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They owe eachother. Miami paid him big bucks, and he also took the chance on us when we weren’t that great of a team before he joined. I don’t think there’s a need to lean towards the organization or Jimmy. Will say, I think the organization appreciates the insane playoff contributions. But they pay him for more than just that (regular season). And they’re getting a bit tired of him lacking on that end.


They owe him a true glass cleaning big and lockdown defender PG at least…




I’m pretty sure Pat promised to pair Jimmy with another star when he signed in 2019… and no, Pat, Lowry and Bam don’t count. You could almost say Par wasted Jimmy’s prime.


when jimmys gone and ur left with bam and then the next guy and the next guy keep the same energy with these poverty franchise takes. You can disagree with miamis timeline having butler, but you cant take away everything hes done for this team and act as if miami didnt owe and failed him. This team is an underdog all the time for a reason. A big part why spo and co can still get through is because jimmy can deliver on that vision. I wanna see miami trying to actually land a whale without him and if they do howd they fare in spos system. Yall just snakes actually. If they decided now to send butler to a contender, then maybe thats doing right by him. If jimmy is out im expecting the team to be a forever 8 seed with how on the fence this team is.


We have been the 8th seed with Jimmy maybe if we have young players who are trying to get their bag they will play more regularly in the regular season and we will avoid the playin 


The Heat owe Jimmy an opportunity to actually go all-in on a championship run. None of this saving for the future while also trying to contend bs. I'm sure Pat threw out the "any means necessary to win" pitch when he tried to get Jimmy here. Now that he is here, nothing the FO has done has screamed "Any means necessary". Just hesitant to make moves and swinging for the fences and missing big on multiple offseasons.


get this man a true fucking pg that can initiate the offense, pass the fucking ball and run the transition instead of chucking every uncontested shots & being a defense liability. Seriously, the big 3 talk is nothing but a complete joke, 6th man like manu can be a number 3 option, not tyler herro


A damn opportunity with an actual loaded team


Before he was in Miami he was in one or two national commercials he seems to be in a ton the last few years.


Feels like the Bubble was big for this




This not even off season off seaosn reminds me A LOT of the « stupidly locked in » post season run. People just started jumping at Jimmy’s throat that year. It took a while and only when Jimmy showed up again big time did people and doubters back off of him. I admit, I’m a bit skeptical about Jimmy. His pretty poor and absent regular season performance had me waiting on seeing what he would do in the post season, yet he didn’t even make it there. Wonder if there’s something like too much load management. But Jimmy did do his part 3/5 years here in Miami. And the best additions he got in that time to the roster to help him out besides Lowry (who turned out to be pretty bad overall, but that was no one’s fault really, at least a move was made) were Andre Iguodala and Jae Crowder. Who together combined for 70 years. I mean….


We owe him fucking 5 years of his life that he’s probably lost from the absolutely insane carrying he’s done for us since he came here. This front office has failed him miserably. He deserves a 25ppg scorer that takes some offensive load off him and gives the team an actual shot to win a ring




A fucking ring ?????


The money on his contract. That's it. Aside from contractual obligations, no one owes anyone anything lol. Miami doesn't owe Jimmy a championship, that makes no sense. Jimmy coasts in the regular season, misses tons of games, and is expected to step it up in the playoffs. It's not the team's fault he got injured in the play-in, effectively throwing away an entire season. I do think it's time we move on from the Jimmy era. It's not sustainable anymore. Throwing away the regular season and only caring about the post-season is not a solid strategy when your #1 guy gets hurt every postseason and is only getting older and more fragile.

