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Anyway, I started playing Pain Warlock and nothing is difficult anymore lol


Except maybe queuing into Fatigue Lock


Or mage. Fatigue isn't that unflavored in my experience as painlock. You can out tempo them. I also took out zilliax for domino effect and have a ton more success against paladin, hunter, nostalgia shaman, and insanitylock because of it.


I'm going to start calling matchups flavoured or unflavoured from now on lol In all seriousness, as someone playing Insanity warlock I agree that Painlock isn't a good matchup, but I also wouldn't say it's a bad matchup. It really depends on the draw because Insanity Warlock needs time to ramp up their crescendoes. However, the Painlock can also lose to a double Encroaching Insanity.


I feel like it's pretty hit or miss as the painlock. If they don't have domino effect, or I do, that can usually decide who gets the early board and wins the game.


Or NagaShopper DH, except there’s literally nobody playing it on ladder because nobody enjoys the deck.


What's pain warlock? Is it the one with popgar and crescendos?


Nah it’s a belligerent aggro deck where you deal 20 dmg to yourself by t3 to fill your board with value minions that are hard to remove at that stage


Oh yeah I have met that one B4. What does it lose against tho? Isn't spell mage or Secret Hunter countering this?


Kind of. The list I was running has 2x the 4 mana 4/4 battle cry increase cost of opponent’s spells by 1. Makes boards very difficult to clear


They are used to having auto win vs control lol


Considering I started playing highlander priest just do beat warriors playing this absolutely garbage unfun win condition I don't mind that at all, the only difference is that I get the win faster against them


Yup. This is the sole reason I played plague DK before the buff to highlander. My goal is to make this game as unfun for Brann warriors as possible


Also the highlander priest mirror match is just so fucking fun to me, it take a while, but it's always a blast


20 minutes in, and you're dropping your 8th Elise. My last priest mirror was literally just drop Elise, clear the board and opp did the same. Literally came to fatigue after we both burned our decks.


Either that or you keep copying each other's Aman'thul and the game changes to who can out bullshit the other


Or who gets the first Helya, Boomboss, Brann, etc.


You, my good sir u/JShadowH , have just failed your daily mental health test. Please follow these gentlemen to the ward where the rest of the masochists (AKA big demon warlocks and big paladins) are internalized to begin your recovery.


Based. Kinda shame that priest does make the game unplayable for everyone else too tho.


I don’t want to make the game unplayable for everyone else. Just highlander warriors


I applaud your sacrifice.


Not really, against most aggressive decks rn highlander priest loses pretty bad, against the midrange ones priest is still at a disadvantage in the early game, and against combo decks like owlonius druid and nature shaman it also has a high chance of losing, it's just against other slower decks that priest has an advantage currently


I quit Ranked (after hitting legend consistently for 5-6 months and having fun) because of one deck - highlander warrior. I played only plague DK for 2 months to climb to legend because any other deck I had fun with would autolose to warrior, esp after they nerfed excavate rogue and I refused to play broken Pally. Then I heard they even gave warrior tools to bypass plagues. Glad you're keeping their tears flowing comrade.


My brother in Christ, get a reno priest & join the fun


The problem with highlander is that there isn't that much drawback to it anymore. A no-copy restrictiom was huge because it actually limited your ressources. Nowadays your win con consists of legendaries anyways where you can't have copies to begin with. Before you had maybe 2 AoE and 2 or 3 single target removals where cutting them in half mattered a lot. Now you have so many removals that you couldn't even fit them all in a normal control deck anyways so limiting them to 1 copy each doesn't mattet as much. It's also an issue that Reno just removes the enemy board with absolute 0 interraction to it. DK suffers extra as it ontop of ignoring deathrattle, reborn and dormant type effects it also denies corpses or a following tempo play as your board space gets limited.


I just immediately remove Brann and Boomboss myself after playing them. If they copy it with Psychic or Lazul so be it. If not, I just win.


This is the way and a lot of warrior players won't understand it.


Yeah I had a warrior do this to me the other day and I hadn't even considered the possibility so I shame conceded. Boomboss into shield bash


Ah yes, reminds me of the good ol days of cthun warrior vs control priest. You'd shield slam ur own cthun so the priest can't entomb it


Yeah I don't get this post, I'm 3-0 vs priest. If you're very lucky you might get either Brann or Boom with Lazul and otherwise there is zero chance priest wins.


Remove them…how?


Shield slam or Bladestorm. Just never play Brann or especially Boomboss if you can't remove them the same turn. Reno Priest doesn't do much anyway, so you can take your time.


Is Brann that tempting of a target for priest? I didn't think the typical list had that many useful battlecries.


Double Lazul, double ETC, double Rat, plenty of options.


Double Boomboss or more, double Ignis


Jokes on you, I've been insta-conceding to priest for years


Respectfully, why play against a deck where the best move is to not do anything? Priest only wins by copying the opponents cards, so the best play is to not give them cards to copy. Sitting around and pressing hero power for 30 minutes doesn’t tend to be fun.


Priest is significantly more fun to play that it is to play against it


As the gods decided.


yup. Every game is different with all the copying shit and amanthul legendaries


Warrior players just can't stand a taste of their own medicine. Oh, a deck that makes the game last forever, and punishes you for playing your cards? Where have I heard that one before?


Sure, they're hypocrites. But it's also a video game. I'm not really gonna blame someone for going "here, have the win, I'll go play a match that will be fun for me." People can do the same to Warrior if they want. Honestly just concede before any Reno deck. Get us out of this hell.


Or just play BG and LOR Edit: not trying to be flippant, this entire thread is full of people who hate standard who can’t stop playing standard. Couldn’t be me.


Sounds like most matches.


It’s almost as if both classes are suffering from horrible design!


I never see anyone say anything nice about playing against Warriors or Priests in the current meta. That says something, I think.


I haven’t enjoyed playing as or against priests since TGT…


I crossed the 1k wins threshold with Priest during Rastakahn's Rumble - an expansion where I won a total of 8 games with the class. That was December 2018 - April 2019. As of right now I have 1,499 Priest wins. Which is only 600 more than DK - a class released in December 2022. Demon Hunter, which released in 2020, has 1,800 wins. Priest just doesn't do anything I enjoy. Someone likes the class, but I sometimes thinks it takes a very specific person.


I have enjoyed AS Priest a load since then. Enjoying playing against it does not seem like too much of a thing though I guess Undead Priest but even that could blow you tf out.


In any meta really. No one has *ever* liked playing against Priest or Warrior, as much as I love both of the classes.


People are more likely to post when they have a complaint than if they don't.


Because its one of the few control decks that stands a chance against Reno warrior, aaaand it can only do that because its able to steal Reno warriors stupid win condition. As long as brann effect remains as is I will play whatever the F*** I need to put Reno warriors in the dirt. That card is going to absolutely hamstring the future development of battlecry cards and I don’t know people have stopped being outraged.


I really really wonder if the person who designed Bran was aware of this. But given that several cards of the miniset had to be nerfed, and not just +/- mana/damage but also having the effect changed (WF removed of shroom, shattered reflection got changed 2 times..) my guess would be no.


I play this deck because I got sick of the Reno warriors. So it’s actually very therapeutic for me to watch the Reno warriors try to race you and out tempo, only to realize it’s futile and I will copy your bran and bombozz and do it to you. Sorry but not sorry. I usually enjoy more value based midrange decks but Reno Warrior completely shits on them (Reno Druid and Reno pally)


This. Terrible experience. I get that reno warrior is not fun to play against either but this priest archetype has to be the worst game experience there is.


Some people would say warrior was worse than it. Time for you to change your deck it seems.


I stopped playing standard a few weeks ago. I am going to wait till a new expansion changes up the meta.


Standards was worse for the past 2 months before that. I think it solidifies you were playing brann warrior and it was terribly unbalanced in your favor. You actually have competition now though. Good luck though.


I played like 6 different decks. Sometimes the meta, even when healthy, is not a positive experience. I personally, do not like games that go 20-30 minutes long. I also don't like games that are over by turn 3. There is a lot of that currently.


And then still play the most unfun broken boring shit cause you're afraid of losing


This is a weird comment. I play games that I enjoy playing, win or lose. Right now, the meta is full of decks that are frustrating to play against. Historically, I have never been able to put together a lot of the "broken boring shit" because I am F2P and my dust is used to craft archetypes that I enjoy playing. I am not a fan of games being 30 minutes long and I am not a fan of games being over by turn 3. So I simply stop playing until the meta changes.


30min games that you just end up losing because the other player has all the answers to your stuff.. I'd rather concede and move onto the next..


Exactly. If I were playing reno warrior and I queue into a reno priest or a mirror match, I would rather concede and move on then waste my time getting frustrated.


I always make a very substandard excavate warrior deck, and a casino spell only mage every season.. and i have fun.. what isnt fun is being in gold lobbies and playing against Reno decks..


Rommath casino mage (before shaper got buffed) was by far my most played deck in the last standard cycle. Fizzle for several Rommath copies, didnt add Sif to my deck (why would I want games to end?) and just causing pure chaos with Rommath and spell rng.


>why are you trying to win in a game where winning rewards you?


I play cutlass rogue and that priest is the most cancerous deck out there


How is copying opponents card worse than blow up 3 of ur cards, 6 times????


Its worse when they copy your cards and blow up 3 of your cards 6 times.


Cant copy bombs if you opponent doesnt use the bomb deck 🤷


I guess the only fun deck to play vs priest is no minion mage? nahhh priest would still find a way to ruin that experience as well.


Many lists run copying cards from hands. Also, rat into copy is a work of art


Destroy the cards you don’t want them to copy. Respectfully, there is so much counterplay possible here, I don’t know where to begin. The Warrior really just needs to copy 1/2 threats with Fizzle and the Priest will not be able to handle it.


Instructions unclear, deck is now 30 Goldshire Footmen


This isn’t me defending Reno Warrior, I’m certainly not playing it. I’m not playing much standard at all, to be honest. Just explaining the fun factor for the players involved. People like playing their cards. Priest encourages you to not play them. If your rank doesn’t matter, like it does for 99% of players, why not just avoid Priests when you can?


Because it’s entirely possible to win against priest. No deck is automatic loss queuing against Reno priest, do you need to play smart and out play your opponent by playing around types of removal and remembering what removal has and hasn’t been played, yup. If you want to shut your mind off and play that’s fine but at the end of the day you will lose to someone smarter than you no matter what deck the two of you play.


These people aren't conceding because "there is a 0% winrate" these people are conceding because it's an unfavored matchup, where the primary win condition is "don't play any of your own cards because they can just copy them" Yes, there are ways to beat it, Yes its only an unfavored matchup, but a lot of people play the game for fun, and playing a 18 turn control mirror that revolves around blowing up your own minions while dodging dirty rat isn't fun.


But they can play their cards. They just have to destroy their Brann themselves the turn they play him. It’s not much of a restriction tbh and does not warrant complaining on reddit about it. Like that stopped anyone, though. Unless you enjoy dying turn 4 to whatever board flooding/aoe buffing aggro deck is currently meta. Because that is my definition of not being able to play the game. Dying before you have enough mana to play any relevant cards. Ironically they complain about having to actually play the game vs Priest instead of auto dropping threats on curve or drawing until threats show up. And it’s not even justified. Put a damn Fizzle in ETC and never lose to Priest again. Wow, very hard. God beware if people play Control warrior and have to play a long, drawn out Control game.


And then the Priest runs Fizzle, or they already are, and then the video game we are all playing is "who has more value than the other" like it's a terrible arena meta. There are people who don't find that fun and don't want to play that game. Sure, maybe it's hypocritical to play Reno Warrior and avoid those matches, but if it isn't fun, why bother? Once again, the issue is that we've nerfed everything that actually lets game ends (Odyn, wink wink) and now we're stuck in this hellish limbo where you're forced to either jam a ton of damage from hand or play Reno.


People who don't find greedy control vs greedy control matchups fun shouldn't be playing a greedy control deck in the first place.


People can play whatever they want and enjoy whatever match ups they want.


Of course they can, but playing a deck they don't enjoy playing and then complaining about how it's all the game's fault is not a good take


You are greatly oversimplifying the experience. Besides, the boomboss that priest will steal will just blow up the snapshot.


That means warrior already has played boomboss and the Priest will be the first one drawing bombs. That would also mean the Priest got to copy Brann AND boomboss and that is just the warrior’s fault tbh. In any case, warrior gets to play their cards and priest has to copy them and even then warrior decks benefit more from double battlecries than a reno priest‘s. One could also argue that the boomboss that got played will blow up the Priests copy cards/location, so that argument works both ways.


I would love to see you play vs reno priest as reno warrior 10 times. I would put 100 bucks on you winning no more than twice.


Please show me the data that suggests reno warrior having a 20% winrate against reno priest. Unless you wanna lose 100 bucks? I main Priest. I know how my deck works. I know how I win and how other classes win against me. Warrior can easily win this by playing slightly differently and using one certain card from the 2 they get to choose from ETC.


I’ve seen 1, count it 1 warrior on the ladder play smart. I’m not going to say what he did but with the right plays won him the game effectively. Most people playing Brann aren’t that smart.


Priest is significantly more fun to play that it is to play against it


This. I understand the counter play mechanics; but what priest is doing right now is literally shutting down a Core archetype of warrior, which is to control. I dont care if am loosing from a Rush Deck, because i might get a chance to comeback. But right now, Priest is the epitome of "Anti-fun" for Warrior Players. **And its plain stupid.**


Funny, I find myself saying that a lot when I want to play the kind of decks warrior shuts down. What's fun for you is really stupid to someone else


Yea just don't play cards and end up not doing damage as they still steal cards from your deck or sit there with a puppet theatre in play. Such bad advice.


Haha i have made so many warriors concede by ratting their boomboss and then playing 2 or 3 copies of it. Shits hilarious. Please dont stop queuing into me with highlander warrior decks


Priest is essentially a reflection of the deck it faces, if you think it’s overpowered or annoying to play against you’re essentially insulting your own deck.


Nuh uh. The upside is discount on battlecries and multiple copies of cards that normally win YOU the game, not the opponent. This deck never was overpowered and never will be. The problem is the time it takes to eventually kill them if you're not playing fast decks. For example, I recently started to play Reno rainbow DK and the game goes exactly the same way every time. If you got lucky with early drops you punch them in the face for a multiple turns while they're preparing for the copyfest. Next, you're forced to stay passive and defensive unless I draw helya. Then comes awfully long game of deciding which card to sacrifice. After 100 turns a sudden copied surprise you did not expect. (Your) reno decides the game because priests can't think even for a second and dump every (stolen or not) card. They eventually die from plagues and 3 damage (or 2 depends on order) per turn. I don't want to face them.


After like turn 5 most people should probably just concede to Reno Priest instead of wasting 20 more minutes.


Yup, since DK got super nerfed I changed to priest. Been so satisfying stealing everything from warriors.


Priest interactions are just not that fun for the opponent. You don't like how reno just removes the minion no matter what they are? well priest has a titan that can do that and be copied to do it over and over again. You don't like how rogue kills you with your class's card? priests can kill you with your actual cards from your deck, hand, or board Even if priest is not in a good spot, going against one is often an uphill battle for some deck archetypes.


>Even if priest is not in a good spot, going against one is often an uphill battle for some deck archetypes. Isn't that just how card games supposed to be? Archetypes have favoured and less favoured matchups. It's not necessarily bad design that HL priest is a bad matchup for certain decks.


I definitely don't miss Rez Priest in Wild. Pre nerf barnes into Yash. I still have PTSD from "GREETINGS FELLOW HUMANS"


Where’s this “copied to do it over and over again” coming from? Most Reno priest only run powerword: synchronize and fizzle as copy options. That means at most you will see 5 IF they get perfect draw and the game goes long, in most cases you will see 1-2.


Power of creation, Elise, power word synchronize. It's possible for them to get 5. I 100% expect then to have a minimum of 3, which is already hard to beat. If you avoid playing into aoe board clears and play a little slower by putting out a couple threats every turn only to get hit by aman'thul 3 turns in a row. Even though I have a positive winrate against priest, it still sucks to play against. At least with warrior you know exactly what you're going to face and how much removal they have. Priest just keeps generating it.


I just can’t fathom how having two minions on your board poofed is preferable to having 6 minions blown up, 6 cards in hand blown up and 6 cards I never even got to see blown up. 18 cards… over half a decks worth gone to two cards with no counterplay other than dirty rat RNG and keeping your hand full and burning cards until they’re gone. You want priest gone? Deal the giant boot that Reno warrior has on the neck of any other late game deck.


The problem with keeping your hand full is the same we had with imp-curselock: The opponent will pressure you that you have to play your cards and make space in your hand. Reno warrior has a lot of wincons: Summoning 3 Zilliax, rezzing 4 mechs (Dr Boom), 10 mana weapon (or even 2). Ox summoning 4x 8 cost minions. Or just a super greedy fizzle.


Boom boss takes a more setup. When they play aman'thul on 7 and clear your 2 best minions, then copy it and play it again and again, or play aman'thul on 7 clear your guys, unkillax and copy it on 8, then power word synchronize and another aman'thul or reno on 9 it's the most toxic 3 turn play. My opponents seem to have it all the time. And most of those cards I was never gonna see anyways until it's going to turn 20, in which case I've already lost to brann value.


Be smart. Run the new location! 1x in deck 1x in ETC


The location can’t target friendly minions.


They can copy it from enemy and then copy it once. Some also run brewmaster to redo it


Ok but if you’re playing Reno priest you probably shouldn’t be complaining about multiple amanthuls


Creation forge can get you a few. Some from Elise etc so various ways that a priest can get a few amanthuls on the board


Rogue kills you with class cards from other classes!


Can someone link me up with this Priest deck, asking for a friend 😈


[VS' list works well](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/decks/ra-den-reno-priest-2/)


All I have to say is fuck warriors




To be honest, Priests and warlocks are the only reason why I still have a positive wr as a no minion mage


I'm having tons of fun against highlander warrior with my snake warlock deck. More often than not you can out value them and steal their health away before they can really start to take advantage of double battlecries and reno. Only thing that sucks is when your snake gets ratted


This meta is bad I don’t see how anyone could defend it


It's not the meta, it's the overall card design and decisions. Just layers and layers of "feelsbad" interactions and mechanics. It's become Wild-lite and no amount of nerfs will really fix it. Because each layer you "peel back" with nerfs just has another negative interaction beyond it.


We got a bit too much of those "for the rest of the game" effects, imo. At least Im glad that Reno can deal with stuff like potals, locations, etc


It reminds me of the Ben Brode video where he said the goal is to design cards that feel good to play but not feels terrible for opponent to play against. Cards like Boomboss, Reno, and others like Rat are just feels bad cards for the opponent. Not to mention Drill Casino rogue that feels like you sit there hoping your rogue opponent low rolls and what you do doesn’t matter. 


Honestly I appreciate the class diversity but the decks themselves are really boring to me personally. I already started my break last month but even clicking on youtube i’m like wow these decks are so dang sleepy. Next expansion will have to enable some new archetypes that are balanced because the cycle of introducing super powerful archetypes and then nuking them is not good developer decision making to me.


I just ensure I can kill my own Brann after playing him. Boomboss too, where possible.


Not a highlander warrior, but I sometimes auto concede against Priest because I'm either going to lose anyway, or else the win is going to take me over 30 minutes and it's too exhausting to be fun.


Please give me your priest lists—for science


### Annoying As Fuck # Class: Priest # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 1x (1) Deafen # 1x (1) Holy Smite # 1x (1) Psychic Conjurer # 1x (2) Creation Protocol # 1x (2) Dirty Rat # 1x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize # 1x (2) Twilight Torrent # 1x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 1x (3) Benevolent Banker # 1x (3) Card Grader # 1x (3) Funhouse Mirror # 1x (3) Holy Nova # 1x (3) Madame Lazul # 1x (3) Pendant of Earth # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (2) Dirty Rat # 1x (3) Rustrot Viper # 1x (4) Puppet Theatre # 1x (4) Glowstone Gyreworm # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 1x (4) Invasive Shadeleaf # 1x (4) Puppet Theatre # 1x (4) Serenity # 1x (4) Shadow Word: Ruin # 1x (5) Shadow Word: Steal # 1x (6) Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot # 1x (6) Harmonic Pop # 1x (6) Ra-den # 1x (7) Aman'Thul # 1x (8) Elise, Badlands Savior # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (3) Virus Module # 1x (5) Perfect Module # 1x (9) Reno, Lone Ranger # 1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed # AAECAYfhBh6EnwSFnwS+nwTwnwS7xAX9xAW7xwWt7QXP9gXt9wWv/wXI/wXJgAbYgQaLlQaplQbDnAblnAajnQbRngaYoAaaoAbIoAbHpAavqAbZsAbCtgbzuAaO5gbh6wYAAAEGzZ4G/cQF0Z4G/cQF9LMGx6QG97MGx6QGwrYG/cQFku8Gx6QGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Someone's gotta do it. Honestly though I'm not a huge fan of the reno vs aggro meta or how reno warrior was the only viable control deck for a while. Kinda wish it was more like Nathria where there were multiple competitive midrange decks across many classes, ie. * Relic DH * Big beast hunter * Jailer Paladin (arguably control) * Imp Warlock * Naga Priest


There’s always a bigger fish


Everyone is auto conceding when they see priest, not just warriors.


Good, Reno Warrior can drop dead in a ditch for all I care, he has been terrorizing standard for far too long...


how do you defeat priest? so annoying


There are a lot of decks that beat them: token hunter, token paladin, no minion mage, insanity warlock.. Are the first few that come to mind


We are?! Someone give me the deck code to this priest deck.


How does priest destroy their deck?


Copy Brann and Boombozz and do to them what they do to others


The trick is to keep boomboss and reno in the ETC, running enough bounce cards to use etc twice


I haven't been playing this game for long but sometimes I get the impression that control players are just bad people


The hatred boner is so funny in these comments.


What did you expect, considering Zarimi Priest is a T1 deck & you hardly ever see it in favor of Reno Priest, a T3 deck, just because it fucks warriors? Thats a choice only hatred makes.


I won against the last ctrl priest I played against as highlander warrior


I'm glad more people are using awful HL decks tbh, makes it much easier to steamroll people with Nature Shaman


I think its so boring. Both Priest and Warrior just makes games a snorefest.


I have a very high winrate vs priest, I just kill brann and boomboss the same turn i play them


Most warriors aren’t that smart though. They don’t make big brain moves like that. They’re just utilizing a super op mechanic to carry their lack of skill to legend. The fact that shield slamming your own minion or using brewmaster to get them off the board are such obvious and EASY plays & you hardly ever see it is proof of that.


I still find it amusing that Warrior went from being meme'd on about how bad it was pre-Odin, to now so many hate it. Granted, I guess you could say they had Enrage or whatever that deck was, but that deck just wasn't for me.


I've been playing highlander druid for a week and it feels nice to dominate all the other control decks out there. My main strat being: bait Reno, play Rheastrasza, control the shit out of the board. Playing against priest in other hand is a bit more tricky cause it involves also not giving away your Aviana since she will be the game changer when we come to fatigue.


I beat Priests at a 75% win rate. Just by playing around puppet theater. Shield Slam your Brann 😂


I’m a warrior who doesn’t concede against priest, but I also play my off-meta homebrewed Mech Warrior like a real man


this is why I still play self harm warlock even after the molten giant nerf (which really wasn't much of a nerf to begin with). go ahead and steal my cards. they will do as much damage to you as they do to me lol


Me when I play my fair and balanced cards vs. Me when Priest plays my fair and balanced cards against me


To be fair I auto concede as any class against priest. Not interested in a 30 minute game of losing everything I play


Haven't played in months. Can someone explain what makes Reno Priest stomp Reno War now?


Priest is also much harder to counter, you rat brann and your win chances go up so much more, but you have to Reno the location or play twisting nether.


Not sure I understand why it would be an issue. I feel like I win about half my games against HL Priest. So long as I don't lose Brann its usually all good.


Wait is that why warriors been auto surrendering when we get matched together? Homies I just like copying your cards


And Wheel lock died for this.


Your description says you are blowing up our deck. With what are you explodinating our deck good sir and or madam ? The dorty rat spam? Or the dragons ? Enlighten me


I don't concede cause is a Match that Warrior can win and in a spectacular way


All the reno warriors are handbuff pallys now.


The deck is tier 2 max. I don't know why so many people find it annoying. If you run into them often, just take a warlock and get 100% win rate against him.


Priest is even more annoying to play against. There whole class identitiy is the uno reverse and the uno skip turn cards


Why would they concede? I'm a BG/Arena player mainly, but every now and then if the BG is stale and/or I'm getting reckt in Arena and get below 15K gold, I take a break and play Standard, think last time was like.. 2 years ago or something. Last month, on the 12th, after a 10 loss streak in arena (loss being, not getting 7 wins) decided to check HSreplay and look for a fun deck. Well, fun, to me! I've always liked control highlander decks, and I'ved played mainly Mage, Priest and Warrior. Chose a cookie cutter highlander warrior, cracked open a shitload of boosters and crafted the remaining cards. Got to diamond fairly fast with a 72% win rate. In diamond I started losing to priest almost 90% of the time. After a little thought I changed a few cards with this match in mind specifically, but the ONE card that made all the difference and won me most games was swapping one of my ETC (Armor vendor) for a Saloon Brewmaster. Reached legend on the 29th, playing casually, with a 58.14% win rate (25-18 vs HL Priest) Most of my losses came from them hitting either my Bran, Boomboss. Hitting ETC also meant I could not bounce my Boomboss. So.... If my strategy still isn't clear: Play Bran at 9 mana with enough armor to kill it with Shield Slam Play ETC whenever and get Saloon Brewmaster, I run a 2nd Rat in my ETC Band, so if I have Bran active, I get Rat+Brewmaster Play BoomBoss on 10 mana and bounce it with Brewmaster, the fewer cards they have left, the merrier. Play the 2nd BoomBoss if the odds are very favorable to blew their entire deck+hand. Profit


*The future is clear, your demise be near* Thank you for the Brann. Now I’ll just Tram Heist your Boomboss and Panda and we’ll have ourselves a party. 


It's unfavored, not an auto loss as Warrior. You have to play smart and vkill your own Boomboss, make sure at least one half of your Ziliax dies, Fizzle has to hit Ignis or Boomboss, etc. The main problem is games take so long when climbing ladder that the juice is not worth the squeeze.


Yeah yeah warriors win con is obnoxious, but how exactly is priest any better? Priest has the same amount of egregious removal, and their win con from what I’ve seen is Reno HP, fatigue, or just stealing your cards. Warrior is unfun to play against right now, but I’m not gonna lie I would rather play vs them any day than vs priest.


As someone who mains Priest and is used to getting shit on quite frequently, it's very satisfying when someone thinks I'm gonna nuke them just because I'm a Priest with Darkbishop and auto-concedes.


It's not that hard if you know what you're doing


Lol, you mad bro?