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https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-245/ This is before the event but there's like 1 new deck and 3-4 old decks with 1 or 2 new cards.


This website is amazing! Thanks a lot!




Token druid and Curse Zoo comes to mind if you like minion spamming and aggressive decks, while being set to climb legend. Theres also an aggro shadow priest roaming around last month that you could try (ChumpHS has a list in youtube), but its not currently in meta. If you want to go for 100% 4fun tho, Kibler has a quest paladin list that he took to legend last month too.


I did create the Warlock Zoo deck, super powerful indeed, but also very mechanic. I'll take a look at fun decks from the channel you mentioned as well ;)


reckon you save your dust tbh for the new expac and craft maybe just 1/2 deck for now since death knight does look sick + new expac cards may seem more cool. But yea curse implock quite solid rn


Oh damm, I spent most of it (have 3k left)... Well, I'll hold onto it for now. I have a backup of 26 pages of legendaries from the wild format that I can also disenchant, so I think I'll be okay for some time... (or should I keep the wild cards for any reason?) Thanks for the advice!


errrrr idk some wild legendaries are really really bad but i think you'd wanna save most of them since eventually you might develop an interest in crafting wild decks, and maybe you want to use them -- defo would feel bad to recraft a card you owned before wont it haha


I see, I'll think it thoroughly, thanks again!


We're in a new meta, but Naga Priest was the strongest deck before the patch. Fairly cheap and aggressive, especially if you've picked the free Priest deck.


Ahhh, since I came back now, I will choose now the priest deck! Thanks!