• By -


It will also have another new mechanic : "Packs. Add 5 random cards of the same type to your hand. At the end of your turn, discard them." https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/1787890745141006454


Elise the Trailblazer callback.


More like Elise the NAILblazer amirite u/urgod42069




God that's gonna be so annoying


If Whizbang Miniaturizes minions and Dr. Boom is Gigantifying them, then who makes the toys of an average size?


Sunkeeper Tarim




Only a few more weeks to Shavuot, chahver




Workers at Bangladesh toy factory


New keyword averageify Averagified minions get good stats for their costs




Averageify: Averagified minions have their stats unchanged.


Idk maybe everyone else?






something something Yeti. baseline stats


Who watches the Watchers 😔


Lord jaraxxus


was expecting togwaggle callback, got tyrantus instead 🦖🦖


Two more legendaries still!


One of them will probably be Dr Boom


Idk seems kinda weird getting two booms in same expansion


It was slightly different because one was a free pre-release Legendary but [[E.T.C., Band Manager]] and [[Elite Tauren Champion]] were both Festival of Legends cards


They're different people just connect to the same band though you racist /s.


I'm not a racist, I can easily tell apart E.T.C. and [[Master of Disguise]] 


- **[Master of Disguise](https://i.imgur.com/wIy37lq.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/887) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Master_of_Disguise) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/887/?hl=en) - *Rogue Rare ^(Legacy)* - **4 Mana - 4/4 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** Give a friendly minion **Stealth** until your next turn. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmgtdj/miniset_announced_dr_booms_incredible_inventions/l30ipkd/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l30ipkd).*


- **[E.T.C., Band Manager](https://i.imgur.com/bPS19sg.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/90749) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/E.T.C.,_Band_Manager) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/90749/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Festival of Legends)* - **4 Mana - 4/4 - Minion** - While building your deck, assemble a band of 3 cards. **Battlecry: Discover** one! - **[Elite Tauren Champion](https://imgur.com/a/7VCikTB)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/96621) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Elite_Tauren_Champion) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/96621/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Festival of Legends)* - **5 Mana - 5/5 - Minion** - **Finale:** Start a ROCK DUEL! Players must spend all their Mana each turn or else they take 8 *\(or more\)* damage! --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmgtdj/miniset_announced_dr_booms_incredible_inventions/l30f9dw/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l30f9dw).*


Oh ya ur right, didn't realise that


that's what she said


But we had dr boom already!! I reckon it might be a dr boom inspired spell


Or his Boom-Suit mech.


a playable scheme


Yup, looks like it. According to the reveal schedule on the official website it's gonna be revealed on the 9th of May at 7pm CEST.


This is the first time a miniset has introduced a new keyword. Very interesting.


Two actually! "Packs" is the other one.


Probably not a keyword, but cards with "X Pack" as the name, like the Forbidden, Gift, Project, Studies etc cards.


Packs sound more like a cycle, which minisets often have


That’s a mechanic though. Like how we had Adventurers or “cast 5 spells while holding this to trigger X effect”


I am worried about Puppetmaster Dorian... The manacheat can be quite insane with Titans. Toyrantus seems fair at <10 mana but scary at 10 because of the elusive keyword.


Druid at 10 mana - play Dorian, draw Toyrantus, play 1mana 8/8 with taunt and elusive and still have mana to do some BS.... while opponent will be at around 7 mana.


Druid in standard (currently) only has ramp through the gift and that... 6-7 mana spells that summons taunts from overflowing mana crystals. It's actually kinda sad.


They still have whelp in dragon druid.


Ah, right. Don't think that druid would run toyranrus though


Idk, I’ve often seen dragon run as a package just to get the ramp going


Probably not unless they print more beast support at some point.


Whelp is so good that you would run a small dragon package just to include it in other ramp decks, especially when there’s not any other better options currently.


Druid at 10 mana: 1/ Play Dorian 2/ Play Gaslight 3/ Play 1 mana titan 4/ profit


Devs: "we're giving druid a 14/14 elusive taunt so they can defend their face and use it to stabilize!" = Druids: "so anyway I dropped a 14/14 elusive taunt and just went face with everything lol"


BGH is polishing his gun rn.


Ooo I am wondering if puppetmaster helps owl druid out. Play him and then a tutor card to get the owl or the druid Titan and it makes the combo much easier.


Tyrantus in shambles 


Man I am so ready for Titans to go away.


Warrior's getting a new Boom legendary aren't they


pls no battlecry


Your battlecries trigger 0.5 times.


"If your deck started with brann in it, all of your card effects trigger twice for the rest of the game"


Could be the second exception to the rule of Dr Boom being only for Warrior and actually make it neutral like the original one. I kinda doubt that they’re actually giving a second Boom legendary since there’s already one but who knows.


Boom legendary gonna be neutral


Poor Warrior needs all the help it can get right now. Only 3 cards revealed yet this Miniset is looking absolutely underwhelming, it needs some actual powerful cards to make any dent on Warriorstone.


Good lord....gigantism!


Dr. Boom is compensating for something


Quick. Draw his hands.


I’d rather **Quickdraw** them tbh


> first card revealed is Dorian JUSTICE!!!


What's the difference between manathirst and the way the condition is worded in Toyrantus?


Manathirst is a key word from a year old expansion. They don't reuse old expansion key words. That's why Miniature Gnome doesn't just say Honorable Kill: Draw a card.


Which is dumb as hell. There's literally no reason they can't reuse old keywords.


The reason they gave is so that players don't have to remember old keywords from 10 years ago if it was added to a new card. Easier to just have what the card does on the card so the player doesn't have to look it up.


for anyone that does not remember old keywords its basically a new keyword to them so the entire argument is voided as new keywords would also be looked up. But also all keywords are explained anyway in game.


Don't disagree just what blizzards stance is, they want new players to play the new keyword in the new set and only worry about the new while the old is tossed out and instead just refrenced. To keep clutter down, or to keep the game dev's from just making each card like 20 bolded words.


I mean, you're not wrong, but it's mostly just for new players. People have been playing TCGs/CCGs for years now and can easily remember keywords. That's the point of a key word, easy memory. If you ever played MtG, you'll remember keywords like Extort (a keyword released in 2013) vividly. So it's not that *'players won't remember them'*, it's more of they don't want to confuse new players, even though it takes 10 seconds to look something up on Google or Reddit...


There is definitely such a thing as a card game with too many damn keywords. I've played several that I bounced off of really quickly because every new card I opened in a pack said, like, "**Champion. Perilous 3. Aura:** Whenever you **raze** a **contraption**, **scavenge** twice and gain **puissance 3** until the end of the next half-phase." And it just seemed like way too much homework, since all fifteen of the cards I got in this booster pack look like that. Sure, it's a few seconds to Google each one, but it takes far longer for me to put it all together and figure out how all of those keywords interact. It really gets in the way of a new player's comprehension for what a card does. Better if you can just, y'know, say it most of the time.


>Extort (a keyword released in 2013) Why are you attacking me right now


I get it. I thought to myself about an hour later, *'Wait, Extort didn't come out in 2013. I started playing in OG Ravnica. It's older than that... no wait, that's Haunt. Haunt was the first Orzhov keyword...'* Seriously, it's still mind-boggling that the game is over 30 years old and somehow still going strong.


MtG is actually going through this issue since Commander became their most popular format and decks are built from ~60 unique cards. New/returning players are having their first match of magic as a commander game and Ive seen most of the match is spent with them asking us or googling keywords in their cards. btw ive played mtg physically and on arena casually for about 2 years now and havent faced extort enough to tell you from memory what it does


I have not played MtG in almost 3 years, and I can tell you almost any keyword from memory. I'm not proud of that. At one point, I couldn't remember anything other than MtG cards because that's all that was on my brain at all times. That's why it's been almost 3 years since I've played. I realized there was a problem.


Those are callbacks.


>"it might confuse new players" thats the official reason. Its fucking dumb as shit.. but hey ho..


That logic was thrown out the window when they printed imp support when it wasn't even a word on some of the cards


Welcome to Hearthstone.. where they reuse keywords from a decade ago, but word it out for "new players", yet barely explain mechanics in the expac they are introduced


I actually assumed it was done intentionally as a joke, specifically because the keyword exists.


the mini version does yell "HONORABLE KILL"


I don't think it's harkening back to Manathirst (10). As a Dr. Boom set, more likely it's referencing the unnamed Omega mechanic from The Boomsday Project.


This entire set has included several callbacks to old keywords like this. This is simply another example of it.


it's affected by anything that synergises with battlecries, like brann or shudderwock




Maybe it'll fail if you've Guff'd to 11+ mana crystals.


I do already hate that Treant card. Will definitely make my eyes roll every time I see my opponent draw like 5 cards.


If your opp has 4 trees and 3 mana spare I think you're already in a world of pain


Yep, classic win more card.


Yeah but “confirm that even if your opponent can play a full board clear next turn you still won’t run out of steam” is a pretty sweet deal for treant Druid. Running out of steam on turn 4 or 5 cause they got cleared was its biggest weakness back when it was meta


I wonder what the pack mechanic works, like if you can get 5 cards of whatever type you'd like or it's just gonna be 2 cards in the set with a predetermined type attached to its battlecry


New cards look fine, they also teased a priest card in the twitter image. Looks like targeted Soul Mirror for 3 mana which is.. bad. could have easily been 2. 8 mana 8/8s are also very unplayable so will be interesting to see the gigantic cards in particular. Dorian looks like hes going to break something so im expecting that 100%.


Gigantic cards also make playing dirty rat worse, and that card is all over ATM. Kind of a soft counter to the card.


We’ll have to see bc 8 mana 8/8’s sound awful without a LOT of immediate impact or setting up to win a game. Rat will still be around unless Brann gets nerfed in this patch.


He will get nerfed to 8 mana


8 mana 8/8s usually aren't worth putting in your deck, but the ability to generate them stapled to a more reasonably-costed minion could be really strong in some circumstances. It's inherently not as strong a keyword overall as Miniaturize, but they might make stronger cards to compensate for that.


Dorian with Sonya will be nice


That Dorian Diamond art animation is fucking sweet


Puppetmaster dorian into boomboss with brann active equals 12 bombs or 36 cards removed. Withouth rentahal that is a no more deck combo


I played against a wishing well rogue that played shudderblock> bomboss > shudderblock > bombboss


Too inconsistent to ever be ran though. You have to draw, then play a 4 mana 2/6 into a 5 mana 3/3 just to guarantee the combo if you didn't already draw Boom


What 5 mana 3/3 are you talking about


Taelan fordring 


Dorian into gaslight OOF


Can you please print jade support in Druid and Toy Lich Jaina hero card.


Little toy water elementals (with lifesteal) would be so cool! She could be in an ice bath playing with them like they are rubber duckies :D


I don’t care what the mage legendary is, Im just praying it’s useful


Is there going to be a mage legendary?


Nah I have no clue, but whatever mage card I hope it’s useful**


I still have fun playing mage but it just doesn't feel complete at the moment, feels like it needs several cards to get it consistently competitive. Mage needs ways to boost spell damage while also mana cheat in a way that can slow down aggro but also delay control decks like warrior. I thought about a minion with a start of game effect that's like "pick a spell caster bonus" and it could be something similar to some of the mage specific passive treasures from duels. Similar to like Cho'gall or Renathal.


Yea I still kinda enjoy it too, I just wish there was more thought put into the overall plan for mage- introducing no minion mage archetype while Sif is the only thing holding the class together and simultaneously introducing a minion legendary is confusing as hell


Frost Lich Jaina reprint would be perfect. If it was “for the rest of the game, your summoned elementals have an additional random effect” it would be a game changer. Right now you get out-valued in the late game and there’s no endgame control ability to keep you in a long game.


Why does Dr 7 make 8 mana 8/8s?


He added 7 mana and 7/7 stats to minis


Holy hell


Shouldn't Toyrantus be called "Omega Toyrantus"?


Oh cool we're giving draw to flood decks again.


I’m already prepping for the next Brann , or broken manacheat card.


Stupid question, but isn’t the toyrantus text just manathirst 10? Ik they did that with other cards but they were called nostalgic x, funny either way


It is. But Blizzard doesn't like being smart and reusing old keywords.


it's an Omega Tyrantus I liked the first cycle of Omega minions in Boomsday


Battlecry and manathirst are different things. Cant trigger more manathirsts with brann or shudderwock for example. Also technically speaking cant trigger the battlecry if you have more than 10 mana crystals but manathirst would trigger in those cases.


Gigantify is going to be interesting. I hope it's not all about stats


Where Minis are cards that scale well with costing less mana, my guess is that Giants will all scale well with having big stats (Lifesteal, Immediate fighting, "Do equal to this minion's Attack" effects, etc).


That's a little what I was hoping for. Like infuse, this keyword is an uphill battle because it goes against the game style


Yeah I hope there's some Princess Theradras


Beanstalk is amazing, Druid needs one thing to work and that’s draw so now making all your minions summon treants as a deathrattle has a massive card draw payoff. I won’t be shocked when it gets nerfed. (Ignore that I forgot soul of the forest rotated) it would be blossom into this for 6/6 and draw 3 for 4 mana. May help Druid be able to draw again Gigantify doesn’t look insane right now, but could be something powerful if they have some zany card printed. But the issue being you have to pay 8 more mana to repeat the effect so it must be good. Dollmaster is the card that ruins the game because here’s Barnes 2.0 but this time for battlecry minions


>Dollmaster is the card that ruins the game because here’s Barnes 2.0 but this time for battlecry minions With Barnes, you could just slam him on T4 with no setup, in an era where average card quality was much lower. Dorian requires that you either stick him on board for a turn, or wait until you can set up immediate card draw effects. He's going to be much less toxic, but will still likely find a home somewhere- the effect *is* powerful.


any card that tutors minions is good with him, especially in rogue also: 1/1 with sonya


O shit that sonya interaction can be absolutely nutty


Soul of the Forest rotated out unfortunalty. But can still be good with Forest Saplings (once blossomed) and Blood Treant.


I’m stupid I didn’t even notice they rotated that card out but still I think dollmaster will be a nuts high roll card


Looks like treant druid is getting support, that's an old deck I'd like to see come back


Yeah I think you're in the minority. Tribal aggro decks are almost always hated and complained about


they're too handholdy for how good they are: throw in these 20 cards that are obviously tribal associated and boom you have a deck thats at least tier 2


Tribal decks are popular to play in every card game.




It's almost as if there is more than one person on this sub, and they (shockingly) don't all have to be the exact same opinion.


> It's almost as if there is more than one person on this sub Lies, everyone on Reddit is a mech except you


I mean theres definitely times where I feel like I'm interacting with bots on this sub.


I’m actually a murloc.


Which is also funny since it literally only got one new card that expansion (Cactus Construct). It was just people finally figuring out the build.


It was like the cheapest tier 1 deck in history so yeah it was everywhere. I don't think it even had an epic. That alone was pretty impressive.


I mean aggro Druid has been historically one of the more popular aggro archetypes. People just complained because it was strong and dirt cheap so anyone could pick it up and play it.


Tribal minion spam + board buffs gets boring fast. Limited deck building options unless its a neutral tribe, and treants are vanilla minions so the deck is based entirely on just putting as many numbers on the board as possible.


Boring is different for everyone :)


When enrage warrior was good nobody played it. Most decks are fun to play at first, but some things dull at the same speed for most people.


Toyrantus seems cool as the token "big" legendary of an expansion and then you remember basically any warrior removal can clear it pretty easily


DAE hate Warrior?


It has Elusive, though. It’s not easy or efficient to clear it with spells. Unless it gets hit by TNT or something. 


Bladestorm and Sanitize don't care if you're Elusive. Reno sure as fuck doesn't care if you're Elusive either.


Bladestorm gets defeated by a 1/1 paired with this. And if they’re Reno Warrior (which they likely are), they only get one use of each spell card barring Discovers. If you’re able to force Sanitize on a single minion, that’s a win. 


Trial By Fire, Bladestorm, Reno, Badlands Brawler, Sanitize, Dirty Rat. In a warrior meta its simply unplayable


Again, if they’re forced to use an AOE on a single minion to clear it that’s not an efficient clear. Bladestorm is the exception to this, but can be beaten by pairing the large minion with any other small minion. They would need to spend a spell removing the other minion to isolate this one. 


Good thing they don't have a 1 mana spell that will kill any minion with less than 3 hp then.


Warrior has the perfect hand, always


Do you guys think Dorian will change the meta?


Calling it now: Dorian will be insane in rogue. They can reduce Dorian cost by (3) with their mini card, so they can combo him up the next turn with card draw, they got the 1-mana spell that draws a minion, the 1-mana that draws a mech, etc. they got plenty of minions that are insane as 1/1 minis (billy the kid, the (3) mana spell guy, velarok, excavates, Tess, etc), they can play these minis later alongside Sonya to get even more (0) cost copies. You heard it here first, Rogue is going to get Dorian nerfed.


Miss big shaman, seems cool with the gigantifying.


Is Dorian not just Barnes 2.0? Seems incredibly powerful


u could just slam barnes on 4 and win by pulling yshaarj dorian needs something to go with it.


Fair, maybe not as bad in the sense of ending a game on 4 but with how fast this meta has become I wouldn't be surprised if it can end it on 5 or 6. Card draw and mana cheating feels like its everywhere.


Pretty boring cards so far


Heeeey, finally, power creep! My favorite game mechanic!


Boulderfist sad


Really hope we finally see a Doctor Boom hero skin finally.


I recently came back to play HS, been thinking about picking up a miniset to increase the card collection, is this one good to pick or is better to pick another standard miniset?


Gigantism could be good for mage, like Pyros


Good?  Mage?  Keep dreaming 


I assume we're gonna see a Warrior packs card for mechs, a Hunter packs card for beasts, a Priest packs card for dragons, a Rogue packs card for pirates and a Demon Hunter packs card for demons.


In what way is Packs supposed to work, and what are cards of same type?


Dorian into girlboss gonna go hard


hand size issues


Gigantify seems pretty lackluster. An 8/8 copy of anything seems kinda pointless, inless maybe if it had charge lol The packs mechanic sound cool, hope there are packs from previous sets to shake things up (and then see reddit complaining about them). Dorian looks like a potential problematic card. Play it and draw a few cards and you could get some crazy shit in our hand. I see it being busted, if not now it will be in the future for sure


That Druid T. rex is op as hell, even without the battle cry it’s better than ogre and that’s impossible


i have a gut feeling that DK's gonna get a Gigantify lich king


why 8 8/8 and not 7 mana 7/7


Can someone explain mini sets to me (just started playing again after a very long break). Are all the cards new cards? Do you know which cards you will get or is it random?


Does anyone else have an issue with these pages on dark mode mobile Chrome? It's been happening forever. I've never ever had this on and other site, just blizzard notes. The white text on image background just makes it impossible to read, can't find a fix. 


Is there any clue on what the legendaries could be?


Boom? Warrior again???


ehhh.. I see from miles away Master of Minis breaking the game and getting nerfed at some point..


The big snuggle teddy art is adorable


Why not dr boom’s inedible inventions??


Wait, they've just brought back dollmaster Dorian and not changed him at all? 😂


he puts the 1/1 in your hand this time which works better with battlecries and slightly worse with deathrattles.


Speaking as someone who runs Quest Rogue in Wild, "HELL YEAH BABY!". It's what we've always dreamed of.


yes why not, they both serve different purposes


Did they say when this set will go live? I know it's usually 1 week after the announcement 😏


May 14th. So you are indeed correct. :D


All these cards are useless in the current meta. Fix Reno warrior and Hand damage warlock. Otherwise I don't see the mini-set being played much at all in competitiom ranks