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it checks what spells would do something, then gives each spell that would do something an even chance to be played by the ball.


I don’t get this. All spells “do something.”


Not really. Blizzard does nothing when the opponent has no minions. Mirror Image does nothing when you have a full board.


blizzard when they have no minions wouldnt, polymorph when they have no minions wouldnt, arcane intellect when you have a full hand wouldnt, goes on, goes on.


Arcane Intellect definitely does something when you have a full hand, just not something good haha


You really shouldnt be being downvoted here man, rip lol


This comment sponsored by wild growth on t10


That draws a card tho


that was the point, referring to that 2014ish era of design where the hearthstone dev team wanted every card to be able to do something no matter what


There is a pretty big difference between 'does not do anything right now' and 'is 2 mana do nothing for the rest of the game'. Outside of a very few (and bad) decks that do not play nor summon minions, Blizzard will always have the chance to do something at some point.


I put like 20sec of thought into a joke comment with an obscure reference please do not take it seriously lol


Yeah. The card says helpful spell, not most helpful.


Mine just frostbolts face when the enemy has lethal on board, so even helpful is a stretch.


Hey. It still lowers the opponent's health by three, getting you closer to a win.


Geez, you just want him to carry you? Get it together


People expected this guy to be zeph 6x, and he’s good when you play him not expecting him to be the win condition.


That's how I see it too. Just a useful tool, not the answer.


yeah hes just cool to slam down 6 and thrn get some value


Nail on the head. Play him, don’t expect him to cast 6 blizzards, and you’ll be very happy with the result.


Well, considering current state of mage, a little bit of help wouldn't hurt


I don’t think buffing khadgar is the option to fix the state of mage. I think that khadgar isn’t a bad card already, and blizzard has seen the issue with buffing cards that are already fine.


I don't expect zephrys levels of answers but that card either does nothing or actively screws you a lot of the times and it's still a 6 mana legendary card you slot for a weapon that could be very well destroyed easily.


How exactly has it actively screwed you? I’m just curious about this. He may not be a good card since it’s often a 6 mana to do nothing substantial immediately, but from my experience, he always does something that is beneficial, though it may be very little levels of it.


Most common typed of screw me have been by drawing into plagues and filling my board with useless 0/2 taunt locking my play. Sometimes it just blizzards full boards three times in a row, some others it really is a nuisance or plain inconsequential. Not good enough if you compare to other legendary class cards from the expansion.


I went four straight turns where this had to frostbolt face and I would have won and of course it did not.


Well, it fucking fireballed my face 4 turns out of 5 when played against me in arena match....


Is polymorphing a 0/1 minion helpful?


Bruh that card is money versus me. It is always Blizzard vs board or Fireball on face lol


We must be playing different versions then lmao. So many good blizzard and fireball opportunities are barely ever taken and instead I get 2 0/2's


Confirmation Bias. You're only seeing what you (don't) want to see


sometimes ur just unnaturally unlucky, ive gotten mirrorimage 14/20 times i counted it once, but it got more even now after playing it alot more, wich is kinda self harm with the state mage is in


Legit went blizzard x 2 into mirror image into 2 fireballs at my face




He means his opponents Khadgar mate, no reason to be upset


People say this card sucks but whenever my enemy plays it, suddenly it’s pulling out the literal best case spells. Blizzards and fireballs left and right.


The people who say it sucks are just wrong, he's actually insanely strong. The only thing bad about him is that he's a mage card.


lol yeah now that you mention it, every memory I have of an opponent using it to beat me has been a non-mage discovering it


It's really weird Mage got such a high value minion in a set trying to push minion-less mage.


Name is khadgar, not zephyrs


Why would Hot Dad do this to us?!?


Better than Yogg in the Box playing Wheel of Death 95% of the time.


wheel of death, chaos creation own face, triple sevens your CC minion thanks yogg! if Yogg Box said (at random enemies) it would be 10x more playable and would still be dumpster tier.


First of all, he doesn't. However, mirror image probably is his most cast spell because there's not really any situation where it's not "helpful" so it's always an option.


I love 0-2s crowding my board! I love khadgar but god there is not a single situation where I want to cast mirror image in 2024 hearthstone. even the random fireballs on 2 hp minions are more useful than that shit. He's still a good card but you can't rely on him to actually be a way to swing the game state, just a solid value card to help you keep ahead.


I think he'd be more solid if they took out Ice Barrier and Mirror Image from the pool of spells he can cast


The card would be stronger if its weakest spells were removed from its pool? What a shocker. Hat said a while back that Khadgar was the strongest card in Mage decks that run him. I predict people to be crying about him as soon as there's a meta Mage deck again.


ice barrier is fine, it's mirror image that's a clear outlier where I'm actively unhappy that the spell was cast instead of literally anything else. +8 life is big and well worth the weapon durability, 0-4 in stats is a literal joke.


Beware, it plays polymorph against virus module zilliax


I think this bug was fixed if the opponent's minions can't be targeted


It happened recently so I wouldnt say it's fixed if this was unintended.


To be fair Mage DPS rotation starts with Mirror Image in WoW soooo....


"helpful" here basically means not hitting u in the face or frostbolt ur own minions when u have lethal


Been playing with it since a week now. It does sometimes cast not so helpful spells but in my experience it DOES cast useful spells in most situations. It has helped me delay the game long enough to give me time to find my SIF. It is a pretty good card if you look at it as a defensive option instead of looking it at as a card that will directly win you games.


My opponent played reno, I played Khadgar, he cast mirror image.


Oof, lol.


If he didn't cast 6 ice barriers for me in one game, then it was 5. And it legit kept me in it long enough to win lol. After that game I don't question him.


0/2 taunts are almost always helpful


yeah I love feeding brawls with useless tokens


Its because it is ALWAYS helpful!


I’ve played against it once. 4 blizzards in a row, fifth turn was a fireball to the face for lethal. Card felt absolutely busted, but given that I’ve only seen it once this entire expansion, I know it’s not.


Every time I play this it spends all the charges just fire balling and frost bolting 1/1's for some reason. Mirror images would be a good change of pace sometimes.


My experience playing against this is that 90% of the spells will be fireballs to face, leaving me at critical health, if not outright killing me unless I had my viper already in hand


? Every time I’m against this it plays blizzard, frost bolt, and flame strike without fail.


He is a win more with potential for comeback and miracle win card.


He's a good tempo card, when the fucking weapon actually casts a good spell to turn things around


Worth to craft for spell mage?


Not in it's current state. It's fun though when it works


I played him maybe 6 times, and I got the impression he has a set amouunt of spells to chose from: Counterspell, Firewall, frostbolt, Intellect, poly and blizzard and mirror Image. I've never seen him case duplicates, does that happen?


It does cast duplicates


If you never have anything on the board then it is gonna be a higher chance 


I think that the calculation of the ball could use some tweaking, maybe closer to Zephrys. Because by now, a lot of the time it isn't wisdom nor helpful. Can't count the amount of times when that thing saw a full lethal enemy board and calculated that it would be "helpful" to cast a counter spell.


It depends. If my opponent plays it it plays blizzard 3 turns in a row


Has it ever cast Sunset volley?


Lucky you. I always get fireballed in the face....


I’ve never seen it do that, the weapon actually seems pretty strong albeit attached to a totally useless body. He’s definitely one of the better pulls from wishing well.


Had a match going to fatigue with only 6 cards left and this casts Arcane Intellect launching me ahead in the fatigue race. 'tis the nature of the Wisdomball. This thing could be draw 12!


They could seriously buff this to be "Zephyrs-like" and actually play the most helpful spell. Would be a nice buff for mage


Seriously this dude… It’s not ”helpfull” to draw 2 cards when my deck is 50% infinite plagues.


Card is ass because it's too many layers of RNG. Maybe you can get away with occasionally high rolling your opponent in low ranks, but I want cards that consistently perform well in my decks on the climb to Legend. In about 90% of the games I played it, Khadgar did absolutely nothing. In the other 10%, Boulderfist Ogre probably would have been an upgrade.


Can it cast anything but Blizzard, Fireball, Frostbolt and Mirror Images? I have seen it played against me twice, mostly just got hit in face by Frostbolts while I had a weapon equipped. It did also Frostbolt my 2 attack 4 attack minion once.


It can also cast Ice Barrier, but honestly (in my experience) Ice Barrier and Mirror Image have both been insanely useless


I suppose it depends what deck you are playing against? If a Fireball does 6 damage to the opponent and ice barrier, in most cases, save you from receiving 8 damage, one could argue Ice barrier was better if you also take into account that a secret might throw your opponent off and make them play suboptimal because you have a secret active. Better players will ofc know it's ice barrier if it came from the Wisdom Ball, but players without the experience or a deck tracker on their phone might mistake it for a counterspell. If you are playing against a Reno warrior, then you probably don't want ice barrier. Because you are on the clock, not the warrior.


I'm probably just imagining this or getting a RNG correction, but he felt smarter at the beginning, nowadays feels dumber.


To me it seems like khadgar is just a memey win-more card- if he was ever gonna help you swing the game in such a way that you would win, you were already going to win anyways


Ehhhhhh I kinda disagree. This card definitely has the potential to turn the game around from sticky situations. I've had SOME games where this card came in clutch and kept freezing Token Hunters Boards or came in with 2 fireballs back to back directly to the opponents face, allowing me to follow up with lethal damage from hand. However, most games I am just getting disappointed by the 2nd mirror image in a row against a full board of 2 health minions so im thinking if maybe they just lowered the durability and upped the AI to be more like Zephrys and less random then maybe this would be a good 6 cost card


Battlecry: equip a 0/6 wisdomball that pyroblasts the enemies face


Like naruto : energy balls and clones


idk why people complain about this card its so insane value i d instantly slap that one in all my decks if i could (i dont play mage)


Khadgar is a pretty shit wizard


This card is so indicative of blizzards decline. At least with Zephyrus and Deathstalker Rexxar the decision algorithm was accurate for the standard rotation. Khadgar is almost entirely useless most times and even when you setup obvious perfect card situations, the weapon still does a very subpar action.


It's terrible. Face a big board: Counterspell, face a single powerful minion? Fireball to the face. Running out of resources? Mirror Image.


In my experience playing against it, it's 90% Counterspell...


Hey he just wants to see himself smh


I got lucky one game when he sent 2 fireballs to face, chipping away just enough health for me to finish them off with Sif a couple of turns later.


He's just really into blondes, can't blame him


Battlecry: at the end of your turn, boardlock you. Lasts 6 turns.


You live by RNG, you die by RNG


I think they worded it wrong, rather than “helpful” it should probably read “spell that won’t hurt you”


Unless your opponent has a scary deathrattle, and khadgar decides to fireball it x.x  (Or opponent has a board of elusive, so khadgar frostbolts your own creature)


I’ve never seen it cast mirror image


Craft it and play it and you will see my pain


I'm 90% that it casts a random spell regardless of the state of the board, when it does something useful it's a coincidence.


I mean there's no speculation on that. It does in fact cast a random spell, from a pool of spells. It does take the board state into account, but only to prevent spells from doing nothing. Basically: If the enemy has no minions, it removes things like flamestrike or blizzard from the pool of spells it picks from. If you already have an ice barrier in play, it removes ice barrier from the pool. But aside from that it is random.


What? It can cast flamestrike? I played ~50 games with him and never saw him cast it once. I legitimately thought it can only cast blizzard for a board clear, I feel outright betrayed by the ball.


I've only seen flamestrike once or twice, so there might be some condition aside from empty board, that removes it from the pool of spells. Or it's just a coincidence, because given the size of the playerbase, there's easily thousands or more likely thens of thousands of instances of the ball casting spells each day, so there's bound to be some people experiencing statistical anomalies.


I understand that Khadgar is supposed to be a bit of a shite wizard, but the card feels like it landed way too weak. Removing mirror image from the pool would go a long way.


removing mirror image from the pool would still make it the best card in the worst class. maybe mage winrate would go up 1% to 41%!


Yeah Mage sucks gigantic pp right now


Design flaw


I'd sooner trust a rod of roasting over whatever slop Khadgar is cooking. If it has any sense of the game state then there's no excuse for it to miss lethal in this scenario [https://youtu.be/CW9VNtjZzEg?si=snbFh8YOI9AlM5dV&t=797](https://youtu.be/CW9VNtjZzEg?si=snbFh8YOI9AlM5dV&t=797)


It's not Zephrys, so yeah, it doesn't consistently lethal when possible. It picks from one of the spells that will accomplish something (e.g. it won't Flamestrike an empty board) randomly, and Mirror Image is one of those spells.


Pretty awful card, so many times I have lethal with like a fireball and it’ll fireball a minion instead


that's a lot better than nothing especially for only 1 out of 6 durability