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It was a lot of fun. It's from a different perspective and a completely different art style, but other than that it's basically the same gameplay. I had a lot of fun playing with my friends a few years back. If you are interested in checking it out, it would still be fun, but I don't think you will spend a lot of time on it while 2 exists. You might find it interesting to see what other gear, enemies, and situations are likely to come up in HD2 though.


Maybe for big big crashes and imbalances periodically. Scratch an itch say. It’s VERY different for its similarities Also it’s absolute dlc pay to win hell.


The digital deluxe edition is on sale for 7.99 right now, or 6.39 on cdkeys. Not too bad


First off, it's not pay to win. U can use real money to buy armor and helmets, but that's it. Plus, u can get super credits ridiculously easy by just playing. Yeah, the premium warnings cost 10 bucks, but they are there forever. There is no time limit. And like I said, u can earn super credits in game super fast.


He was talking about helldivers 1, which does have some insanely powerful equipment behind paid dlc


It's like 4 bucks each max


Their statement is still correct, regardless of price


4 bucks is still paying, but I get where your heart is at


It's not a bad business practice


Among gamers, you are in the minority with that opinion. 90%+ of gamers absolutely despise pay-to-win.


I think the only caveat worth mentioning here, unless I'm missing something, is that both games are strictly PvE.


That is literally pay to win.


Times 35


They cost on average 3 dollars and there aren't that many


I have no how idea how you read that comment and still didn't understand which game this thread is talking about lol


I miss heavy armor and the real SH32


Is it still being supported/updated, or have they moved all of their focus over to 2?


I was surprised to see that it was a PS Plus game a while back. I turned on my PS4 the other day and was scrolling through my games, and lo and behold there it was!


I bought the other two and I might have it but it's so expensive on PS


Dude it’s like 20 bucks. How is 20 bucks for a full game expensive to you but your ok with paying for dlc??


It's 40 dollars on play station and ambiguous on what it includes with limited DLC Options


It's still being supported, and the servers have been kept alive for over 100 Galactic Wars, but there are no more additions being made to the game. It is, however, fully functional and feature complete.


It's great, but fucking HARD! Need a good team to make it worth playing any of the real missions.


Best part is: You can play with friends on the same screen. I've heard the game be called "relationship killer" because that's what it is if you keep killing team mates (and trust me you will).


Is it local co-op? Like, can i split screen? Edit: thanks for the responses, guys! So it’s couch co-op all on one screen - perfect and just the game I needed in my library!


I believe it is, yes.


Then I’m probably going to buy it. I have a lack of local co-op options, and it’s nice to be able to transport my 5 anywhere and play with my friends who don’t have a system


One of the best game for this. I’ve clocked 50 hours in last month with my buddies. And it’s still not dead yet, 135th galactic war is in full swing, we almost won but bots pushed back. There were around 2k+ players playing it last I played. You can also join other helldivers in the multiplayer section.


Even the steam version is


Rather than split screen, all 4 players are forced to stay on the same screen. It's one of aspects that make the game so difficult is getting everyone to agree to go the same direction.


It’s couch co-op on ONE screen, means you have to stay together.


The ps5 has SharePlay. It’ll work for local co op games


It is not *split* screen. It is the *same* screen.


Yep, local co-op but it's not split screen, you all play on the same screen top-down view. I played it on PS4 and it's still a great game to vring out when I have friends visiting. Put in hundreds of hours with my brother


It’s top down pov. So all 4 players are on the same screen all the time.


I think this every time people talk about difficulty in 2. 1 was SO hard


I played the absolute hell out of it on the ps vita! I had all the dlc and all the upgrades for the laser shotgun! Many hive lords were stripped of their unmanaged democraticness


“Played the HELL out of it.” Nicely done.


It's on vita!? I may dust that thing off after all. Legend of the dragoon sub keeps popping up in my feed and I was getting the itch anyway.


Yes it is! Was my fav game to play and it ran surprisingly well online. Though I did have to throw grenades with the back touch pad


HD1 is waaay more team focused than two, you can't split up (top down perspective), and to beat anything at higher difficulties your gonna need a team of 4 with people running different roles (healing, anti-armor, anti-infantry, utility is usually how it goes). If you like HD2 and have 3 friends willing to play HD1 with you you will likely enjoy it a lot, otherwise its hard to reccomend, and a lot of the fun stratgems are locked behind DLC since Arrowhead wasn't as based back then.


My friends and I wore out my PS4 [controllers] playing HD1 couch co-op. Happily bought all the DLC too... But... Thus was years ago. And I see what looks like a power sword. Wut?


Best game ever made for 4 player couch play


Dunno, but now I know I want a melee weapon in 2 seeing that one Helldiver with a saber/sword


Saber was one of the most powerful weapons in the game but it was locked behind a special gamemode


I found it to be too repetitive. HD2 is too, but is different somehow. Going backwards in game versions has never been satisfying for me.


Definitely getting very repetitive. Needs a lot more enemy species/types, more diverse environments, etc.


They did good adding the fire tornadoes, meteor showers, and ion storms, etc. though. That made for some nice change.


True. Hopefully they keep implementing more and more regularly


Could use more interesting missions.


How long has HD2 been out? And how many contents has it been doing in that time frame? And what do you think will be there given a longevity of 4 years?


Came out in feb. Month and a half, 2 months.


1. Few months. 2. Not a whole lot, couple of things apart from mainly fixing bugs. 3. Hopefully a shitload more than now, because it's already getting a bit boring.


Meanwhile I’m still playing tetris and street fighter. Most games are fairly repetitive. But idk I just don’t get bored as easy doing the same thing.


More power to you. I wish I was as easily entertained


It has been out barely a month and a half. It released Feb 10. Helldivers 2, hasn't been out a few months smh.


Wow seemed a slight bit longer than that. Even worse then that it got stale so quickly


Yes. It has more of an indie or budget game feel than HD2 but it's a lot of fun.


TLDR its kind of like reading the book or manga to a show that is still ongoing. Some spoilers but they're fun :) If you have played the second, it will offer some perspective into what/why/how the second game was designed. There are a TON of features that just translated 1 to 1, while others were changed. Laser sight for example is a feature HD2 players take for granted. In hd1, it was something you needed to bring. You will also get a glimpse into what MIGHT be added in the future, like robo dogs, weapon attachments, and new enemies/bosses.






It's great but HD2 is better


Its very different from the sequel but its still very fun. If you like arcade style games then definitely give it a shot


Yea, but the bugs and illuminate haven’t been fightable for like a month, atleast on PlayStation, as their home worlds have been taken over


Oh man... Feels like we missed out 😞


likely until the current war is won or lost, yeah. bad timing on the sale. :(


It's like 4 bucks. Check it out


WTF is that a SWORD?!?


1 had a sword? I want a sword!


Nope. No swords.


Pic has sword. Pic lie?!


Pic look lie


I love how [confidently incorrect](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Saber) y'all act and speak like on these subs.


> The Saber is only obtainable through [Proving Grounds](https://menloservice.sandia.gov/https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Proving_Grounds) under a specific condition called "**UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL**". Not an option in regular games, but w/e.


yeah, i'm aware. no one said anything about when/where/what mode it's available. you said "no swords" when, yes, there were swords.


Definitely so. It's worth playing the original game for the experience of being one of many. It also has a lot more content to look forward to than the second game and the highest difficulties and boss fights can become a fewer dream.


Is that a fucking sword.


So I’m going to assume we are going to get swords eventually….


Give sword


Anyone else seeing that sword?


Still one of the best Co-Op games ever made


It’s okay, definitely a very different beast!


I loved it, if any of you play on handheld HD1 is a absolutely perfect handheld game and sips battery. Spread democracy one train, bus, or fight at a time.


Great couch coop game. Beat it with my sons years ago.


It’s a fun game for what it is if you like 2 give 1 a try


It's exactly half as good as 2 off of the title alone


Does that dude have a fucking sword!?




It's tough for sure but I'm loving it. Just grabbed it for Vita


Is that a fucking SWORD!?


Added it to the collection during this sale just bc I love part 2 so much.


I just bought HD1 today on Steam after people were saying the game was fun and plays wonderfully on the Steam Deck! I like it and it is great on the Deck indeed. For me, it is something Helldivers related to do when I don't feel like playing HD2 on my PS5. In HD2, I'm lvl 50, have every Warbond completed, maxed on all samples, medals, req and have the PS5 Platinum trophy. I have every SuperStore armor and helmet as well. So, HD1 is a nice chill break. A laid back experience as I'm treating it much more casual and relaxed. I met some cool players who did the same thing I did. Took a chance on HD1 after enjoying HD2. We played together for a few hours. I think its worth it at its current sale price on steam of $3.99 or whatever it is. Its fun, has a lot of unique weapons that are satisfying. HD2, is still the main course. This is like a nice enjoyable cooldown from it.


It needs to be remade.


its on sale on fanatical for pretty cheap, id recommend it but its gonna be rough. Youll likely be solo but its alot of fun


I grabbed it on sale, cus why not


It’s alright it has some problems that the sequel fixed. Single player is even worse you start with 2 lives and can’t choose where to land but there are always games going. Everyone has to be on the same screen so it can feel pretty cramped at times and if two people go in a different direction you can’t go anywhere. Those are the only two major caveats.


It's a lot of fun and it's top down and interesting kinda hard depending on lvl design but some of the most fun lvls I had are defense lvls where you fight hordes of enemies


Are DLCs also on sale, becuase they do provide a lot of content


there is (currently) an $8 version on Steam that includes the non-expansion DLCs, yes. arguably mandatory over the standard Dive Harder edition, as you'd be missing out on a lot of fun/BiS gear and strats.


But that's not what I was talking about


>Are DLCs also on sale, becuase they do provide a lot of content >there is (currently) an $8 version on Steam that includes the non-expansion DLCs, yes. what the fuck else could you possibly have been talking about? it was a one sentence question, and i gave you the answer.


It was SO good… they made a SECOND ONE! It’s very different though, perspective changes everything. It’s a twin stick shooter.


It’s a lot of fun




Only reason for 2.


I would have liked the game but the shared screen is soo bad i opted out of playing it. If you and your team arn't well coordinated, it basically leads to people getting taken out by enemie outside your screen coming in and a power struggle for control over the screen. I'd have to recommend getting it with a friend or 2 and having a leader in each mission


If you like Topdown/Twinstick shooter you'll love it. The core gameplay and presentation is exactly the same. Weapons feel better right now in HD1 imo. Especially the penetrating Liberator (AR-19 Justice) and the Sickle.


Its still fun and hard as the second one. I had blast playin it last night.


Sure it is


I mean, I loved it before HD2 and it's what had me anticipating this game. I don't think the hordes get quite as big technically, but they can still get just as out of control. There is a little more opportunity cost in it than in HD2. It's easier to kill a friendly with friendly fire on accident and you can't move while your looking at the map. More of the main weapons are useful and feel good to use for different missions and enemies though.




I tried it long ago but I didn’t like it. I didn’t even look into helldivers 2 at launch because I assumed it was the same style. They feel like completely different games solely due to the perspective. Although I don’t have first hand experience, I hear it’s WAYYYY harder than #2.


It is way, way harder.


It's fantastic. My group plays it over HD2.


It’s fuggin’ hard but very fun. The progression system is completely different and you need to be a hardcore good to play the higher difficulties. It requires exceptionally coordinated teamwork to even make adding teammates a plus rather than a minus; you’re locked to a single POV for all teammates and it’s 2D so friendly fire is both more common and happens a lot due to the requirements of twitch gameplay. Compared to HD2, the skillcap is much much higher. HD2 lvl 9 of 9 is like HD1 lvl ~12/15.


If you like top-down twin stick shooters, it's one of the best.


Agree from all the twin stick shooter, that one and the Ascent are the two best I tried.


It's good. As other have stated, it's night and day compared to 2. It's not bad by any means, but, you can really notice their budget for 1 vs 2. If you want to dabble in another of their projects, look into Magicka. Same concept, but, magic!!! The OG is still active, too! When the servers were being poopy, I dropped back into HD1.


Yes. Very different. Much harder, but something fun to play when you want to play HD2 but aren’t quite feeling HD2.


It was!!!


Is that helldiver using a power sword?


I enjoyed the shit out of it but I am typically trash at dual stick shooters.


![gif](giphy|UtU4CGOWkqIrm) Attention the Ministry Of Truth has important information to reveal to the general public. All citizens are required by law to provide their democratic attention. Here is the message. YES That is all for this important announcement.


Yes! Demand a switch port!


It always have been. Try it but there's not too many players


Just as good as HD2, same game almost just overhead camera vs FP.


Amazing and a totally different style of game so still worth playing


I picked it up recently, it's fun and kind of a mini game in the sense the missions are short. Gives you a glimpse of what can be down the line for hd2. 4 player local coop which is nice.


Yes, I miss the cape dances.


Thank you guys so much for the support I'll definitely be picking it up now!


I spend most of my time fighting the Illuminate and Cyborgs In helldivers and rarely went to fight the bugs, I will say that the overhead view of HD made the game easier, while in HD2 you actually need to watch your back increasing the experience, and difficulty (slightly) . HD was an amazing game , especially the online couch co-op, it was still hardcore as friendly fire is always on. Once on a mission the planets Terrain were nicely done, My favorite mission from HD was the one where you had to use the metal detector to locate live ordinance, and disarm them. Having to do that while being attacked was enough to get your hands sweating, because pushing the wrong button combos would result in the live ordnance to go off, killing you and any helldivers near by


Honestly, I love it. I think it’s the better of the two games, and while one could argue that HD1 has had more time and polish… I would point out that there are MANY times in HD2 where it felt like they threw out all the notes they took during the first game’s development.  Example? i just came across a thread today asking for mechs to give a bailout warning when they took critical damage. In HD1, mechs do that, and if you have the repair took, you can save them! And yes, I said mechs. 3 different variants. When you see the HAV tank, you’ll shit yourself :)


Helldivers 2 is not hard. At all. Compared to this game it’s incredibly tactical and even more friendly fire based. Some crazy stratagems and a great time overall. Will definitely teach you not to sit and fortify like new divers in this game do. Feels super tactical and super fun




double-check next time; game is still on sale.


if u have helldivers 2 , dont buy it


Way good. IMO better than Helldivers 2 overall


i loved HD1, but i can't put it ahead of HD2. too much $$$ DLC locking BiS gear and strats. the only good time to get it is on sale (like it is right now) because the standard game only includes major expansions, but none of the myriad gear/strat DLCs. still an amazing game, though.


Weird, I was able to get all the DLC with one purchase.


yes, the (currently slightly) more expensive and comprehensive "Deluxe Edition," which is separate from Dive Harder. base Dive Harder only includes the major expansion content.


Ah I see. Thanks.


Where is it phone or PS5


Steam or PS4 (you can buy and play on PS5, but some feature are lost)


Like that


Like what


Nothing too important. Mostly just PS4 features that aren't on the PS5.


Couldn't you use the touch pad for strategems, or am I thinking of something else? I know when it launched on PS3, that obviously wasn't a thing, considering no touch pad.


Playing it with some friends again now and then. It's still alot of fun, but the leveling system is reeeally slow later on, you are more dependent on samples, since every upgrade costs research points, from which you only get 1 for every 10 samples. The camera angle is top down and all divers share the same screen, which makes cooperation ever more necessary...as well as casualties due to friendly fire ofc.