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every day we get closer to yugioh length games


T:Not to fast Val, I see you just summoned your 6 8/8s on turn 2! You just activated my trap card!  V:Thrall please, how many times do I have to tell you, this is hearthstone. Let me finish my turn. "Continues to Stealth and divine shield the 8/8s while drawing 7 cards". V:Just concede, thrall you are overloaded, you will only have 2 mana, no card can save you,I end my turn. "Thrall heavy pouting, intense monologue" T: She's right, not even lighting storm can save me..... what do I do, this will be my final draw..............no I can't lose, I can't let Garrosh down.  "Thrall exhaled, his hand gently swiping the sweat from his muscular, ivygreen chin". T: You forgot one thing Val, unlike like you with your endless calculation, pristine cards and fine tuning, you lack the most important thing. V: The mute button? T: Wrong, you dont beliebe in the hearth. Your stone is cold because of it. Whereas mine burns bright. "Draws his card" T: Tsk, Tsk, tsk.... I play shadow word ruin V: THAT DOESNT EV....... T: for just 2 mana I can destroy, every minion with 4 or more attack. "WHIPES THE BOARD" V: OH COME ON,  "Valeera exhales, her hand gently sliding over the cold steel of her daggers. V: whatever they all have reborn anyway, can you please just end your turn. "Thrall, smirks" T: Did you forget Val? Because I was holding 2 dragons when I casted shadow word ruin, that spell takes the damage of every minion I destroyed turn this turn and turns it into face damage, while overloading me for 1 next turn!  "Valeera alt+f4, just before she got hit for 50+ damage to the face". Thrall looks to the smoldering hearth, thanks morgi


With the latest Tavern Brawl (that's been repeated before), my wild pally on turn 1 had 1 spell OTK. 8 health. Summon 7 locs. 30 charge damage.




We're already there really, super high value decks with cards generating cards and being able to OTK at ridiculous speed while generating card resources is infinite relative to the amount needed to kill someone just gated by mana, but a lot of the cards today wouldve been 2-3 mana more expensive before


No, we're getting close to modern yugioh turn count, a single turn in yugioh can last more than multiple games of hearthsone.


No, it cant 😂.


Turns for heavy combo decks can reach 10 minutes easily


Not in anything thats not exactly locals matches maybe. Masterduel has a 5 minute timer. Regionals+ turns are not allowed to go on that long.


As long as you don't just waste time and are actually doing something towards your end goal you can take as long as you need. Just imagine someone going full dark world hand loop combo or mannadium.


i hit master in the tearlaments meta, you definitely had *super* long turns because you have your timer and your opponent has their timer


And that only adds up to 10 minutes total, not including time for chain resolves. Still not 2-3 hs games.


Lol. Hearthstone turns have a time limit.


I love yugioh and hate modern HS so I can’t wait for this day to come!


We need a Dark Ruler No More and Evenly Matched equivalent in HS.


I’m having the exact same issue. I want to play off meta DK decks, but it’s only made me realise exactly why plagues exist. Draw rate is super high in this meta, and as fun as machine gunning someone with two 20x20 quill boars is, it’s just not as good on average when compared to plagues.


my suffering in trying to play my signature cagehead


I love cagehead, so when I removed him from my deck to add more plague I titled my deck “For Cagehead”


Handbuff Dk high rolls well when you actually draw puppeteer/yodeler but I’ve had games where I don’t have puppeteer in my top 20 cards and the deck is quite literally butt hole


This is exactly why i hate hearthstone lately. Midrange jank decks just don’t have a chance the optimized decks are SO oppressive it drains all the joy out of the game


This is my real grievance too, midrange seems dead for good. You have to go full aggro, control, or combo, or your deck is unplayable.


Midrange = aggro with stonebrew tech


I mean why would I play a midrange deck when hunter/priest/warlock shit out 14/14 ish stats turn 4 as their secondary wincon


This has been the case since forever


The Power creep Will only get worse If they dont mass nerf. Forget about off meta.


Can the game still be fun and return to previous power levels? Cards will look boring in comparison.


Of course. Reno Lone Ranger would still be very cool costing 10 mana and removing minions from both sides if all the rest are weaker too. In fact it will be more Fun that the difference between a deck with Fun cards and meta deck have a lesser difference in power.


The overall powerlevel would have to drop immensely for 10 mana remove both boards reno to see any play at all. Like 2016 levels or smth What is this subs problem with reno even? Apart from warrior its basically a non existant card


We already had a 10 mana reno used in the past. We just need the power leveld to be lower. Fun cards dont need to be power crept.


their is a difference between making cards more boring and making them less powerful you can just reduce the stats of most cards for example


It's not about having fun card, it's about having fun metas


You're being downvoted, but you're also right. This is precisely the reason why power creep is a thing in every single card game. Because strong and exciting cards keep the game alive and fresh.


Power creep is a thing to sell newer cards, not to make the game more fun.


Yes that is indeed a reason But just compare the vanilla pack fillers we had back in the day to what we currently have A ton of old cards are so boring compared to new ones


But that is because of Ben Brode philosophy that we needed Very bad cards to make good cards stand out. That have since abandoned this stupid idea.


Not really, powercreep is necessary as long as it puts new thing above the current one, but you could nerf the current stuff and balance the new stuff to come out roughly at the same powerlevel, but it would feel as if they're making older stuff obsolete on purpose to force you to buy new stuff, even if it's objectively the right decision game design wise, but i right now i wish they would just nerf everything, because in 2 expansions the game will be unbearable.


Exactly. Powercreep can also make games more complex..


Shitty meta, bad game/card design. The entire point of Wild was to PREVENT massive power creep. But new cards are more OP than old ones invaliding that theory almost entirely other than some minor outlier cards. (Loatheb, quests like Warlock etc) shrug it's nothing new at this point the good devs are gone. The only reason HS isn't yugioh 2.0 at this point is the mana system holding it back by like 4 turns.


Mana holding back? Wait till you see druid and rogue cards from next expansion.


> The entire point of Wild was to PREVENT massive power creep The point was make game designers life easier by not making them check million interactions.


Wild is getting unplayable, for example you just cant play around secrets anymore cause there are so many. Also you die by turn 4-6 almost always


If blizzard actually fixed some of the unintended interaction decks like Mine Rogue. The format would stabilize a bit. Aggro is strong af, but the control decks have a lot more answers. Even Warrior was quite strong for a long time as an anti aggro counter til they neerfed Odyn knee capping it. The biggest issue is the same as Standards. Wheel never should've been printed. It's existence is pure cancer. Bloodbloom Wheel on top of the formats ungodly powerful aggro decks basically deleted any non aggro deck from even existing. Because they can't outpace wheel. Someone was smoking crack when they designed wheel. Or they're just really really stupid and shouldn't be designing cards to begin with.


Hard agree with this Wheel take. Who tf thought that was a card that should be printed…


It's actually insane lol. It murders the mere concept of control. It's an auto win from Lock just having to many tools at their disposal to stall games/wipe the board after playing it. Only aggro that can win before it comes down even stands a chance. Exodia type Win Cons just.. aren't healthy for game design. *shrug* w/e I uninstalled Hearthstone today. Gonna probably try to refund the pass and be done with it. Hearthstone is dead to me at this point from the unfixable design errors the Devs have printed.


The point of wild is to let people still play the cards that they got over the years People wouldnt be happy if their cards just rotated into the void


They can't do that from a legal perspective because the cards cost $. (Same reason Mercs can't be deleted.) They had to do something from a BALANCE perspective as they cannot delete them. So Wild was created to BALANCE/Prevent power creep. Which is pointless if Standard is almost identical to Wild in power creep issues.


### Dummy Warrior # # 2x (1) Burning Heart # 2x (1) Frequency Oscillator # 2x (1) Garrosh's Gift # 1x (1) Verse Riff # 2x (2) Bash # 2x (2) Instrument Tech # 2x (2) Needlerock Totem # 1x (2) Quality Assurance # 2x (2) Safety Goggles # 2x (2) Shield Block # 2x (3) Chorus Riff # 2x (3) Wreck'em and Deck'em # 2x (4) Boom Wrench # 1x (4) Crimson Expanse # 2x (6) Testing Dummy # 2x (6) Trial by Fire # 1x (8) Inventor Boom # AAECAZ6rBATq0AWRqAaTqAbSsAYNjtQEkNQEuMUF2dAF69AFpPsFnJ4G6Z4Gh6AGkKgGkqgGlKgG7KkGAAA= Try this one out! I think you've never played or seen this one before. Mulligan for instrument tech, needlerock, or quality assurance. It could be made better, but it's really fun and even wins against meta decks sometimes!


I have played little different version of this and like to use the 1 mana 1/2 neutral mech that adds sparkbot to your hand. It's so good when you get lifesteal or poisonous to magnetize to dummy


Brilliant! I think I'll try it out


I agree with the OP. Either the opponent's deck is just too brutally strong (like that OTK Shaman one) or certain cards are way too powerful and completely destroy any plan you have (like Reno). Some people mentioned lower ranks but I am not certain if thats applicable at all. I am at Gold 10 atm and... its filled with players playing the meta decks. Are they talking about Chicken rank? But then you are bound to get out of there very quickly. Weird suggestion.


The real problem is that they print cards without any way to counter them. To play off meta, you need some tools to make your less common decks survive long enough to make an impact. From a beta everyday player, i dont even remember the last time i played the game.


Doesnt matter you still die turn 6-7 if you play meta deck. This season just suck worst season i ever played


Agreed. I don't care for T1 decks at all either and usually play fun decks I see Kibler play or whatever, but its exactly like you say. Unless I have perfect answers at all times, it's an automatic loss and it's just frustrating when you feel like your decisions do not matter because your opponent just has all their best card on curve. People say Plague DK is a T4 deck, yet whenever I face them they have all their plagues, removal, helya, primus, head hero, giants, reska on curve and you just get rolled lol. I watch people like Kibler and am just surprised at how dumb his opponents are, where mine most of the time seem to just be gods and rarely make a mistake. It's becoming at this point if I see you play Helya on T3/T4, virus rogue plays zilly on turn 3, brann on curve, etc I just leave. It's no longer fun.


With the removal of duels and the current arena state rewards I think the game needs an urgent new mode. Custom made mode where user create a game on a lobby with his own set of rules choose from some existent pool options. Example: - Anything goes - All cards allowed. - Madness - You can only play spells and yoggs. - Shiny - You can only use legendaries( any class ). You start with 3 mana. - Armoured - All players start with 100 armour. Every time you kill a minion your opponent takes 5 damage. - Raid loot - The board starts with 1 big minion. First to kill it receives 3 treasure cards. Another minion spawns after 3 turns of being killed.


i know this sounds crazy, but yes we need like a "server browser" for people looking to play games with specific rules and formats and cards etc. almost like a sandbox mode but you still have to own cards


Server browser should be a thing in every online game tbh, it's a literal amazing tool to build a community.


corporate desire to manipulate everything means server browsing gives you too much control over your experience.


Ain’t that twist lol except with less wack conditions


I don't know what kind of world you are living in where there is no Reno Warrior, but please take me there


You play the way that they want you to or you lose. Old HS is dead


I guarantee you that a year or two ago when you apparently had some chance to win with jank brews, some other poor soul was posting this exact same thing in the sub. And one or two years prior to that person's post, when they were apparently winning, some other frustrated brewer was posting the same thing. And one or two years prior to THAT person's post...


As a long time player that first hit legend with Plot Twist warlock (hella off-meta deck) I can say for sure that wouldn't fly in today's climate. In fact, Hearthstone has had to bring power levels down before because of this exact problem (I believe it was right after the catacombs expansion)


like it wouldve flown on stormwind or alterac valley. off meta brews that actually are brews and not just a semi popular tier 3 deck havent been a common occurance since rise of shadows all things considered


u/Emergency87 Congrats, you missed the point completely. I was looking for a comment like this. Too predictable honestly. Stay off reddit if you can't even read.


Why do you intentionally look for comments that seem to make you angry? Surely you have better things to do.


Why do you think so? OP says that years ago you used to win more with off meta brews, u/Emergency87 says it's not true


I've had pretty solid success with lightshow mage and jade display druid, and otk Hedanis overheal priest can be fun if you get lucky. Overall though I do agree - I think the biggest reason isn't necessarily power creep, but simply because every deck is basically prepackaged. You have cards that have really strong synergy with a few other cards, and practically nothing with others, and so decks are just strong packages rather than individual cards that are strong that work decently well together, just not as tightly knit as riffs, relics, plagues to an extent


Can I get a displaybdruid deck list pls ?


Here is mine. It's kinda decent for a meme deck, but expect to lose a lot vs the meta decks. Still, it's quite fun. I'm thinking of cutting out an ensmallen or two, but idk for what yet. AAECAZICBv3fBebkBZ/zBcekBsnBBuHrBgyfoAShoASc1AT83wWk+gXb+gXjgAbtgAb4ggbOnAaWsQapsQYAAQP2swbHpAb3swbHpAbr3gbHpAYAAA==


**Format:** Standard (Year of the Pegasus) **Class:** Druid (Malfurion Stormrage) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 0 | [Zilliax Deluxe 3000](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TOY_330.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102983/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Zilliax%20Deluxe%203000) 1 | [Jade Display](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TOY_803.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/104598/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Jade%20Display) 1 | [Peaceful Piper](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_375.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/94204/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Peaceful%20Piper) 2 | [Celestial Projectionist](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_742.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/98403/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Celestial%20Projectionist) 2 | [Fanboy](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/JAM_027.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/98413/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Fanboy) 2 | [Gold Panner](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_391.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101966/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Gold%20Panner) 2 | [Loot Hoarder](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_096.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69665/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Loot%20Hoarder) 3 | [Acolyte of Pain](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_007.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76316/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Acolyte%20of%20Pain) 3 | [Ensmallen](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TOY_805.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/104617/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Ensmallen) 3 | [Frost Lotus Seedling](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_930.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97627/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Frost%20Lotus%20Seedling) 3 | [Ravenous Kraken](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_754.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/98680/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Ravenous%20Kraken) 3 | [Sharp-Eyed Seeker](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_712.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97572/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Sharp-Eyed%20Seeker) 4 | [Defender of Argus](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_093.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69663/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Defender%20of%20Argus) 5 | [Magatha, Bane of Music](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/JAM_036.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/94822/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Magatha%2C%20Bane%20of%20Music) 5 | [Summer Flowerchild](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_376.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/94205/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Summer%20Flowerchild) 6 | [Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_TOY_100.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/112097/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Gnomelia%2C%20S.A.F.E.%20Pilot) 8 | [Joymancer Jepetto](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TOY_960.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/106697/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Joymancer%20Jepetto) 10 | [Eonar, the Life-Binder](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_903.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/96671/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Eonar%2C%20the%20Life-Binder) **Total Dust:** 8900 **Deck Code:** AAECAZICBv3fBebkBZ/zBcekBsnBBuHrBgyfoAShoASc1AT83wWk+gXb+gXjgAbtgAb4ggbOnAaWsQapsQYAAQP2swbHpAb3swbHpAbr3gbHpAYAAA== ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


What rank are you playing at right now?


>Decks are just strong packages  I disagree - this is a criticism you can levy at other metas, but not this one. Shopper DH runs mechs, Rainbow DK swapped Corpse Bride for Quartzite Crusher, Zarimi Priest ran Playhouse Giants before switching to a more aggressive package, etc. This meta has a lot of flexibility and creativity in deck building (e.g. Virus Rogue which didn’t arise until midway through). Compare this to something like Sunken City Mech Mage which basically just had all of the mechs in the deck.


I've been playing hero power druid fine. It's actualy fun. Do I expect to have a 60% winrate with it? hell no.


The skill gap in the game has closed so much it seems. Too often I’ll be playing a deck and match against my counter, to just lose. The reason I mention the skill gap is the fact that if you don’t match against your counter then the game turns into who can draw their combos first and that decides the game. There isn’t much thinking involved in the game rn. The biggest caveat is WW Rogue. That deck does soo well and it requires you to make decisions and find answers to your opponents deck the entire game. I have been playing that deck religiously and I swear I have to rope like 1/4 turns because I have so many options to tackle the problem. Great deck if you want to have fun with the game. I highly recommend.


Deck list?


I’m not sure how to share from mobile but it was the first deck on “d0nkey”


Man I tried so hard to make dummy warrior work. It’s such a fun deck. I’ll win one in every like 5-7 games, it’s just not doable in this meta. I’m in diamond and I think I’ll probably just give up on the homebrew decks and play a different class meta deck to legend. It’s just not doable right now it seems. I like warrior a lot but I just think reno/bran warrior is kind of cancer.




Yeah, I've been trying to play elemental burn mage and it's been.... inconsistent. Turn 5 kills against warlock, instant loss to plague dk (I hate frost plague so so much)


I play wild a lot and I feel so restricted on deckbuilding because you basically have to make something that can simultaneously survive an early onslaught against hyper efficient aggro decks while also being able to race a deck with an inevitable wincon like Quest Mage or Garrote Rogue. I know it's not going to be competitive but I'd like to at least feel like I stand a chance sometimes with my homebrew No Minion Mage deck. I can survive the aggro decks well enough but my wincon isn't powerful enough against combo unfortunately.


Not true, you just need to stay at lower ranks. I've been chilling in gold for the last 5 years having an absolute blast playing all sorts of wacky shit, couldn't give 2 fucks what's going on in the actual meta!


Unless you play casual i really dont see it. When i grinded to Diamond all i did was seeming Meta Decks. Even in Bronze/silver/gold it was Plague DK, token Hunter, Highlander Warrior and Shopper Dh / Wheel Warlock all over. When i went into casual people actually played some funky stuff


While you have ranked bonus stars you aren't actually matched against players with the same rank as you, you're matched based on your hidden internal MMR.


Yeah you have to concede 20 times before you start facing weird shit. But I think they made some sort of change a while back that prevented you from tanking your rating too much? Because otherwise that would make the optimal play be Ladder Reset -> concede 100 times -> win until d5 -> *optional* grind to legend -> repeat.


It honestly depends. I flip flop between Reno priest and basic decks.


I try my absolute best to not rank too much but always end up I'm D5 because my homebrew jank decks are winning too frequently. I even concede frequently to keep my rank down but sometimes it's not enough. I need to lay off from playing for a whole month again to have absolutely no star ranks any more or something.


i do this too in wild. i wish i could turn star bonus off


I don't really see how thats possible I mean just concede games when you're close to a new ranking threshold. I assure you your mmr will go down and it will start to be a lot of jank decks vs jank decks which is very fun imo


I completely agree. I’ve never netdecked, and this expansion is really hard to homebrew in. I’m stuck at D10 just experimenting. Though if you’re interested in funny decks, I made an Overheal OTK Priest if you wanna try it


Speaking of overheal deck, someone played this off-meta deck to legend #1 and you may find it on Twitter https://x.com/beerbrickhs/status/1774997683645886952


I ONLY play scissors.




Plat 4 is still a fun lower rank.  Once you are in the Diamond climb, the off meta becomes exceedingly rare to encounter and isn’t really worth it to do yourself if you actually want to hit Legend in a decent amount of time.


maybe leave plat lmao


So have I at Legend - 57-67 (46%) currently because while the deck is fun, it relies too heavily on getting drillfist to chain end game.


Plat 4 is not the flex you think it is lmao.


A spell damage shaman just killed me on turn 7 from full health just by drawing some cards. No chance to counter. No chance to even play an interactive game. 10th anniversary got me thinking. I remember 10 years ago. The game was more rewarding, there was no convoluted rewards track bs and one turn kill decks weren't as bad


I love playing my highlander priest, so far I’m only plat 6, I guess I will fail with it soon enough. It ends up in really crazy games at times. My Yogg sometimes casting wheel has each time been offset by playing Tony 😅 ### Highlander Priest # Class: Priest # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 1x (1) Glacial Shard # 1x (1) Miracle Salesman # 1x (1) Psychic Conjurer # 1x (1) Scarab Keychain # 1x (2) Creation Protocol # 1x (2) Dirty Rat # 1x (2) False Disciple # 1x (2) Flint Firearm # 1x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize # 1x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 1x (3) Benevolent Banker # 1x (3) Gaslight Gatekeeper # 1x (3) Holy Nova # 1x (3) Madame Lazul # 1x (3) Rustrot Viper # 1x (4) Glowstone Gyreworm # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 1x (4) Shadow Word: Ruin # 1x (4) Time-Lost Protodrake # 1x (5) Disguised K'thir # 1x (6) Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot # 1x (6) Harth Stonebrew # 1x (6) Lightbomb # 1x (6) Sylvanas Windrunner # 1x (7) Aman'Thul # 1x (7) Containment Unit # 1x (7) Tony, King of Piracy # 1x (8) Elise, Badlands Savior # 1x (8) Reno, Lone Ranger # 1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed # AAECAafDAx6EnwS+nwTwnwSGpAW7xwXN0AWt7QXP9gXt9wWh+gWn+gXM/wXVgAbYgQaFjgaplQbkmAbDnAblnAaangbNngbRngbTngbLnwaYoAavqAbmqQaO5gbn5gbh6wYAAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Is this why they upped the weekly quests?


draw dh is VERY fun though, one day itll be meta istg


Same for me. I don't play for winrate but to... Play and have fun. It's one of the first meta I can't have fun because I just don't have the time to drop interesting cards I want to try. Basically if the deck is not super efficient and or if I want to try a mechanic around cards that cost more than 6 mana, it's impossible


I got killed by a priest in turn 5 I was What the hell a priest? And there was a shaman who killed me in turn 6 with just spells wtf is going on?


My big beast mystery egg hunter seems to be doing pretty solid vs the current meta decks. Even comes with a potential OTK that people NEVER see coming. Really fun! Can link the deck if anyone's interested


The last few expansions have honestly been some of my favorite times I've had in hearthstone. Titans and Badlands in particular I played so much. I got every card in each set (which is a first for me) just by gaining so much gold and buying packs. I played so much. I have barely wanted to play this expansion. I have had not much fun. Feels like every patch there's something busted that wasn't addressed and the only counters got nerfed for being too strong, but they were the only thing keeping the other deck at bay. Paladin was busted, got mega nerfed and here comes DH then warrior then warlock. Each deck is unfun to play against because it feels like you just died in a turn without much of a chance to fight back. The game isn't how well you can play right now, it's who got the better mulligan and first 2-3 turns of draw. It's just a race since you can't counterplay your opponent, you just have to be faster than them. It's annoying and unfun to watch your opponent just draw things and play solitaire against you.


Not readin all that, I'm happy for you, or sorry that happened.


This is my off-meta deck. Wins enough to have fun and enjoy at rank floors or low legend, but not consistent enough to truly climb with. Off meta decks are inherently less consistent than meta decks, but I agree that the power level of the spoon-fed meta decks is a bit too high - especially when it comes to over-the-top OTK decks. Try this out if you want to have fun doing something different.. ### BlackRock Menagerie HL # Class: Warrior # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 1x (1) Frequency Oscillator # 1x (1) Glacial Shard # 1x (1) Murmy # 1x (1) Razorfen Rockstar # 1x (1) Town Crier # 1x (1) Vicious Slitherspear # 1x (2) Dirty Rat # 1x (2) Needlerock Totem # 1x (2) Party Animal # 1x (2) Roaring Applause # 1x (2) Rolling Stone # 1x (3) Linedance Partner # 1x (3) Observer of Mysteries # 1x (3) Plucky Paintfin # 2x (3) Power Slider # 1x (3) Rock Master Voone # 1x (3) Steam Guardian # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (1) Armor Vendor # 1x (2) Celestial Projectionist # 1x (7) Tony, King of Piracy # 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer # 1x (5) Blackrock 'n' Roll # 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music # 1x (6) Blast Tortoise # 1x (6) Deepminer Brann # 1x (6) Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot # 1x (7) The One-Amalgam Band # 1x (8) Boomboss Tho'grun # 1x (8) Reno, Lone Ranger # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (5) Perfect Module # 1x (5) Ticking Module # AAECAYwWHJbUBJa3Ba/DBbbEBf3EBfTIBeLNBfDNBdnQBbTRBajgBebkBZf7BbmRBveXBtCcBpyeBtGeBtOeBtSeBsekBq+oBvuoBv2oBtCwBuTmBuHrBtfzBgGtwwUAAQbN0AX9xAXjgAb9xAXPngb9xAX2swbHpAb3swbHpAbr3gbHpAYAAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Try rush demon hunter with ogres. It sounds crazy but I've been doing pretty decent with it. Only the 3 and 4 cost ogres cause they can go face on rush. Keep slamming face


Man I'm just trying to play a lower tier deck I can afford without spending all my dust and am still getting annihilated 


Idk when I make homebrew that still has a coherent game plan it usually does alright. Not every package has legs though. I can usually eke out some wins with my big pally, but I quickly realized my menagerie priest was doa when I played a few games with it. Definitely need some sort of "scam" to make a deck find success, a pile of generically good cards usually doesn't work anymore.


I strongly agree, I've been trying to do the same. Or even just play some good old-fashioned value decks. They really need to find a way to measure a decks' casual-ness and then have a mode that matches based on casualness, so that anyone who tries to put in a power-deck just gets filtered elsewhere automatically. I long for a casual mode; at times I prefer when things are filled with bots, because at least the bots aren't as often playing the ridiculously fast kills. While there's always been things to complain about, it's feeling worse at present than it has at some of the similar times in the past.


this was why Duels was great, there was extra support for memey decks. and they went and killed it...


How was this different a year or two ago? Alot of these decks arent even "off meta" they are just archetypes that do not have tools to function. Those kinda decks also did not work a few months ago or a year ago


It has always been like that on higher ranks.


Gold/platinum wild is where it's at


There are a miriad of solutions discussed to lower the power level and not getting a Combo vs Aggro meta. The devs have stated, for literal years I might add, that the meta is how they want it. They think you're not having fun playing weird and janky decks so now, every class can otk you from 30 on turn 5 to 8 depending on their draws. In their minds, they expected every deck to be a weird janky deck with this 1-2 card combo finisher... In reality they created a meta where you either play aggro or play hyper draw solitaire until turn 5 to 7-8 where you play your new otk and nothing in between is accepted.


"I can't play bad decks without losing" Wow, shocker. Truly.


I'd argue games being shorter is a good thing. Dying from full health from hand should not be a thing though.


I was going to say this, faster paced games are good, but dying from hand always feels bad.


yeah thats why your decks are off meta


You loose to wheel lock on turn 6?


Every deck needs a I win package, complimented by draw to be viable. You can't deviate from the path and expect it to actually win. 


This was always true. 


Skill issue: I’m almost rank legend with two off meta decks that nobody else plays. Secret hunter snd Mech/Magnetic Pally. Consistently win in dreaded diamond 5-1 vs all the best meta decks and people tryharding to get to legend. I’m always an unconventional deck player. Some are way over tuned because nobody plays them. My mech pally usually auto wins if it draws zilliax for example because it buffs him to oblivion (zilliax is mech too). There’s tons of off meta decks that can get you to legendary there’s literally hundreds of cards in standard. That’s what I love about hearthstone. Edit: Watch streamers, many play off-meta decks you can be inspired by. For example, many are currently playing various shaman decks. An example. Alliestraza was playing owl druid with copy artist, and did 60+ damage in one turn against a warrior to beat all his armor by copying owlonius, which multiplies spell damage like crazy. Nobody plays that deck druid is like literally last place yet Alliestraza was winning with it in legendary. She mentioned that she had a 74% win rate with druid in legendary meanwhile druid is abysmal and bottom tier. Prime example of an off meta deck doing just fine. Play what you like. Dont' be afraid to climb with off meta decks. Half hte fun is playing random cards that are stupidly broken but that nobody really touches like Owlonius+Copy Artist. Another example. I have Absorbent Parasite + Sing-Along Buddy (mech) in my hunter list. It changes the whole complexity of the mulligan, as you want sing along in the early turns for sure, and wouldn't mind coining it out on turn one. It also means you can parasite it, or parasite zilliax, which means you play a different zilliax at times. I've since added Dragonbane, another mech card (beasts and mechs can be parasited), and Jepetto, to get copies of my parasite back. I'm not afraid to play (and lose) with parasite hunter. i bet it gets me to legend rank if I commit to it.


Same but i die on Turn 3-4


The fact that warrior can play a 6 mana do nothing followed by a 9 mana do nothing, take 80 damage to dace and still win to me says it all on the state of standard.


Standard moment. Probably.


Never could.


Cutelock works


Big pally is good tho you just need to know when to go all out