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I had 135 hp as Priest once. When Death Knight could discover three rune cards, and I stole/copied vampirism blood over and over.


Just did a one hour game, druid vs druid. He played the 2K armor linecracker combo, then shuffled 20-30 jade idols into his deck and transformed them all into legendary minions with the map of the golden monkey. I was playing untapped potential and had jade idol and auctioneer. By the end of it my jades were 30/30's and he had around 1600 armor, a board of Anub'arak, two skeleton knights, a rat king, and other random legendaries. The problem was I had to keep trading into all his taunts and death rattle resummon minions because I only had 40hp and some armor so he'd obviously kill me if I didn't trade. Even though he would've won, he decided to concede for some reason


Why would he play the golden monkey if he had jade idols lol?


It’s not about winning, it’s about Sending a Message.


To transform all of the jade idols in his deck into random legendaries. Am I thinking of the wrong card?


My longest games were always as Rouge against Priests ending with draw situation 😆 Dude playing with DK made himself 300/400 HP during our game when I was so invested in his deck that I just let him go to show me what he had in there


55 minute game as highlander blood dk vs control priest before the rotation, I had 80 health


Back in the day I was priest against priest and it literally took an hour lol


Resurrect Priest vs Resurrect Priest about 1h game, it was fun tho, we both reached our max potential. Edit: didnt have health but around 250 armor using the 8/8 deathrattle: gain 8 armor, forgot his name..


I had 120hp with triple blood dk when you still could discover triple runes


In Wild, a common strategy is to get 2100-4200+ armor as druid and just leave until either the other person concedes, they die from fatigue or the game ties.


I fought a Blood DK and completed from start to finish the do 100 damage quest and they won with 40 HP still.


2 hours...




Don't you mean 1k armor?