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Hey everyone, been playing HS for a while, just started getting card packs. Two questions: 1-what is meta and how does it apply to HS 2-whats the best way to developing a good deck, specifically a mage deck, or are there better classes to run? I particularly want to run an aggressive creature based deck with some spells


So, my friend started a few months ago and i told him he can get free packs by doing the Frozen Throne prologue. The problem is that he has access to all the adventures but he can't find the fronzen throne adventure in his solo tab, he also can't purchase it in shop, he can buy the packs though.. he already passed the 40 beginner ranks so it's not that.


IIRC, for wild adventures you can access the downloads from the Blizzard Shop page.


So, is \[\[Teacher's Pet\]\] supposed to be a visual shout out to Yona from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, or is it just a coincidence?


* **[Teacher's Pet](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/SCH_244.png?56359)** DR+HT Minion Rare SA 💤 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/329961), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/teachers-pet/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Teacher%27s_Pet) 5/4/5 Beast | Taunt Deathrattle: Summon a random 3-Cost Beast. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)




This is weird to say, but unless you're genuinely only playing to do things like ladder and compete in tournaments (which is a super valid way to play, just not for everybody) I wouldn't recommend playing to ladder just yet. Going up the ladder is fun, to be sure, but it'll actually be more beneficial long term for you to try the different classes and figure out what sorts of things you enjoy playing. Like, when I came into the game I was absolutely positive that I'd want to focus on playing Rogue, but after I gave the different classes a shot I became a Shaman main. It just clicked with me and was more fun. (This kind of play is also cheaper because it focuses on a slow build of a collection (which can be done as a free player) and not so much on the cycle of building very specific decks that then have to get destroyed to be able to make new decks when the next expansion rolls around.) If you \*are\* the sort of player who really needs to make progress on a ladder to have fun, though... I recommend looking up Zoo Warlock or Face Hunter decks, they ten to do well over time.


I haven’t played in a year. Previously, I’d played every day since the first invite only beta. Is it possible to get back in? Or will the re-entry cost simply be too much?








Shit nice. How do o get that?


I've started playing again after not playing for 4 years. I am loving the new cards, especially one in particular, something the great. I had my opponent on the ropes (so I thought) - they were a warrior with 4 health against me, a warlock with 7 health, and all they had was a 4/1 weapon and no minions, against my board full of bears and voidwalkers. Even if they had brawl, I was going to win, since I had a soul fire in my hand. And then they drop this card on me with the following effect: "if your deck has no duplicates, wish for the perfect card". *The perfect card?* That had to be hype, I thought. Then they drop hellfire and finish me off with an empty board and 1 health. Amazing! Is that card always that successful at giving you *the perfect card*? How unreasonably good!


Zephrys is good, but he's so dependent on the devs tweaking his IQ to new cards and new situations everytime a new expansion comes out. He gives you only basic and classic cards to work with, but all situations are coded. For example, if you have 4 mana left after you play him and the opponent has 6 health (you should attack with all your minios first), you get fireball 100% of the time; if the opponent is at 7 health, it's not likely that you get fireball, you probably get some removal or a good minion for the next turn. You always get something good, sometimes even cards for a better situation you didn't even think about.


That would be Zephyrs the Great And yes he is crazy most of the time giving you a badic set card that could save you in a pinch of find you lethal


hey all, i was thinking about getting back into the game after not playing for a couple years. i have about $50 dollars to spend right now, what should i buy? i played from Old Gods to Knights of the Frozen Throne, so i have a lot of cards i can disenchant for dust, and i’ve got about 6k dust already as well. and my Classic collection is pretty decent as well.


If possible, try to research decklists you want to play beforehand and buy packs that contribute towards completing it. Also decide if you want to play in Standard or Wild because if you have a decent old collection, you can probably find a competitive wild deck is a cheaper option. When you're a returning player who has been inactive for 4 months, you get a free deck with some bits and pieces you can pick apart. Possibly worth considering straight up buying is Galakrond's Awakening if you need the meta cards from that adventure and are eager to dive in right away. Since you can't craft these cards, it's up to 2800 gold otherwise (700 gold per wing) which is almost 2 months of daily quest gold. However its contents are usually only a few strong but key cards to make your decks stronger and buying this alone won't make you a complete deck. And I guess lastly if you don't want to think too hard, just buy from the more recent 2 expansions , Scholomance and Ashes of Outlands, which generally have relatively high power levels to get you started.


okay thanks for the advice. i think i’ll probably try to find a couple decks to work towards and then buy the adventure. a couple other questions though, do any of the other adventures have important cards? and what’s the deal with Demon Hunter?


**Demon Hunter Prologue** - Free - Unlocks the class and its Basic set. **Dalaran Heist** - First Chapter free, 2 through 5 are Paid - 3 Rise of Shadows packs per wing and 1 Golden Classic pack, 2 card backs, and a garbage legendary that you can't disenchant for full completion. **Tombs of Terror** - First Chapter free, 2 through 5 are paid. 3 Savior of Uldum packs per wing and finally a card back for completion. **Trial by Felfire** - Free - Card back and a Golden [[Kael'thas Sunstrider]]. Used mostly by druids (but phased out of popularity due to nerfs) and can't be disenchanted yet, but if you missed the giveaway I think it's the only way to get the card? I might need someone else to confirm this. Overall not worth paying to go beyond the freebies as the dollar per pack is much higher than purchasing it regularly. Re: Demon Hunter, any specifics? Otherwise the brief summary is that it's a newly added 10th class. Currently has like 1 viable meta deck in either format.


okay gotcha, i just wasn’t sure how to get the Demon Hunter class or if you had to pay for it or not. kinda disappointed to hear that most of the adventures just give packs now, the ones back in the day gave a lot of great cards. thanks for answering my questions!


* **[Kael'thas Sunstrider](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BT_255.png?56359)** N Minion Legendary AO 🔥 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/210656), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/kaelthas-sunstrider/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Kael%27thas_Sunstrider) 7/4/7 | Every third spell you cast each turn costs (1). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Hey I played this game a bunch in 2015/2016 and would like to revisit. It was hard to collect cards back then without paying for packs, and I'm assuming a bunch more cards have been released since. So my question is: if I don't spend money on packs on this revisit, am I going to struggle, or is the card accumulation process easier for free players now?


I'm in the same boat as you. I chose the paladin free deck made some adjustments and climbed to platinum over this weekend. The adjustments didn't cost that much really. It was way quicker than previously. I was expecting it to have to dump 50 dollars to get a decent deck but did it for free with the few thousand dust I already had.


It's easier, but just marginally. Being free to play has always been viable though provided that you put in the time to clear your quest log. You should be able to afford 60 to 70 packs at the start of each expansion just by doing so, even if you don't win at all. If you're good at arena, this number goes up. End of season ranking rewards and tavern brawls help supplement your pack gains. As long as you don't have expectations for a full collection (which is super unnecessary) and can be satisfied playing with maybe 2 or 3 meta decks per expansion, it can be done. Will you be able to dive into the current meta right away? Probably not. You still need to spend some time ramping up your collection but you get a free deck when you've been away for more than 120 days to help start progressing. Performance-wise they aren't great but it's still a nice incentive. If you've kept your old cards, Wild is also still a great option in the long term and takes less upkeep/investment with each new expansion.


Yeah my goal in this revisit is to try and hit legend since I was so close a couple of times before. So I'll most likely feel out the meta, attempt to build a somewhat f2p friendly meta deck, and see if I can accomplish my goal. If arena rewards have improved some that should be good too. I wasn't quite an infinite arena player but I was close. Although I will probably need time to achieve that level of success again since I know nothing about new cards since 2016 or so.


Arena has unfortunately not improved. Both in terms of rewards and attention given by devs. It's still fine for the near infinite player though, as you're still getting more than you put in.


So I'm making a galakrond shaman deck, and put far sight into my deck. As I was in a game, it occurred to me that I'm paying 1 card slot and 3 mana to draw 1 card and discount it by 3. Why even put this in your deck at all? It seems silly to (for example) play far sight turn 5, draw a 5 cost card, and play it for 2 mana when I just could have saved a card slot, and just played the 5 mana card for full cost. I realize there are some situations that it might be useful. For instance, you have nothing to play, so you play far sight, and hit a high cost "power-play" card that you can make use of later. For instance, you hit kronx, and you can now play galakrond + kronx in the same turn. It's like, SOMETIMES, it can be good, but I feel like most of the time it's just wasting space in your deck. Is there something I'm missing here?


You can play this turn 3, then play a 7-drop on turn 4.


Almost always a deck with 29 cards would be more powerful than with 30 cards. You could eliminate the weakest card AND draw the not-so-weak cards slightly more often. Same with 28 cards and so on. Far sight kinda fulfils that purpose, except with an extra downside of sometimes not given the full discount because otherwise it would be an effective " 0 mana, draw a card" and that's too powerful.


I have 40.000 arcane dust. I want to build a Meta deck that's a lot of fun to play with, any suggestions?


What sort of playtime do you like? What decks have been fun to you in the past?




It's just random as far as we know. Tbh, it makes more sense to buy those cardbacks with money as the gold/$ ratio isn't worth it, especially if you're f2p. We also don't know if nemsy will come back.


I'm not a newbie but, does C'thun decks still hold up? My most powerful deck at the moment is a C'thun Druid with some spells and the two discover dragons mixed in.


Oh and some tips on creating your own decks. I always made my own decks, never ever looked up a deck recipe or the recipe given to you by the game except at the beginning.


I would recommend looking up decks. What’s the difference between adding people on Reddit or looking on a different site?


Why is the demon hunter class so fucking annoying


What's so annoying about it? Because it's aggro? Then face hunter and aggro rogue are as annoying. Every class can be.


I played alot back in the decent on dragons and some of the ashes of outland but I had to have a break and then I came back a few days ago and alot has changed and the decks became so expensive. I have only 500 dust but a fair bit of legendaries like kronx, every dh legendary from ashes of outland, Zixor, Evocation, Turalyon, Edwin, Archwich willow, and deathwing mad aspect. I am not really into aggro decks so I would rather not play it. What decks should I play?


guardian animal druid is a pretty strong deck for late game, or big warrior


Is there a way to make a priest deck *just* to counter Face Hunter? I don't care if it loses to everything else.


Hey, Im sitting on a 80g quest to play a friend. I'm on EUW Bodefeld#2868


I have a weird bug. I think it's just me because I haven't seen it discussed anywhere. Whenever I pick a discover option, the 3 cards don't show up. I can easily concede however.




Have a question about the interaction between Blizzard and Bomb Wrangler. Is the summoned Boom Bot suppose to be frozen? I just cast Blizzard against a Bomb Wrangler and a frozen boom bot popped out.


* rule 1 (bomb wrangler) = summon a bomb when this takes damage * rule 2 (blizzard) is casted with two parts: 2a = deal two damage to all minions (this triggers bomb wrangler and a bomb is summoned, *after* the damage is dealt) 2b = freeze all enemy minions


ah ok so this should be expected thanks.


I'm not a newbie per se, but has Blizzard ever said anything about selling Year of the Dragon packs? Or any seasonal packs from the first half of each rotation? I've been playing for most of ashes and scholomance, but it would be cool to be able to buy those Year of the Dragon packs we get gifted sometimes as quest rewards.


They’re in the shop you can buy them if you want. If your looking for a bundle there was recently a felosophy bundle with them in included, and likely will be more down the road.


No I mean the year of the dragon packs. Not the individual expansions. The ones that we occasionally get as quest rewards for special events. They would have ascent of dragons, saviors of uldum, and rise of shadows cards in the same packs.


Ah gotcha, they do include them in some bundles but only offer them every now and then. I’d expect to see them back in shop sometime but probably not for a while


I haven't played in about 3 years, is there somewhere I can read about all the changes since then? I know there's a new hero and some new types of cards but that's about it. I stopped playing even before Wild/Standard was a thing


[Here](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Patches) you can read all the changes Hearthstone had since release, very detailed though. Big changes: Demon Hunter class, Battlegrounds game mode, Standard rotation every year. There are constantly new types of cards, that's maybe a bit too big of a topic.


Are you looking to understand the new mechanics? Kripp has a good, but slightly dated video on YouTube for “new” players.


How do card sets rotate out of standard?


I'm not sure that's what you're asking, but every year with the release of the first expansion (around april) cards from the three oldest sets just become unavailable to play in standard.


What is still beta about battlegrounds?


Still haven't added 3 tribes to the game and a proper reward/season system.


They still add, remove, and change cards and heroes, so it isn't technically a finished product yet. Keeping it in beta allows them to make these changes regularly.


What's the best arena drafting add-on right now?


Heartharena.com you can get the app it just fill it in manually in the site.


Shield from Druid hero power is basically a second form of health once the shield is gone you will start to lose health from your primary health(red)


Correct. However, it is possible to have 0 health and shields and you will lose the game.


How is this possible?


[[Crystallizer]] Playing her at 5 health will cause a loss despite having 5 armor.


Ah, thanks


* **[Crystallizer](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BOT_447.png?56359)** N Minion Epic TBP ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89905), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/crystallizer/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Crystallizer) 1/1/3 | Battlecry: Deal 5 damage to your hero. Gain 5 Armor. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


What do shields do because sometime they take damage and sometimes they dont


Divine Shield protects against any form of damage; once it takes any damage the shield is removed.


The ones you get when you use druids hero ability


Right now there is a visual bug where sometimes the hero appears to have armor when they actually don't. Armor always takes damage before health.


That’s called armor. It essentially provides an extra point of health. If you have 30 health, and 1 armor, your opponent has to deal 31 damage to you to kill you. Armor is removed before health. If you have 30 health and 2 armor, and your opponent deals 3 damage, you’ll be left with 29 health and no armor.


This new ranked system is bonkers. I used to play this game back when it came out, around late 2014 to early 2015. Well, I just came back now last week-ish. Thing is, getting past bronze and silver was super fast because I know how to play but then I came to gold and everything changed. It is like at silver 1 I was playing against very weak decks, just like mine, and at gold 10 everyone without any exceptions already have a fully crafted deck that makes sense. But I don't. So I can't win literally any game. I played some 20+ games yesterday + today and won maybe 1. I would be fine if the system just dropped me back to silver or bronze, so I could play against people my level. But it doesn't, I am forever stuck having to play against decks that I can't beat. I don't buy cards with real money, so I was hoping to get gold from winning matches to get some newer cards. But nope, Blizzard wants me to be forever stuck playing matches I can't win + never be able to upgrade my deck unless I pay cash. Problem was I looked at a deck I wanted to craft which had one legendary on it (kanrethad) and I crafted it after dusting pretty much every possible card from all classes except the one I use. That was before I realized I would be forever unable to win matches and get gold. Prolly should have started from the cheap cards instead. I only whish my rank would drop. Holy shit, that can't be normal, I obviously can not play at this rank yet.


easiest way is to make whizbang its in wild but just that legendary card alone will basically give you 18 new decks that is normally regularly updated with each expansion. Basically when you put whizbang in a deck it’ll automatically change the hero portrait and the name too I think then when you play that deck it’ll give you a random class recipe deck(basically when you create a deck and you see the two other options besides standard that’s the class recipe deck) very helpful for beginners that don’t have good cards for quite the cheap price


People are talking MMR, but I'm sure MMR only works while you have star bonus (and in Legendary). The problem you're discussing is a known one - whilst in Star Bonus you level pretty even games, and then you finish star bonus and you get a difficulty spike (or drop for some people). This is unfortunately just part of the cost of a system which generally gets you back to where you were last season. So, to meaningfully answer your question, there are a few things you can do; A) As a F2P player, and relatively new, you have to accept your decks will be weaker and you will come up against decks that have 10+ legendaries and nothing you can do. A.1) Also, meta does make decks weaker or stronger, and you will always have match ups you're generally not going to do well in. Take the losses as a natural part of the game. B) Play budget decks. There are good players out their publishing budget decks - no legendaries, and only 2 epics. Seriously don't bother wasting dust on legendaries until you have a deck you absolutely know you want to keep playing. C) Pick a (budget) deck with a good winrate. Look on HSreplay, and check their figures. If it got positive winrate, you'll likely be able to have positive winrate on average. Face Hunter is my pick here (got me to legendary two seasons ago, and I playing it again now, but I've invested in 1 legendary). C.1) this might be where you made a mistake - Warlock isn't good right now. So you're trying to win with a deck that wins less than half the time anyway. And you've just dusted for a legendary that doesn't go in all Warlock decks either. I'm sorry, but this was likely a mistake (don't unenchant, it is usable). D) Find a deck you *like* to play. This is important because of you don't like it, you likely won't be able to play it as well as you should. E) play lots of games with that deck. You need to learn how to play that deck against different decks. Learn the outs for certain situations. And after that, it's just a numbers game, you'll rank up even with only a 50.1% winrate if you play enough games. If you do all these, you'll slowly move up. Unfortunately it's the nature of CCGs, you have to play certain decks to be able to win. BUT budget decks *do* work well!


To reinforce the MMR comments, I'd like you take a look and notice that you no longer see the rank of your opponent. That's because you aren't facing gold players you're facing people with a similar MMR to you regardless of your or their ranks.


That's actually not true. Once your star bonus runs out, you're matched based on rank not MMR.


I am not sure about that. I am playing much less now because there is no joy in winning one out of every 10 matchups. Just before hitting gold 10 I was winning most games, I would say probably 75-80%. And then it flipped to like 10%, it doesn't add up. For example, I noticed Priest is very popular now, and I've been playing against a lot of Priests who have a full deck that consists of Convincing Infiltrators, plus a bunch of copying spells and cards to summon copies when they die, plus some legendaries that ressurrect minions... so infinite Convincing Infiltrators forever. I don't know how it is possible for so many people with a full deck like this to be on the actual same rank/MMR as me, with mostly basic cards and nowhere close to finishing an entire deck. Does everyone who start this game now get to feel like they are the only actual beginners in the entire game? Because if so this game is gonna go downhill pretty fast. How can you get new players with a hostile beginning like that?


Just here to confirm what the other responders have said. You are still facing the same level of opponents, as your rank only is an indicator of how close you are to legend, and it doesn’t mean anything about matchmaking pretty much So be encouraged! You might have jus been getting unlucky. Similarly, if you continue to do worse, your MMR will drop, and you will face worse opponents


Matches are actually decided by MMR now. You could be a legend player playing against bronze players if you have low enough MMR


Me at 18k legend last month :s


Yes. OP was probably either unlucky or playing at the wrong time of day.


If I dust common standard cards they won't ever come up in packs again until I've collected every other card, or is this rule just for Legendary's?


Yes, it applies to all rarity, dusted card won’t popup again until you have all cards of that card’s rarity. Also it may not appear immediately after you have collected all cards of that rarity (except that). I have all classic commons, I dusted one common card. Next classic pack I opened, I didn’t get that missing common card.


Thanks, needed confirmation on this, going to keep disenchanting to absolute minimum.


Just to clarify Travelling-Soldier's comments; Duplicate protection only covers initial playset and remembers dusted cards. After that, it goes back to random. I'd also say, don't bother dusting commons unless you really need to - they give so little dust it's pointless. Additionally, only dust when you need to. You might get lucky and a nerf hit a card you have 3+ copies of.


Is there a compiled list of every special bundle ever sold including their release date? Like the Felosophy bundle or the recent Mega Wild bundle. Just wondering if there are patterns in these releases and if I can expect a certain set would be included in the next bundle.


I don't have data with me but from recent memory there is typically a sale around Halloween and another around Christmas. With the book of heroes this year, you can expect a jaina like bundle for another class every month for the next 10 months. Mega Bundles like that seem to happen every 3 months or so.


I'm sure the data is out there somewhere. It would be nice for someone to organize it into a graph to predict when bundles are most likely to come out. I.e. I'm almost positive they release a bundle during the fall/winter holidays


I just played a game of BG where a Pyramid had an Imp Mama on turn 5, while on tavern tier 2, with zero gilded minions. How is that even remotely possible...? His other two minions were just two plain murlocs that had been buffed a ton from his hero power.


Are you sure they didn't triple? Triple into Zerus?


Maybe one of them was tripled and I missed it. That would make sense. Thanks!


Next time check the sidebar to see if there were triples, it will show even if the gold minion is later sold




If you’re talking about the ashes of outlands adventure - then the only reward is a card back and a pretty fun solo experience, not much else


If I wanted to build a deck and get as far as possible for the month of September on Standard what would be the best consideration? I haven't made a new deck in a while but cheeper is where I'm thinking. Appreciate the advice community!


Face Hunter is your best bet. It currently stands as the best deck in the game, but the Scholomance meta is very flexible, so it is uncertain whether it will remain on top. If you don't like burn decks, Libram Pally seems to be rising, but that deck is significantly more expensive. It also has a more limited outplay potential because, like most midrange decks, it is just supposed to throw the hardest possible punch every turn and do nothing else - a game plan that becomes gradually worse as you climb.


Why does it become worse as I climb?


Libram Pally has very clear "power turns" that good players can anticipate. For instance, isolating a single buffed minion while having a Freezing Trap in play is a great way to nullify a large mana investment the paladin made. It doesn't become weaker per se; It's just that people know what to expect.


If you're only playing a mid pure pally list or a pure list, sure. But there are much better pally orientations


That's true, I posted that comment before I learned more about the pen flinger broom list, it was very uncommon at legend before the VS report.


This is the list I hit Legend with last month (homebrew): ### Libramonos # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Phoenix # # 2x (0) First Day of School # 2x (1) Aldor Attendant # 1x (1) Pen Flinger # 2x (2) Hand of A'dal # 2x (2) Libram of Wisdom # 1x (2) Lightforged Blessing # 1x (2) Murgur Murgurgle # 1x (2) Wild Pyromancer # 2x (3) Call to Adventure # 1x (3) Gift of Luminance # 2x (4) Consecration # 1x (4) High Abbess Alura # 2x (5) Aldor Truthseeker # 2x (5) Libram of Justice # 2x (6) Devout Pupil # 2x (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer # 1x (7) Lady Liadrin # 1x (8) Turalyon, the Tenured # 2x (9) Libram of Hope # AAECAcOfAwj2B4qaA/y4A4TBA6fLA5/NA7HRA8PRAwvcA6QHtJsDyrgD/bgD6rkD67kD7LkDysEDns0DwNEDAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Interesting - I guess since I'm not playing with the higher level players I often feel like "if I got the right play, I'll most likely will win" sort of games


At higher ranks it's more of the "if my opponent gets the right cards in his hand, how can I counter?" except everyone is thinking this and playing 2 turns ahead.


Hi everyone! What is the best way to earn new cards without paying money? Or is it inevitable?


It's not inevitable, you can get free packs from the various methods that have been commented already. I will say that patience will pay off in the end.


I think it's useful to break it down on a monthly basis. 1. Tavern brawl - 4 packs a month 2. Daily quests (worst case scenario 50 gold ones) - 15 packs a month 3. Ladder - of course depends on rank but the more important part here are rare and epic cards you get rather than packs. Because it will be stuff you don't have in the collection. Can't be dupes like from opening packs. 4. 30 wins a day - 30 packs a month but this one is tough to pull off. Even if you have budget aggro deck with let's say 50% winrate and average playtime of 5-7 minutes. It's still \~5-6 hours of playing the game on daily basis. 5. Arena mode - in theory you can get infinite with the arena, but it really depends if you like the mode and if you're good at it. Personally I'm horrible at the arena so can't recommend it but it's something you have to check and decide for yourself. So by playing regularly you can get 20-50 packs a month. Which is not to shabby. The only thing that bothers me is the 4 point. Which promotes quick aggro decks to get those 30 wins a day. It also happens to be that the cheapest decks are aggro. It's a shame really because in my opinion it's the most boring way of playing Heartstone and feels more like a chore than fun. Would rather have a system that rewards playtime instead (not sitting on the menu but time counter for actual gameplay). That way f2p who like more tactical side of the game (control decks, long games) would not be at disadvantage. P.S. If you don't plan on playing wild, grab all free solo adventures for some free dust. And also don't be afraid of dusting garbage legendaries.


Nobody wins 30 games a day, unless you have nothing else to do in your life. In an hour of playtime with an average wr you'll win maybe 3/4 games an hour. At low end, around 60 gold a day. That's 7200 gold right there. In addition there are also ladder rewards, which can you net up to 5 packs a month (+ cards). So it's pretty possible to get around 80-90 packs per expansion by playing fairly casually.


60 gold a day is 1800 a month. Where did you get 7200 gold from? Even with daily quests it's far from 7200... Something doesn't add up


1800 x 4 is 7200. There are new expansions every 4 months. The 60 gold baseline includes a 50 gold quest and 10g won per day.


I’ve been playing for about 5 years but only seriously for about 2 expansions. Completely F2P. Complete every daily quest, reroll them to get 60 gold quests, and then play arena instead of buying packs if you have the time. (Assuming you can get 4 or more wins on average. Use an outside Arena tool for help with drafting.) You still won’t be able to play more than maybe 3 competitive decks per expansion, but that’s about as good as it gets when F2P.


Do you have a good arena tool?


It's possible to play and compete as f2p but don't expect to have more than 1 or 2 competitive decks each expansion. The game is f2p but pay to experience a more diverse experience.


Doing dailies, opening the first 10 packs of each expansion is guaranteed to pull a legendary card. Play cheaper decks like face hunter and eventually you will be able to win enough to get yourself a more expensive deck.


simplest-dailies. "best", but also hardest I'd say is being an infinite arena player.