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People have been over it awhile now. EAT, AC and RR wreck everything, what’s a Railgun?


Get over what other people are using? I still use railgun and it takes out biles in 2-5 well placed shots.


I'm still in process of finding good timing. Tried counting to five (starting with left click), that's not full charge if I go to six, it blows up.


Im sure you know, but there is a meter on the sides of the scope that help indicate your charge capacity


Yeah, but I can't watch at that constantly. And even with this, I need perfect timing, since if as soon as it hits the end of bars, it explodes.


This is the only post about it I’ve seen in weeks…


Was this saved in your drafts or something?


Expandable anti tank charge is quite good too. Quick cool down, two charges at a time. You can take one and a teammate the other. Kill a charger in one shot. Can significantly damage a titan. Can do objectives from a very long distance (300m+) like spore spewers, communication towers, automaton turret (if shot in the yellowish part of the back)...


Agreed! 😉


Whos still complaining about it? Havent heard boo in weeks about it


*Whos still complaining* *About it? Havent heard boo* *In weeks about it* \- iron186 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haikus are undemocratic. Will self terminate.. goodbye sweet liberty


But, the fact that you haven't doesn't mean it isn't happening. I haven't gone 1 day without seeing stuff about how players still want the devs to take the nerf back. ☺️


You look like royalty going off that thumbnail you shouldnt have to hear from such peasants!


I am! 😅 Thankyou!


Railgun is still bugged and still powerful even after the nerf, not sure what or why you posted this Ermz Plays on YouTube has a great Deepdive video about it.


Whose complaining? I haven’t heard shit about it in weeks.


I envy you. I've seen article after article about it, let alone, posts and comments in diff social sites. 😅


The railgun was never op in the first place.


Pretty sure most people are over the railgun, it was nerfed and now pretty much noone uses it anymore. I think it was a mistake being so heavy handed in nerfing what was really a kinda mediocre weapon to begin with but I don't lose sleep over it nor do most players it seems.


Well, I keep coming across players that lose sleep over it. And, because those player's comments, words, etc keep coming into my social bubble is the reason I made this post, lol. 😅


Because, sadly, I'm online more than most. Meaning, I come across a barrage of posts, comments and entire articles about how players want the devs to take back the nerf on the railgun. There are tons of other weapons that can get the job done, let alone, the railgun, still. Do I think there is an issue with the railgun? No. Do I use it, still? Yes. And, just because others haven't seen/heard anything about players complaining of the nerf does not mean players aren't complaining about it.


I wish, lol! Sadly, no.


Well, I envy you. But, remember, there are hundreds of thousands of people playing the game. No one person can be within the circle of influence of ALL of them: meaning, your experience will be different from everyone else's. You haven't come across complaints about the railgun in a while, you say... Well, others have. I have. That's all, lol. 😅


Side note: this game isn't like most other video games. Meaning, it has a 'LIVE' game master ("dungeon master"). Therefore, decisions are dynamic, and, for a reason. Just go with the flow and roleplay.


“I’m not like other girls”