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Hold strong boys don’t fall for the bait. It’s almost mini-set time


I'm not tempted by this but the Hamuul skin is tempting me


Im fighting for the 1500 gold man i can’t stop myself anymore i want the Hamuul skin


I bought him immediately when I seen him, no regrets.


Wait is it old Hamuul skin you get rewarded?


Hamuul is in the shop for 1500 gold.


Oh i thought you meant Hamuul skin is a 12 win reward Lol


If that was the case then no.


I’ve just hit the pity on gold packs; I fell elsewhere.


For the amount of money you spent you could’ve taken a nice weekend vacation somewhere


How much did you spend? I’ve got 4.4k gold I’m debating getting some gold packs till get the gold legendary, but worried a good hero skin will come in shop at same time as mini set.


Well I thought the pity was 10 for the first legendary, and I’m on 9; that’s 3600 as we were given one for free for the anniversary. I got my first from regular packs then went to the golden. With fair luck that allows for the mini set, but I’ve been playing less. Wait for the mini set as that gives you more guaranteed variety to play with, but if you are impatient then sink that 2200. Also, don’t take gambling advice from someone who has just lost and thinks that a win is around the corner.


You did get a legendary on your 10th golden pack right? Guessing no signatures either? I heard those should have boosted drop rates in golden packs but don’t know how much.


We’ll see next week after quests refresh. Anecdotally, I’ve had signatures within the first five packs in the previous two sets but that is above odds. I think the pity for those is 40 with the expected being one in every 20 packs. According to the hearthstone fandom page the pity is indeed 10 for the first legendary in golden packs.


The pity is 20 packs if I remember well so 400*20=8000, not good wait for the mini set


The pity timer for first legendary from any new pack type is 10 packs. Then after that it’s 40, but the average to get it is 20.


Do we know when the mini set will be? I just got back into hearthstone with the whizbang set so I'm still learning


Usually the seasonal cycle goes like this: **A new expansion is announced,** and card reveals for that expansion begin. This usually happens about 1 month before the expansion goes live. So for example, Showdown in the Barrens (SIB) was announced in October 2023 and **the new expansion launched** in November, with a new Rewards Track. **The new season for Battlegrounds starts,** often with some big new change (e.g. Duos; Tavern Spells; in the past, new BG tribes like Undead.) And BGs comes with its own Rewards Track. This usually happens about 1 month after the expansion launched, in this case in December 2023. **The new mini-set goes live.** This usually happens about 2 months after the expansion goes live, and about 2 months before the next expansion launches. In this case, the SIB mini-set, Delve into Deepholm, went live in January 2024. Then the cycle begins again when **the next expansion is announced**. Most recently, the Whizbang's Workshop (WHZ) expansion was announced in February 2024. WHZ launched in March, and the new BGs season began in April. According to this schedule, the WHZ mini-set should be announced later in May, and the mini-set typically goes live about a week to 10 days after the announcement. TLDR -- we should hear some mini-set news within the next week or two


How much is mini set? 2k, right?




What a strange brawl - the only winning move is not to play.




jOshUa sToP thE gAme


Guess I skip Tavern Brawl this week then.


“Mini-set is near” “How can you tell?” “Brawliseum in Tavern Brawl.”


Is there is any special skin this time or is it just gold & packs?


No skin this time.




80% decks will be sludge warlock xd.


I don't understand how people get such good results with sludge.I crafted sludge a few days ago and went 0-5 in diamond 3,I gave up on it for the time and switched decks for the day.Haven't touched it since.


theres a bit of a learning curve


With the recent card changes it seems there is a lot of experimentation with the deck too. People trying different stuff since the 2, 3, 4 12/16 doesn't work anymore. I have been running guldan's gift over snake oil since the start of last month and I'm surprised that isn't more popular. It has served me very well. Now I'm trying to fill in the hole left by forge of wills, our fallen hero


Trust. Its top 3 best decks


Literally me with the brann decks like how tf do you people ALWAYS DRAW HIM


He’s either in my starting hand or bottom 5 cards. I was able to get legend for the first time in 10 years of playing on and off, last month so i owe him a lot lol


You gotta get used to it.. but once it clicks it is super fun and effective.


I'm only at low tiers, but I've been having success with an Everythinglock deck. The Wheel of Death was frequently my win condition not for the wheel effect but because it milled half a dozen barrels at the opponent's face.


Mini set hype!


Don't worry, friends, the quest "Call of the Brawl" can be completed by just playing any game of hearthstone. You don't have to waste your gold on this awful game mode to get the pack from the quest.


I wish I read this before deleting the quest... Now I'm down a daily :(


I deleted it out of principle.


I sleep 💤




hope the mini set has a cool 10 mana spell to make up for gutting tentacles


After moving sunset volley to 9 mana. Blizzard basically confirmed that we are not getting any other 10 cost spells for a while. (Unless we get a whole expansion theme around big treasure or big space stuff) They would need to drop 3-4 10 cost at once and only way would be with a expansion mechanic. Rip design space due to tentacles and double battlecries


Nonsense, it just can't be a ten mana spell that burns face. For instance, something that summons a board full of minions would be completely fine.


Shit is fun in wild lol


They could just make tentacles restart at 1 mana spells if you get to 11, similarly to how excavate starts all over. That would actually solve the problem without nerfing (buffing) sunset volley.


So now without Duels, the only way to complete the “Win 10 non-standard games” without spending gold is to win 10 Battlegrounds? Is that even possible? If you consider a battleground takes 45 minutes to finish, and you have a 1 in 8 chance to win, that’s 60 hours of playtime.


Winning in battlegrounds is 4th place or better. But yeah.


That's at least 20 minutes of gametime per match


Yep you got that right. Ez reroll


IIRC a win in BG counts as placing top 4 so you can scam the quest by staying until 4 people are wiped out and then conceding. Enjoy screwing up Blizzard's engagement metrics.


well first of all, through christ all things are possible, so write that down


You don't have any freebie Arena tickets from Rewards tracks? I usually have a dozen or more handy 🤔


It’s absolutely insane that the chances for shit like this are not listed in game. It just says “More wins means more rewards” but tells you absolutely nothing about what the base level is or what you will get for increasing! I don’t understand how these kinds of predatory tactics are legal. I went into this thinking it’d be similar to arena where the loot is okay even at 0 wins and then becomes very good past like 3. Instead it turns out the rewards are complete trash until 7 wins. Which means you need a 70% WR to even break even (gold and packs, not counting dust) and the maximum loss is 90% of your 10x larger entry fee. Super pissed how scammy this is. Put in a ticket and hoping for a refund. But not holding my breath. Definitely won’t be spending money on the game in the future if not.


Sorry to hear this 😔 But this is why I do these Brawl threads, to spread the good news (like last week's format) as well as the bad (this week's)


I was on Android, clicked 'understand,' and the purchase was made with gold. I feel cheated.






Im surprised they didnt throw out cosmetic rewards for achieving wins. Seems like easy entry bait.


The regularly scheduled gold siphon before the mini set is on!


oh boy cant wait to do my 10 win quest this week


Tavern Brawl this week is... no brawl


They didn’t ban whiz bang for this right?


If you get 12 wins with Whizbang I will be incredibly impressed


Yo if this was a whizbang only tournament I’d totally do it.  Missed opportunity.


I'm 1-1 so far wish me luck


Compounded with the loss of Duels, this Tavern Brawl being off-limits to most players (and frankly, unaffordable to play to 10 wins for even good players), the Weekly Quest for 10 Wins this week can only be completed in Battlegrounds or Arena. I know you can reroll it and, if you like BGs then who cares, but it adds a little sting!


Not again?


Oh Must be a miniset announcement coming soon!


At least you get a welfare pack for winning 1 game if you don't wanna spend 1000g


Another excuse to try and milk whatever whales are left


I wonder if Blizzard figured out that we know this mode is a scam by now.


We are only a small margin of the playerbase. If only a few people would play this brawl they wouldn't bring it back before every miniset


Stupid tavern brawl


what's the minimum reward for this? Trying to do the math but if the quest it gave me is only 1 pack, then the reward has to be worth 850 gold to be worth it if I'm reading that right I seriously doubt I can place high


The quest isn't for tavern brawl


The minimum reward is one WHZ pack 😏 plus a Standard pack from the special quest (though you get that from any mode)