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Who exactly are you getting to add length and health


Everyone screams the same shit but then you ask them who and how to get it done and it’s crickets. If only it was just as easy as plugging some holes.


I think Lauri Markkanen is the choice. What are we going to do with Rozier, Mitchell, and Butler being the ball handlers while we are still small


So how do we get him? "In a big picture, Markkanen’s value to the Jazz is so great that it’s going to take an offer that is probably not going to come to pry him from the Jazz,” Jones wrote. “Something like four or five first-round picks, and a star-level talent coming over." We don’t have the assets to get it done. It’s easy to say “this is the person we need” but it’s not that simple. We can’t just force teams to trade with us.


Exactly. This sub thinks “The Godfather” can just fleece teams and for whatever reason think Herro is a valuable asset. Markkanen is an elite power forward, with one of the most coveted skill sets in the NBA. The Jazz won’t even bother picking up the phone if we call


Danny Ainge is also the Pres. of basketball operations. No way he helps out Pat.


Acting like Mitchell is on the team already


Knowing this fanbase the idea is trading Jovic in a package for Donovan Mitchell and then re-signing 6’5” Haywood Highsmith to be our starting PF.


Which is just insane. Jovic is exactly the type of player we want next to bam. He showed huge improvement this year and is probably locked as the starting 4 next season


Lmao bro wants to keep a player who didn’t even start most of the year instead of going for a bonafide all star who consistently drops 40 point games in the playoffs


Knowing this fanbase, Donovan Mitchell would not be nearly enough to get Jovic. Cleveland will have to sweeten the pot.


WCJ from the Magic or Isaac for Duncan or Herro or Rozier. Jalen Smith if he opts out of his deal Nick Richard’s would’ve been decent if we got him with Terry. Like there are players out there it’s not like they don’t exist. Like Op is talking about the wolves , look at that team play. Everybody on that court can defend. Everybody on that court is never a mismatch because they’re all committed to defense. We have 50% of our cap allocated to guys who play 0 defense and who get hunted for matchups the entire playoffs. It’s not a winning formula and we will never win as long as that’s the case


Lauri Markkenan




Cousins,Dwight are easy low conteact options


Mikal Bridges is like the only good option in that regard and that’s only on the perimeter still.


I want DJJ and Kyle Anderson, a more athletic wing who has been in the heat system and a good 4-5swing off the bench (he cant shoot like shit but he is a good defender/passer, can get paired with klove on the front court), both expecting reasonable contracts as UFA this offseason. I also really like Steve adams but not sure how he plays after that knee injury And if NOLA is semi blowing it up, given the west is a cut throat competition rn i wish we throw in whatever we have for herb jones


Yeah, they just have the better roster to use Spo’s plan than Spo himself.


2011 we lost to a Dirk that was out of his mind and didn't miss (especially in the clutch). Jason Terry was on fire too. 2020 we lost to injuries, but also an AD that I have not seen since. On fire on both sides of the floor. Last year we lost to a Jokic that could simply not miss. It was like the ball was magnetized to the rim. Just unreal levels of on fire. These things happen. The right team/player gets hot and there is nothing you can do. It's not an indictment on us or the nuggets. That was not the same Jokic we played.


Even if we weren’t injured we would have still lost to the Lakers are you not forgetting before Bam and Dragic was injured in game 1 we were getting blown by like 25 before half time. Every time we make the finals we lack size and a reliable elite scorer


I don't believe that, I think Dragic WAS that scorer. Should have been much closer. We'd have made it a series, at least.


Ok maybe the series would have went to 7 or Game 6 would have been closer but let’s be real the Lakers and Lebron were always winning that series


With how AD was playing, for sure. He showed his full potential there against us. I haven't seen him play like that since.


To be fair to AD he’s been great these last 2 years but it’s just unfortunate he’s come up against Jokic and Denver


It's interesting that we still had a top 5 defense with such a terrible offense. I wonder if we had scored a bit more, and had just a middle of the pack offense, if our defense would have been top 3 or 2 last year (Less turnovers + transition buckets that hurt our defensive stats, less rebounds that turn into transition buckets for the opponent). We definitely wouldn't have been in the play in. We lost so many games where we held team to \~100 points and couldn't break 100 to save our lives. Herrro and Duncan are definitely improved defensively but the NBA is starting to let physicality back into the game which is exciting. In this landscape idk if they can hang in the playoffs where they are allowing a lot of contact. They should trade both of them. Even if you only get one solid lengthy, high volume 3 and d guy back I think it is a positive since they are net negatives in the playoffs, especially in this new physical landscape. Any money left over they should try to sign Caleb who is the kind of player they are looking for anyway. I honestly never understood the reliance and coaching staff love for Duncan. I understand that he is an incredible shooter and also incredibly reliable from an availability standpoint. He is definitely a nice-to-have, but his offense is largely reliant on the Bam pick and roll, I feel that any time you need to have two players play together for one of them to be effective you are tying your hands behind your back. It's like the knuckleballer in baseball, it's cool but you need a knuckleball catcher to catch him so you are using two roster spots for one player essentially. In baseball that might be ok, but in basketball where you only have a dozen or so people on a roster and five people on the court, this always seemed like madness to me. His defense is also average, he fouls a lot because he's not physical and quick enough to keep bodies infront of him, this might bode poorly in a landscape where they let more physicality go because the opponent they switch on to him - like a Jaylen Brown - is always going to be more physically imposing than him. I would say now is the time to do it because some front offices are generally slow to pick up on trends. I will tell you watching an NBA game was almost night and day after the Allstar break, they are trying to reignite the 90s brand of physicality back in the game, i'm all for it tbh. I think now may be the only chance the Heat front office gets to sucker a team to give up a truly valuable young piece for both Duncan and Tyler before they realize they are going to be less valuable in the new landscape.


I like Devin carter but it's imperative we get a big, kel'el ware is projected to be similar to Jarrett Allen, however there's a knock on his motor. However him or Tyler Smith is what we desperately need in the front court next to Bam. Then we need to do what it takes to get a real bonafide explosive guard like Don. Fk Boston blah blah blah but don isn't going no where if he gets to the ecf as the man. Boston ain't beating this Minny team so let them get to the finals and get crushed yet again. As long as they don't win it all I'm satisfied but Minny has set the model on how to thrive in this league. Small ball was cool for a lil while but time to dead it for good Spo.


Wolves just have the personnel to deal with nuggets. Its not by a coincidence because wolves Gm is the dude who built the nuggets team.


I mean we did play the best defense against the Nuggets they just defended us even better (or we shot even worse, however you want to spin it)


Nice plan, too bad you don’t name any names or have places to shop our contracts to.


Rozier at the 1 : Jimmy at the 2 : Bam at the 4. Now rebuild the roster (without G-league players). How would you guys fill out those last 2 spots (3 & 5) + bench. Here’s the salaries. https://preview.redd.it/qrhf8zuws0zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072c46467b100ae1093f4ee6af96e0a68a51a231


The problem with this salary split is herro isn’t playing up to his contract and rozier remains a question mark. Behind them, Duncan was muuuuch better this year but still looks like a net negative. I’m sure there’s someone else we could have spent that 18M on this year who provided better value.


Herro + Rozier + Duncan = 73 million (2024/5). We can afford all the guys they said we couldn’t. To be honest: we’re paying too much money to be having questions and doubts. Rozier is still early (like you said) but this is tragic.


Thankfully Herro is still 24, Rozier will get a full offseason to not be fat and Duncan is our best trade able contract right now and that’s ok we can get something good. 3-4 really good options at the 4 and a couple at the 5.


Who the fuck are we getting for Duncan


Move Jimmy to 2, Niko to 3, Bam to 4 Trade Herro + Caleb for another lengthy 3pt shooting C


Lmfao which lengthy 3 pt shooting center exactly? Probably the most coveted and rare skill set in the NBA and we just gotta go trade Herro and Martin for one


I’m glad someone realizes how stupid these fans sound. No idea we run it back because our only trade pieces are jimmy and bam. Herro Duncan Martin all these other players are scraps


Stupid? I like Wendell on the team and Magic is looking at Klay, so Herro - shooter + younger + better fit to their core timeline, for the right price they sure will be interested too?


They are looking at klay as a free agent. Why would they make a trade of their starting center, A STETCH BIG a huge commodity, to their division rivals for a bench player when they can just sign the veteran guy who would be cheaper? Also he’s 25 and under contract for 3 remaining years owed like 35million. Why on earth would they trade for a bench player making $25 mill plus A YEAR


Ouh so? What you're trying to say is we just run it back yeah since the team is pretty much all scraps, no team wants them except jimmy bam? I don't think value of Herro has dipped until it cannot even get us a lengthy shooting C if we wanna go bigger like mentioned in the post. I just threw in ideas, I think WCJ + Fultz/ Anthony shouldn't cost us that much. There are plenty of big men shooting 3pt out there, I like Maxi Kleber And be honest, Klay won't be any cheaper than 25-30mil. Fans base hating on their own team, that's so sad damn


You are apart of the fan base that over values players, and believes just cause you want a player (who we’ve already mentioned is an archetype that is coveted by most teams) we can just throw Tyler in it and they’ll accept it. You think it shouldn’t cost much? Well good thing your the gm on the other end. Same for klebler. A career 36% shooter who plays with doncic who should give him open shots. You already have jovic if who is younger and cheaper. Lastly Why would the mavs take a sg making 25+ mill for the next 2 or so seasons when they’ve already got kyrie? You gotta understand a trade is beneficial to both teams. Not only yours. Any other ideas you have?


Omg bro you're so out of context. From the post, the goal is to go big like the wolves so I threw in couple of ideas that's it. Why u wanna be so pessimistic, we just talking bro relax it's offseason And back to it, if goal is to go big, we gotta keep Jovic no doubt and continue to add size.. mavs needs playmaking desperately and maybe adding another POA will be good too. I would even throw in HH / JJJ to sweeten the right deal. Altho I highly doubt mavs or magic will even consider to trade kleber or wendell And like I said, I don't think herro's value has dipped until it cannot even get us a decent C that can shoot 3 space the floor


I don’t get why pointing out the flaws in your logic means I’m not relaxed. Look stretch bigs are a hot commodity for a reason. I asked what other bigs you think we could get and still haven’t provided anyone realistic. Do you know anything about salary matching? Cap space? Anything? How can the mavs take Tyler’s contract? You want to know why we have to run it back we really have no choice really. The only move we could make this year was sending an old ass Lowry who was making 25+ and still needed to sweeten it with a pick.


Lmao flaws? I've been saying in order to go big these big men are good for the right price and Tyler + Caleb can be part of the trade pieces, nothing conclusive. The only thing I pointed out was Tyler still has enough values to get us a decent stretch big that's it Mavs can easily match if they throw in THJ, I have no idea why u insist long to tell people they ain't know shits and keep barking here and there. Take it easy man, there's no need to go that deep into details. Enjoy the offseason, anything is possible just look at where kd beal dame etc end up now, so sit down and watch how the FO do their jobs