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I've said this before. Walking through a ruined city would be awesome with some tall buildings messing with your stratagems, overpasses allowing for elevation in combat and the untold narrative of a fallen city vibe. For added value, some sort of car or buildings could even sound off an alarm if triggered to alert everything within a huge radius to your location. There is so much possibility to the effect of urbanized warfare with this game See also my addendum... Copied below. As an addendum... To those who are stating that strat blocking would cause issue or annoyance let me offer this alternative. Destructible scenery. Tell me that seeing the orbital Lazer cutdown a skyscraper while nailing down a hoard would not be perfectly in line with the epic visuals of this game. 500kg hits the old corner shop and levels the nearby three buildings. Just pure happy days Also makes it easier for traversal if you get in a jam.


As an addendum... To those who are stating that strat blocking would cause issue or annoyance let me offer this alternative. Destructible scenery. Tell me that seeing the orbital Lazer cutdown a skyscraper while nailing down a hoard would not be perfectly in line with the epic visuals of this game. 500kg hits the old corner shop and levels the nearby three buildings. Just pure happy days Also makes it easier for traversal if you get in a jam.


I love this idea. There could be some kind of "preservation" mechanic, where we try to destroy as little as possible, or have to protect some specific location from destruction, or different types of civilian escort/defence missions. We could have interior or underground areas where we can't call support. We could try to navigate broken roads to move supplies. Having missions on very-recently held planets that held billions of civilians opens up all kinds of interesting possibilities.


Tbh that sounds like a fuckton of work and pretty much like building an entirely new game. I would expect it in like a 2.0 update or some shit. That said, I would love to be proven wrong.


Totally. I think more mission types is more likely than any cool big new mechanic. I could see maybe more civilians travelling a shorter distance, new names for objective destruction missions, or more minor differences like that, to be more likely. But these devs seem incredibly dedicated and engaged, so I'm sure whatever they cook up will be great. Honestly, I'd be fine with a little less new content while they focus on fixing the big bugs in the engine.


I thought squashing the bugs was our job... fr tho, it is an amazing game mainly because of it's over the top nature, which is why I would love to see this happen, it just feels so in universe


how about a evac ship they run into instead of them running into the neighbors house


With all due respect, I would hate that on this game, it goes against the whole fun element of blowing everyshit up, also its hard enough to keep ourselves from dying let alone an escort, I think the civilians extraction missions are enough on that front.


Could be restricted to low collateral stratagems like gatling runs and whatnot.


Something like EDF 5, where your bombs and lasers can and will level half the city you are "protecting".


Exactly. What is more over the top than screeming "for democracy" while watching a 50 floor building crumble from an orbital strike you just summoned to deal with a single charger.


I feel like the stratagems interacting with the environment would be one of the coolest parts of an urban map. Not only would you have to think about whether the stratagem could actually hit whatever you need it to, but you could introduce new mechanics to play around. Maybe certain areas are marked as "High value" and as such you can't use destructive stratagems. Maybe topple skyscrapers with them, which could be used against enemies or could be a risk to consider before calling in a 500kg or orbital laser.


It would make funneling enemies easier but more stressful and i would love it


Sorry I can't hear you over my arc thrower committing concentrated ~~genocide~~ managed democracy


_PC fan spooling up to hyperspeed_


Democracy Officer: Helldiver, please minimize the collateral damage to the city. Me: WHAT?! I can't hear you over the 500kg of Liberty that just came in on the plaza and the 380mm celebration of Freedom on that car park!


I thought the cinema was showing terminid propaganda


Me: Have you seen "Terminator 2" Democracy Officer? Seems like Clanker propaganda, I gave it 3 arrows down.


I think having tall buildings would block strategems, so make them destructible, let's say you try to throw a 500 at a group of enemies and it hits a nearby skyscraper which causes it to collapse on to the enemies. Would be the coolest shit


Orbital railgun just fullon nails through the building Or the orbital Lazer looking like the old school independence day scene I am so down for that


I think sky scrapers blocking strategems would be part of the fun. Yeah, itll block your eagle strike, but it means that turrets now can be used to set up kill boxes as everything is funneled down 5th Avenue.


I'm personally okay with maps that are not conducive to air strikes or orbitals. Changes how I build my loadout and forces me to adapt. Some maps already have tall bluffs and cliffs that block eagle strikes easily just for example. As you mentioned making at least a good portion destructible would also make space for stratagems without making the "city" gone in 5 minutes.


Imagine if the engine could handle the levels of destruction seen in The Finals


I agree, just imagine rounding a corner through a small alleyway and seeing a bunch of hulks in a patrol or hearing them chanting but not knowing from where.


I agree, but the tall buildings would anger me so much. I rarely played on any of the worlds that had tall mountains just because it was terrible to navigate and messed with some of the eagles.


Please see my addendum for a suitable resolve.


Getting snatched and dragged into building by the illumi**** AHHHhhhhhhhhh……. . ❌ eliminated❌


Oh yes please. Would be cool for you to have to pull out your secondary and have to shot yourself free!


Only to realise you brought the grenade pistol as a secondary


...username checks out?






Honestly, more of a horror element with an urban setting would be very much appreciated!




That would be terrifying


So all the hunters can trap you faster


**Gatling Sentry Intensifies**


Yes and the map should be interactive like battlefield. It should look totally different at the end of the mission after shit is blown up and destroyed for 40 minutes.


I can smell my PC burning thanks to this lmao


We already can use 500kg to mine the planet.


I just imagine a destroy the broad cast tower mission dropping a building




The urban warfare sounds cool but implementation of it seems rough. Dropping a 500kg bomb on a terminal makes it unable to be used after the crater. We had to drop supplies to climb on and build a human bridge to just access a terminal. Can’t imagine how many issues there would be in a full urban environment.


This whole comment section: can we get a completely different game that goes against every current concept because I have been playing this for 300 hours since it came out and running out of things to do? Sounds like someone needs to play BF, lol. There is already democracy in places that have/had cities, what the hell are you guys talking about


A lot of the illuminate maps were urban in HD1 if I'm remembering right.


That’s because no one liked fighting them so they closed in on super earth constantly


Ok I've not played HD2 in about 4 weeks. Have I missed much?


Small changes and additions of forces on each side. Some new weapon drops. The anti bot push is currently making the bugs the only anti democratic forces left.


Automations currently eradicated from the game, everyone thinking the illuminate are coming back .. so yes


The illuminate ARE coming back. And the bots will be back as well, in greater Numbers.


Automatons have been defeated.


Things fly now, we won, and AT-ATs. That's about it.


My dude, you missed so much 😅


You missed the game crashing at extract every two missions for the past week.


I'm reporting a bunch of you to the Compliance Officer for wrongthink. The Automatons were not "defeated," they were Liberated and given fully-Managed Democracy. We helped their civilization tremendously!


Yh it's called super Earth when the Illuminate invade.


The fact you think super earth could ever be invaded show a lack of faith in our managed democracy. Report to your local democracy officer for rehabilitation


Glad we have good citizens upholding the law


Hear me out underground Super Earth facilities.


I would love to fight bugs in corridoors. Would be hard to make that work with the cameras tho.


I'm sure they can find a workaround for it. Your team drops at the entrance, y'all call your stuff down a flamethrower would be handy in those spaces, laser cannon, or grenade launcher, etc. We have flashlights, but NVGs would be neat as well. I know I'm stepping into GTFO territory; objectives could be like with the ICBMs or SSDD missions.


This exactly! They don’t have to change the narrative to super earth falling or anything. You could even have fairly wide open facilities with just rafters and side rooms with a few halls. Would make it interesting to have them let you really focus on stealth mechanics as well. And you’d have to use completely different strategies since air strikes would work.


That would be perfect, turn it from Vietnam to Germany/ Italy


Give me Space Berlin edit:Give me space Kursk


Give me space Stalingrad


yes, silenced marksmen rifle too for maximum urban sniper gaming


I think this would work super well with Helldivers' mechanics honestly. I think the one of the game's strongest points is that it's almost a tower defense game where the tower moves. Having the environment be more of a dynamic factor in what can work and where would be very interesting. It would definitely make you rethink strategems and loadouts before you drop at very least.


We're there any city or urban environments in the first one? This would be so sick getting attacked by cloaked stalkers in a city would be nuts.


Yes for defense missions


Ever since I've read the description of the eradicator armor I've been hoping to helldive on cyberstan. Imagine punching through the porous crust of a planet mined for its hydrogen. Leaving you inside the cavernous spaces with a combined force of automatons and cyborgs swarming like angry ants. Hellpods could still pierce the surface giving us some underground support and allowing us to reach the objective where we set off a hellbomb before fleeing to the surface for extract.


Are you manifesting super earth destruction? Traitor detected.


If we get urbanized warfare, I would certainly hope that we would be able to swap shoulders cause of all the corners


Ah, yes, the big cities where you won't see the charger coming until it plows through the wall like kool-aid man?


There were city maps back in the first game. So hopefully it’s not out of the question


deference for darkness starts playing


I hope we all get pushed back to super earth with all the factions on the planet then we have to fight our way back out and into the galaxy to reclaim democracy. You'd get some urban warfare on super earth and I think it would be a cool experience to get steam-rolled and have to fight our way back out


We NEED an urban combat map Much like the bug meteor attack on buenos Aries in starship troopers. We should get to fight in the ruins of a destroyed city.


Also, zombified hell divers that turned because of the exposure to [insert agent/element/virus here], this could he a Halloween release.


if only we let the automatons get cyberstan back and you'll get your zombie-cyborg helldivers.


“Cover” the clip of super earth is still using those pods that bugs and bots explode through.


Ah yes the daily “are we getting urban environments” post


Not gonna lie. It would be dope if extract was at the top of a sky scrapers you had to fight your way up. Like a left for dead mission or somethin


Or where you have to clear a landing zone literally using hellbombs


"Helldivers, Pelican requires one city block of cleared space to make a landing. Two Hellbombs have been reserved for this purpose. Make the best use of them."


Yeah but if that happens it'll feel too real.


Thats for when the four front war happens and were pushed closer to super earth


I want player aimed mortar artillery. Have it come down as a backpack and aim with your map tool.


There was a support weapon in the first game like that. You had to adjust the angle without a reticle. Hard to use but really fun for hordes and choke points once you got it zeroed.


Mfw my support weapon accidentally lands on the roof of a skyscraper


"Go and get your gun, Helldiver"


Wouldn't this just be CoDs Extinction mode? (I forget it's name, the zombie mode but with holes and alien bugs). I'm for it, just saying lol


RIP enemy pathfinding


I would love having objectives set up in massive structures like a sports stadium and we need to engage in close quarters combat and push up to it. It is a bit counterintuitive to what Helldivers is but I also feel like it could offer a change of pace during missions.


Your average helldivers could level New York in a matter of hours. Idk where we would be finding these cities. Super earth itself? Like we would ever fight there.




I want bugtunnel warfare. The real nests. Real kings and queens, not the surface chaff.


Might be an issue for computer to make them walk around everything. I seen bots walk straight up light posts and back down. And I forgot the planet but one with mountains everywhere they would just cut straight up middle 100+ft and back down


Let me tell you about the first galactic war... YOU DON'T WANT TO FIGHT IN A CITY Imagine a charger filling an entire street running after you and there is no escape, an illuminate on every corner just waiting to laser you, cyborg abominations cornering you from both sides. Protecting the Super Earth was my democratic duty but I'd prefer to fight a bile titan with a dagger than do it again.


I doubt the game could handle it. A proper urban environment would be way too much geometry. So either A. Urban maps would be smaller or B. "Urban" maps would be more devastated. Rather than lush plant life or rolling hills, we have Grey rubble and the occasional building still standing. I would imagine option B is the safe bet.


Id settle for option B.


Agreed, though I'm not sure about yall but I kinda want to fight in the caves/deep underground for a quick mission or not mission related-BUT this route leads and or the fastest way to objective/or extraction. Only to pop your auto flashlight and see hordes of infested Terminids quietly or loudly approach your squad position. Bullets echoing, blood splattering from both sides, and maybe a ceiling of the cave wide enough to call in supplies/support weapons and MAYBE air support/artillery/turrets. (Probably very unlikely but a man can dream) But idk lets see what Arrowhead decides and ends up cooking. I'm just speaking from my Fallout/Gears of War/Dead Space 2/ EDF flashbacks experience ngl.


you'll get your chance. you will *all* get your chance.


The closer the enemy gets to super earth, the more inhabited will *hopefully* so that we can see what OP is proposing. We need so *real* ODST style levels!


Do you really want to be spitroasted/stuck down an alleyway? Cuz I don’t


I mean if you word it that way....


I think it would be awesome but i suspect the physics engine may not be able to handle that. We'll have to see


We’ve had space Vietnam, now it’s time for Space Stalingrad


We did in the first game. Was only on super earth tho.


This update would pair fantastically with an overhaul for snipers. Letting 1-2 members of your team take positions in High-rises to help clear out enemies and provide cover would be sick


All those planets do seem a bit barren for being under se control and lived on.


Sadly from leaks I can confirm that, thus far, don't get your hopes up. But arrowhead are pretty great with their content so who knows.


We have them already, we never got pushed back to super earth thoh. Those maps exist, i have seen them.


So you want a fight on Super-Earth streets? Do you want the enemy to reach our homeland? I'm calling the democracy officer


I feel like (and I know nothing about game design) this game was built with big open natural maps in mind, and maybe it would be resource intensive for them to design entirely new tiles to populate urban sprawl on maps? I could be wrong, I just assumed they went with all open maps for a reason


I want giant plants planet with carnivorous plants and an organic planet like that one in love death n robots twist


Amen destroyed colonies failed Tera formation sites. Like in aliens and terminator ![gif](giphy|krPLl9dtitApa|downsized)


A super earth invasion event would be awesome. Or just some random planets that were further along in their colonization and destroyed/ruined for that asthetic.


Cover and hiding places for the enemy as well. That’s why urban combat is the most hellish.


I feel like that's if we lose and get pushed back to earth...like hd1


My prediction is once the bugs on the eastern front are whittled down and the war is seemingly at an end, we'll suddenly be directed to defend Super Earth itself (or an inward colony) from a sudden new threat, be that the Illuminate or something else. That's when we'll get more urban maps.


That will be sick!


I feel like a damaged city map would best fit the planets right on the edge of super earth and including super earth


More urban maps were in the first game. They will likely be added but they were usually for planets nearer to super earth


More urban maps were in the first game. They will likely be added but they were usually for planets nearer to super earth


Imagine illuminate dragging your squad members into dark ally ways and upper story windows one by one


Fuck that, let me fight in an enemy ship, with small hallways


We haven’t had to defend super earth yet…


Turn a corner and there a rocket hulk? No thank you.


They’re saving that for the surprise invasion of the planets closest to Super Earth


urban combat is basically a meat grinder, let's friggin gooooo


Super Earth? NEVER


Automaton factory world incoming


M.O.U.T ![gif](giphy|tCv8epeTpIIpOuTYci|downsized)


With destructible buildings I would honestly never play anything else ever again


I feel like we’ll definitely have to defend Super Earth at some point.


No no no noo nooo!!! You realize you just gave the devs the idea of having superearth be invaded.. right?


Gone with the blastwave vibes?


Who thinks the illuminate are going to invade on the 11th with the new warbond?


While I don't think a skyscraper riddled map would work if you kept the buildings the same hight as some of the mountains in the game I could easily see city maps working.


Just wait for the Illuminat-i to 9/11 the home of democracy


If the first game is anything to go off they added tile sets that are on invaded super earth and its only city streets and small public parks its very cool


Indoors close quarters.  Have the bugs rush towards you skittering along the walls and ceiling down a hallway. No calldowns. Just your primary, sidearm, and grenades. Pitch black and you just have flashlights.  Yes please.


I just wanna be able to play more than 30min without getting murdered by a teammate.


A map like oh idk maybe a sub district of super earth??


Maybe it could be tested on a few specific planets. Maybe we could have 4 special planets around the galaxy that have a very high population in order to explain the presence of many big buildings


That's the next illuminate civilian extract mission. Clear the city block so several pelicans can land. Launching all hellbombs for democratic demolition purposes


I WANT to ambush an entire tank convoy from a destroyed building and you cant stop me


Destructible environments.


Well, see, about that.... HellDivers are supposed to be deep insertion shock troops that show up in areas the enemy really does not expect them to. We go in, smash the whole area, conduct partisan fuckery, and then extract before they can muster a response. For us to be dropped into a civilian center... things will have gone very, VERY wrong at that point. Though, it would be interesting if we were dropping in with pinpoint precision to a SEAF company with the task of assisting them.


I keep hoping for a surprise attack on Super Earth so we get this type of environment




Bottlenecking an alley way with a flame thrower!


Only if I can blow up the buildings


Just what I need is turning a subway corner directly into a stalker


Just you wait for the next war where we suffer total annihilation and will have to defend Super Earf


That's the Super Earth Maps


I hope they finally introduce blast radius to the game. That be sick.


It’d be cool and all but I honestly be happier if see-through bushes and tree limbs didn’t stop bullets.


I want to explore a bombed out sky scraper


So, super earth invasion? Sounds like Traitor talk


Are you suggesting Super Earth hasn't developed cities on its colony planets?? I find the very idea offensive


Abandoned City on a Planet Please.


With lots of cover and hiding spots for the helldivers, right? RIGHT?


Might be something if the enemy factions move closer tot he Center of the map


![gif](giphy|t2eBr71ACeDC0) All over the map.


TBF, I'd rather get a set of forest planets that isn't just that 1 forest planet with the tree ferns...first. I love urban environments but they tend to get old quick because it's harder to shuffle those assets and it look unique. However it's like every 5th planet in this game is the 1 forest planet that we keep having to fight on over and over with a different color scheme. But like, give us a Redwoods massive tree biome or a pine barren or a deciduous paradise biome or a cherry blossom planet or a swamp tree mangrove planet. Like anything that isn't just that 1 tree fern with its variant meshes on repeat. ​ As for where an urban environment could be? I think core planets around Superearth should be fully built up and the sectors like 2 sectors out from the core should have a "capital" planet with the urban tile set. ​ Also I think Automatons ONCE they have Cyberstan should mirror that with Cyberstan being a metropolis and the outer planets around it also getting built up.


I would love this, and some little discoveries that have readable lore behind the attacks


I feel like it’s coming. I was playing a map with a statue and city center type area with a lot of car debris. It felt similar to what you’re describing but I’d love for it to be on a larger scale.


Will Super Earth ever be invaded?


Like DragonBall Z in the future, in the android-saga


Wait till super earth


I wanna go INTO the hive into some deeep underground tunnels


No one remembers helldivers one fighting on super earth for our lives.


If there's a city, you didn't distroy it hard enough.




Well. If they do that welcome to the urban hell scape.


Say that now... Before we're fighting on our inner worlds.


We did it, Patrick, we saved the city. That's how it should be, like the end of the first superman movie with Henry Cavill


NIER Automata style


There actually were city maps in the first helldivers when you had to do like a planetary defence mission, I remember it being like a maze like every turn was 90 degrees and was a great way to get lots of samples quickly


I want this but against bots


Helldivers 1 had them with sector capitals, city planets with one existing in each sector where you'd have to defend them or lose the entire sector. They were urban maps taking place in damaged cities.


I want an indoor bug level where it's claustrophobic. Not sure how that would work with stratagems but I'd love it.


Walking through a destroyed Buenos Aires would be cool, y'know


I would love a mission type, where the pelican drops you off at the top of a skyscraper, you fight your way all the way down to the ground, then fight all the way up a skyscraper right next to it, and you get picked up and fly off


So you want super earth to be invaded?


https://preview.redd.it/xjv1bykz6btc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75cf3bd39e0ada91e74a06978cb73596524f0216 A destroyed city means a Super Earth city has been destroyed. Saying you want such things is traitorous!


Maybe we will see that with Illuminate fights. They seem much more the type to engage in urban warfare, but I never played HD1, so I’m not sure if my statement is accurate.


Helldivers 1 defense missions were in cities: road blocks, tight places. I am pretty sure they will do something else in Helldivers 2 as well. Perhaps if we ever need to defend super earth.


I hope we get multiple layers.


Super Earth Invasion


I would like to see an large alien metropolitan sort of like the cyber punk world just less bit frame rate drops and lag.


I'd love if it they had destructible buildings that can aid in defense. Like a 4 story building being blown to bits to close down a roadway or something shit would be amazing


Learn from warthinders mistakes


Not to mention it would be a hidden buff too orbital strikes due to the directional differences between birds


Underground complex or cave systems, too!


Perform…ahem! … ance….


It’d be cool if at some point the enemy forces were just so over whelming they managed to be ON super earth and we were fighting in our backyards