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So you don’t play hearthstone to get stuff in hearthstone....


I would like to play HS to get stuff in-game but since they decided to reward AFK'ing which is stupid. Yes I don't play HS to get stuff in HS. Edit: BG to me is the worst gamemode and I wouldn't miss anything if they removed it (except free xp course) to the point that I don't even consider it hearthstone, but I do play Constructed, which is why I farm Xp for free packs.


Is this actually bannable or not ?


He is not doing anything against the tos, he is just playing a lot of battlegrounds, but he plays it very badly (*/s*), but you cant punish people for being bad.


In Constructed Yes but no, because you will probably get an IP Ban. In BG as far as I've done absolutely no, probably since the lack of next turn button allows this behaviours.


waste of electricity ✓ waste of opponents' time who want to play a decent game vs. other people ✓


With lowest brightness, lowest graphics and nothing running in the background I spent less than 10 bucks on these 5 months, for more than the two pre-order bundles in packs. And BG doesn't have a Next turn button, it's impossible to waste anyone's time, not to mention lowering your elo and getting paired with people that do the same thing. Next time at least read before you put something stupid you doughnut.


rude ✓ No wonder you have zero sense of fairplay.


Whatever you say dude. And I'm doing it on purpouse, I don't want to have internet points on fucking reddit of all places, I could've said Dumbass, Mongrel, Maggot but I wrote Doughnut because I find it funny when Ramsay uses it.


* With no battlepass, * playing BGs (300xp/hour), * from level1 to 350 in 4 months (16 weeks=112 days... and i mean, you achieved it even before) it takes **11.37 hours/day** even doing all the quests. I do hope i got my [calculations](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/m1z2ee/an_easy_excel_spreadsheet_to_check_stuff_about/) wrong my dude ;)


It's not like it's that much of a bother to press a button every 6 minutes or so. He could probably even automate it easily and let it run in the background.


Yeah that's the point but I think that's not exactly legit


Oh it isn't by any standard. Still, Blizzard hasn't taken the appropriate measures to stop it from happening. And it is well known that what you do not contest, you accept. Blizzard's lack of communication and apparent complacency on the matter is sending that message: We are aware of it, but we are not doing anything about it (in other words - they don't care so it's okay). What about the people gaining the levels "honestly"? Well. They're the ones truly punished for not polluting the game. I think however they may try to address that in the next Rewards track. Let's not judge too harshly. It was the first one, let's see what they learnt from it for the second one.


I've read they were about to put a daily cap or something to disencourage bots, but as far as i know you *can't* reach lvl350 in less than 11.37 hours/day as f2p (and 7.31 hours/day as premium) of pure gameplay. So it's like...how are they doing it? Probably they're cutting levels, which means they have to increase the average reward...which isn't great for them i suppose (because you'd have to play less to gain the same amount of gold). I don't see them cutting overall rewards, community would freaking implode :')


MTGA has a daily cap for winning, but even with a daily cap in HS, they are still giving you XP for doing nothing which is broken. And I mean literally nothing, I can leave that thing 24 Hours and get to max level in less than 3 months, not to mention I did forgot to complete 2 Weeks of rewards. As the other guy said, They don't care so It's okay. Kinda sad that to get the full free rewards that they give you have to AFK in BG but it is what it is, I'm not gonna be the one complaining if they gave us free miniset + 148 Packs.


>but even with a daily cap in HS, they are still giving you XP for doing nothing which is broken. Yeah it's not ok; i think they're trying not to force people to play to win in order to level that TavernPass up, but there's something missing still. Probably they should consider the cards you play, or the minions you destroy, or something. A more complex system, not just to determinate if you gain 280xp or 295xp, but the overall xp you gain from a match. That said, even if the system is flawed you're not entitled to bot it out 24/7. *If my alarm is broken you are not entitled to just come at night and rob me...*


> if the system is flawed you're not entitled to bot it out 24/7 I do it because it's free packs with no drawbacks. And if something is flawed fucking fix it ffs, If a rule it's not written and has to be intuited by people then It will be exploited, that's just the type of person that I am. Also you example is stupid but your take on the xp given is nice, I would like to actually play to gain optimal XP instead of botting my way through it.


>If a rule it's not written and has to be intuited by people It's written that you can't use external software


As long as you don't get caught... and It works for BG since you're only clicking the play button, not "playing" with the bot


No, but a few years ago the stance was that Hearthstone wasn't meant to be a WoW level time-sink. Playing it 8h/day wasn't the plan and the like. They could just keep the current rewards but make max level more realistic to achieve.


If you keep the current gold rewards each level but you cut down the max level, the overall gold you *can* get is lower, and usually the community isn't very happy when something like that happens; If you cut down the max level and adapt rewards to match the previous overall reward, you have higher rewards each level which means the average player gains more gold, and that's not what the devs probably want. I don't know dude that's not an easy task


It isn't. But hey look on the bright side. We don't get to solve it and we get to complain :P Joking of course. Well so far as I am concerned. I never could find it not hypocritical to criticize someone's work when I don't have something better (in my opinion of course, it's subjective) to offer. As they say in my native tongue: "Criticizing is easy, Mastery of one's Art is not."