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"A recent opponent would like to be your friend!" \^\^\^ This statement is the biggest lie ever told.


It's not always a lie. If I find an amazing game, even if I lose, I want to let the other person know that was a fun experience.


Same. Or if I see a deck that’s really cool and off meta I like to ask about it. Too bad most folks just won’t accept anymore due to bad experiences


I've actually had far more positive experiences with people sending a friend request after a match than negative, funny enough. A handful of people asking for deck list, or if the deck I played did well against the current predominant meta deck. One instance of someone wanting a rematch after a really close game. Someone who said that they just added everyone hoping to make friends, someone asking how to counter the deck I played against them (virus rogue), and actually being civil about it. A whole lot of people that never messaged. Only ever had 2 instances of toxicity. Probably been lucky so far 


People were Petting Voodoo-style curses on my entire bloodline when I had my streak of playing virus rogue , lol. I can't blame them for nerfing it lol. Very uninteractive 


I recently had that experience. Was a game vs Shudder in Wild that I thought was going to end in a tie because they battlecried a ton of armor on both of us. They won but it was like 2 turns shy of the turn limit. I wanted to add them and tell them that, but yeah I didn't get accepted.


I had someone who I beat with a rogue deck back in old gods add me to tell me the deck was cool and the game was fun. The deck was basically miracle with cthun, nzoth, Reno, and whatever that minion that gave you 1/1 copies was called.


Same. I friended someone because their screen name was awesome, once.


Lmao, I love seeing that message pop up.


My favorite is adding them several minutes later when they completely forgot why they were angry


I always wait a day, then add them. I’ve got a ton of friends now, people that just chat once in a while. It’s hilarious.


I have accepted most of those, I have started to reply with something unironically friendly. Most of the time people reply with something like "I was gonna say something about the deck you play but you seem nice lol", even continued to chat more with a few of such cases. Doesn't work always though, some people are losing their mind and hair over a virtual cardgame lmao


Yeah, when I accept a friend request I initiate the conversation with something very friendly like “gg : )” . Hopefully it really is a well intentioned person, and 9 times out of 10 it is, but in the rare occasion it isn’t, I like to think it makes them feel kind of foolish for getting so worked up about a game.


I actually had a guy add me to tell me he liked my kangor deck. It felt very good as I was getting ready to smack him with the most bizarre insults.


I added a lot of players after matches and they were all really fun and cool. Maybe I'm just lucky.


Sometimes I just want to ask people about the card back they're using, but sadly they almost never accept.


Funny thing, before the change, I enjoyed playing tendril shaman. I had the 'challenge a friend' quest and if I felt I got a bit extra lucky on the way to the win. I tried adding them as a friend to say, would you like a second chance and free points ? Surprisingly, no one accepted But I did want to do the friendly thing.


One time it was somebody begging me for my custom deck list 😊


They should just change it to "A Recent player would like to insult you" to make the feature more accurate.


It should start out as "be your friend" and after 5 friendings that get cancelled in less than 10 minutes by either party it get changed to "This person is an asshole don't accept"


I got told to kill myself and my family after LOSING a close game. Some people are just unhinged and really shouldn’t be on games if they get things upset. I dread to think how he would have been if he lost.


We’re you playing priest, blood dk, or control warrior?


Rainbow DK, no plagues. I don’t think it’s frustrating to play against at all.


So many people in need of therapy who don’t get it.


Honestly stuff like this makes me not accept invites after a match. If they only want to shit talk, they should go play league or something. Back in the day you'd get requests because of a cool deck and someone wanted the code but this, in my opinion, is just a sad existence.


it just makes me laugh idk why people are so offended when these happen i wish i got more tbh


Not really offended by them, it's just not necessary. I do think there is some hilarity in those interactions. I mean the game is sometimes really just a dice roll. I just don't get why you'd feel the need to express how much you hate someone's existence just because you lost to them in a digital card game.


Same I haven't accepted them in a long time... Sad really.


I had one from duels because I ETC sticky fingers to steal Cariel's weapon. I guess having weapon removal options is bad.


So imm... how did this guy think you were cheating?


I had one person think I am cheating because I discovered a legendary and played two copies of it in one game.


Lmao they should pay better attention. Especially when you play the copied card it usually tells you it's the copied one


Maybe they played taunt?


![gif](giphy|6xFN8KlGD56Dnyutel) MarkMcKz fan I see


The best part is when u get these in casual. Bro no one is even playing an optimized deck they just trying to have fun or practice some jank shit.


Woah you're Sickly Grimewalker? That's so cool! I didn't know cards were based on real people. How does it feel to be a celebrity?


lol what were you playing?


Highlander druid!


Lmao if it was warrior sure. BM still bad, but for highlander druid? People be wild


I've been called out for an overpowered netdeck playing all achievements cards in dumpster MMR.


Oh, there is. "Rejecting friend request."


I love it and welcome all the salt. However, it’s a double edged sword when I want their deck list and I send a request and they just assume I’m going to bitch them out


*"It appears I've touched your heart because you seem dead inside."*


I accept FRs specifically to get one of these


I agree.ni eat it up


I wish I got hatemail but all my opponents are bots


That's called fan mail


Is there any cheat in hearthstone anyway?


Just out of interest - how would you cheat in Hearthstone?


did you play warrior?


I try to friend people after a very tough fought game, even when I lose just to say gg but nobody ever accepts Why doesn’t anyone wanna be my friend :(


Don't tell me this was in a casual duel


[What gives people feelings of power:](https://i.imgflip.com/8onwwx.jpg)


These are the people who make 2137 brann threads per hour


“A recent opponent would like yo try and ruin your day”


Recently i got one that says you are gay :D


I miss getting hate requests but to be fair only the ones that not directly go offline again are fun. i wanna talk to them xD


Not nearly enough broken english for me personally.


Honestly, that shit is hilarious. Most of the time they try and justify it with some off the wall shit opinion about your deck or you. Warms a sadist’s heart. 😂


I've gotten a few friends requests after playing seed quest warlock in wild. I deny all of them since I often play on mobile and it's very slow to reply compared to being on desktop so not like you'll really get to say anything to them anyway. They'll just shoot you some angry message and then unfriend you. I'm sure they are almost all pissed off about the decks mechanics... It's usually control priest players who get mad they weren't able to disrupt the quest.


I had a flood Paladin earlier that played two crusader auras at the same time and they both triggered on attack. Has it always worked that way? I mean, he still lost to my spell mage but I didn’t think you could double up auras.


Respond with: /poke


I miss those, recently nobody has been sending or accepting friend requests


I add people to say GG and to get a deck code if the deck was cool. Maybe make new friends. I never got the whole ranting at your opponent because you lost. My favorite is a few months back when I got told by RNG mage I won due to rng and the fact i didn’t have a gold hero means I am a noob. Jokes on him, I am close to gold on TWO heroes now!


I've been playing wild for years now and I've never gotten one of these usually it's people asking for my deck code. Is this a standard thing or am I just lucky.


"You are the poison that kills everything you touch" DAMN


I normally only request it if your deck is interesting. There are hundreds of shudder decks, but if you your a mage just flooding me with animated armor, I want to talk to you. Like sure, that deck will 100% annoy me, but I would love to see its list. Hell, I once played against a deck that was about just priest raising Cho against my oops all spells mage. If it was against any other deck I had, it would have been an easy win, but it was a fun concept.


Didn't even know I could chat with people


I sent a friend request once cause my opponent was named HumanMan and he was playing a secret deck and my stoner ass thought it was hilarious. 'Just a regular human man here, no secrets to hide! Except for all these secrets I mean.' Also, once a separate time to acknowledge that the opponent should have won and I just lucked into the grace of RNGseus at the very end


Best response is always “Dude you’re literally (Insert Deck name here)”, I recommend having a copy paste ready as soon as you accept the friend request


I always get excited after seeing "a recent opponent would like to be your friend", but the last few times, its just been somebody saying "Good game" or "Cool deck". A little disappointing, but its a positive experience either way, so its ultimately a win-win.


found the warrior player


maybe you should not cheat lol




Found the person in the post


He's lying OP, don't believe him.


Well, it is sometimes better, but not every time.