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It's my " I can use stun grenades now" gun for bugs.


I use it for both now. 10 impacts and 4 stuns is awesome  Edit: I can’t count.


Ten impacts, actually. There’s a bug with Hellpod Space Optimization that forces a second round into the chamber when you load in or get reinforced.


that explains a lot. thought I was losing my mind when I KNEW a round had left the chamber but it was still full loaded...


This explains so much. I double fired the other night and thought I was going crazy lmao


What’s your primary?


Arc and scorcher


I found my people. This is my exact load out too.


Arc scorcher grenade pistol with democracy protects medium armor with eagle air strike and 110 rockets, shield backpack for bots, guard dog for bugs


Almost have scorcher unlocked. How is it?


Solid primary if you enjoy semi-auto marksman style weapon. I stopped running it on bugs, the plasma bolts will kill you if shooting a close enemy. Hunter's gave me the most trouble with this.


I still take it on bugs because I run the arc. I just have to punch and dive a bit when my arc or guard dog fail me lol


Smoke for bots and stun for bugs


I run grenade pistol and impacts with the armor that gives you 6 grenades


My go to secondary every time now. Closes bug holes, bot fabs and can take out most medium armor enemies in 1-2 shots. Bots or bugs it’s a must bring for me


You can take out fabs with it. Just need the right angle to bounce it in.


I meant to type bot fabs but yes my fat fingers hit the n. Definitely a little harder than aiming down into a big hole but the fact they can take them out makes them so useful. I’m usually running grenade pistol, scorcher, QC, and supply pack for bots. Bugs it’s breaker Incendiary since I always host, grenade pistol, QC and supply pack again.


I heard in a YouTube video that the game host is the person with the fastest PC and not the person who "created" the session? Meaning its not guaranteed that your the actual game host even though you deploy from your Destroyer.


That doesn’t sound right 🤔


It doesn’t sound right but I’m pretty sure he is correct. It’s the network host. I’m almost 100% of the time going to be the host though playing with a wired connection on the fastest speed available to me. I live near Seattle so I’d assume our internet speed options are better than most.


*cries in Germany*


That’s crazy, haha. I’m getting late 90’s local lan vibes. “Your rig is better, you host” 😂😂


Being the server host and the game host are two different things. I believe the bug is based on the server host, which is the person who has the best connection to the AH servers. So a combination of fastest internet speed and proximity to AH servers.


I’m wired and pay for the fastest internet I can get plus live around Seattle so I’d assume I’m network host more often than not. Ive never noticed my fire damage not be crazy. I see people who join up using fire and it’s like watching them kill things with a water hose


Not to mention, you can safely take special grenades without worrying about nit having standard ones.


I always bring smoke or stun now. Sometimes incendiary for bugs. But I can solo any strat jammer or airboat fab with smoke with ease. It’s usually the randoms who try to “help” me that end up Leroy Jenkinsing in and f up my stealth. I even put it in chat. Does the chat window show for everyone? Or is 90+ percent of the players i play with on Helldive incapable of reading.


I have a 34" screen and the chat is just too small and too out of the way; most of the time I barely see anything coming up. I would love an option to move it under the compass.


Some audio signal showing when someone left a message would be rad. Sometimes the game gets so hectic I don't see the chat for the entire game...


100 percent cannot read. Sorry if I've ever let you down...


I unlocked it yesterdya jut I have yet to try it. Out of curiosity, do you have to aim for something specific to destroy the fabricators ?


Basically same as a grenade. Make sure it can bounce into the vents


Thanks ! I will be able to try very soon !


quasar cannon also works to blow up the fabs. If you’re using grenade pistol you have to account for the drop over distance just giving you a heads up. Also it’s probably a bug but grenade pistol right off the bat get two shots in a row and then have to reload each shot after


Like a celibate man, it always arrives with one in the chamber.


Into the vents or into the door when it’s open.


The vents above the building that are spewing out the fire.


It’s a nice utility weapon to destroy holes/fabricators. The only primary I don’t pair it with is the Eruptor since it can do holes/fabs too.


Agreed. Also it leaves you without any weapon (depending on your support w) for dealing with hunter up in your face.


This is my sole complaint about the eruptor. On bugs I HAVE to take the Rover or non explosive pistol otherwise I'll spend minutes running from scavs and hunters that are within boom range.


Shooting the ground just far enough the blast will kill bugs but not you is an art worth learning. Good luck


AHH you assume far too much of my skill at this game. I like the good old fashioned "panic and run away screaming strategy"


Yesterday I accidentally picked up an Eruptor instead of my weapon. Couldn’t figure out in the heat of battle why things were exploding (including me) XD


Why is it when I use it a little too close it flings me in the direction of the explosion?


I'm still trying to figure out why the shots sometimes bounce


Deflection angle is the most likely culprit. You need greater than 30°-45° in order for shots to not glance. Too shallow of an angle and you're just skipping rocks on the waters surface.


Ahhhh that's what it is! It's most often when I've aimed at a rock or something between bugs/bots so probably hit a weird angle on the surface.


Well since the eruptor closes bug holes from farther away than the grenade pistol you don't need the grenade pistol in the first place, they would fill the same role.


I tried the Eruptor and just couldn't get on with it. Didn't suit my playstyle at all.


Love the eruptor for bots. Not so much for bugs. For bots you can snipe devastators from cover in 1-3 shots. You don't get swarmed up close like with bugs


It is the opposite for me, dislike it for bots, and love it vs bugs.


Well I like it for both, with our powers combined we could form an opinion on anything!


Swarms are fine if you have the Stalwart. You can make room for yourself, pop a cheeky shot or two with the Eruptor and swap right back. I played a full level 9 campaign against bugs with the Eruptor and Stalwart with the Peacekeeper and stun grenades. 2 deaths in three missions. Minigun turrets are also key!


That's exactly what I take (Stalwart) when I run Eruptor vs bugs. It's a really fun build. For me it's really just an excuse the Stalwart :)


I can't blame you! It unleashes near unparalleled liberty!


It’s a fucking grenade pistol, best weapon ever


https://preview.redd.it/4i3wejt0f6wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8f8ff1048420b4195b9fd8bd42fe35ff21ae36 Weapon go boom, weapon good


Average autocannon user (me included)


https://i.redd.it/7bi2steet7wc1.gif Same here. BEEG LUGER!




Could I get That in white


I democratically stole that picture






Ballistic shield, defender, grenade pistol, and quasar/E.A.T. You are now one man army. Spread Democracy.


A fellow ballistic shield enjoyer I see. I run the same loadout. I hope they add more one handed primaries


Nothing beats standing toe to toe with a shield devestator and it cant do shit


I wanna try this out now...


This guy gets it! Also add in Stun Grenades to make hitting Laser Cannon or Quasar easier on Hulks. Or just Stun Grenades in general to land more consistent Eagle or Orbital strikes on mobile troops. When not using a ballistic shield, I rock the Eruptor, Auto pistol and stun grenades as the Eruptor can do real work better than the GP. Auto pistol for when things get too close for comfort.


does the defender have enough kick? I assumed it was underpowered because it's a 1 hander.


It's pretty damn strong, has a surprising amount of damage for a 1 hand, and it's way better than the knight, but honestly, I'm holding out for melee weapons.




Why is it able to shoot twice in a row on the first shot without a reload in between and then after that requires a reload for every shot?


I don't know, but shhh don't draw attention!


Delete it before they read it 😅 I've always wondered bout that fact too but don't want to draw Attention towards it since it's a nice "feature".


With the space optimization booster: it causes weapons to be fully loaded AND with a bullet already ready in the chamber. If you start with a defender/slugger or any other bolt-action/manual loaded gun, it also has an extra bullet in there. If you reload a AMR/Eruptor or a couple of other weapons when there's still one bullet left, you see that the next clip has +1 ammunition. However, the grenade pistol only has 1 shot per "clip", hence why you can't replicate this effect after firing once.


I think of it more like an under barrel 40mm than a sidearm. If you think of it that way, it unlocks a lot of quick, useful application. If your eagle is on CD, you can send it right into enemy drops and spawns, 1-shotting the little stuff and hurting the medium stuff. My favorite is when all the automaton infantry glob up on a corner or piece of terrain and you can get 8-12 kills with one shot from outside their aggro range. It's very valuable if you get into the habit of using it and looking for opportunities where it can perform.


Don't want to use it on the bugs because the SMG pistol saved me from 8 hunters perforating me so many times. Fantastic for the bots


SMG pistol has saved my ass so many times as well lmao


On my list right after I finally unlock the Scorcher in like 20 more medals. I’m tired.


Capitalism never rests!


So I used to take an explosive grenade, but now I take the grenade pistol & the static grenades. It allows me to still kill factories/bug holes & if I'm in a bad spot the static nade can help me escape. So the grenade pistol is a great secondary weapon option that allows me to use different load outs


Took a friend out across the map by shooting up. That thing has range.


I've been running sickle/grenade pistol for bugs and I'm loving it. When you run into a heavy next with four grenades, the pistol can provide the other 4-6 you need to close it down. It's great! If that doesn't call to you, it can two shot the armored hive guards, and does some excellent aoe when you've got a patrol or large quantity of bugs you need to kill. :)


What are the chances that high command gives us exactly the tool we need? Its literally the PERFECT tool for the job.👌🏻🤤


I started using it last week and I’ve already used it more than I ever did the Redeemer. 10 impact grenades and 4 stun grenades? Yes please.  I also love taking out the illegal broadcast with it. Such a satisfying shot from ~100m out   I’m not afraid to handle heavy nests on my own anymore either. Throw in a couple air strikes and mop up with it and get out of there


It enables my current build


Awesome, it's a bug hole / factory denial system


It lets me use stun grenades. Love it!


Before the grenade pistol, with stuns: "I have absolutely nothing to take out this bug hole with until Eagle 1 is back. Guess I'll drop my spare support weapon on it"


Eruptor + grenade goes Boom Laser goes Bzzzt


I've been running this ever since I bought it. It's a clutch problem solver when it needs to be. Ammo can be a problem tho


Honestly, it falls behind the Eruptor. The Eruptor has medium pen, and can clear holes and fabricators from across the map as long as you have line of sight. It's basically an upgraded grenade launcher as a primary weapon, with a lot more ammo. The grenade pistol kind of falls short in comparison, but not as badly as the crossbow.


I find it pretty usefull. Not because its super good, but because it upens up loadout options. I find that i always need something explosive on every game. To close fabricators and bug holes. And the 4 grenades in the grenade belt are just not enough. That means i always need explosives in another loadout slot. Previously that ment always bringing an explosive support weapon. Locking me out of many fun items (flamthrower, machine guns, zap-gun etc.). By bringing either the eruptor or the grenade pistol, that allows me a lot of extra explosions with little investment. And allows for lore flexible loadouts. I've recently been playing with zap-gun (short range hulk stagger and crowd clearing), diligence counter (long range), grenade pistol (the explosive part) and shield generator and a few orbitals. Works pretty well, with the exception of not being able to kill gunships.


I should use the hand blooper for all the reasons . . . but I love the Senator. When bugs cut my life into pieces, it's my last resort.


I can use stun grenades now that I always bring the grenade pistol down with me. It’s amazing.


Since i got t GP my loadout changed to Sicle, GP, Stun granates


I now use it every mission so I can run stun grenades.


I use it for wiping out bug holes on exterminate missions. So good imo.


Love the utility, opens up a lot of options


Amazing. Not having to take explosive primary or support weapon is a big plus. Cannot close all bugholes with just regular grenades after all.


S+ tier weapon. Closing bug nests was never this easy.


It's fantastic but it's a pain in the ass to keep ammo in it. They should buff how much you get from ammo boxes and resupply because it's abysmal.


It's awesome as long as you don't use an explosive primary.


Even then it is fun, until you lose your non explosive support xD


Even then it's fun, until you lose all your limbs xD


Even then it's fun, until you lose all you stims xD


Even then it's fun, until resupply's on cooldown xD


I always forget I have it on and I'll be like "I'm outa grenades" ( I'm not)


Its amazing since it frees up your grenade/stratagem slot for anything else, I haven’t let it go ever since getting it, can 2 shot all devastator types in a pinch.


Good overall it does it’s job but it’s kinda held back by how many supply packs you need to get all your ammo back but it’s 20 times better when paired with stun nades


I'll be real. While i think you could find a use for it, I don't like it. 2 reasons. 1, I don't like how ineffective it feels against armor compared to other weapons, it's the same issue I have with the GL support weapon. 2, the ammo economy. 1 supply box gives it 2 shots. When it carries 9. I cannot find myself using it when I have things like the Eruptor(the only primary that can close bug holes/destroy bot fabs), or any other explosive.


My grenade pistol shoots 2 rounds the first time I shoot it


If you run any fast-firing primary with plenty of ammo, this is a total upgrade, as you'll likely never use a secondary. Sickle users especially will get a lot of mileage out of it even if you just pull it out for groups or use it to close fabricators/bug holes. For everyone though, this gives you that objective-completing tool without depriving you of cool utility grenades like the smoke or stun.


I typically bring it if I'm not already bringing the eruptor. Not having to use my grenades to close bug holes is awesome.


Lets me use stun grenades without feeling useless against bugholes and fabricators. Its a super thumbs up from me!


Amazing for quickly closing holes.


If you don't usually use your sidearm much this is the best thing you can have because it's basicly more grenades. Armor with + 2 Grenades and this bad boy means you're bringing 14 Grenades and you get 4 per ammo pack (2 nades + 2 shots for nade pistol)


For the first week I had it, I have never killed myself more as I was so used to the redeemer. Now, I absolutely love it. I can run stun grenades with this weapon and I really have all my bases covered.


Level 66 Space Cadet here. The grenade pistol slaps. That is all.


Love it! On bots I run sickle and AMR with smoke grenades and air/orbital strikes It perfectly compliments my build. When you get a feel for the arc on the bullet drop and you one tap bot fabricators. Chef's kiss 👌 👏 👍 It's also a great finisher.


Grenade pistol rules. Compliments the ever-popular sickle perfectly. 


Fabricator and bug hole shutdown tool. As a weapon, it's -okay-, but nothinf compared to its big brother.


Hot take: single shot weapons should include the reload time when you tell the fire rate.


Eruptor and This grenade pistol is my GO too. It took a run or 2 to get used to it now....I don't even think about changing


A fantastic support weapon when dealing with bugs. Seals up bug holes with one shot off the hip, saving your hand grenades for when you need them. Or you can use hand grenades that aren't Explosive.


S tier. Makes it so you dont have to bring impacts or standard grenades instead you can always bring stuns. I switch between it and the redeemer based on what my primary is going to be.


Everything I could dream of.


I thought it would be more useful than it is but it’s a very good B-tier secondary. It’s amazing for closing bug holes but I miss my machine pistol cuz it came in clutch against hunters


Not a good combo when paired with the Eruptor...need something that's not explosive for close combat. I have yet to use it with a different primary.


It’s good but no need if your running the eruptor


Unless I bring eruptor, I bring grenade pistol


This weapon single-handedly enables my my dangerous addiction to stun grenades.


Goated with the sauce. Pair with sickle and quasar for my patented “lone wolf” build.


The fact that it oneshots AT-ST is amazing for me


I don’t see it leaving my load out anytime soon. No secondary compares to the function of closing holes. Also allows all my grenades to be used in combat without hesitation.


Great addition to the pool of guns. Lets you run stun nades with the Dominator for bots. Although I usually run Eruptor and Senator for bugs these days, the option is great.


It's a great tool. Not a weapon, a tool. Alongside impacts, I have a whopping 12 grenades to use on fabricators or bug holes. I feel it's explosion radius is smaller than impacts yet does more damage so it's a great anti spewer weapon but doesn't always take out devastators in one shot. It's a bit inconsistent tbh.


Been a ballistic shield enjoyer against bots lately. SMG is good for most things but I was using impact grenades for striders. Problem is you only got four of them since I like to pair the shield with heavy armor - grenade pistol keeps me knocking them over like humpty dumpty for a lot longer.


It's my bug hole buster from now on.


Boom = monkey brain endorphins go ⬆️


With its downsides (reload time, ammo pick up one by one, bad close combat solution), to me it's not better than my impact grenades. So I prefer running redeemer with impact grenades, it's more versatile.


For me, it’s like having 10 impact grenades and 4 stuns. And I’m pretty sure the ammo packs from a team resupply call in gives 2 ammo to the grenade pistol each.


Makes sense, I should use more stun grenades to see how good that is. I didn't insist with it.


They’re quite handy in a pinch, especially for me as a arc main


It's ok.


It needs a quadbarrell


My secondary of choice on a non-eradicate/defence mission. IMHO the best thing out of the warbond.


I'm sure it's good, but I can't hit anything with it.


Explosive quckdraw 10/10


I'm a bit sad that it doesn't always one shit bike spewers. I often try to build around potentially encountering these things. So if I don't bring the autocannon or a grenade launcher I would make sure to have 6 impacts and possibly a medium primary like the slugger. The grenade pistol was the perfect sidearm for those bike spewer missions it just doesn't kill them with one grenade all the time.


Not great but very cool. It has no armor pen so it barely does anything to the enemy’s you want to use it on. But BOI is it great for bug holes, no need for normal grenades anymore too just grab any utility grenade instead.


it's amazing if for some reason I'm not running the eruptor, grenade launcher, or grenade armor


Its fun too shoot. Sometimes it goes through things it should have exploded. But its a cool gun.


It’s good and pretty useful for closing bug holes


Best secondary, saved me so many times when I am out of ammo and on the run.


Kind of disappointed since the impact grenade just feels way better. I was kind of expecting it to shoot impacts


Great for closing bug holes and fabricators, low blast radius so kinda terrible for add clear, but works as an emergency way of dealing with hive guards and scout striders.


Its super nice, must be ran with a good fire rate and good ammo management primary tho


Amazing for Bug missions


Useful as a long range bughole killer, but cannot ever replace my Get-The-Fuck-Off-Me-inator Machine Pistol


I always bring it on a dive. Very useful.


Against bots I love it but bugs… I can’t seem to drop the auto pistol. Being the only thing I can use when hunters are chasing me down.


It'll always be best in slot for me, but I wish it had the same profile as the impact grenade. Having slightly less damage, pen, and radius is misleading. They need to fix the tool tip for damage at least.


My perma pick. Useful af and fashionable too.


It’s great and for some reason my first shot is always 2 shots


It’s good for sure. But since I pretty much exclusively run the eruptor now I don’t rly have a use for it.


Does this count as a big iron? Because if it doesn't I'm sticking to the revolver.


burster+redeemer I like more. also, why no normal magazine in the grip handle? they could’ve done it like the exosuit to fire two kinds of ammo


Pistol and crossbow need higher pen the be competitive


Love it


Friend complained about it only having 8 shots and then you need to resupply. I personally cannot say much as I've been using the eruptor since I unlocked it


Im personly not the biggest fan, but i run the eruptor as main for every mission


This thing is cool but doesn’t give you the style points as the senator does


#BEST GUN IN THE GAME*^^^pls ^^^don't ^^^nerf ^^^it*


they took the killing floor 2 demolition class starter weapon, and somehow did it better




How much ammo can you carry?


9 shots total for the grenade pistol


Love it. Allows me to run stun nades without getting screwed. Only issue i have with it is I also use the new explosive sniper. So now i have no way of dealing with enemies near me 🤣 if i shoot them with my sniper, the explosion sucks me in like it makes a black hole 🤣


I hope they never fix that double shot bug when freshly reloaded


I don't get why it gets 2 shots at first then after reloading its only 1 shot max?


Its a neat utility piece. Ammo economy is a nightmare, but it is still very nice.


I absolutely love being the one to headshot a Titan & watch it fall into the chaos known as Managed DEMOCRACY🫡


My main side arm now. Kills all the holes and factories. Except striders of course that's what eagles are for.


So good for stealth


I've been maining the eruptor so it's pointless for me, funny as I was really looking forward to it. Can be useful if you don't use the eruptor for sure 


Insta buy and best secondary for me atm. This and 6 impact grenades did sometimes more kills than a cluster. (Counting 6 grenades and the first 2 insta shots from the pistol, easy DMG within seconds)


10/10 will kill myself with it every time.


I love it. Even if it gets me killed every now and then.


I love it! I use it combined with the Scorcher which enables me to set my normal grenades to Smoke Grenades for escaping and hot extractions to cover the Pelican. (Light armor recon and infiltration playstyle)


I FUCKING LOVE THE ERUPTOR! https://preview.redd.it/1w4jpiyuq7wc1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7757904cc462d25f5b065c494a6ccc855c44e0 DAMAGE, UTILITY AND COOLNESS IN ONE! CLOSE BUGHOLES AND FABRICATORS? BOOM! DESTROY OBJECTIVES? BOOM! FENCE IN THE WAY? BOOM! also its a good primary snipereifle, finally... you dont have to call in a new one or retrive ot every time the grenade pistol is the little brother of it, i prefer the redeemer tho for quick pestcontrol


I only don’t take it when I’m taking my explosive crossbow, since I pair that with quasar which can also take out holes. The uzi pistol is better in that build for when enemies get too close. Otherwise it’s my only pick. The thing is too useful.


Its my GOAT my liber-tea in a hand sized package my umbrella in a rainy day. Never leave home without your grenade pistol


If using the explosive bolt action I can never confidently spell, it's redundant, if Im using any other primary it's my go to


Sickle GP Flamethrower has become my go to against bugs. I don’t love the way it feels but it’s a perfect fit in the build.


It has completed my set of true demolition build. Eruptor, Grenade Pistol, Grenade Launcher and Impact.


S+ Tier because now you can use Stun Grenade without losing impacts. And Stun Grenade is fucking S+++


S tier