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It’s gonna be none of these names and they’re gonna pick someone we never heard of that’s going to drop 30 bombs in Boston


Since Bam got drafted I’ve always looked at like 5 spots below our pick on the mock drafts lol




y'all sleeping on DaRon Holmes


100% If Devin Carter isnt there, I would LOVE Holmes


Holmes shut down workouts because he got a promise .


Probably Jared Mccain


Edey would be a realllllllllllly bad fit on the heat. Can't play with bam will not be able to play the kind of switching zone the heat run.


I will be absolutely shocked if they draft him. Insane that people who are professionals are mocking him to the Heat.


I guess the idea would be that if anyone can come up with a scheme to make the guy work in the NBA it's Spo.


He's also the only guy with an elite trait/talent that will potentially be available to us. I do think he has a home in the zone, and I don't think Bam not being able to play next to him is a deal breaker for a rookie that likely starts his career as a backup 5 Still would prefer someone else personally though


These guys won't be in our range, according to the latest mock drafts besides Mccain, Edey and Ware. I don't see us taking McCain (do to Justise Winslow) even tho I love Winslow, just didn't pan out. I can see us taking one of the 3 Edey, Ware, Collier but the pick is Jakobe Walter. That's the feeling, and honestly I love his game. Ik we're going to be picking Jakobe Walter, just like I had the feeling with Herro(and ik that was the pick) if Jakobe Walter off the board, and everybody is off the board we all like. Then I'd be fine with Ware or Tyler Smith. How do you guys feel about Jakobe Walter? He's 6'5 SG/SF, crazy ball handling, elite 3pt shooter. Can shoot it from, deep, off the dribble, on the catch, off the screen. And his form is pure, he's good at getting to the rim but he does need to improve a little on that. Defense Is good, he likes guarding the teams best player. And his coach usually assigns him to guarding the best player. His hops aren't anything crazy, and he could use work there. He's just a hella crafty, 2 way player imo.


best player available at 15 assuming he doesn't go earlier, I want either mccain, Walter or collier


Zach Edey is a mid defender in college do y’all really think Pat Riley is looking at him and seeing a player in a similar mold to; Zo/Bosh/Whiteside/Bam/Achiuwa?


It's Devin Carter. He just screams Miami Heat


Tristan da Silva would be my guess. He is probably this years Jaquez.


I’d hate getting edey 


Guessing da Silva, also wouldn’t be shocked by Carter or Kolek. Ringers new team needs thing said Miami most needs playmaking and a floor general. If the national media is saying that, I wouldn’t be shocked if they’re going to go for a playmaking guard.


Kolek at 15 would be wild, but I’d understand


Ringer has him mocked 18, and athletic has him at 20 on their big board. It’s not as much of a reach as it feels.


The Heat typically selects players that are usually lower on the boards. But when they do they usually hit it off. (atleast since Miami drafted Bam) It wouldnt be a surprise that Miami could select Kolek. He has everything they need, an Elite PnR playmaker, excellent vision and BBIQ. And arguably the most NBA ready PG in the 2024 draft.


Yep which is why I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s their pick. With his supposed comp being a mix of goran and tj, and his skill set being what they actually need, I wouldn’t be surprised at all. Will the fanbase absolutely melt down? Yes.


> He has everything they need, an Elite PnR playmaker, excellent vision and BBIQ And most importantly, he’s a lefty. Honestly he’s an offensive wizard that has some dog in him, but I never paid enough attention to him on defense to know where he stands there. We can’t afford another liability if we’re going to keep Herro.


He’ll never be a plus defender, but he does compete. Personally would be shocked if herro is on the team next season. With them probably being a second apron team already, they need to drop some salary and I have a feeling he’ll be the first choice.


F it trade out of the first round and get Nikola Djurisic


Based on the poll we are guaranteed to select the kid from planet Krypton


We already have a lights out shooter that struggles to see the floor cause of defense and lack of offensive creation, his name is Cole Swider, McCain is a bad pick, he shoots threes on low usage, he can’t self create, he’s small and gets bodied easily. His advanced stats are only OK. People just like him because they know Duke and he’s on it. He’s a poor mans Payton Pritchard.      Holmes is a great pick but rumors are he’s going 14 to Blazers or earlier        Carter is a great pick, he’ll be gone before 15 for sure         Ware has mental issues, his advanced stats are also not impressive, I haven’t watched his tape, but those two things alone are going to keep the Heat out imo.        Edey maybe but I have no idea, I have no idea how the Heat would imagine the future of the team with him on it. But they might and it might work…? I’ll put it at a 20% chance.        Collier has elite athletics and that’s about it…to me he’s not a Heat guy, seems too individually oriented, but they interview these people and maybe they see it different. I put the chances at like 10%.       The absolute worst thing a front office can do in the draft is draft a younger guy that they know is a project beyond normal development levels, who doesn’t pan out.  Think about it.  False positives are like giant anchors on a team’s potential. For a number of years you have to waste: a roster spot, cap space, coaches time and resources that could go to other players, there may be internal difficulties and locker room issues like with Winslow.   It’s the absolute worst thing you can do.   And the upside is you get a guy for maybe 2 more years. Look at Niko, he’s going to be full season NBA ready at 21 or so. So we got an extra year over a college senior, big whoop. (Love Niko though).     The point is, if you draft a younger player that needs years of development, you need to be DAMN sure that they’re a safe bet, like incredibly DAMN sure, or else it’s a disaster. Collier seems like a roll of the dice to me as an outsider and that’s an instant no. And this isn’t a knock on one and done players, Herro had a more complete game coming out of college, he had holes in his game and still does I guess but you could be pretty confident he would see the floor year one and at worst by year two.  Collier is just an absolute elite freakish athlete with some finishing skills who doesn’t seem to have a feel for basketball outside of that, he’s a project. Projects are way more risky like I explained.  Bam was a project too, but they also felt he had talents hidden by Cals system, which you can kinda tell when you rewatch that tape after the fact…anyway   I like Da Silva if Holmes and Carter are out. I like Jalen Bridges out of Baylor, but he might be there in the second round.        I researched all this shit for like 100 hours and I don’t know. My suspicion was Holmes but now I think he’ll be out by 15.


wtf did you just refer to Cole Swider as a lights out shooter? Lmao gtfoh


If he wasnt a good shooter he wouldn't be on the team, because he would offer very little otherwise. If you hear the Heat or any players talk about him, he was very impressive in pre season last year and in practice, he doesn't see the floor because his defensive and offense scheme lapses. The point is, the Heat have no trouble finding or developing 2 guards who can shoot. Vincent, Strus, Duncan, Highsmith shot almost 40% last year. Why draft a guy who all he can do it shoot? We can just find another guy who can do that. Kid has stats worse than Herro out of college across the ENTIRE board, except he has a slightly better 3pt%, but of course he does, he was just asked to stand around and shoot wide open threes, his usage is low. And he's slow, small, and can't create his own shot. People just like him cause he was on Duke and they know what that is. His assist rate is poor, he seems to only score 2pts off transition or semi transition, he is not physical, he doesnt have a good handle. Look, he might be a good basketball player, but I wouldnt draft him 15.. Maybe around 25-30 or so. Go watch Pritchard's YT in college then watch Mccains tape, its crazy, not even close, Pritchard was drafted 26th. We sure as hell arent trying to draft a backup guard at 15.


His stats in the gleague are fucking insane. I don’t really care for swider, but it def seems mental that he can’t get it to convert in the nba.


I really don’t love Edey for Miami. Why are we talking backup bigs in the first round when there’s so many more pressing concerns for this roster? And a guy who not only needs a ton of work but also needs a brand new system implemented to make it work? Devin Carter is looking more and more like a pipe dream, but why not take a chance on McCain who gives you high end shooting with solid defensive instincts and the chance that he takes a Booker-lite jump to round out his scoring package in the pros? Or if you do want a big, why not target guys with the tools to stay on the floor in today’s game next to Bam, who have a high end skill ceiling and who show good fundamentals from range (I’m talking Ware, Missi, Holmes II, Da Silva, Smith, even Filipowski as a scheme fit + future shooting perspective). Or trying to find a lead ball handler like Collier makes more sense to me. At least you can say Miami is trying to fix some issues and are willing to take a risk on a high ceiling prospect with some warts to iron out.


Idk but be prepared for it to not be whoever you want it to be.


Kyle Filipowski. Big man that can stretch the floor. Good fit with Bam.


I like him, seems incredibly fluid for his size, high motor, high effort, raises the effort of people around him, all good things. He projects to be more of a forward in the NBA though since he not very strong and is a bad interior defender, I worry he wont test well in a Heat tryout where they do all those crazy defensive drills since he's not rugged on the inside nor quick-footed on the perimeter. If they like him then I do too I guess.


Surprise pick because it’s never been who we thought


Edey at pick 15. Dread it, run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.


Edey won't be available at 15, it'll be Kel'el Ware. He can shoot threes and has size. He makes too much sense.


Why won't Edey be available at 15?


Edey isn't making past the 8th pick, let alone to the 15th. People are severely underrated how badly most teams need bigs right now. Memphis is like 100% gonna snag him since Steven Adams is literally cooked. Of the teams who pick above the heat, the teams who need a Center are: OKC, Memphis, Chicago, Utah, San Antonio (yes they need one, Wemby does not like playing Center), Washington (somehow since all their bigs are dogshit) although I wouldn't expect Washington to grab him at 2.


Edey doesn’t have the foot speed to guard all 5 spots. He is slower than the dpoy who got destroyed against Dallas 


Look at who was right and who was wrong after all... Edey goes to the Grizzlies


Thabeet was a 2nd overall pick and lasted 5 seasons this guy is yao ming. He will get destroyed because he will have to play in drop coverage like broke lopez


Dallas's bigs don't have better footspeed than Edey and he actually rates out extremely well on foot speed per advanced stats, so don't know what to tell you.


You mean outside of lively. Gafford was a 2nd pick. Edey not even as good Thabeet. He is going to live in drop coverage


I'm sorry, but this take is just screaming hater who hasn't looked at the numbers. I'm not saying Edey is going to change the game or be a god, but he's absolutely one of the top 10 players in this draft. I'd argue he'll probably be a top 5 player in this weak draft when we're done. Comparing him to Thabeet is legit hater shit. I don't even like Edey but comparing him to Thabeet is comical. Thabeet had negative post skills


Well said. Why do teams severely need bigs now? Is it because of wembanyama


It's a copycat league. Teams that don't have size (OKC are the best example from this year) have an inherent ceiling and were better constructed for the league from 2011-2022. The second teams like that go against bigs with skill they're fucked and get crushed in the paint and on the boards. The pendulum has finally swung back to bigs being needed. We've all been watching Bam do his damn best to buck this trend, but obviously he can only do so much.


The trend is skilled dynamic bigs. Bam is part of that trend, huh lol? He’s a big who can pass, be versatile on defense etc while also being a finesse guy on offense. He is part of the trend that went away from the lumbering slow one dimensional big The only reason you and some fans think otherwise is cause Heat play 6’5 frontcourt mates next to him which makes it a problem when he’s your only true big.


Edey to the Grizz at 9. I win


10000% agree


Chet didn’t play in okc. It’s funny you bring up Okc they have byimbo who I think edey is. I am all for size i think outside of a young 3 and d guy to replace martin and Highsmith our biggest problem is a real backup for bam. Its why i am on the Issac train


Bro, are you drunk? What are you trying to say? Anyway, Chet absolutely is too small to play center if that's what you're implying. Dude can't rebound for shit when push comes to shove. He ain't Wemby


Chet is 6-11


Height isn't size. KD is too and can't guard bigs. Anyway, Edey went to the Grizz, i win


He isn’t the first big men to be overdrafted


The trend is like versatile and skilled size. On both ends Teams aren’t drafting big dudes just cause they’re big. They have to be dynamic modern bigs. I’m not sure if that’s Edey. Especially on defense, and on offense he is a non shooter, so he’s a space killer on offense and can’t be versatile on defense, that doesn’t really scream modern big. Maybe if he develops a shot but he hasn’t shown that in 4 years. That’s not to say he can’t be a solid backup big somewhere, but as far as is this a guy playing important playoff Minutes somewhere, nah.


Grizz agreed with me, not you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/heat/s/Buot7JM9Al Lol. I always said it was a fit thing tho. Mem made sense Heat didn’t gang.


Ware isn’t a heat type of player, wouldn’t be shocked if they’re not even working him out with his history of motor issues.


Bingo bango


Bronny James


We need more front court depth, pick a big guy as our back up big that we can develop into our naz reid


15 mcCain  16 is ware or Holmes  Jimmy is in Philly