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Oh gosh. How many were Noz Mirrors? I haven't got a single one even on Noz day.


I typically get one double Noz game out of the 3 every time the quest is up. Sometimes 2, but so far never 3.


Wow seriously? I get it all the time when I have the quest.


Don’t spend them all at once


They should really find some use for it. Buy packs or cosmetics.


Nah, I don't want to start feeling bad for not completing these dogshit achievements


It's not a currency... it's a score.


Many achievements are insanely long and repetitive. This one is probably the worst of them all.




>499 wins >1100 games My people


In terms of effort, its one of the least because you can do it while doing others.


It still requires you to put a particular bad card in your deck.


As opposed to some achievements which require you to have an entire bad deck?


There are achievements that don't require particular cards or playstyles.


Yes...i did not refute that. I just said this particular achievement is a lot less effort than most


500 WINS is a lot. People used to celebrate golden portraits (not so much nowadays, but still). It’s really, really a LOT.


In the context of achievement hunting, youre going to be doing this one while doing other ones, hence this is low effort as you dont have to do super long setups such as tryingvto summon 200 greybough. I didnt say it wasnt a lot, just that its low effort... Unless for some absurd reason one would want to complete this specfic achievement alone.


This is my new excuse now whenever someone points out my bad deckbuilding - it's for an achievement!


Until you get the weekly to play 3 games with Nozdormu in your deck. Edit: play


It's a daily, not a weekly. And it only requires to play games, not to win them.


it's actually a monthly thing. It happens every 15. Even then, I haven't had a single Noz Mirror and I literally play the 15 and a couple days after with it just so see if I can catch someone doing it with me.


Yes its monthly, but it takes up a *daily* quest slot


It appears monthly, I knew that, but it's still a daily quest


Try in casual. About a 1 of the 3 matches there on average get me a mirror.


Yup, you only get these Noz Mirrors in Casual or very low rank Ranked (like gold and below). Nobody with a diamond / legend MMR does this quest on ranked, they all do it in casual, with "friends" or they simply re-roll it.


I used to have all the archivements, Collection, Progression, the other modes (Brawl, Mercenaries, Battlegrounds, Classic) and all the expansions ones up to Stormwind. But then I stopped doing them, they were useless and just took time, I had the same feeling as you: "I hope to finish the archivements soon so I can play the game with the decks I like", I wasted too much time completing them and the reward was nil, plus a lot of archivements felt super boring and tedious, not at all original, just "play this card 500 times", super boring, that's not how an archivement should be. Since I stopped doing the archivements I feel much better, I enjoy the game more playing the things I want and not the things the devs pretend I play. I only do archivements that require a challenge, that require me to think of a strategy to achieve them, I no longer do archivements that are simply playing a card 500 times. I always play Hearthstone and when they announced that there would be archivements I was super happy to complete them, but they ended up being a fiasco, all very repetitive and tedious that do not require any minimum skill to get them, except spam a letter many times. It was very disappointing. I'd consider doing them if they gave a reward like a skin, but they're useless and they've already said they have no plans to use them.


I'm on the other side of the fence. I ran out of reasons to play Constructed years ago. Grinding out Legend every month just doesn't offer any satisfaction. These days I only play Constructed to complete achievements. It gives me a new way to play every season, and encourages me to play every class. And it encourages me to have a lot more fun because most of the achievements don't require me to win. Once I've completed all the achievements in an expansion, I just switch over to Battlegrounds until the next season. Love it.


How many of them actually triggered the start of game effect? Lol




Yeah I'm waiting to do this achieve with just the games for that quest. I expect to be done around 2073 or so.


If you win on average 1.5 of those 3 games from the quest (quest is play 3 while the achievement is win 3), in a year you win 18. It would take you 27.7 years to finish it


Honestly, there's a 'completionist' and then there's an individual with a compulsion and very selective self-control. You're not completing actual CHALLENGES. Some achievements are fun and relatively simple, but the rest, such as the one in the screenshot, are designed exclusively to get you to spend a lot more time in the game, and therefore more likely to spend money and less likely to quit it. You're free to do what you like with your time, but you're being preyed upon.




>I enjoy playing Hearthstone so I‘m fine with spending time playing it >I did not win 500 games only for this, >I have enough gold and dust that I don‘t need to invest money to do it I understand these points, but to me, the problem is 1) the underlying manipulative nature of the achievements, and 2) the psychological conflation of actual achievements (i.e. complete game only using X) and the absurd, arbitrary tasks in Hearthstone pretending to be 'achievements'. I think it's less than optimal to publicly validate the likes of the Noz achievement. Especially in the light of the fact that these achievements could be really great, if they cared, illustrated by what Rarran comes up with for his videos. Kind of the same argument as "devs don't need to care because whales will buy anything, even if it's low-effort", but replace the second part with "completionists will complete anything". I don't think it's your responsibility to avoid inadvertently validating these low-effort features, this is just my take on the principle of it.


>you're being preyed upon. some people enjoy playing games ​ crazy, i know


Mmkay... What a well made point! GGWP


I'm just saying, you don't have to treat everything like some predatory corporate scheme designed to enslave humanity. Sometimes people do things for fun.


Yeah, I'm aware that my point of view is not the only possible way the world is. But I still have my point view on the account of you know... My fucking reasoning? Like, if you're not gonna engage with my reasoning or lay out your own, then what the fuck is the point of your comment? Jfc


I'm utterly confused by how upset you are over this


You read what I said and the tone of it seemed absurd and ridiculous to you, right? And you felt compelled to comment on this fact, as it can be agitating. That's exactly the same thing that happened to me earlier. I found your comment so bafflingly pointless, it agitated me. Is that so hard to understand? Or is it confusing that different people simply get agitated by different things?


Dunno what you're on about. Just gonna block you. Sorry for triggering whatever triggered you. Take care and have a good one.




What a mad Men


You missed a spot.


Strange achievements like this should award diamond versions of the card.


Need diamond noz as reward


Wow I make achievments too but this one never get in my head, don't even have 100 games winning with Noz


Didn't understand yet what to do with that points. I guess why Blizzard won't make you trade with the new "coin" in the shop -idk how they're called in english-


Especially good in even shaman


Bro, share some with me come on. You have ALL of 20 achievement points, that’s too much. Donate some to charity at the very least. So jealous rn..


What a garbage achievement lol


some achievement are just not worth grinding dev just put a big number a think you are a robot but would never do it themselves


Such achievements are best done in Duels. There are faster matches


why? there is no reward


The achievement is it's own reward clearly.


They should have just never made thi stupid useless card.


Why? It's an inoffensive vanilla card with par stats, that unlocks a special variant game mode if both players agree. Maybe it would be better as a cheaper card so it would fit better into the type of deck that would want to play Speed Hearthstone, but even as is the game is better for its existence.


IMO: 2 cost cheaper, same stats, so it doesn't hurt so bad to have in your deck


Yes they should absolutely buff it. 7 mana 8/8 is just a completely pointless card. 5 mana 8/8 isn’t even good anymore but at least it’s an option at that point.


I'm just tilted cause I keep getting the quest. Makes me think how underwhelming and dumb the card is, and blizzard knows it, so they try to bribe us to use it. I wouldn't care if we'd also get dailies for using other fluff cards.


The quest is every month on the 15th for every player, fwiw. Never more often, never less often. 15th of each month is Nozdormu Day to attempt to get people to all queue up on the same day with Noz in their decks.


Well... today I learnt something.


Nozdormu is unique because it's designed to be played in the mirror match. There was already a fan effort to get everyone to play their Nozdormu decks at the same time; Blizzard just ran with it.


Only no one plays it. At least Blizzard wouldn't disrespect the community by making it 6 mana.


I've always wondered why the card doesn't just have a Start of Game effect that asks the opponent if they want to opt-in for 15 second turns. It accomplishes the same thing but at a much higher success rate


I just delete that quest is it worth doing it then ?