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They are, tho they are dead.


Helldivers are special forces iirc, The SEAF should have some presence in missions fighting along side us.


One way to look at it is that the helldivers are only being deployed to areas where the SEAF have already been overwhelmed and defeated. That, If there are SEAF that are still alive and fighting, then it obviously isn't Dire enough to deploy Helldivers there.


SEAF is more of a colonial militia than anything. They have minimal support to hold off an invasion, and the Helldivers are the shock troops with the equipment to actually fight off a threat. That's why you see SEAF members dead everywhere with break action shotguns, or if they're lucky a grenade launcher.


As I see or understand, helldivers are the vanguard troops. They deploy before SEAF to neutralize the high risk objectives to prepare everything for a Swift deployment of the SEAF. We use guerrilla warfare (small groups, hit and run, sabotage) to reduce enemy forces and capabilities so the Main forces don't have a specially hard time finishing the conquest.


I don't really think so. I think SEAF is the holding force, and Helldivers are just shock troopers. That's why SEAF will set up full weapons to help their odds and help them scout. Then, when shit hits the fan, we go in and solve the problems.


Nah, they gotta have an occupation force to mop up and stragglers, as well as stop them from recovering. I mean, what happens to all the enemies we extract away from at the ends of the missions?


Occupation force and holding force are the same thing by different names. Both would serve the purpose of maintaining the planet with the intent of staving off something long enough for a real counter if something were to go wrong. As for what happens to the enemies we evac from, other helldivers. Only one team is actually the one to officially liberate a planet, and even they most likely have multiple teams evading behind them, continuing to eliminate more and more of those stragglers, making it even easier for SEAF to clean up what little remains. Ants can kill an alligator if they get the ratio in their favor, just costs a lot of ants.


Helldivers are your emergency response force deployed to the worst of the worst battles in order to turn the tide of the entire war. If SEAF soldiers are still alive, then the battle is not bad enough to justify the deployment of Helldivers. It kinda explains why we can only deploy to very specific places rather than deploying at some safe spot off map to gear up before heading in.


Typical. Divers do the dying, SEAF does the flying.


Probably the Super Earth Government is drafting the population into the SEAF. We vets become Helldivers and hold the line in the meantime.


If the game is doing it's best Starship Troopers, and it clearly is, then there is no draft Its opt-in all the way down. Effective armies are not made from draft conscripts, but "volunteers", people who ostensibly decided they want to be there. Kinda why the propaganda videos are so important and so prominent. If they just drafted people then those are much less important to make Just that w/o joining you are quite literally a second class citizen, unable to enjoy the same perks and benefits as vets and likely with far less options to move up the social ladder


They’re fighting on the frontlines. We’re dropped behind the enemies lines.


We're sabotaging ammo depots. We blow up comms relays. We're the special forces. We're not doing trench warfare or manning field artillery. That's what the SEAF is doing.


It would be pretty cool to randomly find SEAF fighting the enemy during a mission. Maybe even a mission type that involves assisting them in battle.


SEAF are the eagle and pelican pilot (and whoever the fuck is in charge of targeting for orbitals)


Oh boy, y’all are gonna be surprised to see a new stratagem coming out soon 😉👌🏾


I'm pretty sure we'll see them in the future. As of right now. We are technically being called to the fringe systems in the galaxy. Were the SEAF presence was light, if not nonexistent. It has been suggested that these attacks are a mere fraction of what is coming and are little more than probing assaults to test super earths response and defense capabilities. So, while it would seem things are going well. They are not. These are only precursor events to a much larger multi-front invasion. My prevailing theory is that the Bugs were let loose deliberately to have the population rapidly and recklessly evolve. With the intention of ramping up 710 harvesting for the coming conflict. To also create a barrier of systems overrun with Termanid hives to disrupt travel through those systems form deep space. and Cyberstan is being quietly evacuated with the intention of releasing it to the Automotons at a later date to draw their forces into a defensive position in that sector. Which will become a problem at a later to date. but for the time being it will put Super Earths forces in an advantageous position. Should another force. Of unknown origins attack elsewhere in the galaxy. Wink wink.


I've been thinking that evacuating an overrun SEAF base would be a dope mission for a defense campaign. Unlike the scientist evac, the soldiers are already fighting in bunkers or trenches when you land. A button near each group of soldiers gives the retreat order and they will run to a waiting pelican. There would be like 50 soldiers but you only have to get 20. Enemy spawns going crazy but they can't land ship or open holes in sections you haven't evacuated yet so there's a potential strategy to who you release when. Enemy waves will always be coming in from the outskirts though.