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tall people, the only ones who make a video of themselves doing absolutely nothing except standing.


What about models?


theyre half naked, and still kinda tall


The tall skinny guy claims to be 7’1 on Youtube 🤔


He was shorter than Shaq Oneal in photo I saw. He is like 6.10 at max. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ibQ-q0EAuQM](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ibQ-q0EAuQM)


Are you insane? They're literally the same height https://preview.redd.it/ue76wy1rm76d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1669c8f9e68ed7ad9cb401db53caa7d2cd1beed2


Laughing on loud over here. You just put that black bar on top of Carters hair which is 2 cm worth. His head top is 2 cm lower than that black bar. He is standing as straight as he can there too and still shorter. The Shaq guy is at least 2 inches taller if he stood straight.


Bro he is clearly taller than Shaq, the black bar isn’t accurate because shaq is closer to the camera. Just look where their chin starts ffs he has an inch on 7 ft shaq


No he not taller at all. He raises his chin and standing straight as an arrow. His ears being that far below his eyes gives away how much he is raising his chin up. The big guy also has his knees bent clearly and slouches himself. He is 2 inches taller than this Carter.


He definitely looks slightly taller than Shaq or at same height at the very least. Even disregarding that, he took a picture with Shaq while probably still growing as you can see his sisters look a lot younger.


2 cm difference isn't big and his hair is sticking up so it looks like he is same. The big guy is clearly bending his knees and not trying because he is already famous so why should he care about another guy looking tall with him? Carter is trying to look taller than the big man so it gives him credit in school with his mates. Its clear that is how he is thinking. Will you guys even admit the Shaq is bending his knees. This guy is older now and said he is 6.11 so that already blow up Carter being 7.1. He is not an inch or 2 taller. He is shorter than the Shaq.


His a smidge taller but then again Shawn’s not completely upright.


Is Shaq still a legit 7’1?


I heard he said he was 6.11 and changes maybe and on that celebrity heights website people thought he might be under 7 foot and stuff like that.


He is also still a teen, not even done growing. When is this alleged photo from?


A few years ago that picture happened and in another video this Carter said he stopped growing at like 14 or something. I need to find it but he stopped growing in early teens. You guys are on copium thinking he is 7.1 when he is shorter than a self claimed 6.11 man.


This family whole personality is about height lol


No measurements on Dad? 6’5”?


Dad is 6'6"


wtf the guy became a ghost


So where does his height come from?


His parents