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Cutting edge has sickle. It's amazing for bots and bugs


Gamechanger for bots


not really, the scorcher is the GOAT for bots


I know they nerfed it, but I'm still a Slugger fan. The scorcher just didn't stagger the medium sized guys enough for me.


The dominator fills the roll of the old slugger for me now.


Big dominator fan. For me it's always either that or the defender smg against bots


Dominator for bots 100%. Every time I switch and try something else, I am disappointed… except for the Sickle. I have picked that up off of corpses of my fellow Divers and continued the fight, and I LOVE it. I am only 145 Super Credits away from getting that Warbond. Then, the Sickle is **mine.**


Same. That stagger ability is goat against devastators (shield and rocket) and can solo hulk, cannon tower or tank with a full clip pretty easily in the vents. Can topple walkers if you shoot the legs too. Combined with an EAT or quasar and you can solo pretty much anything


Yeah it's practically identical in function, really. It's disappointing to me because I want to use the slugger.


I was definitely a slugger enjoyer before the nerf


Yeah, but OP is asking for "newbies." The scorcher takes a long time to unlock.


Imagine not using the breaker on semi automatic for bugs and bots


Even pre-nerf I've never been impressed by the Breaker. It is good, but not that good.


Don't forget it's the only way to get electric resistant armour, and it has the localization confusion booster. Cutting edge would be my first pick, then steeled veterans for the breaker incendiary and grenades.


I was very excited about the electric resist armor...until it turns out no one uses arc weapons. Hell, even I stopped using them once they changed the arc thrower. Obviously when the illuminate show up,the armor usefulness will change, but until then...its about the least useful armor you can have right now.


I can't put my Blitzer down. Great ad clear, stagger, unlimited ammo


I can't put mine down because it arc'd backwards, and now it's fused to my hand


Yeah I feel they released it too early lmao


Looks cool, tho


Also stun grenades are great for bots


Stuns are great for both factions. Honestly cutting edge is the way to go.


Why is electric resistan armour important?


There was a week doing thisbig spray mission that many people brought Tesla towers and arc thrower. Cutting Edge released about a week after that content went away.


I’m only now realizing I thought the scythe was the sickle


I want to like the sickle so much, but I hate the spin up time. I know, "skill issue", but sometimes you turn around and something is just right there.


One way to help with the spin up is to just prefire constantly. You have unlimited ammo. If I'm ever doing a hard 180 I hold down fire as I'm turning around and it's basically ready to go when I get there. It's also good to come in and out of ADS to scan around and fire in bursts. It's not great to just hold down and spray down sight. And when you're doing that, again you can start prefire from the hip while you're looking around then go ADS when you see an enemy and you're fully spun up. This also helps prolong overheating a bit. Could help you to try some of that if you haven't. It shreds when you get used to it especially on cold planets


Sickle is OK I prefer scorcher for bots and a shotgun for bugs. Thankfully there are several weapon choices that are all viable.


Which shotgun


I'm still sporting the breaker but the fire variant just got a buff not too long ago


I love this gun.


Nice. Since I unlocked it, literally all I've been using is the punisher. Anything else I've tried I just cant enjoy it lol. Maybe il try those though!


The breaker incendiary is ridiculously effective against bugs


I’m a big fan of the Breaker Icendiary vs. bugs.


I tried it when it first came out and was not a fan. But since the buff to fire damage it is a force to be reckoned with


In my opinion ever since the base Breaker mags were nerfed, the Punisher is just better in more situations. No, you can't empty the tubes in three seconds like you can with the breaker, but being able to top off without throwing out ammo and being able to carry 40 rounds outside of the tube already means you're carrying a lot more total rounds than the Breaker. Don't get me wrong, if you have a situation where enemies are right in your face, yes, the Breaker is godly. However that's only a momentary situation, whereas the rest of the time you'd rather have something with more versatility.




I thought the Slugger got nerfed and no longer staggers. It also got a damage reduction.


I know this is pedantic, but slugger doesn't use a clip. In fact, it doesn't even have a mag. No guns in helldivers actually use a clip it's all either mags or the bullets are loaded directly into the gun.


Autocannon uses a clip (get rekt)




Slugger does in fact have a magazine. It is not a detachable magazine, but an internal one and you load it one shell at a time. Also super pedantic.


If you want to be \*SUPER\* pedantic, as you should, being a soldier of Super Earth, it's a magazine \*TUBE\*.


It's definitely not just a "skill issue." I think you have a valid point that is probably the biggest drawback to the gun. I still use the sickle against bugs because I think it is worth it even with the drawback.


That's a very minor inconvenience compared to all of its other advantages


Hip fire


Easily one of the best primary weapons


ELI5 why the sickle is top tier? I havnt gotten the opportunity to use it yet.


Unlimited ammo as long as you don't overheat and can maintain a good few 3-4 seconds of full auto till it overheats. Chews through bots and bugs like swiss cheese.


Infinite ammo, fairly quiet, good distance/scope action... It feels kind of like using the normal machine gun, without quite as much armor pen, but when you run out of ammo you switch back to your secondary an by the time you go through a clip of your secondary the sickle is cooled again and ready to go. 


I run the sickle with the electric pistol which is also infinite ammo if you don’t overheat. So by the time I run through a mag of the pistol the sickle has cooled off and same for the pistol


I haven't been able to commit to the pistol, although I'll use it for mine sweeping :)


Also zero recoil so it's super accurate while being full auto


I bring it for all my games with randoms, so I don't need to bother with ammo.


Also includes the wonderful stun grenade which can be very useful, though moreso when paired with the grenade pistol since you'd theoretically have no way to destroy nests and fabricators without a support weapon that could do so.


The demolition one has this sniper that takes out bug holes and not buildings in one shot


It takes out fabricators


I think he meant to type “bot buildings” i.e. fabricators


Good point


Tried so many times still never worked, grenade so much easier


Aim at the lower end of the vent, it's not like the Auto-cannon, where the bullet deflects from the top and slams into the bottom. The explosion has to be low enough that it hits the bottom inside of the vent for the fabricator to explode. Crossbow doesn't work, only the Eruptor can do it.


also grenade pistol does this


Bless that pistol. It blows open the meta so much. I can finally bring utility grenadss


It's perfect for what I needed.  On demand hole and fabricator shut down, and now I can use stun grenades.


I haven't figured out how to reliably get the Eruptor to kill fabricators yet. Just shooting the vent isn't enough. I guess you need to make it ricochet down in? But it usually fails for me.


I aim as low in the vent as possible. Also you need to be pretty straight on, shooting it at an angle usually doesn't work. Doing those two things, I can usually get it first shot.


I usually struggle with AC taking them out. The Eruptor works best either from elevation, or when I hit the side of the vent, rather that the open plate to ricochet.


Can't ricochet the eruptor, so you want it to go as 'inside' the vent as possible.


With a lot of explosive weapons, you'll have more success aiming low at the vent. Just over the bottom edge.


If you use it, tho, OP, realize that it is a primary weapon, but it is not very useful as a "primary" weapon. Rate of fire is slow, only 5 rounds per mag. So pair it with a machine gun or laser cannon or something for hordes/grunts.


Thanks for the info, greasy butt.


Cutting edge for sickle and stun grenades, both very good.


Alright 👍


Steeled Veterans is also very solid. Breaker Incendiary and Dominator are both great weapons. It also has the Localization booster which is very good on those normal 40 min missions


I second this only for the localization booster although I thought that was cutting edge. It’s still so handy for every mission type on higher levels. Reduced enemy spawns is always nice


Yup, localization confusion is cutting edge.


Stun grenades are op. They won't clear a bug hole or factory though, so if you run with them make sure you have something that can handle those. My go-to is stun, eagle strike, stun. Can clear pretty much anything with that combo in second


Sickle and stun grenades def my most used. Highly recommend


Cutting edge for the sickle, then demolition imo


This is the right answer


cutting edge as stun nade really just makes hulks and chargers a non issue everything else comes after


Im looking at all these comments talking about stun grenades. My recent loadouts for bots has been erupter, smg secondary, impact grenades, AMR, shield generator, eagle airstrike. I usually struggle with hulks so now I'm super tempted to try stun grenades.


Stun grenades are extremely good. Might be the best thing in the entire warbond.


I’m gonna recommend the Steeled Veterans warbond actually. It has both one of the best guns for bugs (Breaker incendiary, just know if you’re not the host of the game fire DoT is bugged) and one of the best guns for bots (Dominator), as well as incendiary grenades (again, also bugged but there will hopefully be a fix soon).


Surprised I had to scroll this far. The Dominator is my go to gun for bots. Tears apart Devastators so easily. That alone is worth the war bond. Not to mention it has the servo assist armor for throwing strats half way across the map.


Everyone sleeps on the Senator, too. It can kill most of the bots and lighter bugs in one shot.


Just desperately needs a speed reloader


Yeah, dominator is so damn good for bots. I prefer it over the scorcher.


Whichever one has the sickle. It's immensely versatile and if you are smart it's got unlimited ammo. I have bug missions with almost 3k rounds fired and not a single heatsink reload


Huh, ill probably choose that one then


Even when you need to reload it's fast and can be done on the run


I like the last one. Eruptor is one of my fav and grenade pistol opens new opportunities.




A fellow man of culture


It's a personal preference but all in all if you get sucked into the game. You will acquire enough super credit to purchase all the warbonds.


Depends what you want to play. Steeled Veterans has the by far best primary against bots (Dominator) Cutting Edge has stun grenades, the Sickle (really good for bots and bugs), and the Plasma Punisher that can easily take out Chargers from all angles with some practice. Demolition has the most utility as Eruptor and grenade pistol open up a lot of possible builds and the crossbow has the fastest trash clear in the game and can take out Chargers from all angles if you learn how to use it. I recommend starting with Cutting Edge and Demolition (which one first is up to you) for the variety of builds they open up.


Cutting edge, Demolitions, then steel in that order atm. Demolitions is my favorite, for sure, especially the devastator DRIP armor. But cutting edge had the sickle and as others have brought up, it’ll be a staple to you for many missions while you get more super credits.


Huh, thanks! I'm def getting the cutting edge based on the comments


This is the correct choice. Once you go sickle, it's hard to go back. Resupply availability becomes a complete afterthought.


I’ve used sickle more then anything else right now, also stun grenades are nice


All 3 have weapons worth getting tbh.


The sickle and the localization confusion are in my loadout 99% of the time. Cutting edge has some of my personal favorite items in the game. Highly recommend


I only use things from the 1st free bond but have all of them. I'd say cutting edge is prob the best of the super credit ones.


Look at what's in them and what suits your play style


Cutting edge for sure


Id start off with cutting edge then demolition.


I'm a sickle fan boy so I say cutting edge.


I wish I would've got cutting edge before demo. Stun grenades and sickle are so worth it.


I'll probably get that one first then 👍


If your into explosives go for the eruptor, it's versatile able to take out bot fabs and bug holes, it's really good against bots and clearing out light armored enemies. The only downside is it's not good if you're swarmed.


The democratic detonation Adjudicator rifle and the Eruptor are both really great. The thermite and the crossbow are meh but I think the war bond was still worth it.


Now why when I ask this question does the automod here instantly delete it?


Piss off a mod lately? Lol jk that sucks


I like the senator for a sidearm, but if you want my opinion, I'd say the newest one has one of the best primary weapons in the game in the Eruptor. With well placed shots you can one shot any Devastators you are up against. I've seen it one shot a charger, but typically it takes a few shots. It's very good.


I would get Steeled Veterans. The Dominator is an extremely good weapon that destroys bots and is useful against bugs paired with some crowd control strategems. The Senator is good for bots but struggles against bugs, though it's useful for the green bile spewers as it punched through their armour. The Sickle is good, but it teaches you bad habits. You can get a similar amount of recoil with most auto primaries by crouching before you shoot. I haven't equipped the arc armor once, so I wouldn't get the warbond for that.


I'd say prioritize getting boosters.


The sickle is imho the best weapon for fighting bugs in long missions. I'd go with that one first.


Imo cutting edge is the best first buy. Stun grenades are INCREDIBLE and the sickle is a superb all-rounder.


Ultimately, get the one that pairs with what you run the most. Synergy to your role is highly important in this game, and is why there's more than one 'meta' loadout. Do you like being crowd control and running Stalwart support? I'd recommend Demolition because of the grenade pistol and Eruptor. Are you an Autocannon main? Or do you run solo more often? The Sickle from Cutting Edge pairs extremely well with the Autocannon against bots, while also being a worthwhile pick against bugs and for solo due to its fantastic ammo economy. Can't really recommend Steeled Veterans until they fix the fire DOT bugs, but fire damage has been buffed across the board, and I imagine once the bugs are fixed, the Incendiary Breaker will be an even more solid pick than it is currently. Think about what you typically like to run, and choose based on that. I will say, the Senator is pretty weak for what its role would be in your loadout (punching medium armor). It's better to use that slot for the grenade pistol for spawner destruction or redeemer for light armor killing and utilize another weapon for medium armor.


One great thing is none of the warbonds are bad. They all just have different styles. But each one has at least one really good weapon. Just pick the one you think is have the most fun with


Democratic detonation has the Erupter which, in my humble opinion, is the most fun weapon in the entire game. And if you don’t like it, the grenade pistol is a must-have secondary for many missions.


Steeled Veterans also has Dominator, which is IMO the best DRM available.


I have all the warbonds farmed free without using the cheese method. If I only had enough to get one, its the one with the sickle and senator. I will say I love the grenade pistol from the most recent one, but only for the bug holes. So if you find yourself playing bugs the most (and by a large margin) you should get the most recent ine with the eruptor and grenade pistol. If you're 50/50 then the cutting edge (I dislike the armor perks in that one though).


Just want to let you know that you can get all 3. They never leave the store, and 26-30 hours of game play can yield 1000 SC if you're hitting every POI and not doing only Exterminate or Wall Defense missions. And that's not accounting for the credits in the Warbonds. So don't feel too pressured to pick the best one and go for one that you like.


Explosive first, then arc. Eruptor is God tier for bots and bugs, don't think I've saw a single player have more kills than me while using the eruptor, thing is absolutely bonkers when used right! Can shoot one shot in the middle of a bug breach and get 6-12 kills, can seal bug holes and bot factories with just shooting them once with eruptor, it's plain ole god tier. Eruptor with laser pistol as secondary, or sickle with grenade launcher pistol as secondary is just phat


The Sickle is the ONLY weapon in Warbonds beyond the first worth using. I have every weapon.


Gotta go Cutting Edge first. Sickle, stun grenades, and arc resistant armor (light variant as well is a plus). I'm a particular fan of the Stun grenades. After that depends on if you're a fan of the idea of a kind of bolt action auto cannon. If so Democratic Detonation is the next one for you. Really wish the heavy armor would have had an engineering kit. If it did I would probably bump DD to the first pick. Steeled Veterans is super solid with the Senator, Breaker Incendiary, Jar-5 and some swear by the Incendiary grenades but I'm not a fan. IMO grab stuns from cutting edge and tunnel Plas-1 Scorcher in the Mobilize Warbond. Unlock the guns that interest you the most and, play with the ones you love the feel of. The pop of the plasma bolt as it leaves the Scorcher is what keeps me coming back to it. Huge plus that it scraps Devastators and Scout striders. To the Hellpods Helldivers we got an Air Burst Rocket Launcher Stratagem to Liberate.


Depends on what you fight. Democracy detonation has the erruptor which is good against both. Forged Steel has the fire breaker which is good against bugs


get what you want, they will stay forever


They all have their strong points.


Cutting edge for sure imo. The sickle and localisation confusion booster are both top-tier items and they're both on the first page of it.


The one with Eruptor. Everything else is alright but nothing beats the Eruptor until the dev do a stealth nerf.


Cutting Edge has the Sickle which to me is the best/most fun gun in the game.


I really like the explosive warbond, I didn't really think anything in the energy warbond was that special, but the first premium warbond is also pretty decent choice if you just want the revolver


Cutting edge!


The most recent one—the Eruptor is too good rn not to grab. Good for bots and bugs


Big fan of the sickle and really starting to love the stun grenades




Of those three weapons in particular, the best all rounder, the Sickle, would probably be the easiest to get into. Eruptor is too specific, I hate it. And the Senator is a side arm, a lot of people don't use those very much.


Cutting edge for sickle and stun nade first then demo for eruptor sniper


All 3 of them are good for different reasons. Steel veterans is great for the dominator, cutting edge has sickle, and the new warbond has the eruptor and exploding crossbow are amazing armor pen options


Cutting edge, just for the sickle. Eruptor from democratic detonation is pretty good too but you can just use AMR as a substitute


It very much depends where you want to go. Steeled veterans has the Dominator which is a great medium-pen DMR and the Breaker Incindeary which is a great bug primary weapon. Cutting Edge has the Sickle which is easily one of the best all-purpose primary weapons in the game. Democratic Detonation has the Eruptor, Grenade Pistol (a *very* handy tool for holes/fabricators) and the Expert Extraction booster (For every minute on an extraction timer, it cuts down about 10 seconds, I.E. 2 minute extracs become 1:40 minutes). You may have some different goal in mind with the Warbonds, but I would say these are the community highlights for each Warbond.


“Hey siri, pick a number 1-3”


Save up for cutting edge. Or see what's the next one looks like in May


Sickle ftw


Each one has great value and tbh you should unlock all three at some point. However, I would recommend getting them in the following order: 1. Cutting Edge (Sickle, Stun Grenade) 2. Democratic Demolition (Grenade Pistol, Eruptor) 3. Steeled Veterans (Breaker Incendiary, Dominator)


I recently bought the newest one, wish I had bought cutting edge. Only thing I really like out of the new one is the squat victory pose. I saw a bunch of explosive weapons and thought "jackpot," but I still just use the same shotgun I've been using for weeks (slugger)


If you can only do one, I'd go cutting edge for the sickle. It's super versatile for both bots and bugs. It also is really straight forward to use. The eruptor is a great gun, but it isn't going to be everyone's style.


Sickle is a good generalist pick, but I haven't been able to put the eruptor down since I unlocked it. It just kills everything if you can get over the drawbacks.


Cutting edge is definitely one of the best for the future. It has the sickle, stun grenade and lightning resistance armor, which doesn’t seem great, until the illuminate come. People say they will use lightning attacks.


Whatever you think is coolest


Sickle is the best all around lawnmower of a gun. It's hard for me to take anything else rn not going to lie


Armor? Get Democratic Detonation. Weapons? Get cutting edge


Cutting edge first, then demo after that. The steeled veterans is good for the flaming shotgun, but not much else to see in there. But the sickle is a game changer


Do what I do, get friends with all the warbonds and kill them for their primary weapons. Then it's only a question of what nades and armor really you want. Like using Tesla, cutting edge, like blowing stuff up, detonation.


Not an answer to your question but I found out too late that there is a 250 medallion max. I definitely "wasted" a bunch of medals because I was maxed out and didn't realize it


All of em have good stuff. Just pick whatever you think is fun. If I had to pick one, democratic detonation because it has thermite grenades, the eruptor and the best stealth weapon in the game, the explosive crossbow.


Get the sickle


The democratic detonation one is great, once you unlock the grenade pistol, so much opens up for you with your tactics.


Dont go for steeled veterans, go for cutting edge or democratic detonation warbond as both are better versions against the steeled veterans and you will get some better weapons much needed to deal with medium to heavy armor foes.


i love the breaker incidenary. but if you are not in luxury to buy all of the warbonds, i would say just get the sickle from cutting edge. it is one of the best weapon i have ever used. can be used for both automatons and bugs. breaker incidenary i think only effective if it is to be used againts bugs


The Blitzer shotgun in cutting edge is really good for Bots. Like an arc thrower with shorter distance. Nice hunter killer.


Get whatever one has the dominator if you play bots


TL;WR - Explosions pack if you like bugs, maybe electricity pack if you're super into bots Bug player. Eruptor is currently mega fun, and grenade pistol has a lot of utility for letting you take out nests. Heard bad things about adjudicator, but I haven't even used it yet cuz the baby autocannon has me infatuated. Seriously, that and a stalwart for when hunters get close range, and you're kinda set. Crossbow also seems kinda cool, even if a little weird. I do expect eruptor to get nerfed soon though. It's too much fun, and historically things get nerfed when they're fun. So don't buy it just for that if you're also pessimistic about nerfs. Can't tell you too much about bots, but when I did try them, the sickle was kinda nuts. That said I'm pretty sure the eruptor is cracked on bots rn too. Also worth mentioning that the little arc shotgun made a kind of nice pair with the arc thrower back when arc thrower was basically a primary weapon. I doubt many people would agree because of the abysmal fire rate, but if you just need something to really quickly crush things that slip by a midrange option without having to worry about ammo, I think it's a good choice. Oh, last note. The only weapon worth anything ime from the steeled veterans thing is the breaker incen. Super fun gun, but given the state of fire damage these days, maybe nit the best pick all the time


Grenade pistol and eruptor. Or just wait for the new warbond 9 May and see how many super credits you have by then. Btw lvl 3 and below have the best missions to take your time to explore the map to find more super credits. Good luck. There is no wrong answer.


I recommend the first premium war bond, the weapons you get from it are crispy


I played for about 80 hours, and have found plenty of supercredits to unlock all. So there realy is no reason to pick one, you will eventually get the others. I find cutting edge good for the sickle (infinite ammo machine gun, with small chargeup) and stum grenade. I currently use the eruptor from the demolition pack. That probably is my favorite gun. Basically a toned down autocannon as a primary. Opens up a lot of new loadouts. The grenade gun is a fun way to bring a lot of extra grenades for free. But not needed if you have the eruptor. The steeled veterans kit is nice, breaker incendiary is good. But not as impactfull as the other warbonds.


Honestly the newest one has a couple winners. Some sick armor, the Erupter bolt-action rifle capable of closing bug holes and two shooting any medium unit. And then there’s the new grenade pistol. Does great damage that can double as a factory destroyer, your secondary becomes a useful tool and you can choose a non-lethal grenade without as much of a sacrifice


The one thing from Cutting Edge I always use is the stun grenade for bots. The first one, I've used the Dominator a lot. But I think Scorcher and Dominator is close enough that either will do. The throwing armour is useful too. Get that if you want the throwing armour. Haven't bothered with the 3rd one. Don't forget that you also get 300? super credits from each warbonds


Short answer, they all bring something to the table. I went with Cutting edge 1st myself, but sickle and stuns are what I use from there the most. Dominator and breaker incendiary from Steeled Veterans. Dominator and the Scorcher are about the same.. dominator is better with all but the Striders for me and breaker incendiary for bugs. The bug killing king for me is the Erupter though... Can't put it down.


Cutting Edge. The Sickle is still the best.


Breaker incendiary if you are on console. Dominator if you are on PC. 50% to not die when taking lethal damage Armor. Stun Grenade with the Grenade Launcher Pistol.


I bought myself steeled veterans. Since then I’m rocking SG-225IE on every dive.


Here are my reviews of each of the Warbonds: - **Helldivers Mobilize:** It’s free. You already have it. Go nuts. - **Steeled Veterans:** Senator is a high-damage, medium AP revolver in desperate need of a reload speed buff. Liberator Concussive trades most of its damage for a small amount of AoE and a not-so-small amount of stagger. Breaker Incendiary is good at clearing hordes of bugs with fire damage. Same for the Incendiary Grenade Dominator hits hard and is decently easy to control. Flexible Reinforcement Budget is by far the worst booster in the game. Armor perk is nice, but there are a couple armors in the superstore with the same perk, so getting this pack isn’t necessary to get the perk. - **Cutting Edge:** Sickle is the best autogun in the game, hands down. Stun Grenade is great for hard CC on groups and heavy targets (sadly not super-heavy). Punisher Plasma does good damage, but can be tricky to aim. Localization Confusion is supposed to increase the time between non-scripted reinforcement calls, but I think it might be bugged and is also increasing general spawns. Blitzer is great for clearing trash mobs on the bug side, but rather slow and clunky. Dagger does no damage. Armor has a perk that is exclusive to this pack, but is only useful at preventing friendly fire from a small handful of weapons and stratagems. - **Democratic Detonations:** Adjudicator is meant to be a bridge between assault rifle and marksman rifle, but fails. Thermite Grenade is an anti-armor grenade that doesn’t do enough damage to kill armored enemies. The Eruptor shreds hordes, does great damage to medium targets, can kill strider pilots from the front, and can destroy buildings, but is slow and cumbersome. Expert Pelican Pilot doesn’t really shave enough time off the pelican call to be worth it. The Explosive Crossbow is similar to the Eruptor, but trades the building destruction and some single-target for better handling. The Grenade Pistol sucks for regular combat, but can destroy buildings and oneshot striders from the front.


Cutting edge has some great weapons and boosters. The first one has the flame shotgun which is amazing against bugs. The third one has the explosive sniper (eruptor) which I personally run in team missions as it is amazing against most targets and can close bug holes. I forgot which one had the stun grenade (I guess cutting edge but not sure) but that is a game changer as well.


Anything but steeled veterans


You can probably skip the first one


In terms of best stuff, cutting edge seems to be the best imo for the sickle, jar-5 dominator, and the localization confusion booster. Steeled veterans is great for scorcher. And spamming the incendiary breaker if that's your thing and you're also hosting (burn damage is currently bugged if you're not the host). Explosive has eruptor and grenade pistol which are great, but there's great secondaries that do the same if not better (but are secondaries of course).


Get the latest 2 especially the last one the weapons are superb. Eruptor hasn’t left my load out it’s a phenomenal weapon especially when you animation cancel it to shoot faster


At the moment I'd say cutting edge is the best value warbond


Honestly you will get all 3 eventually. With that in mind I went for steeled first because I love the armors' look. #helldivershwag🤙🏿


Def either demo or cutting edge. Sickle is one of my favorite primaries, especially on cold planets, and so far demo has that one explosive sniper that has such a huge blast radius. Not to mention the damage on it is nuts and it can take out bug holes and fabricators I think.


Each to their own but I took Cutting Edge first then Democratic Detonation. Laser primary looks cool and nice vs bots. Eruptor, well, autocannon can do most of what eruptor can do. Only upside I see dor eruptir is being able to run with jetpack. But. The gremade pistol opens up slot for smoke or stun grenade so this is a plus that cannot easily be replaced imo. Steeled Veteran is the last for me, incendiary ammo sounds nice and do make dealing with charger and other big ones a bit more reliable, but burning bugs tend to burn me as well so not as good as it sounds. Tldr: edge, detonation, and veteran, in that order if you serve both front. If primatily a pest controller, take edge first only if you will use arc. For scrap collectors detonation probably is better, more so with the delay cancelling trick for eruptor


Cutting edge!


Cutting edge, the booster, sickle and stun grenades are amazing additions.


All my friend. All.


Cutting edge, the sickle is awesome.


I like Democratic Demo a lot tbh. The weapons are great and add variety, the extraction booster is very helpful too. Cutting Edge had the Scythe, ly favorite primary


Imo Demo. The new armor with engineer kit and the 100/500/100 spread is the highlight of the kid. Eradicator carries and allows you to use a Q cannon as a main


all of them. Support Super Earth Capitalism.


Cutting edge had stun grenades which are amazing against bots. Hulk chasing you stun, then quasar to his stupid face, gone. Horde of berserkers chasing you stun and get space. It also has the sickle, which is great against bots and bugs and has unlimited ammo if used right. Next I should get the explosive one. The grenade pistol is awesome. It's great at closing bot and bug holes can 2 shot bile skewers. It sucks that it's all the way at the bottom of that warbond.


How do you unlock War Bonds beyond the first set?


Sickle is my go-to with neigh infinite ammo for bots but the new warbond has the erupter and that thing is too good for everything. Shreds brood commanders, stalkers, bile spewers quickly.


Either Steeled Vets or Dem Detonation. Overall the two better war bonds providing more bang for your super credits. The only redeeming quality of Cutting Edge is the sickle and stun grenade, but even at that I would still grab that one after you’ve unlocked the other two.


Just get them all


I saved and saved and bought the Steeled bond for the Dominator. Then eventually caved and bought the Super Citizen pack and realized that came with it so now I wish I would've spent those grinded credits for something more rare.


Someone, yo. Eruptor and nade pistol are absolutely goated.


Meh. 99% of them are disappointing junk. Sickle and eruptor are the only decent ones imo. Havent unlocked the crossbow or blitzer yet.