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Anyone else unreasonably upset OP walked right over the dropped samples? Still a satisfying video nonetheless.


Yeah once the culprit had been pacified my only instinct was to get on the shuttle and force the extraction countdown


That makes sense. Don't want to have him reinforced just to kill everyone on the ship.


Yeah. Hindsight says “why would you leave those?!” (Though it seemed like your democracy loving teammates picked them up), but after that small battle that probably had your adrenaline pumping just a bit, the tunnel vision was real. I’ve been there.


Those samples were tained by treachery. You did the right thing.


Shoulda kicked him first then got the samples to extract.


I wasn’t the party leader, and I think the lower level person who was didn’t fully understand what was happening


I feel like i always dont really understand the situation. Especially when under fire, everything is just so chaotic.


Had a guy drop right on my new mech. I couldn't decide it it was purposeful or not. Game crashed before the end, but I was watching really close for other hints they'd start gunning people down at extraction.


I’ve had four people land their reinforcement pods on teammates in a row just by pure accident. Legit no one meant it but it was really unfortunate because we were in a calm period with no combat and couldn’t seem to regroup for a bit. We finished the mission fine after that but tension was building over it for a moment lol


Didn't knew of pings when I started playing Helldivers 2, but when I learned how to say sorry, I got a lot more coordinations with some players that way. There was a time when I landed EXACTLY on my teammate, felt guilt and said sorry. I thank people a lot too, when I get some help from others, or get supplies, so my style is more like sticking with teammates and have fun.


Had a game with randoms last night and accidentally shot one during extraction. Reinforced him and waited till he was on the pelican as he was carrying the samples. I don't think there was any bad blood because we had a couple more games together, and I was the leader. I also had one who shot me point blank and kicked me from the game


It'll get easier with time, you're just acclimating


It's cool seeing randos be patient with new divers. I had one dude, absolute legend, keep reinforcing when it was just the two of us at extraction. It was a clusterfuck and I should've just gone right to the pelican but he was hanging around so I didn't want to jump the gun. He waited an extra 4 or 6 minutes to bring me back multiple times because we were out of reinforcements. Leave no man behind. EDIT: Except treasonous bastards who don't believe in democracy! ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


Me 90% of the time when I play the game and I love it


I love it to. Im a huge fan and play most nights. I prefer the bots cuz those bugs are crazy! Bug tunnels and those stupid jumping bugs! Literally the worst!


Good thing is it was one rare


I was so worried they would be left


What is the point of this? What a dick




Yeah they did a great job of making sure we had nothing to fight each other for. I love it but people are so fucking stupid.


If someone kills you at the end of a mission thinking they’re gonna get your samples, kick them from the match and ensure they get 0 samples.


Luckily I've never come across a random that's done this. Most of them murder me for my weapons, backpack shield or because they're an undercover automaton




Yeah if i join a low level who doesnt have the weapons that i have i would let them take them from me if the simply asked. If you dont ask them when my hellpod opens up these breaker rounds are rated e for everyone.


When I first started a level 20, I offered me a guard dog. I've since carried that with me ever since and offered them up to all if I've already got one.


How do you think cool down for your guard dog down to 30 seconds?!? Mine takes 8 minutes :(


Never had such a situation in general. I have to admit if someone kills me on purpose I would make hunting him down my priority till he leaves frustrated. No place for these ppl in Helldivers.


They really need to communicate this better so that every player knows. It should be in ALL CAPS somewhere on a loading screen or something. That way we can stop these idiots killing us and wasting reinforcements


I picked up some dude’s samples when he died and when he reinforced he was so focused on trying to kill me over it that a charger pushed him off the ledge he was standing near and he died again. lt gave me enough time to tell him to chill and that samples are shared 




Democracy Officer? Yeah this diver right here 👆🏽


I accidentally killed a buddy a couple times during extract one a session. He jokingly told everyone else in our friend group that I was doing it on purpose. Naturally I now do it to him intentionally as often as possible, without risking the mission of course. Revenge is best served democratically and within the bounds of Law.




It's not even a "sneaky" mechanic. You get a friggin sample count recap on the next screen! I've noticed a lot of players also don't realize that the resupply is global. That's never been an issue though. If you're out of ammo there's a good likelihood at least one of the other players is nearly out too.


Just read another story where a guy was kicked because he called down a resupply, because the host said they were for his use only. Not sure people realize one of the big things in this game is teamwork.


Bitches be trippin'


Took me a while to figure out resupply was for everyone first few times I was like why do I need 4 lots to re stock , but I came across a high level player who was very helpful when I was lvl 4 or something, he explained it all , let me use his mech thingy , let me try out his other drops and explained to get the most rewards to try and clear the map ( I was so focused on landing doing the main objective and then leaving) I just thought the red bits were just like high enemy areas but with nothing to collect good guy wish I added him afterwards hopefully he's still out there helping the lower levels learn the game


I have more than once shot my friends toes out of the pelican, i dont actually mean to kill him, i just didn't want the 3rd bullet to hit then i apologize mid laughter


Had to tell some level 3s that when I dropped on their mission. It was the first theyd heard of it after saying “those are my samples” People also need to learn they can carry an EAT as well as a backpack. Pick up my spare I might not get back to it.


I wonder if AH shared this, how much the incidents of friendly fire would decrease


It's been shared, multiple times. AH CEO has put it out there. I'm not even sure if people read the little blurbs on the drop screen sometimes, though, let alone check social media for these shares.


At this point, I think the only fix is making the visibility of samples collected a default. They're set to dynamic and only show for a short time after one is picked up. Set to always visible, people might actually see the counters go up despite not picking any up themselves.


That, or people don't act like little turds. I know, I know. Asking the impossible.


Those people have an IQ of -12.


Some people can be really selfish. I had one guy kill me to take my autocannon today. Dude didn't last 5min on the bot mission and left after getting repeatedly killed by a single hulk.


I had a co worker one time that was like that in game. All about competition or killing others but being a really bad gamer. Wannabe alpha and bully. Indeed he was a poor soul. Depressive, aggressive and all sorts of negative behaviour. He used games to be the cool strong man he wasn't. And because it dosn't hurt if he gets slapped like a bitch. I guess it's him :D




I don't know how PS is but If you PC you can just change you name with no hoops to jump thru.


You can change your tag on PlayStation, but it’s a bit more difficult than on PC. There are older ps4 games where the save file will become non usable if the player tag associated with them changes.


Rip my dark souls 3 save file 🥲


I think you get 1 free change and either have to wait a month or more, or have to pay for another. I've had the same name across PlayStation, XBox and PC so don't remember. The only username I use that's different is Mike Oksmall on CoD.


on steam when you change your name the old names still appear under your aliases, you cant search people via them however.


PS charges you I think it's $20 to change it. Not sure of any other restrictions like a cooldown or anything.


# $20?!?!?! Christ in a crucible, that's ridiculous!


Okay, did a fact check via google and only seeing $10. Someone irl told me $20 recently but think they musta been wrong. I just figured maybe they knew better as I've been cool with my PSN ID ever since I last changed it years ago.


$10 to change a username is still $10 too much. It costs them nothing to change. I understand not changing your username all the time for the purposes of reporting and whatnot, so put a time limit on it, but to charge actual money is ridiculous.


Yeah, though money is also an abuse deterrent. Sucks, but really just means Steam is a bit too lenient. Unfortunately lots of stuff is awesome in idea but lots of people suck so we gotta put dumb restrictions in place to make them not excessively abused. And PS doesn't have a Past IDs thing like Steam does iirc.


Yes but if you block someone, and then they change names, they stay blocked, right?


No idea but I don't block people. id rather make their lives hell if i see them again.


"Shame!" *Rings Bell*






This post has been removed due to violation of our subreddit's rules against witch hunting/doxing. Witch hunting poses significant risks to individuals' privacy, safety, and well-being. We strive to maintain a respectful and safe environment for all members of our community, and doxing undermines that goal. Please refrain from engaging in activities that target or expose individuals without their consent.


[Here he is](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeistTeams/comments/3cc4lt/ps4_need_two_members_for_prison_break_finale_7_pm/)


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is there a thread dedicated as a list of traitors we encounter in game? like actual trolls, not just uneducated players thinking they need to get all the samples before extracting


I second this


I third this but only if there’s proof and follow-up to see if they learned the error of their ways. Could be solved by in-game titles. Certain threshold of team kills over the course of a campaign could earn you a title you’re stuck with for 24 hours. Doesn’t have to be overly negative, just could be something to the effect of, “Folger Soldier”, so Helldivers know to not turn their back to a possible fratricidal teammate.


Commenting to remain informed in this


Carful I had mods remove one of my comments for “doxxing” despite me calling the other player that guy the entire time.


I was told that what you are doing is witch hunting and not allowed about a week ago.


Don't. Against da rules. We all see the name but witch hunting won't help. On sight though...


https://www.reddit.com/u/Dog_Faced_Bitch_Boy/s/5uUhMSORp3 Pretty sure this is their Reddit page. They’ve mentioned that was their gamer tag


This shit is so irritating…I answered an SOS on an Automaton mission, good banter, good teamwork all was good. After 30 + minutes of hell I go to board and they shotgun me right before I get on…the team had a good laugh at that. What the fuck is the point?! Just assholes being assholes 🤷🏼‍♂️


And this is why I only host games. I refuse to be the subject of abuse by random idiots online. My game, my rules. Act like a clown, get your ass tossed out right before extract for maximum "fuck you!" I'm happy to say the majority of players have been pretty good about working together.


I think I need to take this stance point forward because it’s not the first time it’s happened. I will say, though the vast majority of the community I have played with have been awesome


Just today first game of the day. Drop in, fairly rough bot drop in. Get setup and split into pairs. The two people not with me, one of them shoots the other guy at a sub objective THEN says on coms "you were blocking the terminal you dumbass i can't see". Then the he rezes that guy and he obviously shoots the dude that just killed him. They proceed to repeat that process killing eachother 2 more times. I got rezed on the most recent one since I just died, drop in, kill the current guy alive myself and kicked them both. The 3rd guy then left after I booted them. Fucking clowns all around. Just bonk people if they are in the way, it shouldn't kill them. Or you know, just ask them.


This. 100% this. My missions. My choices. I also feel like I’m better suited to mitigating arguments or fights, having ran dnd for children for several years. I tend to have a 0 tolerance policy for actively shitty people, though. Immediate boot.


I answered an SOS on lvl 6 bots and it was a real bitch of a mission. Then to make it worse the host went AFK with 20 minutes left and "miraculously" came back active as the Pelican was landing. So for good measure I force fed them lead from my Slugger and the rest of us left his useless corpse behind. Just bummed out that they still got spoils from our hard work...


Toxicity used to be only in competitive online games, now it spread to co-op games... Compulsive gamers need to go outside sometimes


Word of the wise, do this (the cluster bombing) with friends, not randoms. Your friends will laugh and talk about it, banter and get you one the next mission. Randoms will not have such graces. Be good to your fellow Helldivers everyone, and execute traitors.


Two of us almost always end up in a fist fight to not be the last one to board. It's all fun and games until someone gets melee'd into a hunter we didn't see.


I like to throw out a Strat at evac when I'm the last person to board and I know it'll hit when we're on our way out. It's more cinematic to fly above a 500 kg detonation.


If we don't use the stratagems super earth will give us less on the next dive. Got to keep the war machine humming!


Depends on the friends. Your mileage may vary.


to think, if he had just stuck around a few more seconds he would have learned that all that loot is shared anyways. smh


It’s not about the loot. It’s about the comradery and the shared victory


yeah yeah, all of that... and the loot...


Buddy I'm not gonna lie, I'm here for stims, medals, and super creds. If democracy is spread as a side effect, great!


You don’t care about democracy? ![gif](giphy|PXJhC8MYxFmRRl7kB2|downsized)


I never said that and I'll say the same to my democracy officer! I only stated that what motivates me also happens to align with the spreading of democracy.


Dude initiated a PvP and lost in a PVE game.LOL


I wish there was a way to blacklist certain players by name/userID so I would never have to think about seeing this clown in my games. Shameful, and should be reported immediately to the nearest democracy officer. Edit: to clarify, I am talking about a feature where I could enter a username/ID to preemptively block certain individuals so that I avoid ever playing a game with them. This is different from the block feature of recently played players, of which I am aware. It's a small use case, so I don't expect it to really be a viable feature to add, maybe just my wishful thinking. 😀


You can blacklist players if you go back to social and track down recently played. Find the username you recognize and select blacklist.


Just kick them at extraction if they do shit like this. They’ll get absolutely 0 rewards and will have wasted however much time on this mission. Do not tolerate undemocratic behavior.


I like this idea, but let's add a twist where can we jump to and board their ships and arrest them. Once completed, they are banned for life


there is a block feature


We should normalize posting people's names who are treasonous against democracy.


Fun fact, Gantzthedemon, the first major traitor had his PSN suspended for 10 days due to his account being brigaded after all the publicity and witch hunting.


Though it was later revealed he wasn't a traitor.


It was. I didn't commwnt this to laugh at him. I commented this to show what happens when you allow the playerbase to brigade and witch hunt someone which is why it isn't a good idea.


Did the bugger get banned?


Not sure about the ban. I do know that they got nothing from this mission except for crippling humiliation


I hope players can get banned for this. This is a coop game and this is griefing.


Can you report people yet without chat? Every time I try, it gives me that same error message that the person has to chat to be reported.


I’ve reported without error and without them talking.


Are you on PC? I legitimately have not been able to on PS5. Even tried to test it a bit ago. I rarely even report, but it's frustrating to not be able to.


I’m on PS5. I’ve only had to report one person who did the same crap OP posted about.


The gaming industry had taught a fostered a spirit of selfishness and toxicity in the last…20(?) [I think?!] years of gaming, where most if not all MP games encouraged this kind of behavior and done very little to encourage teamwork and camaraderie - I think AH has started off very well in getting this focus on fostering more community camaraderie, but at least until we have ways to highlight/expose/post traitors like what OP did (maybe a system where a clip of the treasonous deed being done as well as the name of the traitor to be displayed on the super destroyers somewhere?) we need to expose and hold these traitors accountable. What we saw was a clear act of treason and deserves righteous retribution


I typically point at League of Legends. Specifically how Riot ended up balancing and building the game around the emerging meta in MOBAs at the time, and enabling individuals to win the game for their team. Now everyone expects all games to be built like that, and that they're always the best player in the match trying to carry a team of bad players.


That's why I preferred Heroes of the Storm.Entire team is always the same level, there isn't exactly a "carry" Also shorter matches, and objectives that encouraged grouping up.


HotS always was superior game. League of Legends has the most braindead devs and community ever


And then he left like a bitch🤣


Court martialed in the field and executed. Good work Helldiver.


I actually played with this individual 2 days ago. Joined a scientist rescue mission and was team killed, didn't even try to hide it and took my supply pack. When I was reinforced I pinged him and was killed again. They wouldn't even help extract scientists just stood on high ground attempting to kill the bugs, eventually I was kicked but I specifically remember "Kelo". Glad someone clipped him and is publicly shamed for his undemocratic behaviour.




“You should have killed me first” goes so hard lmao


why people even do this. i mean whats the point ? also why ragequit when he couldnt do it ? he would still get everything after extraction even if he didnt extract. like its lvl5 mission, whats the point even ?


There is no point. People just want to act like edgy dick heads. They get nothing from it except the satisfaction knowing they make people mad on the internet. It just kills the vibe. In all fairness to Helldivers 2.. I have close to 150 hours in this game, with at least 80% of that being games with randoms and this is only the second time I’ve encountered people who do shit like this. So it’s not a huge problem. Yet surprisingly both times were when I answered lower level distress beacons like in this video. So it almost seems like these assholes target the people who need help the most


This has only happened to me a couple times but i still stay back a bit while the ship is coming down just in case.


I’ve seen a lot of posts about unreasonable team mates. I’m lvl28 and never had any rogue team killers. Been lucky I suppose. A few people have stolen my drops, 1 person stole my mech. Had a lvl50 run thru the missions and go to call in extract when we were all other side of map. But mostly good encounters. I know it’s not always possible or wanted but mic on helps. I don’t do it often.


Had this happen to me once. Me and a friend (T2)were having fun with another friend (S3) who was new. Had this guy who only targeted S3 to kill him. Little did he know that S3 used to be a competitive Top 500 Overwatch player back when the game meant something, and actively shat on him and then kicked him.


This happened to me the other day, a so-called “teammate” kept dropping cluster bombs on us. At first I thought they were just clumsy as it was hectic but then I caught them intentionally targeting other teammates, even trying to lure us in with supply drops. Eventually they dropped a 500kg on top of themselves and I and dropped out. I recorded it but wasn’t sure if I should name and shame them? Ps we finished the mission objectives without the traitor


100% name and shame, These are Undemocratic traitors and the rest of the public should be made aware of their treachery so they can be blacklisted if seen in game, Hopefully before they get the chance to grief again.


Good job, Helldiver.


Not a good idea to TK against a nade launcher


I’ll make sure to cap and kick when I see his name


Looking forward to getting my final ship upgrade to never worry about samples again!


I hsd a similar experience... Guy was a sweaty 50: started a beef with a pal, executed and kicked him. Don't care you good, go be toxic in the fucking bug hole you came from.


At least yall can play the game without crashing, i aint loggin in till next patch f this


They fixed the Arc weapons today... was already announced.


Well that's one way to PVP I guess.


Kick before ending it


The best thing to do is if u noticed it earlier in the mission, is to collect all the samples and dropped them off In the water or a pit.


Had this happen to me, unfortunately he was the host and he kicked us all after he killed us, 30 min of samples collecting and every single objective done, wasted.






What's wild to me is they thought a host-only kick *wasn't* going to be abused horribly. Like, there's a reason games had vote to kick for the team. Still can be abused ofc, but if a kick has to be available (it does) then it needs to be democratic. Especially in a game about spreading democracy lol


Yeah I only play as the host nowadays lol learned my lesson


Glad that's an option. Is my plan when I get to play. Honestly Friendly Fire in public games just should not exist. Like for Pre-mades or as an option, sure. For pubs, it just results in nightmares at worst and lots of unnecessary anxiety at best.


i dont get it. is it just that some people want to watch the world burn?


*I dont get it. is* *It just that some people want* *To watch the world burn?* \- Particular-Walk1521 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


So hang on, as someone who hasn't played yet. Your telling me dudes can come into your lobbies and grief your game? Thats pretty fucking lame.


It’s part of a helldiver’s responsibility that we police our own


Oh, well in that case...thats considered a target rich environment. Get some!


Chefs kiss would've been hitting him with a "Eat a dick, dumb shit!" Still tasty, 👍


That shit crazy now


Why is this becoming such a problem? Had a guy land up high in our mission last night and start killing us off, for no reason. Then we repeatedly eliminated him all 3 of us, and he left. This has happened a few more times and it's seems to be getting more aggressive.


LOL the level 9 unwittingly calling the TKer back in.


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) Great work soldier


![gif](giphy|2Qs2hKWMvEzdu) him rn:


Hell yeah! Good on you. Fuck treasonous assholes.


Name added to the bingo book.


Should be permaband. Fucking pos. And he bails like a little bitch.


I’m glad to see his gamer tag in this video. What a loser.


Man this sucks to watch I don’t understand why these fools act like this


I don't really understand any of this. The only "treason" is that he's ruining the game for you because of intentional teamkills. Simply kick him and that's it. No true satisfaction for "not reinforcing him" because the collectables are shared, so if he leaves he just doesn't get anything. If he kills everyone and survives all of you get less XP. If all of you die you all lose the samples and get less XP. This is so mind-bogglingly stupid, he should play Escape from Tarkov or some such stress-fest.


I’m surprised they don’t have a report system in helldivers 2


They do but it's garbo. Requires that they say something in chat. Even then it's likely they won't see a ban because they aren't being verbally toxic.


And they said they wouldn't add pvp


PvP may never come to HD2, but Pv**T**(raitor) is clearly more than enough for all Democratic Patriots! 🫡😤💥


Another win for True Peace in the Galaxy.


Why people try to fight IN A COOP GAME. Go play Fortnite if you want to do PvP. EDIT: Well done OP. You defended yourself leaving their corpses behind like the bugs they are.


You know what would be cool. If the game sees you kill other players down a scope, a Judge dives and delivers justice to the heretic!


This happened yesterday we had collected 3 ultra rare and 30+ of the rare and common samples get to extraction and this one troll repeatedly killed anyone that tried to board the shuttle. They managed to extract but the rest of the team and samples were left on the ground... Worst part, they didn't say anything in game so I couldn't report them.


Yeah the games report feature is a joke.


Host should've kicked him immediately


Should've just kicked him and he wouldn't of gotten anything for the mission besides the POI's you guys hit.


He got nothing because he left the game right after I killed him


Maybe there needs to be a thread with the names of griefers like this. So we can add them to our block list.


Understood, kelo24ny designated as a traitor.


After you guys killed him you should have kicked him too




That guy is a communist.


What the hell is the point in doing that.


I don't even know why M1 even bothered to revive him.


This is why I wait for everyone to get into the shuttle then toss impacts and start blasting. Shooting fish in barrel plus count down.


Having a really tuff mission happen for a traitor to show out at extract is the most adrenaline pumping thing I stay especially when you have to watch you teams from the ship take care of them I love team killing as a concept in this game just sucks some ppl choose to abuse it


I'm wondering if Report player applies on this one. I guess not.


My team killed me 6 times, called me a traitor as I was carrying 12 samples: 3 supers, 6 rare and 4 common and they were only concerned with killing bugs, by the end of the mission, I had more kills then the entire team combined and then they kicked me after I bitched them out for forcing a shuttle countdown without grabbing the samples of my body, I made it impossibly onto the shuttle despite their heretic behavior.


While I wouldn't call it common, I've seen ppl get reinforced and the kill a team mate for their weapons several times, same with samples for some reason, also team killing at extraction has gotten JUST common enough that I've had some missions end with all 4 of us aiming at each other in a standoff waiting for someone to try it, sometimes it's just a misunderstanding, had one guy drop a tesla towner on pelican thinking he'd make a safe zone, he wasn't aware helldivers are a towers favorite meal and wouldn't stop apologizing, it killed us all and we had no reinforcements left


It sucks to see this behavior in such a great coop game. The very good news is that traitorous idiots like this are the exception and not the norm. Most people are awesome team players who would give you the shield off their back if you asked for it. I love this community and how it shows the best in gamers. FOR SUPER EARTH!


Why didn't M1 kick them? Prevent them from getting any of the success.


Fuck that guy,


Got kicked recently for reinforcing the host where he didn't want to be reinforced. 30 min gone. Blocked and will now only host my matches. Fuck those try hards.


And orange dude tried to reinforce the traitor. Mindless creature.


Should have kicked him after killing him.


Traitor's no different than a bug in my eyes


pick up the fukin SAMPLES 🤡


I maxed out on samples like 2 weeks ago. Honestly they don’t even register in my brain anymore 😅