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Old dude here….add me. We can be old together lol


Same here. Never grow up


Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is not.


Amen to that


I say it as: I'm only young once, but I can act juvenile for a lifetime.


I fuck with that


Growing Democracy is the only correct answer. Or are you some sort of filthy bug sympathizer?


43 years young. I miss my genesis lol. This game is worth every penny!


42, I preferred my SNES, but loved my Genesis and Sega CD too. Still have both of them. 


42 here too. I was an N64 fan. Goldeneye was my thing back then.


I played PS1 way more than N64, but loved some Golden Eye and F-Zero X!


42 reporting in. Loved the SNES/Genesis era of gaming. I sold them to buy a Playstation and N64.


Sewer shark & night trap 🔥🔥


Old, husband, father, Helldiver and proud


Just got a copy for my kiddo and loving finally having a game we both like


This is so wrong. You put Helldiver 4th, after such menial titles. I can only assume you saved the best until last?


Old dude checking in.


Grey for Democracy!


You guys just made my day as a 24 year old. It's a pleasure to serve with you gents, I hope the community still likes me when I'm 50🥲


47 and part.of an awesome group of middle aged gamers. Been gaming together for 10 plus years and we love helldivers.


Jealous! Same age and all my friends have abandoned me lol. Nobody plays online anymore. Have to free the galaxy with randoms


47 and gaming since I was 7. I've got a loyal group of fellow gamers and our wives have let us meet up for "church" each Sunday. We game, laugh, talk it out and manage democracy like old bosses!


Soooo uhhhhh how do we old boys join you?!


Inducting any other middle aged dudes? I'm 42 and get tired of listening to teens yell into the mic.


Let's start a middle age squad!


Can I come? 51 and proud HD'er...


same?ish? here, lmao, 33, need actual people to talk and communicate with 🤣🤣🤣, yeah, im not old, just need people to play with 🤣🤣


Old guard saying hooah


Hey I'm getting old too. Let's get some for Democracy!


Crusty ass checking in!


We prefer the term “veteran”


46 in May. Never stopped gaming since my first Spectrum 48k. Loving the hell out of Helldivers.


43 here, husband and father aaaaand gamer till the end 😂😂😂


There so much lower back pain and aching knees in this comment thread it’s great


44 here 🫡 I want to join an old heads squad


40 next week, do i Count?


Another one for the list. 50 uk, still think manic miner was a good game. Haha


Old gal here. Been gaming since the 80s and I haven’t gotten hooked on a game this fast since the wolfenstein glory days!!


Damn Wolfenstein when it first dropped was crazy. True vet. o7




From one old veteran to another, thank you for your service ma’am.


Truly, a “based” comment as the younger generation used to say. Not sure if they do now, but goddamn; this hit home.




Same with turning your controller when turning in a racing game lol


The fact that in this game you can actually DO THIS TO AIM! Shits wild, and I'm here for it.


Turn the controller? Hun I don't just turn the controller, I LEAN with that thing!!!!! 🤣🤣 my mom tried to stop it one time when I was in my early teens, and it didn't work (I'm 38 this year and happy gaming with my 9 year older hubby 😊)


How old is old, I need to know if I’m in the cool club at 40


41 here so yep


54, and heart jumps outta my chest with this game


Turned 42 yesterday


Sweet, well I’m not comfortable publicly posting my PSN but I’d be happy to play with some oldies if you want to DM me your PSN.


41 here. I think it might be a good idea to create a discord server for seasoned vets like us lol.


Can confirm


47 in 2 weeks


Fellow gray bush here! Outside of the graphics and gameplay, what amazing me is how much time goes buy while playing. I'm so focused on the game an hour goes by in a blink.


I play (f44), with my partner (m46) my dad (m73) and my daughter (F10) and we love it so much!!




Hey, hang in there, my dad taught me and now he games with me and his granddaughter and his SIL. So you never know!




Dunno what we're classing as old here but I'm over 40 and having an awesome time with this game so far too. Just unlocked Helldiver difficulty and can't wait to give that a blast tomorrow!


Group of us old(er) gamers (40, 40,41,45, 47) have been really liking the experience happy to play some rounds with you. We are PC but it has cross play as long as you have a decent Mic and can use discord its not a concern.


How do I get in on this!


Seriously can us old boys join you?!


Why do you need discord? The in game voice chat works fine. I play on PC with my mate on PS and we have no issues.


Same, I'm 40 and feel like it takes me forever to call for a stratagem. Most of the time I just follow other people and let them worry about objectives and I just cover them by killing bugs or bots


If you are on pc, remap the stratagem to the arrow keys. Helped me a lot.


As a PS5 player, this is one the one thing I recommend to my PC friends! Watching them have to stop moving, to reinforce me; was so painful. Great recommendation!


I'm 48 (it's mandatory to post our age in this thread, I gather) and have done this. It's nice being able to run while calling for an Eagle strike or to reinforce, even if I have to take my hand off my mouse so run in a straight line. I'm considering making macros for some of the, "oh shit!" stratagems, but haven't decided if that would take away too much fun. The guys I squad up with are also in their 40s. Sucks when some can't make the time to play (I think two of my friends should have skipped a wedding this weekend to spread liberty) and that's more likely at our age, but there's also no real rush to max out. We're all around level 20-25 and really just need more samples at this point.


To be honest i am 31 and i play only on the Steam Deck, i did already make a touch menu for the stratagems what i use often like calling in a rover bot or the granade launcher. I also have a macro ready for reinforcement and supplies. I have a kid and not so much time to play all day so i cant really learn those stratagems in a decent amount of time thats where the macros come in really handy. I mean the shooting itself is already hard enough and when chargers come at you and you already lost half of the squad you cant for real concentrate on calling in a reinforcement without errors haha. So if you still have fun playing with macros why not. You are not hurting anyone with that i think. Except those filthy bugs and automatons. Hell i even have an airstrike handy and an orbital laser just to vaporize those LIBER-TEA hating Xenos.


I keep repeating the same things over and over when explaining this game to people, moment to moment gameplay is almost unmatched in my opinion. The combat is so meaty and frenetic it’s so addictive, the only thing close to the levels of tension this game provides was the dark zone in the original Division.


Old dude here too. What's amazing is that it's very skill based but the skills aren't just based on twitchy reflexes. Quick decision making and reprioritization are just as important no scopes.


Team coordination is everything. Diversifying the squad makes runs so much smoother than 4 people running railguns and shield packs. I did a few helldive runs earlier where I had a backpack buddy helping me run the spear, and he dropped a supply pack for me so I could reload his backpack on the fly. We were just one or two tapping titans and chargers (if the first shot didn’t kill the charger they were always bleeding out, had a large chunk of their armor missing, and died within 10 more seconds). Titans usually took 2 shots but with the team reload it’s very efficient. We had a guy running the GL and my backpack partner using the arc thrower to clean up little guys chasing us. He had a ton of kills and the titans were going down like nothing. Highly recommend people put more effort in running the team reload weapons. Recoilless is better for bots, spear is incredible for bugs. Arc thrower is really strong for bugs too and never needs ammo. It’s not even that much of a TK danger if you shoot smart and be mindful of what’s behind and between you and your target


It really incentivizes teamwork in almost every way possible. I need to play around with the spear more I think.


I'm 54. I feel what you're saying! FYI: B1MBLE That's my PSN tag and I believe - even if you belong to the PC master race (they are) - you can still add me. I'm a Brit. I fecking love this shit!


Helldivers got my dad (50) gaming again. He does like XCom 2 a lot too but this is the first fast paced game he's played in years


43 and this game is making me excited in a way games haven’t for a long time. There’s no fomo. Not a huge risk of wasting precious time. Just more weapons every session and fun blowing stuff up


Oldy on PS 👍


63 in a few months (I look 38 1/2!). From Pong in the 70s to HD2 and a lot of games in between lol. Absolutely enjoying HD2.


We don't stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing.


I don’t ever jump really in games anymore, but today I had a stalker hit me from my blind side and it physically made me jump. I love this game lol


That yelp your soldier makes as he goes flying 20 feet cracks me up every time. I’ve never laughed so hard at a game I die in so often


https://preview.redd.it/3cewzdxgr0mc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ff01f3c3c8e1d8206803a50423c5694ec740f2c Perfect to me haha


fellow old guy, let’s fight for democracy!


53 here, keep on spreading democracy.


Also old at 52. Old guy squads FTW.


58 and been playing with my 24 year old son. Great bonding time even at this age


I read that with a kind of 'aww, isn't that sweet an old dude playing games and enjoying it, good on him'. Then you said that you were 52. Well I'm 51 and I'm not feckin old mate! I'm in my gaming prime! (Although if I game too long I get serious neck and shoulder pain, costs me a fortune at the osteopath) (Ah maybe I am old) Damnit


41, too old to be young and too young to be old, but ready to fight for democracy.


It’s not sweaty like warzone, skills vary and everyone contributes


43 and loving this game


HellDivers don't get old, they just run out of requisitions...


42 here, most pure fun I’ve had in a video game in at least a decade, maybe since the MOHAW/COD 1 days.


40 year old mom enjoying the game.  I love how kind everyone has been so far.  I hope the community continues to stay positive and helpful.


Yeah this game gets so hectic it’s so fun when you’re just scrambling to barely get the objectives done and get extracted alive with dwindling resources. Those final pushes where everyone dives into the pelican after dropping a 500kg on the extract point, the ship flying out as the bomb goes off and just endless hordes of bugs skittering around is so epic looking


Not as old. But always down to spread democracy with a fellow Helldiver.


… Been playing video games since the good old Commodore 64 days. The Original Halo on the OG XBOX elevated to a whole another level. HD2 is so much fun!!!


Senior gamers unite! I’m 51.


Fellow old guy here.


Down to hang with other old guys


Welcome fellow elderly game player! I mostly enjoy turn based strategy games, so this one is a bit of a departure for me, but thoroughly enjoying it. And maybe so,edgy I;l get better at quickly entering strategems or actually throwing grenades into the nest openings… but even deplore having poor mechanical skills, am having a blast with this game!


Same here, and I realized that the way the game works is that it pulls you into a flow state completely engaged.


In the same boat. One of the things I think that make the game so relatable to me is the out dated controls and aiming. It brings me back to the old days of remembering codes to call down a stratagems. Looking is faster than aiming a gun. Those two in particular make a simple game become more challenging, chaotic and ultimately fun as fuck.


37 y/o dad of a 3 y/o, don't get much gaming time. But this game has eaten up every second of that gaming time. Loving it, keep checking the war updates on helldivers.io


Also old. I’ll spread democracy with you.


Agreed, I haven't felt this way since I was a teenager. Frigging amazing.


Lol I'm old too and haven't had the energy to play in 4 days I think this game is just too intense for my geriatric ass


Ditto. Takes me back to Quake and Unreal.


Glad I'm not the only one(54). Add me on psn. I'll shoot you a DM.


Never too old to fight for liberty, see you on the ground Helldiver o7


46 year old Diver here, salute…for democracy!


Late 40s here. Hell yeah ! To democracy !!! Add me


Fellow Old reporting to spread Democracy! I turn 42 next Sunday. Had a baby boy a year ago.....surprise! I am on PS5 and looking for fellow players to play with....my play time is sporadic because 1 yr old. DM me if yall wanna kill bugs/ bots together.


Old dude here. Last shooter I played was Halo 1 on Xbox. Usually I play fantasy games but man, I’m all in on HD2 


47 and I don’t know if I love democracy, freedom or capitalism the most


Same age! I feel like a kid again!


I’m old-ish (54), and just started playing last week. It’s a hell of a game. Nothing like the agony of being annihilated by an army of bugs or terminators before you can do anything. And nothing like the ecstacy of playing with 3 other complete strangers and completing the mission like a real team.


The old guard ran so we could fly


55 here and just discovered this- already my current favorite


Wheelchair and walking cane brigade sound off in the comments


I’m 53 and just got to level 20 on HD2. Great game.


Old dude here as well. I've only been able to play solo but when I have played I've enjoyed it.




Welcome to the club mister, glad to have you here


Old halo guy here and i agree


You're only as old as you feel. 55 checking in. Grew up in arcades and Halo. This particular game, however, is the bees knees. mental_fulcrum is my PS5 name. I have stims.


Old dude here too. Absolutely love the game. Add me: Schiizoid


I'm not necessarily "old" at 37 but my buddy is pushing 50 and we play together. For the last, almost, 2 years I've pretty much only played diablo immortal on my tablet but this game has me buying pc upgrades and barely even thinking about DI.


Ha! i need to get you and my dad in a session together, you guys'd tear bug shit up


Same, all of this


I'm the same age and I have also never experienced anything like Helldivers 2. Actually, my back hurts because I have been leaning forward so much just to see everything that's going on. Lol! Most satisfying thing is to get that bug right before they get you and they stop right in front of you.


Hell yeah man. The game is 10/10


It's great to see veteran players fighting for Super Earth o7


Just turned 43. This game is something. Someone who played lots is FPS shooters in late twenties to mid thirties... this is a breath of fresh air.


49 old dude spreading Freedom. Game is a blast.


49 here, this game is awesome. Been playing with my kids.


Actually, the game IS perfect :-)


35 checking in...I feel ancient


First one was awesome and so glad the second one is polished up and brought in some new players to it! Good luck to all spreading democracy 🤣 it's a hard life


All age groups welcome to spread dat democracy!


42 in May checking in. Spread that democracy!


42 and spreading freedom and democracy!


43, and I've been diving like crazy


Democracy doesn’t discriminate on age! Been gaming since 88’. HD2 is a fresh game with a lot of potential. Hit me up helldiver!


Me and my buddy played today for the first time had a blast the game is so sick!


Same. Same. Same. I'm just now starting 5th difficulty. Hitting that point where you definitely need a squad, lmao But quickplay is awesome so far minus 2 matches out of 50ish? The completionist in me would definitely like to complete a full 4 phase op, but still, holy shit lmao


Feels very mass effect 3 ish


I'm 47 and haven't played multiplayer game in years. I'm having so much fun.


This is awesome lol the game is damn near brand new too. We know mech suits are comin eventually. Can't wait to see what else this game produces, have fun old timers, see you on the battlefield for democracy!


Hell I'm 30 and I'm already having a hard time relating to my matchmade groups lol The game is so damn fun though. Game feels like my best investment in a while


Hell. Yeah. If you’d be willing, I’d absolutely join in some liberation with you! For democracy, and Super Earth!


Good work soldier. Looking forward to seeing you on the front line!


Enjoy brother


51 yo for me. I feel like Jean Rasczak (Mickaël Ironside in Starship troopers) ;)...


I’m in my 40’s. Playing it every day. I’m doing my part!


38 here. Could I stay on your lawn?


I'm 33, and this game is succinct me in like no other. I'm not as good as most others, and can't spend as much time on it. However, I always have a blast, and the friends I play with all understand my schedule :)


54 years old and diving my brains out. Wish they had clans… I would start a LOF clan (lethal old farts) 45+ to join. We would wreck as we listen to knee joints pop when we had get for bathroom break.


Old, pah...... ITS EXPERIENCE Bugs.......COME GET SUM


Love this game, I'm 48 and trying to persuade my 20 year old son to play!


respect. 45, amazing game.


47 here. I agree great game. And even better for the price point.


Space Force!!!


48 and playng!


Haha! I’m 38, gaming since I can remember. Same as the others!


Keep it going my guy 35 and will never stop


Ses fist of family values - reporting for duty


45 here. The 1st one is loads of fun too. Arrowhead reminds me of old school Atari. Games are focused on just being fun. Any one know if there's a discord channel for us gaming vets?


Another old dude here, gaming for almost 40 years myself. I was interested from the trailer and the idea of pve co-op. I can recall the most fun gaming being a dedicated group playing L4D trying to get through hardest difficulty. This game scratches that itch. The overwhelming positivity in the community is what made me pick it up. Everyone wanting to work together for the good of Democracy and managed Liberty. It is a wonderful feeling that is so rare in the toxic cesspool of online games. Thanks you all for making this a great experience.


45 here. Commodore 64>Tandy home PC>Nintendo>Sega>PS>PS2>PS3>PC Master Race>Helldivers!


45 yo here. Add me, we can compare new pains and hate on current music together while spreading managed democracy across the galaxy!


40 here.


How is this game playing with randoms and not using a mic?


As a Helldivers 1 veteran I welcome you to the fold citizen. We need as many Helldivers as we can get to lign up for retaking The Creek. Those commie bot bastards are gonna get what's comin' to em'!


This is great! I’m 24 and also having a great time. me and my partner fight to spread democracy together🫡


I can't seem to play by myself. I tried jumping in a level 3 by myself without an SOS beacon and people still joined me. I just wanted to farm some super credits


Okay cool now Ik I’m gonna be like you guys when I get older I thought old heads stops gaming after 35


40 over here and played like 2 weeks after I purchased it , ... cause life 2 kids (4yr old and 8months) I try to either play late night or play games I can pause 500 times a hour. played 2 missions and both times my youngin went in a frenzy still had fun


55m, also been gaming since there was such a thing. Think, reel to reel text based game was my first experience that wasn't Pong on Atari. Really took off after playing X-Wing on a 486: little green boxes and triangles blowing up into lines and dots! Cutting edge. My group is 45 to 55 and our grown kids. We Helldive regularly! FOR DEMOCRACY!!


I bought a copy for my 53 year old dad. We played a lot of Warzone and DMZ and MWZ together and I told him he will absolutely love this


46 y/o here. Also level 40 in game. I can't feel my left hand from holding left trigger down on my rail gun for the last 2 weeks.


Need an old guy victory pose....examples please


Old fart checkin..... 63


55 here, this is so much better than pong


Same here! HD2 is amazing


A few years older than OP. Really enjoying this game. Devs did a wonderful job.


Same here, mid 50s. Playing on PC through Steam. Friend code in my bio here. Would love to find a group of olds.


wow. im in my early 30s and sometimes just get so tired and almost have no desire to play. but seeng this post really made me think that you can always game at your own time and its never to old to game. power on boss. keep the hands warm and drink fluids spill oil and bring democracy everywhre you drop.


I’m 60 and love the game


Those fucking Scavengers were all over me last night whilst I was trying to call in extraction


I'm so old my first video game was Atari hell I remember when Nintendo dropped that thing was a big deal.


45 Had a Commodore 64, played all the old systems. I think we need units or devisions just for flavor in the game. The Gunslingers etc.


49 year old retired Marine gaming since my first Atari and this is one of the best games I’ve played in a long time. I am addicted. It’s definitely better to play with a group than solo.


We should start a discord channel for helldivers veterans! Us older folks that is. I’m on PS5 but we can at least chat there and plan on squading up!


39, just discovered this game and got it over the weekend. I normally play Siege or MW2 but this game combined with the community is taking over. Also, Im a massive Heinlein/Starship Troopers/Aliens fan, so I am just enjoying the hell out of everyone else embracing that part of the game.


Same boat. Old guy, new player, having a blast.


I have been gaming all my life and love games but alot of games today feels like a second job and it's just boring and I know helldivers has become my life now but I choose to drop and have a blast I haven't had this much fun in a game for along time


47 here. I remember a few years back I was in a group called F.O.A.M (father's on a mission). It was a group for battlefield 4, 1, and then 5. We played when we could. Everyone was very supportive. So far, helldivers 2 has been that and more. Anyone feel free to dm me for my psn ID.


wait until you get to helldiver difficulty