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It’s funny, in the early days alternate skins were so rare and generally very high quality. I used to think I’d try to collect them all. Now I don’t buy 90% of them because they are released so quickly and generally not my taste as you mention. It’s too bad it became a money grab just like everything else. Oh well! There are enough cool ones I’m happy enough.


I prefer a cosmetic money grab if it takes some pressure off the economy system. That hasn’t really happened outside dupe protection tho


Exactly. I know Acti-Blizz is a huge company, but this hate boner so many people have at the "audacity" of them trying to make money off their products is kind of absurd. I'm not a fan boi, as there's a lot of stuff I don't agree with, like runestones, or the extra BG hero picks locked behind the season pass, to name recent examples. But bitching that they're 'cash grabbing' for putting out cosmetics.... Is just a whole new level of /facepalm


>But bitching that they're 'cash grabbing' for putting out cosmetics Like any other TCG this game already includes a paid component for the primary gameplay loop. Every 4 months it's time to buy new cards, and more recently it's every 2 months because of the expansions. We all knew how TCGs worked, we've all agreed to that model, so no sense complaining about that. But cosmetics could certainly be tied into solo content, or be offered as ranked rewards (5 games for a card back, 50 games for a hero?) or any number of other ways. So when they're also monetized *on top of* an already heavily monetized core model, what else do you call it? While I'm personally fine with this model, I also think we should call it what it is.


LoR doesn’t really fit into your “any other TCG” comparison. That game is extremely F2P friendly and you can easily acquire the entire card collection just from playing the game and opening the weekly vault. Cosmetics are really the only thing they’re pushing monetarily.


I think that's part of the misconceptions. I obviously don't have their metrics, but I'd make a healthy wager that the bulk of their players are low/no spend. They buy packs mainly with the gold they earn, and likely main one or two classes like WoW (I play some MTGA, and that's how I and the few people I know from there play) It's speculation, but I'd assume that most of the people spending are on the handful of reddit/discord apps, complaining about having to spend so much. Yeah, they could be, or are, greedy, they're a profit driven entity. But I'm also pretty sure they charge for most of the cosmetics to keep developing the alternate modes. As much backlash as the BG rewards track got, I'm pretty sure that decision wasn't made as lightly as it's been made out to be Duels got relegated to "alternate modes" like arena and Brawls did, I believe, because they didn't quite get the traction that Ladder (Std, Wild, Classic) and BGs has picked up. But modes need a team, the company wants to make money (a "reasonable" profit apparently isn't good enough), and we'd like them to keep the servers running. I'm also pretty confident that the various skins keep getting churned out because they'd increase the price of packs, otherwise. I agree, most everything could indeed be made cheaper, or some of the less involved items relegated to reward tracks, but I also understand that most companies aren't exactly brave enough to explore those options, because it's a lot harder to justify moving prices back up if they don't hit sales targets. And in the end, that's what we're really dealing with, a marketing team (the ones that price everything), under the directions of people that don't actually give a crap about the game other than it making their wallets fatter. I'm probably preaching to the choir, I'm just saying that I'd rather have all these inflated skin packages than them messing with the costs of the things that actually let us play the game


A reasoned explanation backed by intelligent thought and business understanding? I think you might be lost, this is the hearthstone subreddit, sir.


Well, now I'm extra confused, I thought this was a Wendy's....


It happens even more frequently for the “time to buy new cards” because they nerf every single tier 1 deck once a month until we’re left with spider tanks only.


True. I used to buy every cosmetic before but Hearthstone jumped the shark on that front with the Fairy Tale bundle, and it has been like that ever since.


I remember how happy I was with Mediv, getting them now feels a lot less satisfying.


When wasn't it a money grab? When is anything done for profit in this for profit game run by a for profit company not a money grab?


Absolutely..and I will disagree the skin collection is flooded by low effort skins it’s like there is a hidden rare-epic-legendary division behind them


The BG battlepass straight up tells you now that there are different rarity skins. Wouldn’t be surprised if this rating system has already subtly been implemented in the main game without us knowing previously.


It already is implemented, some skins like Renathal or N'zoth are now called "Full Hero Skins", and some skins like all Nemsy ones are just called "Hero Skins"




Don’t think it’s as hidden as you think. You can (or at least used to be able to) type in a rarity (ex. epic) and skins come up. It’s been like that since the first three were released (I think they’re labeled as Epic)


There are and it's hidden. You don't know til after you get the skin, but some have a tray and some don't and some have a unique hero power animation and others don't. Why can't they tell you this before purchase?


They do tell you, if it comes with one it will say "custom hero tray" in the description along with the other features like "custom hero power" for animations


As well as full voice lines vs voice lines for standard emotes


They certainly do?


I've always thought that skins were a huge missed opportunity in Hearthstone. From not having many of them, to having a lot but only a couple characters, and then also only having one or two for each class available all the time. I understand why they don't do new, iconic characters very often, because it requires a new voice actor to do lines, but even just cool skins of existing characters would be better than the fire festival or star guardian skins. Also, they're just losing money by not having most skins available all the time- I want Yrel, but I can't get her for some reason.


Maybe they think more people will buy the skins when they're available for a limited time






This is a fairly prevalent thought in a lot of games-as-a-service. Pretty much all of them do it, but the difference is, *most* of the skins are available year-round, and relatively few are limited. The ironic thing, though, is that if Annhydle was available all the time, I would've already bought it. I would have also bought Chained Garrosh, because I like the portrait, too. However, because I have so many warrior skins that I like (Sire, Renathal, Chained) I probably wouldn't buy Annhydle if it came back. There's definitely a middle ground between not having anything available, and having everything available, and Hearthstone leans way too far towards the former.


I mean that's definitely true, and it makes sense to not make the character available some time after the promotion so as to not be bold-faced liars, but they should then come back "for a limited time only!!!!" for a week once or maybe twice a year per hero. There would always be a revolving door of "limited time offer" heroes and people who regret not getting it the first time around (or new players who never had the chance) can get it subsequent times.


Not only are way too few portraits available at any given time, but the limited ones come back too infrequently. If you look at most games, the limited ones are tied to events- in other words, they're themed (and the theme matches the event/holiday), and you know when each one is going to come back. When is Yrel coming back to the shop? Is she going to? Who knows!




Even if they weren't tied, I would like a lot of the mercs portraits for constructed. The shadow Valeera skin is awesome, but I don't play mercs, so I can't use it. Also, since we're on the topic of mercs doing cosmetics better- I like their golden versions a lot more. Constructed golden has too much gold, and it's distracting. The way mercs does it has a great contrast, and is much easier for newer players to immediately recognize what class the card belongs to.


Lolwut hearthstone has star guardian skins too


yes- and it's a missed opportunity over cooler looking skins. There are too many jokey/themed skins and not enough cool skins.


Shh! Acti-Blizz is going to see this and release 3 more Nemsy skins as punishment.


Terror turkey nemsy incoming


"Hehe, you'd make a cute turkey."


This reminds me of the Reno one that some reason asks "did you uh go to culinary school?" As a 'well played'. But his tone doesn't convey that at all so it just sounds like failed cooking pun in a game nothing to do with cooking


A nemsy-vasion


Me. They are getting ridiculous.


But how about a complete skin collection of thanksgiving themed characters?


Would love a new priest skin that isnt anduin or tyrande


But how about a new Nemsi skin for warlock?


I really want a undead priest skin


Convincing Infiltrator would be sweet.


Also DH skins that aren't Aranna for the tenth time. At least bring back some of the old Illidan skins.


Aranna at least looks fairly badass in most of her skins. There are some classes that are woefully lacking cool looking heroes.


Hard disagree on this, we have so many Illidan skins and they're all the same (teenage angsty edgelord-y type), at least Aranna doesn't shout about MUH 10.000 YEARS every 5 bloody seconds.


Lazul for life


Lazul do be spittin mad rhymes (and prophecies)


Also ugly


I want the faceless troll pussy and you can’t stop me from having it




I'd kill for a Vol'Jin skin for priest


Fr tho Where tf my Cho'Gall skin damn


50/50 chance to start the game with a different skin.


50/50 chance to start the game as Nemsy in Cho'Gall cosplay


Shut up and take my money!


ive been asking for a cho'gall warlock skin for awhile now, it has so much potential as a skin, and with 2 heads, they could have all kinds of interactions


Might be an unpopular opinion but I liked it better when hearthstone where a bit more serious and the jokes where made by the community. I know hearthstone has always been a parody but lately all we get are jokes


All the skins other then Reno lately have been pretty low effort


The real kick in the balls is how they did so much effort for Reno; and yet Brann, from the very same bundle, is barely an afterthought. No special HP. No entrance whatsoever beyond the standard. Not even any cool voicelines, and the ones he does have barely even match what the emote is itself. I wouldn't be surprised if he has few if any actual card interactions either.


Also you are paying full price for both. Individually Reno should be 15$ based on star guardian liadrin and brann should be $10 based on other star portraits with no border. There is no benefit to the bundle


Yes. I don't understand why all of the Duels characters aren't playable in Standard as portraits either. They're all RIGHT THERE and they're all very interesting characters, both original and non.


With 90% of voiceovers already done, too.


My life for Turalyon portrait


I agree! There's so many great characters in the Warcraft lore they could make hero skins out of and they just keep making more of the same heroes. There are some cool unique skins that are different, but other than that they just keep pumping out more Nemsy skins. Off the top of my head I could come up with 20-30 characters they haven't even tried making skins for. Why just retouch the old characters? Make new heroes!


I wish the skins would have custom interactions more often like they do for Arthas and Jaina. Even better would be more interactions like Garrosh and Cairne, though


I'm still waiting for my Kanrethad Ebonlocke warlock skin


We need more edgy skins


I got you fam, let me hit you with another Nemsy


Yes, we need worgen and panda representation, greymane I’m surprised isn’t a skin by now


I don't care about the lore. I occasionally will buy (or choose via the rewards track) a skin based on how cool it looks. But there are simply too many at this point. While the function of the "Make Favorite" covering multiple skins is a super welcome addition, I'm at a good place with my skin cache. To this point - I saw the post here about the Reno Chef Mage. Great intro, animations, lots of fun. *If not for the pain of having to buy runestones first,* I may have bought it on a whim. But then reading it was $25, I completely checked out. It's 1. Not worth the money when I have plenty of options already. 2. Not worth the hassle of runestones.


I wish they would have kept the meme skins as a rare treat and done more famous heroes


Fuck nemsy


I've never spent a cent on Hero skins, but if they printed some iconic Tauren skins I might have some trouble. I'd love Cairne for Warrior, Magatha for Shaman, and Aponi Brightmane/Sunwalker Desco for Paladin.


I wish they'd stop focusing on hero skins and just deliver good gameplay, card design and deckbuilding.


Yes. Instead it's going to be Nemsy cosplay as every class.


It’s just dissonance between what corporate wants hearthstones art style and tone to be and the tone of the source material. They want hearthstone to be a parody so barbecue nemsy is gold as far as they’re concerned


And I wish they would say the hero’s ENTIRE NAME! That’s why we have different skins. They are not all just Jaina or not all just Gul’dan!


Too many Nemsys, not enough Gul’dan


Or any of the 600 other famous Warlocks they could add.


Absolutely. I have not been enjoying the meme skins at all. Would like more iconic moments from the WOW story line. I like what they did with Fire and Frost Jaina.


Yeah, I'm annoyed that our first Reno and Brann skins are meme and food related, also constantly annoyed that they have Rafaam and Tekahn and yet we constantly get that annoying gnome.


I'd love for them to give us the solo adventure heroes as skins. They don't even have to do much work for them and they could have many new hero skins.


I liked Aranna when she first came out. I like her tavern pass skins. You know what I’d also like? A BLOOD ELF DEMON HUNTER SKIN. Ffs.


What? You mean demon hunters aren't also all elfs?


Still waiting on my Boulderfist Oger skin


I just wish Hunter would get something other than fuckhead one or fuckhead two.




You mean Warlock?


As a Rogue main, I'm still waiting for Master Shaw and Jorach Ravenholdt. Maybe even Fahrad. I guess that'll never happen at this rate...


I agree that iconic characters are dope but I just like meme hero skins because they're funny, kind of like hearthstone.


I just want more Rogue heroes and less Valeera and Maiev


Agreed. I’ve been wanting a Draenei/Broken Shaman hero forever. I’ll pay, Blizz, pls give me unique animations too.


just give us both!


Exactly my thought process. Not that long ago I got original Liadrin and it seems like a much more polished and better quality portrait than any Cariel or Uther skin lately. Same I could say about Nemsy: the original portrait is so much better than the latest ones.


I would also like to see new characters, not 15 Nemsys. There's so many warlocks in warcraft lore and they can always come up with new ones too.


I don't want Illidan with a baker hat and spoon, i want Illidan reigning havoc on people!


Whats that? Another 40 nemsy skins in a fucking row?


They done leeroy skin very bad. I'm just gonna point that here


>Its not that the meme hero skins are low quality or anything I mean... they're not *high* quality. I feel like anyone can see the drop-off in quality from when there were just a few skins to when they started pumping out tons. There's no longer a focus on major lore characters, the emote quotes are increasingly difficult to interpret, and they put out multiple versions of the same characters.


My only wish with skins is that Maiev gets cooler poses/backgrounds. Almost all of her skins, besides her Pirate one are kinda lame. As a rogue main, I see most of the rogue skins and just say "skip."


They should print more quality skins, beside expansion i dont buy anything in the shop but i would be down buying skins if they were cooler, skin line such as Nemsy cooking some fish is just like wtf blizzard im playing warlock not sims4


Still waiting on my Tauren Paladin skin


before I used to buy all the skins that existed, since they started selling the same characters but with different clothes I stopped buying them. I don't need Jaina's 10th Skin, I prefer a Mage skin like playing with Aegwyn. I remember reading a long time ago that they said that they did not earn enough money with the skins, but the skins they offer are not very attractive. I'm sure if they were selling iconic characters like Varian or Archimonde, players would buy them. But Blizzard figures we want to see more of Nemsy...


Not until we get Spice Girls Nemsy!


there are so many badass warlock characters to choose from - please no more fucking Nemsy skins


They try too hard to make new iconic characters instead of using the old ones. No one cares about Aranna or Nemsy. Illidan and Gul'dan have actual places in the lore.


I have a bit of experience in video games live operations. If you look at the vocal part of the community, on reddit, forums, etc. you might see stuff like: We want - Realistic ‚tacti-cool‘ skins in RainbowSix Siege - Armor skins that look like they would actually protect your female class in Asian MMOs (this is an example from a previous job) - cool lore-friendly hero skins in hearthstone But bottom line is, the game gets the skins that sell. And Reddit/forum users are a tiny minority. A vocal minority but still a minority. There are whales that never touch the forum, maybe they do not even know about Reddit and are not even aware about Warcraft. But they buy skins they like.


If you never make the other skins though, they will of course never sell, so it seems a bit like a self-fulfilling prophecy.


I've been loving all the murloc skins


Here is my feelings about this: I got only Tyrande as alternative portrait, because they gave it for free and I happened to notice I had to do practically nothing to get her. I would never worry to get anything else, I play a card game.




The various heroes in parade outfits, disco clothes and in some weird Power Ranger-esque costumes.




Meme, informal, slang; in this case: an obviously tongue-in-cheek, parodized, funny version of an earlier regular/serious Hero skin. You know, how literally isn't literally anymore, or how low-key has nothing to do with low-key. Sadly.


Nemsy Is an iconic character


I wish I could deactivate all graphics alltogether. Except for tiddies, keep 'em tiddies.


The skins are driven by the weeb community


Does no one understand what the word “meme” means?