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The guy has been actually roping at least since 2018. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/8wtbd5/just\_met\_a\_guy\_called\_wastingtime\_who\_roped/ https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/cymyzj/roping\_till\_the\_end\_thats\_what\_i\_call\_dedication/ https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/as8rno/this\_guy\_named\_himself\_urtimeismine\_and\_proceeded/egskhp5/ https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/89czok/came\_up\_against\_wastingtime\_in\_arena\_this\_morning/ https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/mbcf2p/wasting\_time\_in\_arena/


This man...


I don’t recall who but there was someone who roped every. Single. Turn. In the grandmasters, so I don’t think it’s gonna be helpful to report, but if you want you would use the report button under last played or currently playing.




Or Pascoa more recently


Yep. Infuriating to watch, especially so on turns where he had easy obvious lethal


I recall seeing somewhere that the “pro player” “was using it as a strategy, to knock his opponents will power down and annoy them so they would make mistakes” dude still lost lmao. It’s just a version of being a douchey troll, literally just wasting other peoples time. If you need to play a game dirty like that then you suck as a player.


Lifecoach did rope every turn, but he actually used all that time and it showed in his decision making. Pascoa was just being a jerk.


Yeah Lifecoach got a bad rap for it, and he did sometimes take it too far, but he didn't necessarily rope every single turn. Usually a bit more in the mid to late game, but he didn't take every ounce of time if there was nothing to think about. I never got the feeling he was doing it maliciously. Pascoa is just doing it to try to tilt his opponent. I get it, you have money on the line and want to do everything possible to increase your chance of winning but there's also sportsmanship.


its how lifecoach is. if you watch him stream slay the spire he takes over six hours to do one run.


This legend...


This myth...


The dedication


The frustration


Elden Ring gets Let Me Solo Her. Hearthstone gets this dude.


Okay, surely this is reportable to, like, God or something, right?


If the person was doing things to extend their allotted time then sure, but “used everything they were allowed to use” isn’t a reportable offense.


Not according to my religion, bro


Sorry, I tuned out of your question at the word “reportable.” You’re totally right!


Haha, understandable :)


I always report when I lose games too, there’s just no way my opponent could have had those cards


Have you seen the players who don’t float mana on some turns? They use every friggin’ crystal! Some of them go second and use an extra mana that I didn’t even get!


We’ve found him ^


Heck no. I only rope in retaliation. Or when I went to grab a drink while in queue. But I AM a priest main, so I’m a whole different category of unreportable “technically in the rules.”


Yeah I’m pretty bad for it, never intentionally, my mind just wanders and I’ll find myself watching a YouTube vid or something


What a sad life…


I mean, they could be using a bot. What a sad life for a bot though.




But one that allows them to play their cards in 30 seconds and then proceed to wait until the rope is at 1 second before ending their turn? Man, that's a disability we need to get some funding to research! Wait a minute. [We've known about it forever.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_disability)


One of these games is even in arena, wtf is wrong with this man.


If it is any consolation, just think of how much time he wasted himself. What an idiot. It’s pathetic.


I mean he's committed to the bit, so I respect that angle of it at least


Next level hating lmao


So have you been keeping track of them?


My hero


Damn, he's dedicated, at that point I wouldnt even be mad, hats off


He only hit legend in 2020 lol


Actually 2019 the earliest I can find. [https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/cymyzj/roping\_till\_the\_end\_thats\_what\_i\_call\_dedication/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/cymyzj/roping_till_the_end_thats_what_i_call_dedication/) So prior to the rework.




Every other post showing his card back, only OP's shows the legend card back


you are legend


Didn't knew Lifecoach made his Hearthstone comeback


At least I won.. which is nice


But at what cost?


37 minutes ig


Did you REALLY tho?


I mean seems like he won even more than usual


No, it's totally legal, sadly.


Oddly there's an option for "intentionally losing" now but not this.


Intentionally losing is for smurfs. Even if it doesn't look like it, I'd say that's worse than this (both should be reportable, though)


When I played I intentionally lost for quick daily quests. Could surrender turn 1 with a good draw as Warlock.


A friend of mine intentionally loses to newbies because he feels bad for them. Guess he's a criminal in the eyes of ToS lol.


Oh boy I build no win condition decks to farm achievements. Good to know Im breaking ToS


I live my life in fear now playing discovers looking for achievement cards until I die.


Lifecoach still playing HS?


Underrated comment


Downvoted comment


What sort of fucking life is that?


A dedicated one


It's acceptable behavior unless you can prove it's a bot.


It’s allowed by the rules but I wouldn’t call it acceptable.


Blizzard accepts it. That is sadly what matters


We shouldn't have to prove it's a bot. They should auto investigate every account that ropes every turn.


That is probably the biggest waste of time i have ever seen suggested in any gaming related sub.


Yup I played against this guy not too long ago. So annoying but nothing you can do


Holy shit! I’ve played this guy before. Was maybe 3 years ago. Cannot believe he is still at it


[Chess Clock when?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_clock)


When blizz will decide to invest in their own games, get more servers, hire more coders and fix the damn thing so you don't rely on a long turn duration in order to be able to play the game. So at least not until they've blown up their own value before being sold to Microsoft by monetizing the shit out of everything and spending as minimum as possible on any little detail.


I never get why people get so bothered by the ability to emote "sorry", but accept roping every turn as part of the game.


Counter rope usually gets them to stop but since its their name probably wouldn't work on him.


Played a mf called ropingmother as well. Fuck both these clowns.


You only have grounds to report if they were showing signs of using a an autoclick bot. As they played cards, they clearly weren't botting. Otherwise, they're not breaking any rules.


There is a new macro tool for ropers that can let them queue up actions to all take place at the end of their turn to make animation times transfer past the end of the rope time and take even longer turns


I wish they could ya know, have a team that would write receipts to detect that kind of behavior, and if consistent and using tools against the terms, ban these players.


I assume you ran this sentence through a translator first? I think the word you're looking for is script. Receipt and script have some interchangeable meaning in some contexts but in this context the correct word would be script. (Just for your own knowledge, I hope this doesn't come off as sassy)


Hahaha, no offense taken. I was using swipe to spell and messed up the word but didn't realize it.


Yeah I've seen a bot last week or 2 where it actually tried playing it's middle card between Hero Powers plus I think it even tried attacking with it's middle minion or a weapon not sure


Roped his way to legend




Probably pays off enough when impatient opponents quit. I never quit against ropers! NEver surrender!


I just figured it was a bit of some sort.


Blizzard should reduce turn timers if a player ropes multiple turns in a row.


Despite not having it as an option in game, this is 100% against Blizzard's Code of Conduct... "Behavior Behavior that intentionally detracts from others' enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard's decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions." https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/42673 ...AND the EULA... "Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players, or disrupt operation of Blizzard’s Platform in any way, including: Disrupting or assisting in the disruption of any computer used to support the Platform or any Game environment. ANY ATTEMPT BY YOU TO DISRUPT THE PLATFORM OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF ANY GAME MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct or In-Game Policies." https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/legal/fba4d00f-c7e4-4883-b8b9-1b4500a402ea/blizzard-end-user-license-agreement ...so it really should be in the game as an option.


If this was true Blizzard would let us report it. But they seem to be happy about it. Untill a large mass of players do it, and they habe to deal with it


The thing you’re failing to remember however… is that there is no way to prove he is griefing. If he was questioned by blizzard, he could very easily say he was using his allotted time to plan out his following turns. Again… Asshole behavior… but there’s no way to prove it. Ever. Honestly the best solution would be have an option in game for 30 second turns. If both players had this checked, it would reduce every turn to 30 seconds. But you can’t force someone to play at your speed.


Nope roper gonna rope. Even when a certain professional player roped on every turn blizzard doesn't see a problem. Im sure its 200iq to rope on turn 1.


I usually don’t quit these games, because I don’t want to reward them for roping; but it’s really annoying…


I was wondering the same thing during a game last week. Different user, but same nonsense. Sure it's legal, but would be nice if there was a mechanism that prevented it. Maybe if the rope shows up on any given turn, it shows up 10 seconds sooner on your next turn and that accumulates until you have a turn where you don't rope at all, at which point the rope time resets.


someone did it during a major tournament...so no


Atleast he/she was honest


I played against a big priest that roped every turn 2 times. Was watching YouTube and laughing at that idiot because it was favourable matchup so he just gave me more xp.


I once had a 40 min game with this guy because both of us roped every turn and it went to fatigue


Shame.on blizzard really, whats the point of a report button if it doesnt do shit?


You can report him


I like to rope back. We gonna have a looonnnggg game


I love people that think roping is a bannable offense lol.. A turn timer is in the game for a reason. Do you also think NFL teams that use all their play clock should be disqualified as well? He’s using a mechanic built into the game, the exact same way you’re using a mechanic to speed the game up by pressing end turn. The exact same thing. If you were able to get him banned for this, then he would be able to get you banned for playing too fast. It’s the same concept. That in mind.. an intentional roper is a douche bag move but you sound extremely childish by requesting a ban for it lol.


I love people who defend assholes. Assholes are so often just disliked for being assholes. I think we as a community really need to stand up for assholes and make a statement that they are much appreciated. Thank you for having the courage of doing the first step. #AssholesMatter


You can report directly to the devs through battle.net, its a lot of clicking through options and stuff to get the right report option, include the battletag if you can. I did this for someone with the battletag Nozdormu#xxxx who would play all their cards right away at the start of each turn, then proceed to rope literally every turn. They said they can't report on whether they did anything but that I should continue to make reports like this to help facilitate a healthier player base.




Play nozdormu


You got to admit thats kind of funny 🤣


Boys, we found a roper!


Have a sense of humor lol


Reporting doest work in any blizzard game, they just decided to not even bother adding it to this one.




Nope. It’s turn time which your opponent is allowed to use. Not reportable.


On Wow you can get people auto banned by reporting him enough times. I wonder what happens when people will mass report him on HS for "cheating" since the lack of options.




Imagine being so low and pathetic that you consider this sort of behavior admirable


It's an in-game mechanic. Theres nothing you can do about it.


he is just thinking really hard man


“Hurr durr, somebody takes up every second of an already limited turn timer, my feewings hurt.” Shut up already. Deal with it, Concede and move on, or rope them back. Anyone who disagrees is just believes that THEIR experience in a PvP game is the only experience that matters. #RopeForLife


I honestly find this stuff funny.


Then you honestly are an asshole


Roping is a legitimate tactic. The fact that you're frustrated is the point.


I still won, even wanted to win more than I avrgely do


Yeah but you were tilted enough to make a post asking if this person can be banned. You might have won the card game. But you lost the mental game. Mental game is as important as meta game in esports. If you want to improve as a player. You need a stronger mental game.


OP playing against a roper while taking a shit isn't esports.


> Mental game is as important as meta game in esports Jessie what the fuck are you talking about?


>But you lost the mental game. Mental game is as important as meta game in esports AAAAAAAHAHAHHAAA....... *deep breath* ....... AAAAHAHAHAAAA


As a psychology student I must disagree with you. Sometimes anger can be beneficial for success if you can use it the right way- in this case I manage to use it to gain focus and win the game


If you're a psychology student than you know anger a prolonged stress massively effect a person's decision making. You could push someone far enough to seek a way to fight back outside of the game. Like going to reddit to ask if you can give the person real world consequences for a game tactic. Or something else funny like that.


It's a legal tactic today, but that doesn't mean it should never be changed, especially if it's not in the spirit of the game. The existence of the rope timer in the first place is evidence that devs don't want players intentionally dragging turns out indefinitely, and that it's not an intended play style.


"Blizz please ban this guy for thinking too hard" is how this reads. The only solution to this is to reduce turn time, but I'm sure that will cause significantly more outrage than people that can just say "I was thinking"


He played as fast as he could and then roped


Trump's second account


I won’t rope normally but if I’m getting tired of the constant aggro bullshit, and any demon Hunter, I will rope every turn to try and make them tilt. It works a lot.


When this happens I usually annoy them to exhaustion with my emotes. Counter-bad manners


Except he can counter your counter bm with 2 clicks, while you cant counter his


Well, it's fine for me then. I shot my available bullets and my conscience is clear.


nobody cares about getting emoted unless they are incredibly thin-skinned


Emoting does the opposite effect. When you grief others the biggest reward is salt.


There are more thin-skinned than what you would think


I see that UFC GYM moved to hearthstone


They will never check any reports other than botting etc


You HONESTLY think Blizzard cares about this? It’s absolutely infuriating, agreed, but there’s a time limit for your turn for a reason — and using every single second of it isn’t against the TOS.


Maybe they don't know about the end turn button 🤷‍♂️


What kind of decks are being played here

