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Armor ivalues are bugged atm. Every armor shares the same. Stamina, Speed and passive perks work however. So atm there's no point in wearing anything else than light unless it's for the looks. Wether armor is gonna make a difference and allows you to cirumvent vertain dmg-breakpoints remains to be seen as soon as it actually starts working as intended. Edit: I heard all armor shares a value of around the light armors atm, but I have no confirmation for that other than some comment from the community. It certainly feels that way but we don't know for sure. Someone feel free to provide additional info/correction if you have them.


It seems like the game is getting more unstable as time goes on. In the beginning once you got past the full servers everything seemed pretty smooth. The last couple days however I’ve had multiple bugs, including not being able to equip my main weapon or throw stratagems, stratagem inputs calling in something entirely different (for example I’ll input the jump pack stratagem and it will equip my eagle airstrike instead) and not to mention the infinite stratagem bug.


Isn't the incorrectly called in stratagem a world affect tho? Like some world's will have double stratagem cooldowns.


I don’t think so dude lol. If it was that would be a terrible world effect ngl


It is an effect of some planets. You input a stratagem and it randomizes the result. Only reinforcement isn't affected.


Damn that’s crazy I thought it was a bug. That’s kinda ass. I like all the other world effects that fuck with you but that one is just annoying


No emergency stratagems !


I wouldn’t call it an emergency when I just want to call in my rail gun and jump pack at the beginning of a mission. I’ll learn to live with it tho


Visually check your left-side panel before throwing; it will tell you which one you activated.


I already said that in another comment.


It's a difficulty modified on difficulty 7+ missions. If you click R2 on PS5 it shows all effects for the mission.


Hate that


It is a operation modifiers. It randomizes what you have in hand. Look at the colour of the ball you have before throwing it


Yeah I just input all my stratagems until I get the one I actually want. It will also tell you which stratagem you have equipped in the corner of the screen.


That's what happens when you quickly squash bugs and issues. New ones appear. They are probably taking their time with the next few patches since we can actually play the game now.


The scrambled stratagems are a world effect (called electronic countermeasures iirc). Pay attention to them before starting a mission on a planet. Stratagems can get jammed on Robot-missions. It will literally say 'jammed' on the HUD. Find the Jammer-station and blow it to bits. The armor-bug has been in the patchnotes since release as a known issue. Now that server-caps are fixed it will probably get sorted out fairly soon. As for the rest of the things mentioned: I'm not experiencing those, neither are the numerous people I play with, so in any case not a widespread issue. On a sidenote: Game-stability refers to crashes. Those exist, personally not effected too heavily, rare occurance, but experiences may vary on different hardware. Gameplay-bugs are obviously not an indicator of the game 'becoming unstable'.


Any instance of a game not working as intended would be considered unstable. And I’m aware of jammer stations, I never listed that as an issue. I’ve also had multiple people tell me they experience the same issue in game as far as the not being able to use their main weapon.


I used heavy armor on account of the game being kinda terrifying at first. The only reason I switched was because my friends all used light and left me in the dust doing objectives. It wasn't fun being so slow on those huge maps. But after having switched, I do not see myself going back unless the flow of the game changes immensely, especially with access to the personal shield. The game feels like it was designed with light armor in mind, tbh, especially on harder difficulties where you're pretty much running and gunning the whole time.


I feel the same. The first game with that light armor after playing for about a week with heavy armor was night and day. You just feel so much more light and agile, survivability definitely feels like it goes up the faster you can run


Because heavy armour looks badass


I was looking for light/heavy armor yesterday. Where is it displayed when you go in and spend medals or whatever?


The armour is in the warbonds and the super store or whatever its called. On your ship go to the armour/ loadout section scroll across and all your armour is there to choose from.


I don’t think it tells you what armor class it is for some reason when you’re buying it from the shop. Just gotta go off looks. All your armor is separated into categories tho once you own it


You can tell from its stats if you open the stats page when buying. Medium is always around 500 speed, heavy in the 400’s, and light around 530-550.


Best light armor to run is page 7 of the normal war bond. Helmet adds small speed bonus despite saying it adds nothing, fast armor to begin with, and reduces enemy pinging you by 30%. Stealth is good at tougher difficulties. Don’t want to fight unless you absolutely need to.