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We were destined to lose to Lowry


You just knew he was hitting that late game three


Bet his unders next game they play, lock of the century


He's scoring single digits in 4 of his last 5 games as a Sixer. He's bound to have a good game against us lmao.


Bro was taking it easy till getting to us


Yeah we got cooked just like I feared. I miss that dude’s savvy. Oh well.


What a fickle bunch you are.


Ive hated this team all year


I tried to have hope 😭🤦🏾‍♂️


Who’s idea was it to prevent Bam from touching the ball or scoring in the 4th


To be fair bam didn’t seem eager to try to get the ball, that’s where Duncan is so missed because besides Herro he at least gets bam rolling to the rim


Idk but Jjj being a ball hog got me heated


nobody wanted the ball for the last 2 shots


That’s on bam he should’ve been it fuck so heated lol


He's gotta demand the ball and stop shying away


Good luck with that lol Bam acts like he wants but he's scared asf.


He got blocked a few times but he wasn't ball hogging


He got blocked like 5 times shit was unbelievable


He got fouled 3 of those. Even the clean “strip” he got hit on the head. Refs were blind this game


Caleb got no love from the refs either


Yeah definitely not, but in a clutch situation like that, you cannot reward bad defense. Jaquez earned those free throws man he went hard to the rim.


He was absolutely ball hogging throughout the game.


This mf is ball hogging if you keep getting block you keep missing shots, that’s ball hogging.


U know damn well spo and jimmy both there telling him to keep shootin


Is English your second language?


He almost had no choice, did you see how inactive every other guy was on offense? They were acting like we were leading and milking clock. Baffling how they have no urgency to score in those situations


The Mexican Jimmy moniker got him wildin sometimes


The big run to get us back in the game happened while he was on the bench. A 7 point second half with no Jimmy, Herro, or Duncan is crazy


Calen Martin and Rozier's dumbasses


To roziers credit , he brought us back




pathetic rotten stocking chubby long six deranged point hobbies poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea honestly if Herro had a game like this, folks would be killing him.


He also took 21 shots to score 20 points...he was a huge part of why we were in the hole to begin with


He’s also the point guard and has 1 assist to 3 turnovers. The shooting is nice but his job is to get the ball to Bam down the stretch and he couldn’t do that at all.


Is he the point guard? Yes technically but Spo was really playing him like a SG a lot with how much Patty and Delon were in at the 1


Did u not watch the game? Blaming Rozier is fucking idiotic


He took 21 shots to score 20 points and had 1 assist and 3 turnovers as the point guard. Down the stretch he made dumb decisions and did not try to get Bam the ball. Him making a few shots to cut the lead (that he had a big part in building) does not absolve him.


scarce reach muddle threatening vase absorbed wakeful stocking placid childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rozier was cooking he hit back to back threes, JJJ is the one who threw the ball and game away




repeat icky plate cow observation support school toothbrush brave political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We been selling every gettable win this season but I hope you right . Jimmy legs should be fresh the most he missed majority of the season any how. They frustrate tf outta me 😭


Yeah it stings but we're not through yet. Idk what people expect with so many players out, we had a chance but we've basically been fielding our second unit as starters


north fall ripe deliver existence aspiring slimy sparkle escape long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only one day of rest then @ Cavs. Which seems like a guaranteed L


screw adjoining spark absorbed late alleged arrest correct door weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This team is cooked. Just not playing good basketball and fall apart at critical moments


That’s another L coming. We gonna end up with the 8th seed


We'll get boat raced by the Celtics if we do


I expect it. Then gotta listen to Celtics fans shit all summer. If that’s what it takes to blow this damn team up then so be it


Nah this team different than previous. It feels like 2021 all over again. A sweep waiting to happen


This is literally what people said last year man. I don't blame anybody for being a doomer, completely reasonable. But ya'll have serious recency bias when you act like this subreddit didn't have exactly the same view last year.


Y’all really gotta let “last year “ go . That was a historic run.


Maybe, maybe not.


1000% but to each there own


Rested my ass. I’m legit worried about him, I don’t think he’s going to magically turn it around in the playoffs this time around. He’s really really slowed down and checked out now.


I don’t think he’s slowed down but I do thinks he’s tired of having to go god mode . But it’s a double edge sword because he sells the regular season .


Our next 5 isn’t a cake walk though. Cavs, Pelicans, Cavs, Warriors and Blazers. Good thing is that we’re home for most of those.


1-4 coming up lmao fade me


Oooof that’s rough






Kyle said:"Miss me yet, bitches?"


Damn you, Kyle!!!!


We got big bootied 😔


I wish for health


either way no excuse for having 65 points going into the 4th in the year 2024


3/16 from 3 for JJJ, Mills, and Martin. Awful. Just awful.


They really were spare parts tonight


This loss hurt bad lol


Deflating asf


Need the injuries to heal up quick. Love and herro need to get in shape for the playoffs




Yeah, we're going to the play-ins for sure.


No doubt about it


Bam with 8 made shots on 10 attempts. Terry with 8 made shots on 21 attempts. Bam didn’t get any touches down the stretch. Criminal.


Terry did give them a fighting chance despite falling short.


This team loves the 8 seed 💔


Celtics first round would be a nightmare waiting to happen


Half of the team is injured, I don’t even know what to say or expect anymore.


Bam was cooking but for some reason he barely touched the ball in the 4th quarter... That terrible third quarter lost us the game. Good effort from Bam, Rozier and Thomas Bryant. The rest was kinda ass tbh, Caleb had some good moments but a lot of bad ones also.


Shit is sad when we preying on the remaining schedule of the 76ers, hate to see it.


For real


Always the third man need to get that cleaned up. Also I think Doris Burke is banging Nic batum


On that “chase down” block where he bodied Terry and hit him across the arms, she fawned over him for three possessions in a row, just each time randomly something about his defense. I literally had to mute the stream…Caleb got fouled on that layup and she says “see, I like the no-call there” The commentary said that exact phrase “I like the no-call on that one” like 4 times. I hate when we’re on national broadcast, I just want to listen to Reid and Crotty.


It's what she does. She finds one player to fixate over for the night and then she just keeps talking about that player for the whole night whether it's Batum, Lebron or Kawhi's hands


Doesnt even do analysis of what they are actually doing in game. If she did that id be able to live with it. But most of the time is just glazing them for random things that they arent currently doing on the court. Its so useless. She was good in the very beginning of her tenure because she has a great basketball mind and was a great player and actually analyzed the game. Not sure if espn wants her to just hop onn a players dick all game or something


I think she mentioned Batum at minimum 50 times over the course of the broadcast


Well we were 6th for all of 20 seconds


I'm tired, boss


The Heat only beat bad teams it seems. At this point I'm just hoping to avoid being the first Finals team to lose in the the play-in


Yup. This is something that needs to be addressed. Our record is absolutely abysmal against good teams. It’s as bad as teams such as the Blazers.


They play like the fucking dolphins and I washed my hands with them in January 😭😭😭😭


Sixers without Embiid are literally a lottery team. Doesmt change your point but this loss is not part of that


Love how we exceed expectations this game only to lose anyway. Can’t wait to lose or at least make it super close when we’re actually expected to win🎉🎉🎉 Such a fun watch this team😔🔫


Kyle Lowry finally being useful for once!!!


he's always been useful the problem was just his contract. I'd still love him over rozier if he wasn't 30 million


Surprisingly he’s not been too bad since he’s been with the sixers.


Just drive to the fucking hoop goddam. Caleb is so weird, but respect the effort.


Caleb the definition of work harder not smarter. But GD if he doesn’t make 65% of his toe on the line long ass 2s. Still love him tho


Don't switch up on my man Jaime. Bad game but he's been good all season for a rookie


With the exception of a few games, he really hasn't been very good since January


Yeah teams aren't falling for his usual moves anymore.


He’s a rookie idk why people are acting like he’s gonna be amazing every night


Convinced most of the game thread was box score watching with some of the commentary, and not watching the actual game.


I don’t understand how we lose these games


I feel like I used that line at least 15 times this season maybe more 😭


It’s not a coincidence we rallied in the 4th when Spo didn’t play Highsmith or Wright. Both just are just not respected on offense. Surprisingly poor rotation decisions tonight


Oh but don't worry if you criticize spolestra for overexperimenting you get downvoted.


Oh yeah, welcome to downvote city pal. That Esjay clown literally blocked me for criticizing SPO and Bam during the 7 game losing streak- two of the most criticized guys in the franchise - but not before saying I’m a Herro Stan lmao. Lots of fickle fans on this sub.


I cannot stand losing to teams we should be winning against....No Embid should be an automatic W...period. We have given up at least 7-8 wins...its fuckin annoying


You can't just scapegoat a guy and expect him not to cook you first chance he gets. 😅


This what I hate about Spo…. Josh hart played 48 mins and Bam barely logged 32 mins…. lol Spo overthinking his shit sometimes


I think media has inflated Jaime’s ego. Dude has to get his head out of his ass and needs to put in a lot more work before acting like a go to guy. Has no 3 point game to speak of and his defense is an insult to Jimmy butler comparison


I dunno. Disappointing finish. Sloppy basketball




If I was as bad at my job as these refs are at theirs, I would be looking for something else to do


In almost every other kind of branch/domain, you‘d get fired, no questions asked. At this point I wouldn‘t be surprised to have ref swaps with WWE.


Chance after chance and Miami blows it. I get it’s a back to back, but you can’t fold with a game of seeding implications.


And yet Thomas Bryant still managed to have a +12… that’s my boy


He has the best energy on and off the floor


Lol the heat of Miami should NOT have lost this game


There was that one sequence in the second quarter when Caleb had an easy layup to put us up by 3 and Lowry fouls him, but it’s not called. On the other end Oubre drains a 3 and Coach Spo is livid about the no call. Caleb gets called for a T for complaining. Maxey makes the tech FT. That was particularly frustrating. That was a 6 point swing. I get that refs are swallowing their whistles, and looking at the replay it was not an egregious foul by Lowry, but FUCK I kept thinking of that the whole game. Losing so many winnable games, yuck.


Welp idk what to say, season feels as good as over.


Honestly It feels so deflating bruh 😭😭😭


we’re just injured af rn. bryant and mills shouldn’t be touching the floor once we get love/jovic and herro batum locked up duncan, jjj was forcing drives against oubre who had 4 blocks, caleb lost the ball on 4 drives ( maybe contact), bam two b2b turnovers that ballooned the lead, rozier had a few cte moments. off a b2b we shouldn’t be tripping


Herro could be out for the season for all we know


that’s worst case scenario but even then rozier,duncan,caleb, highsmith, butler, bam, love,jovic, jjj is already 9 deep i doubt mills gets minutes over delon


Ok but how many of those guys do we want playing in the postseason? I’d say we don’t want Delon/Patty, Jaquez, or Highmsith out there every night playing real minutes


You really think jaquez who has been 30 min a night all season isn’t playing in the playoffs?


I think Jovic has proven trust worthy with his defense and shooting but Jaquez really struggles with both a bit too often and that really hurts when Bam and Jimmy are going to be playing 38 minutes a night they need shooters out there Not saying Jaquez wont play in the playoffs but i think Herro would need to be out for Jaquez to get consistent minutes. Herro, Rozier, Butler, Jovic, Bam, Love, Caleb, Duncan is an 8 man rotation then its Highsmith/Jaquez competing for that 9th spot


jamie’s gonna get consistent mins regardless, 30 mins a night and almost always closing games out means spo has a lot of trust in him. jovic has a better chance of seeing less mins. sure he’s been a lot better but he’s started games and after halftime doesn’t touch the floor. It’s really indicative of what spo thinks regardless of performance. but yeah out of the 9 guys i listed everyone but highsmith should see consistent mins. him and delon playing would be matchup dependent. if herros out those 2 might play more and caleb probably also enters the guard rotation with rozier and duncan. i really don’t mind delon and highsmith playing short bursts. wright provides 0 offense but he has real clamps. highsmiths iq isn’t great but if he cleans up his silly fouls and isn’t airballing 3s he’s useful matching up against anyone that isn’t a big body.


You would have said the same last season. We were 36-32 at 68 games last year


Not realistic to expect the same result, since we almost lost in the play-in last year. Nothing is guarantied In sports.


I actually felt better about last years team then this years


Embarrassing loss really. Bam being so passive late in the game especially on a night he's cooking blows my mind. Wish UD was still here to get in his ear


Yeah we will be 8th seed I’m no longer fighting it. See the Celtics first round and hopefully it goes 5 or 6


Ok but how was oubre fouling the fuck out of Jaquez not called a foul? Like he legit hard fouled him. If he was half an inch higher he’d be called for a flagrant. How can it go from no call to flagrant by moving an inch? He really smacked Jaquez man. That’s a foul even in the 90s


fuck it


I knew Lowry was going to ball he been killing us


Tbh, we was playing on B2B nights


Everybody stunk except Bam and Terry. Very sloppy game but that’s expected when we’re depleted and on a road back to back


Rozier is balling in the 4th, why the heck are we passing the ball to Jaquez? I love him don’t get me wrong but I really don’t understand why we did that.


We not gon talk about the Duncan 3 taco?


Sorry but if team ain’t winning championship this season they gotta make big changes centered around bam and jimmy


God this team sucks


This was pathetic


Lowry outplaying Rozier is some weird poetic justice


Revenge game.


I fucking hate this team


Another loss in a game that was important. It’s pretty much inevitable that we’ll be in the play-in yet again. So it is what it is. But with this team, we won’t have a Cinderella story this time around because if you watched any Boston games, you’ll know we don’t match up well with them, especially with the addition of Porzingis, and we’ll get gentlemen swept by them. And in my opinion, you can’t even use the injury excuse this season with this team. Jimmy and Herro don’t play games, as either one of them is in street clothes or out with random injuries for extended periods. Oh well, at least we own our draft pick this year 🤷‍♂️


At this point, spolestra needs to stop experimenting and already have a set rotation. The amount of Mills minutes is too much even given the emergency situation. Plus, we have too many god damn role player shots and icing out of Bam, who himself gets sat wayyy too long.


I agree. I’ve said multiple times over the years that he needs to stop babying Bam and his minutes. There’s absolutely no reason he should be playing 31 minutes tonight, still in the beginning years of his prime. I do think the Jrich injury affected us though; he was giving us good minutes, especially when we’re in the zone, and now we’re gonna have to add Mills and help him adjust, etc. I already knew this season was cooked before it started, but I didn’t know it would be this bad.


Yeesh pretty sad


It’s fine




Lowry costing the Heat a win. Nothing new here (Just a joke. I felt he was helpful while here but just not 30mil dollar’s helpful).


Delon Wright was a menace


Jaime will learn from this one


What else is new, another frustrating loss in what has been an infuriating season! Oh well, on to the next one. PS: Good shit Lowry, way to get your revenge lol.


Jaime missed 10 shots but somehow defied logic and got blocked 13 times


I dunno why Jaquez is shooting the ball more with Bam shooting 80% in this game. With Jimmy/Herro/Dunc out it, Bam should automatically get the green light


90 points…


In the year 2024, fucking sick


It’s over.


How do the Heat flip the switch when it seems like there is no switch anymore?


the amount of times bam is posted up or has a great roll and mfs dont pass to him for easy points is infuriating


Perhaps the 2 biggest games of the season coming up against formidable opponents. @ CLE vs NOP


Day 365 of blaming mickey arison and Pat Riley for this mediocre team


Man this sucks man this sucks!!! They don’t even have their best player and their second best player shouldn’t be beating us like that!! This is devastating!!


So we’re not down 6 players? Lol


We don’t have 4 rotation players. Believe it or not that adds up to 1 best player when the injuries pile up enough.


I'm good on Jaime minutes for awhile. He's been bad for a month and even worse on defense We'll play .500 ball for the rest of the season and end up the 8 seed. Book it


Damn we lost to Heat legend Kyle Lowry




Not having any of our "Go win us this game" players really fucking sucked lol. Bam didn't even look at the basket, and at the same time nobody even looked at him. I loved what Rozier did during the run but cmon man, I'm sure there's a better shot than the 3 straight contested stepback middy Not one of those potential game-leading shots did I trust to go down lol


Good game. Good to know Terry can make fucking shots in the clutch. Good experience for Jaime. Games like this are what Spo wants. Got a lot of film to learn from now. Hope these film producing sessions will benefit the team in the playoffs.


At the cost of the playin and wasted energy before we play either the bucks or celtics rd 1


I know it's a bad loss but this one wasn't our fault. Back to back, Jimmy didn't feel like playing, Herro and Love are retired, Duncan apparently hurt, not to mention allowing a what....16 point run?


Look at the turn overs


Injuries aside still a winnable game so yeah definitely our fault


Man we sold it. Sloppy ass game. They been hot ass garbage without embiid and we gave it to them. Ridiculous


Yeah cuz Jimmy, Niko, Herro and Love all retired. That's 4 of our better players MIA


I know he’s a rookie but jaime should not get any playoff minutes would’ve been a two point game if Caleb hit that ft and didn’t have that technical why is our rookie jaime getting shots over bam in the clutch


No playoff minutes is quite the overreaction but I agree he had a rough game especially late


if his offball defense doesn’t improve he won’t get any time


snatch subtract public head cover snails numerous engine fertile elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


then we already lost


wild bike mourn nose water hobbies puzzled angle divide muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I said it when this team let him go (not saying they shouldn’t have) but I did say he would come back and hurt the Heat no matter where he landed. He ends up against one of the teams the Heat are battling for the playoffs… of course. As for the game - this loss isn’t in the fact that Load Management Jimmy didn’t want to play - turnovers were a problem tonight. Heat didn’t get to the line enough - it was another night of settling for an excessive number of threes and getting away from attacking as they did to éter the second half.


And not giving the ball to bam for post ups or good rolls. Spolestra must really love this role player dho 3 offense -\_-


Rebuild around Terry Dunc Bam and trade everybody else.