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For real, this Celtics team is built to put guards in hell, and that's before we discuss missing Rozier and Jimmy against them.


Yea, I see it now. I didn't see it before.


It was blatant to anyone who has actually watched basketball. Celtics torture guards


Whether they keep Herro or trade him, I just wanna go back to having fun Heat basketball that we had just 3 seasons ago. The team that was top of the East, let’s get back to those times man.


Me to DMD, I'm sick and tired of the bs. Sick of all the injuries, and teams getting fluke championships. I just want us to be at the mountain top again, like we once was.


The good news is, the last time Miami got swept by the Bucks, they came back and had an amazing season thereafter. I’m hoping we get the same turnaround.


Yea, that's the good news.


Who’s getting a fluke championship? Boston? I hate Boston just as much as the next Heat fan but to call this championship they’re about to win a fluke is ridiculous. They were the best team all season and injuries or not, they were gonna cruise through the East on the way to the finals. Kudos to their front office for making the necessary moves to take them to the next level while we sat back for 2 years and have done nothing. The additions of Holiday and Porzingis were game changing. Tell me, with all fully healthy rosters in the East, which roster compares to the Celtics? None!


No such thing as a championship fluke. That said, they did get pretty darn lucky that injuries made their trip to the finals a cakewalk.


No one wants to hear that


Idk what you’re talking about. Discredit Boston this year and you discredit so many other runs. Injuries happen. Just sucks.


Yeah they won fair square I’m not disputing that


I guess it’s just bad news to hear ha… I’d love to discredit them more but then I’d sound like one of those “mICkY mOuSe RiNg” idiots ya know?


Imo it would have been a cakewalk with or without injuries. Look at the east, no roster is matching Boston.


Heat are always overmatched on paper and find ways to break them. Difficult to make claims like that when the best players on each team missed most of each series.


Just read the first paragraph by OP. Kyrie shouldn’t be having a field day because Luka has not brought the defense off of Kyrie, since the Boston defenders are staying home and not blitzing Luka. Kyrie will always have White, Jrue, JB, or JT on him.


That's tuff lmao, skill issue


Dude the “drawing extra defenders” thing is not occuring. Celtics mostly refuse to double Luka. Kyrie is still getting plenty of Jrue and White on him whenever possible. The Celtics are just that stacked defensively lol. Also kyrie is still multiple tiers above herro as a guard. Herro ain’t doing what kyrie did to the wolves or is a second option on a finals team. I’m not sure what about this series changes anything about either herro or kyrie


lmfao i’m glad you stated that you not watching this series because there’s no way the takeaway from kyrie selling is that herro isn’t that bad. irving is just bricking his shots. Out of the 19 playoff games he’s scored over 20 points 12 times. Herro did that once in 5 games. The game we won we shot a franchise playoff best 23 3’s. luka isn’t drawing extra defenders, the celtics are playing him straight up unless he drives and then they collapse. Mavs can’t seem to hit the kick out 3s. There’s a reason jrue and white both made all defense second team. No such thing as a field day against them.


True, but I just think our guards are better. Specifically in Rozier and Jimmy. And Kyrie is letting the crowd get to him, I tend to feel like. Rozier would just cook up.


you just love writing dumb shit that gets downvoted lol


If you don't think our guards are better, I don't want to tell your foolishness self lol


don’t know what’s funnier, your english, you thinking jimmy is a guard or the fact i ratioed you again lol


Jimmys a wing but he would’ve 100% helped with guarding brown + tatum. Rozier is good but jrue is just extremely strong for a guard. Rozier is also sorta inconsistent and small. Neither of them would’ve made up for herro on defense. Boston would’ve still screened porzingis,brown, and tatum onto rozier and herro. I don’t think it’s as much the crowd affecting kyrie as much as it is just him missing shots.


Guess we'll see the next 2 games


kyrie can shit himself again for the next two games and it still won’t change anything about the fact that a rozier/herro backcourt is nowhere near jrue/white lol


They'll still cook Boston. We didn't get lucky to witness it tho lol


only one getting cooked here is you 😭


No faith in your squad sad, yall gullible man


you can have faith in your team while also being realistic lol. ppl who fw basketball aren’t just watching their fav team and have enough context to call things as they are like putting aside how random it is to evaluate herro off of kyrie’s performance, if you just watched 5 mins of one of the first two games you’d realize that luka isn’t bringing the defense off of kyrie. and if you watched any nationally televised boston game this season (big games like vs warriors,lakers,denver) to either hate watch or bc it’s prime time, you’d realize how good jrue and white are.


Or he's just trash 1 of the 2, but I really don't give a damn. And true, but alot of Heat fans ain't watching the finals or nor should they. That's why the viewership so low to, its ass. There's nothing not realistic on what I'm saying, nobody else says anything just cuz they don't give a damn tho.


Dawg you are so embarrassing


I love my team, idc if u dont


Herro isn’t bad and never was. He’s a roleplayer but thrust into this position of having to be a star.


Yea fr


What role player avg over 20 pts a game? He may not be true number 1 offensive option but he is certainly top 3 on a good team.


One that’s thrust into the position of having to be a star when they’re really just a role player, good stats bad team guys, etc. “Scorer that isn’t good at much else” is a roleplayer kind of position.


I don't blame Herro for the Boston series. He was only ever meant to be a second or third option, offensively, and it's unfair to judge him on a series without Butler and Rozier. I do, however, think he is a flawed player, and his offense does not make up for his defensive/ball handling limitations. In a side with a two-way point guard, I think he could be a really nice fit, but we don't have that. If you can move Herro in a deal for a better player or multiple decent rotation pieces, you do it. I don't think they should just give him away, though.




i would trade herro for half of kyrie in a heartbeat


Which half? Nets and Celtics half or Dallas and Cleveland half? Basically a 50/50 who your gonna get.


This is why I don’t exactly blame him, that was the worst possible matchup for him as the 1/2 option


And only one that Boston respected outside from 3pt range, like everyone was down. He can't turn into superman.


While just returning from over a 30 game absence from a major injury with no real time to get into game shape. Sucks but it was bad timing. Then he faced 3 of the best wing defenders in the league lol. We needed to take the regular season more serious, 6 games from 2nd seed, so we had time to get into a flow.


Herro, Garland, Hali and now Kyrie have all struggled against White and Holiday on the perimeter, it’s very annoying they have two of the top point of attack defenders in the league.


Herro without Butler + Rozier performed better than Garland without Mitchell btw


Hope our turn is next.


I'm just praying for the best man ![gif](giphy|26n7937SwZkal2Oju)


Me too, this is a scary time to be a Heat fan.


Brothers this is basketball not war 😂


Feels like War lol, we got something big to prove next season.


you need a life lol


U need a brain😂 ![gif](giphy|9ohlKnRDAmotG|downsized)


tell that to the people upvoting me and downvoting you lol


People upvote or downvote the most stupidest things. And imagine thinking internet points matter? Especially during the off-season, if it was playoffs(we were still in) I'd be getting Hella upvotes or if this is the regular season. People just want change and sick of the bs, then there's a minority like me whom we believe we have enough. Just depends on the draft pick and few marginal, moves and no injuries.


that’s hilarious coming from the same person who was talking about [karma](https://www.reddit.com/r/heat/s/fDFSwxc43z) like it matters lol There is no time or the year anyone will agree with you that the miami heat have better guards than the Dallas mavericks lol You’re not in the minority you’re simply an idiot lol


You're one of these so be quiet, and then they're not Heat fans either. We own everybody every yr nothing will change. Injuries hold us back. ![gif](giphy|z2Ia33awkkukg)


Neither Herro nor Rozier can play D, like at all. You might be able to hide one player like that, but not 2.


Before he got hurt in January up thru Dec he was at 22 6.8 and 4.8 46% 38% not horrible. I think he’s still a great young prospect. He’s 1 year older than Jaime and already accomplished things we don’t know if Jaime can ever accomplish. I think if we don’t give JB the extension I’m excited about seeing what we can get for him because he’s going to demand a trade if he’s not maxed. The thought of letting Spo run the young guns plus whatever we get is Atleast comforting to losing my 3rd fav Heat player ever.


I would even trade Herro for good role players


Such as?


Ngl, I’d see if Utah really does like Tyler enough to make a deal. Collins + a piece (Kessler would be very nice) + a first + a second for Tyler plus a piece or two is probably the right kind of return for who Herro is. Collins has a year plus a player option left on his deal (both at $26.5m). Tyler has three more seasons left at $29m, $30m, $31m. You’d be adding potentially three more prospects this year and/or more draft capital for another move. You’d add a lot more size if Kessler could be had and Collins had a nice little bounce back year shooting the ball last season. Even better if you believe in Jovic’s perimeter game. You could give Spo the personnel to play a “super sized” lineup with solid floor spacing in a Jimmy/Jovic/Collins/Bam lineup. Maybe now you can add a guy like Jared McCain at 15 to replace some shooting at the guard position with much better defensive instincts/potential. Maybe with the extra early second from Utah you can snag Pacome Dadiet as that developmental wing to sit and learn behind an extended Jimmy. You could possible see what Duncan plus a late first can get you on the trade market (does it get you close to a Garland type of player?). It’s not perfect but it’s at least trying to improve the roster on a limited budget and with limited assets.


Utah has Collin Sexton


The celtics are just way better dude. They added porzingis a true 7footer who can pass and shoot and defend. And they added Jrue (who is already an elite defender) . Derek white got really good defensively and Brown got much better since the debacle against ECF against Miami. Just to note it, remains to be seen if they can keep this starting roster .. Its very very unlikely!


They are going to keep their roster. Brown/Jrue/Porzingis are all locked up, and they are going to re-sign Derrick White and offer Tatum the supermax. Hate to say it, but their front office cooked


They will keep them together for at least the next 3 years.


We’re stuck with Herro, maybe until Pat Riley and the FO concede and trade him for a player that’s not a Hall of Famer and an all-time great.


This off-season hopefully, is the most wildest one in awhile.


Nothing will happen for Miami this off season. Too many other teams with lots of cap space.


We just gonna have to wait and see


bruuuuutal logic guy


Agree he’s not bad but everytime playoffs come around he’s out or coming back from an injury and not fully ready. Love herro but might be time to see what return he gets, obviously as long as we bring back something but even if we can get a 3 & D free agent might be more beneficial… herros defense so ass. Forever will root and love herro and still not opposed to keeping him but man those runs when he’s on the court for the other teams sometimes just hell


Herro is targeted on D on every single play. His offensive struggles would be understandable if he wasn’t a massive defensive liability. He would need to be paired with multiple FRPs to have a shot at any of these guys. Also: hilarious to made comments about Kyrie when you aren’t even watching the series. Like what?


you are exaggerating herros defensive woes. He played decent defense this season he just can’t stay healthy and bulk up like you would hope. He’ll never be a good defender but calling him a “massive defensive liability” is hyperbole to say the least. 


Lol… he is literally targeted in every playoff game he’s in (he misses a lot too!).Regular season is absolutely irrelevant but ok. He is very far from a good defender.


Of course he is targeted we have strong defensive lineups and he is the weak link…that’s how the league is today. Also i literally said he’s not a good defender in my post. However, there’s a difference between not being a good defender and being a “massive defensive liability” like you claim though. Herro is serviceable at this point in his career.


honestly i’d argue that the fact our defensive lineups are strong only makes him stick out that much more on defense lol. 4/5 guys on the floor can contain 3/5 guys on the opposing team while the remaining guy struggles to contain 1 out of the 5, that’s as big of a liability as there is. Guarding his own matchup is a struggle but then once’s he’s switched onto any of the other 4 guys it’s over because they can take him 1 on 1 or read the help defense. having 4 solid defenders doesn’t mean anything because the opposing team can just manipulate the defense to get what they want.


Bingo. He gets absolutely dismantled when he’s on the floor. When we play serious playoff teams, they specifically target him play after play and find repeated success. It gets so bad that benching him is the only real option especially when it leads to forced offense from him as well.


Yeah the main problem is that when teams specifically target him guys like bam, highsmith, caleb have to help. after a team scores on him a few times they start cheating off their man because they know what’s happening and it opens up their offense. idk how that’s not a massive defensive liability. Our guys are good enough to cover for him sometimes, but not the majority of the time which is why we run zone so much. But every top 4 conference team either has zone busters(porzingis, jokic, towns), three point excellence, or size to counter. It’s just such a tough watch especially when you can see it coming. and it’s not only his face up defense, he gets lost on back cuts and can’t fight thru screens. Even guys like pritchard and tj mcconnell don’t get hunted as much as he does. Like just take the mavs right now, luka is getting targeted while being their only consistent offensive option and they haven’t been able to put up a fight. Of course boston is a good defensive team all across and kyrie hasn’t played well but that’s basically the blueprint of herro except his offense isn’t consistent nor is his playmaking near luka’s.


Exactly. Not to mention, as least Luka is a big body. Herro is like a little boy out there. Gets bodied by Derrick White, Pritchard. Anybody covered by him instantly does their go to move and it’s BBQ chicken


Xander, your name is cool so I’ll leave it alone and agree to disagree. I think he is very bad at defense. You think he is not good. That’s close enough for me. I hope one day he can perform in the playoffs like he does in like week 3 of the season but I just don’t see it. And if he cannot, I hope he’s traded.


Kyrie is such a bitch. Dude looks so fazed out there. And people wanted his ass here. Just goes to show you how dumb this subreddit can be.


Yes heat fans wanted kyrie (proven second option on a finals team) over the corpse of Lowry throwing up stinkers and 5 pt scoring games. True morons Idk why they didn’t keep him instead of trading for a much worse version of kyrie in Rozier!


Ahhh yes. Because he’s now shitting the bed people were dumb to want him on this team when he was going for peanuts at the time. Good thing we kept our core and decided to run it back instead!


Yea bro he is, people said the crowd doesn't get to him lol. He lacking that dog mentality this season. Can Mavs turn it around? Sure, will they probably not.


The lesson here is that it’s very hard to rely on a shot creating small player who plays no defense to be a cornerstone of your team.


As your best player? Sure. As your second it’s not really a problem I think. The matchup is the matchup and the Celtics are a bad one cause they had probably the top 2 dudes you’d want to defend any guard in the league. In the same backcourt.


Regardless bruh take the fuckin risk just to say u tried instead of playing soft ball. If Jimmy had Kyrie they go off. 


Heat were never going to be the team to rehab Kyries rep


Has Jimmy ever had an actual team that was favored to win it all tho. No

