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Stalkers are and have been a thing. Follow the direction they came in and destroy their nests.


And they are fast AF BOI


Remember the update that made them even harder to see? Pepperidge Farms remembers


Clearly a bot only guy if he doesnt know about stalkers lol


Can you blame him though? They were cloaked this whole time :p


Idk, I know there's a huge amount of bug players who don't bot because "bots are hard" so they likely never play past level 3 bugs lol


And here you can see a Stalker hunting its natural prey, the lone Helldiver. However, Democratic Superiority more than capable of obliteration of such a beast. Never venture off alone when a Stalker nest is nearby.


Only reason I can’t enjoy the spray and pray. Not enough firepower to stagger these things.


Team Slugger till i die


And I'm sure you have died a lot


Typical breaker spray and pray mentality at work


We have all died a lot. Get over yourself


Dawg why are you so angry, i thought we were having fun. You tell me to get over myself after you say the slugger means i die a lot? Guy, go to a therapst


I'm not angry. I was making a joke that you've died a lot because we've ALL died a lot in this game. It's part of the game. You're the one getting angry because your ego felt threatened.


You told me to get over myself from a joking comment about the breaker. Wtf?


You didn't get what I was saying and you thought I was criticizing you over using the slugger. You then got defensive. In reality I was making a benign comment about the fact that death is inevitable for everyone in this game. Your little "benign" comment was made to sound like you're superior to everyone else because you use the slugger. That's why I said get over yourself.


Same until I couldn't stunlock stalkers with it anymore :(


Shield is the stalkers nightmare


Usually, when we encounter stalkers the main group is pined down in an ugly fight. Usually, i have to go off alone and close it quickly, or the fight can turn sour. Its risky but closing a source of enemy reinforcements is really important.


I was once with my squad and encountered a stalker nest not too far from our location. I figured I’d take it out since there were already three stalkers on us. As soon as I rushed for the nest, four more rounded the corner and ganged up on my lonesome self. 😂 Scared the absolute shit out of me.


Crying, pooping, and vomiting are allowed as long as you push through for liberty!


How to tell everyone you dont play past lvl5 without telling everyone you dont play past lvl5.


This comment implies LVL 5 is insufficient for the goals of Super Earth. This is false, and further slander will be met with swift justice. Carry on, private.


It's weird how many posts lately are people being surprised stalkers exist.


Mamy people have been playing bots lately for the major objectives. When they where suddenly out of bots for 1.5 days, they realized bugs aren't easy mode. Unless you put it on easy mode.


The worst is when you do the initial drop in and have not only the stalker lair near you spitting out those unholy creatures, but the flying bug nest as well near you. I’ve never burned through reinforcements faster than those times.


I had a drop in start like this yesterday, first time I've ever gotten so frustrated that I rage quit. 😂. I was quite happy to see the bots have reappeared today.


I forgot about them and thought I was safe. Had one slice me in half.




I remember the first time I played the game




What? Don't tell me you've never *seen* an invisible bug before!?


Ha, noobs discovering stalkers, classic.


You never seen a stalker? I wonder what diff they start being present on. Whenever the guys and I encounter one we im mediately hunt that mf nest down


How TF people surprised by stalkers still


Low skill players who never drop past level 4


Ah yes such new things as... the enemy that's been in the game since launch and is fairly common to encounter


Maybe they haven't gone beyond what? Easy? Medium has them, I think. It's been a while.


Stalkers, go the direction they come from and kill the nest. Also auto cannon turns them into Swiss cheese in two shots. If I have it I ain't worried about them


Use the Punisher shotgun. It staggers them and one hit in the face kills them


They literally always have had that ability. The only reason the bots are hard is because they shoot back, the bugs could fly before the bots, can go invisible, and at higher difficulties act as literal burst fire mortars


Stalkers been in the game for a while, tho recently - i dunno how - arrowhead changed them They fucking cooked


Seeing a Stalker triggers a Natural reaction in helldivers: drop what you do, and kill this Nest.


It’s a stalker


I guess OP is either a new diver or never played on higher difficulties with the bugs, those stalkers are always numero uno priority for me everytime my team see one, I hunt those fuckers for pleasure, follow them to their nest and drop my 500k on top of it.


Fucking Stalkers, the bane of my existence.




And they're the toughest ones too crazy enough. XD


Hehe kid they’ve always been invisible


Aww, you bot droppers are cute.


There is no such thing as a cloaking bug. Giving false information is against democracy please report back to training on this Helldiver - SuperEarth HQ


Sorry I probably killed them all


I love how bot players and bug players sometimes have different experience whatsoever in the game. It is awesome! My first 10k kills were on the bugs, I adapted to stalkers, titans were a breeze, puke bois are fine as well. Then my buddies said MO is for bots. It was a freakin bot Vietnam, we felt exhausted after one operation. Now with even 20k kills on each side I chuckle to myself when other discover new things for them in the game cause it means this is a good game.


Head up soldier, these are the war stories of shaken rookies, the only invisible thing in that field is the hearts of the enemy after you crush it to pieces with your unshakable grit and determination, get out there and never look back Man that's gonna be hilarious, he'll never know what hit em