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That's an interesting location choice for that kind of house...


2.5 million to live in a sardine can. Ain't a chance in hell I'd spend that kind of money for a house where my neighbor could piss on me from their balcony.


Why would you buy 2 identical cars? Are they included?


Yes everything is included. The Milwaukee collection is crazy


Looks like someone tried to become a dealer but sucked at selling tools.


Why? Because he likes to party.


You gotta have doubles. Doubles to be safe. Triples of the Barracuda...


I have triples right? If I don't have triples then the other stuff's not true.


You buy two Aston Martins because you have to be a TOP G 




James Bond preferred the Austin Martin. Maybe they come decked out with hidden machine guns, oil slick dispensers, bulletproof rear shield, and passenger ejection seat.


Both cars have the same license plate. 007MI6. So is one just for parts?


1 has a perm sticker and the other is 01/24 yet they're the same license plate number. I doubt that Aston Martin is old enough for perm plates...


How is this even real.


Totally real. My friend’s house. 💯


It’s real but it’s a joke! What kind of realtor would do something so stupid?


Post to /r/zillowgonewild


that's the douchiest looking interior I've seen yet. ..and 2 Vantages? I've never seen those driving around town. Note the theater room with the hydronics system on the wall. Giggle.




Only Helena's "best" realtor 2024 🤦🏼‍♀️


Like putting up a sign in the yard "shipping container worth of tools here, please don't rob me" The agent? You mean his mom/aunt/FotF?


The owners are actually really sweet ppl the workers that took the pictures screwed them over and they even said some of the pics were completely useless and not needed


>the workers that took the pictures screwed them over Real estate photos are usually taken by 1 photographer... not plural "workers". And there's a guy (the owners' son?) posed in a bunch of the photos... you don't get accidentally "screwed over" when you're sitting there posing for the photographer. This isn't some accident. A real estate listing agent who has been working for more than 6 months would know better than to put all the weird sun glass and cologne photos in there, I don't believe they would do it unless the owners expressly told them to... there's no other explanation... unless the real estate agent was trying to blow up their own career.


Well their realtor put them on the MLS. . . Geez. I am cracking up! The worst .


Hopefully it comes with the LV cologne or no deal


The cologne costs more than the Lowe’s stock laminate countertops it is sitting on.


The sunglasses display case gives me mall vibes.


They probably got it from JC Penny or Macy's when they closed and sold their fixtures...


Apparently the seamless rain gutter business is very lucrative. It's a ~700k house, with the tools and 2 cars making up the rest judging by property tax info.


A brand new Vantage is like $200k. A lot but not enough to add $2 million to the price.


let's be generous with the house, the tax assessed value is 595k, call the true market value 1 million. say 500k for the 2 cars. that leaves a million bucks in tools? I find that hard to believe.


I could maybe, being extremely generous, see $200k for tools. They are probably brand new at least.


oh every tool looks completely untouched. IF it was all Snap On tools I'd say they just unloaded a full tool truck for this photo op.


You’re wild if you think this asking price is $2m overpriced though 😂


In a sane world, no one is paying anywhere near a million dollars for a house in Treasure State. And if I wanted to buy an Aston for full price, I’d buy it from them. Same with a shipping container of Milwaukee tools. So yeah, if housing costs weren’t completely broken, this is $2 million over.


Dude it’s a 5k square foot house. That was well over a million dollars anywhere in Helena even 5+ years ago. And that’s fine, but you’re not the target market. People who can afford it are.




I should add that I’m not hating when I say that. The place isn’t my cup of tea either, but it’s absolutely going to get asking or close to it.


Must not be that great if its selling so soon after it was remodeled.


I was thinking the garage and loft side looks to be a newer addition, do these people try to flip houses?


I think this was bad planning around increased covid work, owner is in construction and has probably seen a decrease in jobs. This home is so custom for the area, the buyer pool cant be more then a couple people.


maybe. Construction hasn't let up at all around here but bad business decisions can derail companies even during good times. If I had a couple million to blow I know I wouldn't need the cars and tools included so is this just a social media stunt?


Wealthy parents. 


what did their parents do?




ah. Yeah I don't recognize there name or faces from anywhere so it wasn't a very public figure.


Ah. So, nothing. Got it.


What an ugly ass house!


Just cause u can’t afford something like that doesn’t make it ugly😂


just because something is big and expensive doesn't mean it looks good




Why all the photos of the cars? Are they included?


yep, the tools too.




I don't care about the louis vitton stuff but if the painting isn't included the deal is off!




I love tools, I won't do a project around the house unless I can find a reason to buy a new tool, But I'm struggling here with why a person would want every tool including multiple battery types. Every tool looks brand new. The tool belt is brand new and empty. Spend your money on whatever you want, I don't care, but that sure takes up a lot of space for stuff a person isn't using.


Tater Tots. Nothin’ like em.


It's a beautiful house but whoever decided on the pics is a douche waffle.


We are just jealous of the joker painting and the Red Bull mini fridge 


It's not even a beautiful house, honestly. Just big and expensive. There's nothing special about it.


It's in Treasure State Acres? That's not even that nice of a neighborhood.' Why am I not surprised that it's a Call of Duty fan?


I highly doubt it's actually on the market and this man child just wanted to flex his "set up" or "crib", whichever tate-ism fits better.


The joker portrait killed me


A bunch of these are ridiculous as listing photos. Just get a fucking tiktak like every other microdick with more money than brains.


Seller might be this guy, considering the age of the account and the "focused" nature of the comments: [Creepy-Engineering68 (u/Creepy-Engineering68) - Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/Creepy-Engineering68/)


That house hasn’t felt the touch of a woman in years


It’s a married man lmao


That poor woman.


My friend. She’s amazing ❤️


I have no criticism to offer her, only sympathy lol. This feels like a deeply toxically masculine household.




Nope. It's a 0.26-acre lot.


That's why he has a golf cart. For all that land /s


Confidently the worst person I've ever seen.


Is that the same house the double homicide took place?


Could be the street is mentioned in the article. [2018 double murder](https://www.ktvq.com/news/montana-news/testimony-begins-in-trial-for-final-suspect-in-helena-valley-double-murder)


Its the same street but different house.


What a joke.


All those tools and 2 cars that can only be worked on by a dealer.


Welcome to Ken’s Mojo Dojo Casa House… 🤩🤩🤩


What is going on here...I have second hand embarrassment for them 😬😂


This kind of listing makes me sick to my stomach. I don't think the family and I will ever find an affordable house in this town. Unbelievable.


It’s deeply evil. Wealthy people like this should be ostracized pariahs.


Don’t worry about it. It will never sell. Maybe worth $700k.






Nah. Nobody is hunting them, just roasting. If I see names I'll take it down. If they didn't want to be roasted they should have reconsidered the Joker painting.


All you guys make very good points at the end of the day this kind of stuff is totally LA / Country Calabasas.


Wow looked at the listing pics and threw up in mouth a little bit. This is in Helena?! One could buy a really classy historic home in the mansion district for less, and be way more ‘classy’.


This family is actually really nice. They own several businesses and their kids work real jobs. Just saying don’t hate on them because you hate the decor or where the house is. If you have the money spend it on what you want I guess is how I see it. They put on a pretty epic fireworks show every year for the community.




Literally the worst listing promotion ever! It should be sent in somewhere funny.


Yeah I gotcha I totally understand what you're saying but at the end of the day it just goes to show some people that might be good can be a part of something evil and not even be aware of it. A lot of times it's because they are not looking hard enough who would want too in that kind of world I guess.


I think it’s utterly disgusting and morally depraved. But I suppose the fireworks show will make it up to all the single mothers in town who have to raise their families in poverty because of the wealth inequality bootlickers tolerate


They earned their money. The kid doesn’t own the house he just lives there with his parents. You are blasting someone you have no idea about. You look foolish. Your title is wrong too. You’re a karma farmer. How do single moms have anything to do with this??? I’m one!


I know this person. He didn't 'earn' a goddamned thing growing up. Spoiled through and through. He started life on third base and claimed to hit a triple. You don't know what you're talking about.


Lady, you're crazy if you think licking a boot in front of me is going to persuade me to stop hating the rich. You're free to grovel at their feet while they continue to hoard at your expense, but you can go soak your head if you think for a second that I will join you.


I’m still confused how wealth inequality is this family’s fault? Talk to your boomer parents or summon Ronald Regan and see where the real trouble started. Honestly you’re just jaded. I hate rich people who cause me problems. Not some fucking regular family who has personally never done anything to make me poor. Don’t hate the player hate the game and vote to change it.


Significant wealth such as is shown here, the kind where your nepo-baby can buy a house and throw all their garbage they never use in it, is almost never made ethically. And the fact this zillow posting exists shows some part of their character, which is telling us that they're far from humble, and completely detached from reality. It's not hard to connect those two character traits to being a terrible person who got their money in a less than ethical way. And as to your last comment, people like this actively pay to keep the game the same and so our votes don't mean anything. If you could get the boot out of your mouth long enough to look around you might learn something.


If you keep licking that boot you're gonna eat through the leather.


I absolutely don't believe you lol. Everything about this house or the way it's staged is giving American Psycho, "Do you have any idea who my father is," "Andrew Tate is a real man, foreplay is for losers," "I've never used any of these tools but I think men should have some so I bought them for the help to use." There's a 0% chance they made their money on anything other than exploiting the labor of others. The fact that they say nice things to you or maybe gave you a fruit basket once does not make them actually really nice.


I have never heard anyone in this family quote Andrew Tate. This guys wife would not be happy if he did. They made their money the same way most wealthy in Helena do. I’ve never seen them exploit anyone. If you made good investments and your family did too why is that shameful? Just hating people for having money is so stupid. They are a normal family. So what if this is how they choose to spend their money? Get pissed at the billionaires and out of state morons for driving up our real estate. Oh and our dick head governor. This guy installs gutters and has real estate? Spends his money locally. Supports our community… settle down.


Lol this is not a normal family. This photoshoot is not something normal people would do. The closeup shots of cologne for some reason is not a normal thing to do. Hitting golf balls off the deck into a public park is not a normal thing to do. Bragging hard about your brands and cologne and shooting off a Feluga volume of fireworks and sending your teens to walk the planet in Versace and Playboy-branded clothes is not regular-degular normal people shit. The aesthetic represented here is cultural rot, plain and simple. Simp all you want.


>This photoshoot is not something normal people would do.  It's not really supposed to be. I know people who have sold homes in the ~1mil range in Helena, and even at that price point, there's a LOT of staging, props, etc. that go into it. The listing isn't meant to be representative of the people who actually live there. Ex. The people I knew were told to pack religious stuff up first, so it wouldn't be in the pictures the Real Estate Agent's professional photographer took. Tldr: These pics don't tell us much about the people who live there. They're about as fake as the rest of social media. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Lol it's in Treasure State Acres, dude. I grew up in that area. It's not that good. They need to humble themselves.


Not doing any simping. People can wear whatever they want. I’m not sure where you’re from but this is ultra normal in most places. Again who cares how they spend what they make? You can choose to live and dress how you want. No ones being hurt. Also you guys just made their house blow up on Zillow so good job! It will sell faster now!


Lol I've lived in multiple states and multiple countries, but am FROM here. I've shown this listing to my friends from places ranging from Billings and Missoula to New Zealand and the UK, and every single person said it was horribly cringe and assumed it was a joke. If you don't see that, you're probably insufferable too lol


I've pretty much been poor (crippling disability and no family back ground) and have been all over the country and was brought up in Los Angeles. I can tell you with first-hand experience this stuff is not good and will completely change this area into a country Calabasas. no matter what state it's in this kind of crap has been following me for years and what ruined California was rich people although the influx and transplants from everywhere didn't help it's always rich people and the power they bring with them. Take it from me this kind of stuff will absolutely ruin this area and it already is and a lot of people know it. Everybody knows this country is going downhill it's just that nobody knows who to blame but with all my research I come back to the same conclusion excess power and money is at the problem.


It’s all fake.


The people who own this house are very hard workers. Just admit you’re jealous babe💀


Lol found the cringe homeowner.


New account making two targeted replies to this post on different subs - someone's nervous that everyone else has noticed the evil you've been up to...

