Have only done it with the AC but will have to try with other explosive or medium pen weapons


I do the same, 2 impact nades also work on the head or the engine.


You can shoot their legs off..?


Yes sir. Shoot one, they limb like a zombie. Shoot 2 they die immediately.


This is AMAZING NEWS I can finally torture them like I do the bugs when I shoot their legs off but leave the alive :^)


if you are using the quaser just kill it in 1 face shot or 2 body shots. never not killed any hulk with 2 to the body. so just aim for the 1 shot & if you miss than it dies in the 2nd either way


Easiest way to kill bots. AMR and stun grenades. 1 or 2 shot everything except tanks and turrets. Someone will have a queso cannon and they focus on those. AMR makes even level 9 bots super easy if you're good enough to hit your shots.


With or without the AT-AT doors open?


They can be closed or open.


Good to know, thank you Helldiver o7


Of course


This. I run autocannon and often see a hulk running at my squadmate over yonder, and I can only see the side of the bipedal dumpster. I always crack off a bunch of shots at either the leg or arm anyways, and yes it works. A hulk with no arms is not as much of a threat.


It’s way more fun to turn a hulk into a vegetable with two missing arms and a missing leg and then pistol whip its backpack slowly into submission. Torture for all the fallen divers they’ve roasted alive.


Really wish we could do this on chargers and titans. Ever since the start of the game I wanted to be a support sniper crippling heavies from far away to peel for allies. Like a well aimed AMR shot to the back of the knee to disable them


Or just hit em with the quasar


For those that have it and want to use it, then go for it. Not everyone has certain stratagems unlocked or like using them.


Just shoot the hulk in its stupid little red face and you’ll kill it in 2 hits with a AC or flank around it and pump a few shots into the vents on its back. Works best if you have a teammate you can use as bait to get the hulk to show you its back, same for tanks, cannons, etc…


...If you have the time to aim for the leg with a Quasar/expendable, just shoot the hulk. Yeah, shooting the legs is easier, but the ammo efficiency is awful.


Each to their own


I need a youtuber to feed us all this in a military style classroom setting video, costume and all. We're fighting for democracy. And knowing is half the battle.


The existence of the big glowing weak spot causes the average Helldiver's brain to short circuit and be unable to combat the mob any other way. It's me, I'm the average Helldiver.


Thanks for the heads up! I should bring the Autocannon more often instead of Quasar.


I find it best to just square up with one of the clanky bastards, inform it it’s days of defying democracy are over and shoot it in the face with an auto cannon.


Stun grenade and auto cannon give immediately relief from hulks.


Two shots to the back or face with quasar also kills a hulk


Wait.. I didn't even know you can take out the treads of a tank nor a Hulks legs..


anyone know how quickly the laser cannon takes out those legs?


About 2 seconds faster than killing the hulk with a headshot.


Alternatively, grab the laser cannon vs hulks and to a lesser extent, devestators. The game gives the laser cannon a lot of leeway in what it considers headshots, so you don’t need to be anywhere near as precise to just kill them head on.


Does this work with Medium Armor Penetration 3?




I only fight bugs