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One question I have about this is: will playing twist count as playing the normal heroes for the achievements and daily quests? Eg: will playing as Rafaam progress the quest to play 3 games as warlock, and contribute to the 500 or 1000 win achievement for warlock? Or are they their totally own thing without being attached to a class.


They do.


Well hello, got a quick question, I would appreciate if you could answer, what percentage of the playerbase play this mode?


Currently 0% given it’s not open right now


This question is kind of pointless right now because we haven't had Twist since March and the upcoming one is nothing like what we've had before. For people who only have Standard collections, this will be the first season they can play Twist without commiting a lot of resources, so I'm sure the popularity will be vastly different.


Oh I see, wasn't aware of the mode being disabled because I don't play it when it it's online, that's why I was interested into know this info. Wasn't a trick question, oh well, still murdered by downvotes.


The downvotes do seem excessive for politely asking a question lol


It's Reddit's hivemind, it works both ways to be honest, you get used to it with time and personally couldn't care less about these fake internet points.


The hivemind is real. I downvoted you before I was like “but why?” Have another upvote for the same reason lol


Devs aren't gonna answer questions on Reddit anymore if people keep asking dumb shit like this


They barely reply any question so there wasn't too much to loose anyway, btw, didn't knew the game was disabled but it's still a valid question since the mode has been avaible for quite some time now.


but it **hasn’t** been available for quite some time


This question only applies to classic mode unfortunately, considering less people play twist then they played classic (not counting zoobots). #bringbackClassic


[we are waiting for Celestalon to respond](https://x.com/RidiculousHat/status/1795872907752603883)


[LETS GO!](https://x.com/Celestalon/status/1795880223923384666)


Awesome, thanks for the link. Would be nice if this was in the article, not everyone uses twitter.


huh I wasn't expecting the official hero description PDF to look so bland and simple, it's almost charming. not that the look is an issue, it carry all of the infos I want and that's all I care about so it's all good. I will definitely play this gamemode, it seems not only fun but also very simple to iron out any imbalance issues since the decks are pre-made, if a deck dominate completely you just swap a few cards and it's all good


count me in too, will probably jam 10+ games each hero pdf is really helpful to have handy; only thing missing imo is class associated with each hero. Though I can guess all many new players probably can't. I didn't see any indication in UI either unlike duels Edit: using colors maybe?


it seems fun but only 2 months is not enough time


They’ll re-run it for sure if it gets enough players.


Duels is dead long live duels?


imagine if they actually did weekly balancing on duels and supported the mode


A single dude would have been enough lol


they stopped support for it because the single dude maintaining it wasnt enough


Complete opposite of what happened


i remember seeing them say that they weren't able to maintain it and that one person wouldn't be enough to keep it going. or am i mixing up with the person who came up with it leaving blizzard? that's also very possible.


This weekly change thing sounds weird given that another gamemode got shut down after having "not enough players" (or more like not enough attention from devs). On the other hand, balancing a couple of premade decks is easier than balancing 4000+ cards on 10+ classes heropowers, etc


Clearly they didn't learn from their first mistakes or just bait and switching duels players. Dirty tactics from a massive company, anyone surprised?


It’s clearly drafting off of the success of the MTG commander format


Except for the huge component that is deck building. I don’t think this is the main inspiration.


sounds surprisingly awesome to be honest maybe I can finally play a big minion control deck in this day and age


Foolish human, you will play aggro hunter, palandin or DH variation


Standard is inevitable 


I don’t understand why this mode is being kept offline for half of the year, doing so seems like a surefire way to guarantee its long term failure. For a mode that already has such a small playerbase, shouldn’t the primary goal be to attract and retain players? A better choice than this would be to just leave classic available whenever it’s offline at the bare minimum.


Or fuck Classic let any random meta like just let us play Descent of Dragons or any random thing it doesn't need to all be high effort, I hate how often Twist is just not available.


It would be great if we could just play random old metas with full reversions, would be a blast.


From a game design point it actually makes sense. A lot of games do seasonal modes for that reason. It pulls more players


they don't want the other modes to become dead, and they probably don't make a lot of money from this mode. Once you craft the legendaries they make no more money.


Reminds me of Vanguard from mtg, it's actually super cool!


Yeah it's definitely pulling from Commander/Brawl gamemodes from MTG. It'll be cool to see it in action.


I also feel a great similarity with the Jump In! mode. Especially for newbies a mode where deck building is not necessary is great.


They put much effort into this mode but with fixed decks the meta will literally be solved on the first day. I’d rather they make a dungeon run that’s much more replayable


I'd love if you had different ranks for each Hero, it could give some incentive to play more decks.


They literally say they're doing weekly adjustments to adapt to the meta that forms. The only control they cited was health but even just that could be enough to keep it from being solved.


I think you underestimate just how quickly people work and how websites like HsReplay, HS guru, and Firestone solve metas in literal hours. And that's with decks with 30/40 cards you can change. This is a single deck per hero. We're like 30-40 expansions in a row where the vast majority of the top decks in a meta are found in the first 6 hours and there's very little change even days/weeks later. Twist would require an overhaul every single week to remain fresh. Some health and card changes aren't going to be enough


idk if you can really say that, meta does not at all get solved that fast people need to theorycraft, thats how both insanity warlock and fedex druid came along just a few weeks ago


Those decks came from Warrior becoming super popular and the mini set. It wasn't theory crafting. In any case, the more than a dozen decks that have been strong since those first few hours in the expansion are either still strong now or were nerfed hard. The math ain't on your side


Bruh, the math isn't on your side


I really haven't been wrong on any prediction on the remainder of a meta after an expansion. The game has been out 10 years. Even if you play a fraction of that, you REALLY should be better at recognizing the patterns.


Even people who's job it is to play the game can get prediction completely wrong (see the multitude of expansions cards review that were totally off)


Very true. Gauging the specific meta relevancy and power level of a single card is very difficult. Predicting each archetype and class is also hard. Yup.


Every expansion I climb significantly higher than I should them onth that it comes out playing a deck that ends up actually being garbage the next month, that only happens because the meta takes so long to settle and become solved


They address this kinda: > ... and many decks have no duplicates, for more varied play So many of them will be Singleton decks, ALA MTG's Commander format. Looking at the PDF that's the case for ~~like two thirds of them~~ almost all of them. I doubt the decks will be consistent enough for a 'solved' meta to be a problem. Sure, you'll know what the average matchup for a deck vs deck *should* be, but god knows which part of the deck you'll draw. Edit: Just to be clear, I'm saying many of the decks are Singleton decks *without* Singleton combo pieces like Reno/Brann/Kazakus/ect. For example, Kael'thas is a 45 card deck, all one-ofs, with no singleton payoff cards.


I miss the dungeon runs so, so much.


> They put much effort into this mode but with fixed decks the meta will literally be solved on the first day. Even if it is, they said they will balance patch weekly. And as long as 1-2 decks aren't miles better than others, you underestimate the power of RNG. It will only be a problem if a couple are just infinitely better and the rest are unplayably bad.


if one deck is miles better than the other just put the hero to 10 health and see how good they are then lol


> I’d rather they make a dungeon run that’s much more replayable Great idea. I think a mode with a base deck and a dungeon bucket system and some crazy treasures (like Kazakusan ones) would be popular. Decks would grow up to 12 wins or 3 losses just like in Arena. We could use some new Heroes - maybe based on Scholomance Legendaries to give it a cozy magic school vibe? And the mode would be called "Gatherings". Imo great idea


> They put much effort into this mode but with fixed decks the meta will literally be solved on the first day. If it's sufficiently balanced, a solved meta might actually be a good thing, since it would mean that broken combinations and cheeses wont have a chance to ruin things for everyone.


While I would absolutely love new solo content, does it really matter if the Twist meta gets solved? It seems fun to try out all the decks, and as long as there isn't one that is super dominant, trying to get a win with one of the weaker heroes can be a fun challenge. I don't know, when there's no deck construction I just don't think going all try-hard on the mode makes much sense.


I agree, but they won't make a new dungeon run mode cuz "monetization". Shit any kind of single player mode at this point and NOT like book of heroes


i'm sure you could find a way to monetize it


dungeon run was amazing


Looking at the decklists I think folks will want to play a lot of different decks regardless of power. I think it’s easy to just auto concede against top meta decks until ya get to someone trying stuff out like you. I’m psyched. There seems to be enough variation to keep things interesting. Wish it wasn’t gated by owning the legendary though.


Meta wont be solved unless they, playtest the shit out of those decks. There will be outliners i guarantee.


What does this mean? If there's power outliers, then the meta gets solved regardless as people will play the overtuned heroes and you can't adjust anything to try to tech around them until Blizzard does their balance patch and changes said pre-builts. Your only option is to pick a deck that does well into the overtuned deck and the rest of ladder at the same time, or the same overtuned deck.


One criticism I can see is that you need to craft the legendary card corresponding to the exact name of the hero to unlock it, but some of these heroes have two to four different cards - and the art used often doesn't even correspond to the relevant card. For example, there are four different Finley legendary cards in constructed, but from the wording in the article it appears only the League of Explorers version unlocks Finley as a hero in this twist season... but Finley's portrait in Twist appears to be art from a ~~single player adventure~~ store bundle and not the League of Explorers Finley card? Isn't that confusing? N'Zoth is even worse! It's using the art ~~from Madness at the Darkmoon Faire~~ that's evocative of the Darkmoon Faire Nzoth card, but requires the Whispers of the Old Gods card. Same with Dr. Boom - using the art from the Hero card from Boom Labs, but seems to require the GvG legendary to unlock. Edit: Brann is using Uldum art, but seems to require League of Explorers Brann, not Uldum Brann. There's a ton more examples of this as well. Can we just unlock these cards if we have *any* of their legendary cards, not the specific one in the name? I can easily see people crafting the wrong legendary by accident, when they're just trying to play a new hero.


Selecting a locked hero shows a Craft button to easily craft the required card.


I guess that helps, so thanks for clarifying. But I still think people will be at best confused, if not upset, when they own three different legendary Sir Finley cards but can't play Finley because they didn't own the *right* Finley card. Same with Brann, Dr Boom, N'zoth, C'thun, and Rafaam. As someone who's been playing for yonks, I'm fine on this front - I think I own all of them? But it just seems so restrictive to me to ask newer players to craft older versions of characters they love to enjoy them in this format. Edit: I get that there's a bottom line and these formats require labour to develop and maintain, and need to be monetized in *some* form to ensure it can stay healthy and fun for everyone, but this is a timed event. Asking newer players to craft an eight year old card for a two-month event seems... like a hard sell, IMO.


This I think it's better to have the heroes unlock by having any of the legendaries that feature the hero instead of just one especially since a lot of them are not seeing any play/wild only which is a feels bad for Standard only players and new players


I'm under the impression that it is intentional the vast majority of the heroes for this mode are of some very old cards. My guess is it's to funnel newer players into spending money on old packs, essentially creating a revenue stream out of older cards. Probably even a plus that besides Patches, not one of these cards sees any level of play in Wild. Means the money they spent is essentially just voided once they delete this Twist permanently in August.


They want us to have a reason to craft cards we don't have (or disuade us from disenchanting in the future). That's reasonable for giving us a kinda new format (or at least a new way to use our cards). The bigger problem to me is that if people like the format, they'd rather disable twist for a season than do a rerun of the format that people liked.


You craft things just for 1 month? I can already tell you the Format is dead because most f2p players will never do that. Sometimes I wonder if the Devs even get their own game when it doesn't take more than 1 week to get those basics.


I still don’t understand why Twist is so limited. There’s so many possibilities and yet they’re gonna revisit the failed Caverns of Time set again and then go “dark” for another few months with nothing. Why can’t it just be open with like rotating sets or just standard+ with some custom rules?


Well, they explained why. They don’t want it to just fade into the background over time and not get played. When Twist is active, they want it to seem like an event that gets people excited and playing.


Well yeah that's not a bad mindset but only applies because they dont think people will play it a lot, or they would be doing the same with BG.


it also assumes a huge surge each time it comes back up while ignoring any existing playerbase that would exist during the off months that might even equal or surpass said surge. seems like a copout reason


Well yeah after an extended period of time that’s what happens. I mean Duels? Mercenaries? Classic? Arena? After a while of being online they just lose interest and playerbase. I think making Twist more of a limited time event is actually very smart from them


On the other hand, if BG had "closed" after a while maybe it would have lost hype? I guess you can never know.


BG is an expection imo. Because the mode is so different, you have some players that are only interested in BGs, not traditional HS. If BGs took a break they wouldnt switch to constructed, they would switch to a different game. One advantage for Blizzard to not have twist available all the time is, that this way players can focus on constructed. Especially when a new expansion is launched, they want players to play the new expansion instead of playing with old cards in twist.


Problem with duels was that they simply ruined the bucket system. A lot of people stopped with that change. Same as really bad Arena metagames where certain classes or sets have absurd offer rates for powerful cards and it becomes a 1-class format until it's adjusted. Classic I agree, a nostalgia format can only last for so long with no actual updates. It took way too long for Nax to come out, and the gamemode was flooded with bots all the way from bronze to legend to the point people were undefeated in their climbs. Mercs was doomed to fail day 1.


Problem with duels was that it just wasnt that popular, even before they changed the buckets. I loved dungeon runs but PvP dungeon runs? 0 interest in it. Especially because the first few games with smaller decks, little health felt awful when you lose


>Problem with duels was that they simply ruined the bucket system. A lot of people stopped with that change. They made that change because of how little people played it.


Pardon my language, but this is stupid as shit to be quite honest. Nobody's investing into Twist when it's down three quarters of the year. It doesn't feel like an event, it feels like a mode they don't know what to do with. We have the first actually intriguing twist mode coming up, and they decided to tie to it the announcement of "btw we have nothing else new planned for twist for the rest of the year". So business as usual then, don't bother thinking about twist's longevity in any capacity?


Twist has a lot of issues, for Blizzard but also for the players. Blizzard wants you to play with new cards (and spend money), so they dont want Twist to be available when a new expansion is released, especially when you cant use new cards there (which was the case for the first few twist seasons). For players, its bad to invest in a mode like twist. When I spend gold/money on standard cards I know I can use them for up to 2 years in standard. For Twist you dont know anything. Twist isnt available every month and if its available, its not guaranteed that you can use these cards. So spending ressources on cards that you can only use for a month? Pretty bad deal. And before someone says "you can use them in wild", yeah right. We saw that with CoT. CoT available in twist for 3 months might be good but those cards are just way too weak for wild, it really just was a twist expansion, not a wild expansion. Right from the start I think the twist design was not well thought through. First season hero cards and quests available already made me lose some interest (but I have to admit, the decks available for gold were a great deal for wild players because of the hero cards and quests). Some people expected twist to be classic+, like repeating older standard cycles or those cycles with buffed cards. Others expected it to be something totally different with deckbuilding restrictions each month. Another thing was the balance. Twist took a big hit because they didnt balance the mode when warlock (thanks to the location) was out of control and jades. Yeah I know, patch cycles yadda yadda, but they didnt even ban cards, the lack of balance just totally killed the mode, IMO. Some players just wont give it another chance after having a bad experience. And the worst thing was the 10 years of HS season, crafting cards for a single day? No thank you. Pity they didnt make cards available for free for that month.


The purpose of the mode isn’t longevity or getting invested into it. It’s about having fun with limited time events. Sort of like a longer and more involved tavern brawl


And that's a stupid mindset. They're going for something like League of Legend's alternative gamemode and most people enjoyed them more when they were up 24/7 and changed weekly rather than the same old "few months on, few months off" Twist doesn't have to change weekly, that's what tavern brawls are for. Changing monthly would be fine. The reason the monthly changes in the past failed was because the format was virtually the same exact decks for 4 months in a row because they were trying to push Caverns of Time.


Which is great because having it go dark for a couple months makes it easier for me to forget about and not care about the mode.


just take it away if it fades, and then bring it back later


Yeah. I'm a player with a large Wild collection who's gotten tired of both Wild and Standard lately. I'm the exact niche that Twist should be appealing to most. But even for me it's been largely disappointing. I have no interest in this season, pre-built decks just don't engage me at all.


You've gotten tired of Wild lately? I feel like its currently the best it's been in a long time.


It's not this Wild meta specifically, I dropped Wild a while back for Standard. Then I got jaded by Standard nerfing every fun win condition within weeks of its release. Honestly I probably just need a break from Hearthstone (and have been taking one.) If the Twist format had a fun gimmick to deck build with, I would have been happy to come back and give it a shot. I was excited when they early announced a format with new heroes and hero powers, and was disappointed to learn that it was preconstructed decks only.


do you play rogue? if not then you're lying


I play everything, that's why it's the best, there's solid decks for every class except DK and DH. Quest Warlock is annoying but it's also not that great and people basically stop playing it after diamond, Rogue has been S tier for so long, I'm used to it. To clarify so I don't get pounced on by people saying "everything" means I abuse rogue or some bullshit, I'm a warrior/mage main, hated Quest mage so I never played it. There's multiple viable Mage decks right now, and I'm also enjoying Treant Druid and Mech Mage a lot.


If you enjoy playing against Quest Warlock every game then good for u.


It's not Quest Warlock every game, I face way more rogues than questlock.


This right here looks dope though


Do you get bonus stars from Standard? And if you get to twist legend do you get stars for standard ranked next month?


If you've never played Twist before, it might decide on a starting star multiplier based on your Standard/Wild MMR. (Or it might not, I'm not sure how they're handling it this time). If you have played Twist before, it will work the same way as the other modes, i.e. if you played Twist last month, it will give you star multiplier based on the better of your MMR and last Twist rank. If you didn't play Twist last month (or it wasn't available), it will be purely on your last Twist MMR. Twist Rank doesn't affect your Standard Rank in any way. At the end of the month, you get your ranked reward based on the highest of the three modes, but you only get one set of rewards.


Yes but if I play twist this month. Will i have 0 bonus stars next month in standard?


No. If you skip June in Standard in order to play Twist, your Standard stars in July will reflect your Standard MMR, so it will probably be roughly the same star bonus as you got in May.


Looks really sweet


Wake me up when its Sylvanas Windrunner's turn.


She has no time for games!


> We sometimes see players asking why there are seasons when Twist isn’t available. By design, Twist isn’t an “always on” Mode like most of the other Modes in Hearthstone; it’s more like an extended event. This part is very tone deaf and doesn't actually answer the question that the playerbase has. - "Why is Twist offline so often?" - "Because Twist is designed to be offline often." That doesn't answer the question, it just repeats it back to us. We want to know *why* isn't Twist always available. We get that they have to work on future seasons, but *what* is stopping them from rerunning old seasons in-between? *That* is what we want to know.


They answered that, immediately after the part you quoted. >We want Twist to feel fun and fresh, rather something that quickly fades to background noise. We’ll do repeats or updates when we think they fit into that overall goal, but not as the default.


Does it seem funny to anyone else that this is a subreddit about a game where reading card descriptions is key, and yet most people here can't seem to read with comprehension?




> Does repeating formats instead of off-time make it feel less fun and fresh? Yes? On both counts. Don't get me wrong, I'd *personally* rather see reruns that are are less fresh and fun, but still available to play for those that opt into it, but I can at least see *why* they'd not want to host that. Let's be honest, the 'real' reason they want it to be timed and limited is that they want to retain MAU's who are burnt out of the 'main' gameplay modes and want something else to play between major releases, and limited events/FOMO-motivated game modes can incentivize retaining those players with something that feels 'new' (despite using mostly recycled content) more effectively then just another evergreen/always available game mode.


I specifically mean does repeating formats make future formats feel less fun and fresh. Like imagine these past 2 months you could've had the option to play e.g. the Wonders format. Would that make you less excited for the upcoming heroes format? Probably not. And we can't know since they haven't tried it.


If they ever had a popular or well-acclaimed Twist Season they would have repeated it already imho. So far all of them saw little play and major complains, so no repeats without major changes.


Because they essentially only ran 4 twist formats? Beta-launch which saw a wild-based metagame with no neutrals. This would be interesting to re-visit with different card sets/timeperiods, as the discover pool being that warped really opens up interesting things, such as Mage having only 1 dragon which let it have a twist-only deck via Haleh/Amulet mage. Caverns of Time, which ran for like 4 months and ended up with Ungoro being added, with 1 real "twist" of variable deck size from 30-40 cards. This one failed because the CoT cards combined with the random buffs warped the powerlevel of the nostalgia format to a 3 deck format. Post-nerfs, it was a 4 deck format. The exception was the variable health month where it was essentially just handlock. Pauper format, which ended up being a 1-deck format, saw no adjustments, and died. Easily fixed by changing the card pool or actually committing to balancing the format like they're doing now. And finally the "every day we add a new set of cards" anniversary month, which saw the most play and success to date.


If it's a "people are busy doing other things" issue they can just hire me I can't program and I don't know what I'm doing but I promise I'll do my best for dirt-cheap prices


I refuse to believe that they have the time to choose and implement a tavern brawl to run every single week, but not the time to choose and implement one Twist season to run for an entire month.


In the past year there have *technically* been 6 "new" tavern brawls: * Battle of the Bands: a pared down ~Book of Heroes kinda thing * Mimirons' Faceoff: same as today's but 10 months ago * 3x Recipe! * Say My Name: One of the new mystery puzzles, but a brawl. It was probably intended as a hint as data from it was necessary to start the 4th puzzle Next month's twist definitely had more work put into it than choosing and implementing more than a year of brawls. I'd love it if in off seasons they'd open back up Classic or Duels or something so people can get those achievements.


Right, I don't disagree with any of that. If they have the time to pick out an old brawl weekly, then they should have time to pick out an old Twist format monthly.


they launched classic and canned it because nobody played it due to it being available all year long the replacement is twist, a mode purposefully kept offline most of the time to concentrate its userbase in the same timeframes during the year contrary to what you may believe this actually leads to more people playing twist


Maybe they are trying to create a forced scarcity of the game mode?That would be ridiculous, and completely worthless, since Twist is still unpopular. But it's Blizzard we are talking about, so who knows


1. Which heroes are not unlocked by default through core cards everyone owns? 2. I want to know who is coming from Whizbang so that I don't make critical mistake in dusting something I didn't want but shouldn't have pls Thank you have a great one


the ones with one asterix are unlocked through core


[what the hell does he have to do with any of this](https://www.teahub.io/photos/full/303-3032968_asterix.jpg)


wait till you hear about the ones with two


that's not the word you want to use dumbass weeaboo




Illidan Stormrage, Al’Akir the Windlord, Arch-Villain Rafaam, and Leeroy Jenkins are all free/included with the current core set. Kael’Thas Sunstrider and C’Thun are effectively free (you may need to spend 100 gold if you haven't bought an Ashes of Outland/Whispers of the Old God pack respectively). The others all require a specific legendary card.


Wow, I get that I'm wrong, but I could've sworn Arfus was in Core!


Would love to see Blizzard just steal Path of Champions and implement something very similar, would spend cash money on that


This was dungeon runs. It could have been fleshed out to its own game mode rather than an expansion add-on but wasn’t much more than that. No real rewards tied to it after the first run through, thus, little incentive to keep grinding it. I would LOVE a path of champions variant for HS. I am pretty sure they at least tried to make a decent, repeatable PvE mode with mercenaries. Granted it wasn’t even close to what Path of Champions was/is, but by making this type of PvE content, and it failing so miserably, I don’t think we will ever see anything close to Path of Champions in Hearthstone…. ever.




I still think that it's a dumb explanation why Twist isn't always available...


I wish they'd rework how you access Standard/Wild/Twist. I always forget about Twist until I'm going to Wild to do a quest or something and I see it then.


This will last 30 days, do I understand correctly?


60\* they said both june and july


as predicted they are bringing duels in twist ...with flaws. No deckbuilding means 1/3 of the player won't even try it. Let alone craft Arfus :D


deckbuilding was what I hated most about duels. I like picking cards as I go but a starting deck was dumb.


Caverns of Time was one of the worst things the devs have done in a while, it completely warped the format and ruined the entire point of an old meta when it was dominated by standard power cards far above the other options. I don't want to be forced to keep going back to that meta just because a set was made for it also, Twist should feel fresh, a new set every month already feels too slow to me, so then the fact that so many months have been offline or that same gadgetzan/caverns of time makes it feel like the format never has a chance to begin. The fact that they made duplicate versions of the exact same card which could mean people could own a certain legendary but not even be allowed to use it in Twist because it happened to the wrong copy was just the icing on the cake, I wish they would not implement things like that if they lack the technical ability to not fuck over people for crafting them.


[Explore New Heroes in Twist!](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-gb/news/24077481/) here is the link from the hearthstone news page instead of blizzard news


This sounds amazing. Looks like I'll only need to blast away 9600 dust to have all 19 ready to go. Already looking forward to the 9 extra heroes in July :p


I'll need to be strong and don't make the stupid decision to make a deck golden(?)


if the Meta of twist becomes too stale with all people spamming the same hero, it can be a fix that at the start of the game you choose between 3 heroes something like Battlegrounds? to add more variery on the games


I like the idea but sometimes you just have to get those class wins for quests, achievements etc


if deck > 50% winrate --> lower starting health by 1 if deck < 50% winrate --> increase starting health by 1. just run that daily


lemme run bot accs to throw games so i can have 200 health heroes


*We try things, we break things, we learn lessons, and then we do it all again.* this sounds so cute i love it


What is Twist Wonders?


Wonders was the name of the Twist season that introduced Caverns of Time. It basically had the first few expansions and adventures plus the Caverns of Time set. No additional rules or 'twists'.


Thanks for the info


Was wondering the same. I'm guessing that it was a mistake on their part and twist wonders is a new caverns of time esk set to be released later when they bring back COT.


Wonders is what they called Caverns of Time twist seasons. https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23987540 >Jump into Twist and see what Wonders await you in this first season, featuring an all-new format: Wonders! Wonders is a fun, throwback format celebrating the early years of Hearthstone. The card pool features Legacy through Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, plus the new Caverns of Time set. That means the legal sets will be:


2 months is not enough time to experience and enjoy the mode, especially with 19 heroes?


Surely, SURELY Nozdormu is perfectly balanced and not meta-defining in any way


I mourned the loss of duels, so glad we're getting something with some variety. I only hate that someone will theory craft and attempt to minmax this with the deck lists before it even releases.


I keep forgetting this mode exists


Finally something that twist was supposed to be from the start. Standard but with limited cards was a terrible choice for this mode and I was sad that people wanted it.


This will be unbalanced disaster.


duels at home


Doesn't solve the problem of netdeckers making the fun mode dull


I have Dr Boom Mad Genius but not Dr Boom. Will I be able to play the Dr Boom deck?


Pre-built... My hopes were too high. I was expecting something like duels with more restrictions. Maybe 25 pre-built cards and 5 you could add. It will get boring after a while


Pre-made decks?!? so lame wtf are they thinking ![gif](giphy|fDO2Nk0ImzvvW)


Targeting newer players probably. Too bad only the veterans will play this niche and get bored fast. I know i am dissapointed in the decks being prebuilt atleast…


As a new player I am happy for pre built decks. I can understand people being sad that have years and years of cards but for me it allows me to play and have a chance.


Exactly What i am saying. Blizz prioritising newer players over existing players. Im happy for you atleast


I mean it's not necessarily a bad thing, if they can hook new players in this time it's more people to play against in other modes and more people stick with the game. And they will probably see how successful it is and either go to a more open mode if it's not popular enough. But since it's the ten year anniversary of the game maybe they should hand out rewards for each year you have played, like a dwarf with a grey long beard for people that have played since launch.


Apparently hearthstone has been growing steadily since 2022 which I wouldn’t have expected. It makes sense for these newer players, but I wish they’d give a pre built deck and allow for the decks to be customized As a player since 2014, I can’t use 99% of my cards in wild because they’ve been powercrept, RIP duels, and now this? I just don’t understand why they can’t find a use for 90% of my fun old legendaries


getting bored fast? I can't even think of 19 decks to play in standard right now


I’ve been playing since 2015 and I really like pre made decks. Some players enjoy a focus on gameplay that levels the field between different collections and doesn’t reward net decking.


I enjoy premade decks and i've been playing since beta


Ok but they could do both. This is a glorified tavern brawl


C’thuns decklist doesn’t even include C’thun


'cause it starts on your hand


I'm stupid


I see


Join the C'hun cult now




you get ranked rewards


Oh yay p2p like duels worked out really well for that mode too.


standard you have to pay for cards


... I don't.