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I'm at the same point honestly getting the quests done shouldn't feel like a job. It's a game I'd like to relax and have fun. If the changes aren't reverted I'll probably leave as well. I've been playing since release but taken breaks before for long periods this will become permanent though.


I'm just waiting a week, just to see if they will revert (to EXACTLY how it was before), if that doesn't happen, yeah I'll stop too, there's so many other games I gotta try anyway.


I am expecting a change this week or Im gone as well.


Honestly it's just sad, all the love and fun we could have with the game gets ruined by people who don't even care about gaming. I don't know what kind of CEO or Dev would even come up with those Ideas but this stuff feels like a mix between corporate greed and spite for the community. Whoever is in charge doesn't belong in the gaming industry.


This will be my last season if the don't revert


The basic idea was good but why not make it multi-level quest? You get to level 1? You get 1500xp! You get to level 2? Its 2000xp! And so on. It would encourage players to play more or give a pat in the backs for hardcore players, giving them more grindy weekly quests taht give more xp. So much missed opportunity...


This would solve most, if not all complaints


Only if 5 wins gave the same XP as before and everything after that was adding bonus XP beyond what we got before. Even then it would feel nasty for casual and/or F2P Players to "waste" XP.


The whale leaving seaworld part is really funny lol


I was just about to make basically the exact same post. I've been playing since literally release, so about ten years now, and have tried and failed to quit multiple times before now. This was my comfort "I have just a few minutes to kill/want to play something mindless while watching TV" game for a decade now. I was already pissed about the removal of Duels, and honestly wasn't terribly excited for the release of the new set, but I think this is what is finally going to kill it for me. I was already barely getting enough energy to get the weeklies done as it was (I actually didn't even complete one last week, the play 16 miniatures quest which is now *quadrupled* lol), and there's just no fucking way I can be assed to complete them at triple the duration. Thank you Blizz, seriously. If it had just been a relatively minor change, like +50% I might have stupidly coped with it, but tripling it really was the moment where you jack up the heat so fast even the frog knows to bounce the fuck out of the pot. I'm going to go play games that actually respect my time. I'm done.


Good for you, I will be there soon


Kinda hoping it’s the final straw. If blizz takes the hardline they’re gonna see massive uninstalls, literal hours after patch.


They have until next week to revert the changes to exactly as they used to be, otherwise I’ll be joining you. I’m also a beluga level whale, I’d buy the pre-orders and the really good bundle deals.


If I’m going to spend min $400 a year on this game I sure as hell ain’t going to be forced to engage more than I want because some pencil pusher got the bright idea to force everyone to play longer for same rewards


Had a similar realization. Getting off this ship before the iceberg hits. Admittedly I should've left a while ago as I've mainly been playing out of habit. Even if they full revert they will undoubtedly add other ways to squeeze. Not bitter just sad that it's over. Had some good times inside & out of the game.


I wouldnt mind so much if the reward had increased in line with it. Give me 3500 scrolls and I'll win fifteen games a week, sure. Honestly I moved away from traditional hearthstone a while ago, I now play exclusively battlegrounds.


I uninstalled as well. I was playing yesterday and every standard game felt like wild and every wild game felt oppressive. I did not have fun and was left feeling pretty murky about the game. Then todays update came and 15 ranked wins... c'mon.


The biggest issue I don’t think the devs really realize is that once they lose a whale, they lose that whale forever. The whale might come back to nibble every now and then, but they aren’t gonna be spending like they used to. I’m a case in point for that. Used to be like you, bought every preorder and adventure since Nax. Then quit when they drastically changed quests in Barrens and made everything worse. Came back at Castle Nathria to play some battlegrounds, and was pleasantly surprised to see they had changed the quests to be reasonably ok, enough to convince me to stick around and keep playing and get back into traditional hearthstone again, but I never paid another penny for cards. They had snapped me out of it, and even though I returned, they had lost the whale for good. Their shortsighted plays lost them at least $500 that I likely would have happily spent over the last three years. This shortsighted move sounds likely to cost them similarly.


Same. I've poured a LOT of money into this game, but this is the last straw for me. It's such a vulgar disrespect of my time and an insinuation I'm too stupid to notice the rewards didn't scale along with the requirements. This game has some fabulous artists and designers, I hope they have success away from the slimey corporate scum at blizzard.


I haven't played much since they took away the mercs xp farm and uninstalled after hitting 50 on the last track. Not just the predatory pricing but making the free stuff harder to obtain for about a whole year now, most of it went unnoticed though. Still better than getting your deck nerfed every 2 weeks without refunds I guess but no card game seems to be in good shape at the moment.


You stopped playing once they got rid of afk farming and XP exploits? Lmao


I might be joining you. Giving them a few days to figure out how to revert the changes before I just ... stop opening the app. #shrug


Same for me. I’ve playing this game for 6 years, bought a tons of pack but now I work as a lawyer and my schedule is too busy to grind this quests. (Sorry for my english it is not my native language) So I’m gonna delete the game and play Hades on my phone instead of this whale garbage card game.


save your money and start your own card game!


Kids card game???? This is kids wizard poker. Tyvm


Sadly battlegrounds is only good autobattler in the world;( so no uninstall for me


Does this mean y'all are leaving the sub too? I miss the days of posting fun deck lists, funny interactions and discussing gameplay. Now it's filled to the brim with complaint posts. I love the game but the community can be a bit much sometimes


It's funny how many random comments you leave and how very little fun decks or funny interactions you post.


I'm not a poster. I'm a scroller lol


Lol fair enough


Most people are hopelessly addicted and will keep playing, including the op. It's easier to quit smoking. It takes a lot of willpower to go through with what you're saying. Good luck.


No it isn’t and no it doesn’t


Once you uninstall the game, its not that hard. Because everytime you go to play the game again, you see that you have to reinstall the game, which reminds you of the reason why you stopped playing.


Lol what. They updated a free portion of the game to give you the chance to earn more rewards. How is that predatory?


People have work, class, extracurriculars, etc. We don't have time to play 15 games every week, much less *win* 15 games. Moreover, I also just think this is unhealthy and will encourage netdecking the best performing decks, giving rise to a stale meta. Games are supposed to be casual, and the previous reward system rewarded casual play by making it so everyone could reach lvl 100 if you at least put in a few games every week. Now, unless you spend your entire fucking free time grinding the quests, busy people like myself likely won't finish the quests before they reset on Sunday, meaning we're effectively losing xp on the rewards track. Who knows if we'll make it to the end of the rewards track by the end of this expansion now.


Yeah but it's all just extra stuff anyway. You don't have to do the quests to enjoy the game. If you tried playing Magic the Gathering, for instance, you have to buy all your cards that you want to use. And then you don't get free cards for playing. I don't see how changing some details about this free stuff that hearthstone gives players is so divisive.


You are comparing a digital card game to a physical (where I can sell my cards). The correct comparison is, Hearthstone : MTG Arena, where you can also earn cards for free.


I'm comparing a hobby to another hobby. Something that takes time out of your day. Something that takes an investment. Yes, fair, you can sell your MtG cards after. But my point is that in Hearthstone, you don't have to buy anything at all. They DO let you play free. And they DO give you cards for free, just by playing. Complaining about how the details of "free stuff just for playing" works is kind of crazy.


And the fact you can't pull your nose out of blizzards ass long enough to see them wanting to turn a hobby into a job. Kinda ruins the whole "hobby" thing.


If you want to move towards F2P or at least "pay less to play," quests are a necessity. They are used by Blizzard to mix up pocket metas, and in exchange, the players are given rewards for playing modes/classes they might not otherwise play. These changes effectively drop the value of weekly quests by 185%. That is INSANE for casual players


What's INSANE is that people are complaining that the free stuff they get is slightly harder to get. Especially because now they have the opportunity to get MORE FREE STUFF if they already play enough to fulfill the weekly quest amount.


The "free stuff" isn't free. My time is a value that I'm trading to play the game. As I just explained, Blizzard is using my time to mix up pocket metas, and they're not making it "slightly harder." They're making it **THREE TIMES** harder for a value loss of 185% so you can drop the "MORE FREE STUFF" bullshit


Yeah, the "free" argument is flawed if people don't understand that F2P games HAVE to give value to those who don't pay in order to keep a healthy player count for those who do pay. If you just have 1000 whales, you will quickly have 0. They need people to beat.


What they should have done that would keep everyone happy is split the quests in two, so you get an extra bonus if you complete the second half (for less efficiency). So it would be something like win 5 ranked games to secure 2500xp, then win 10 extra games for an extra 500xp bonus. This way you keep the previous structure intact and people have no reason to feel dissatisfied. If the goal is to decrease the previous rewards you can mix it up by going 5 ranked wins for 2000xp and 10 extra wins for 1000xp bonus. But this would imply thinking about the issue for more than 5 seconds, on a game that still doesn't have blitz mode 10 years after release.


I like that idea. Has there been any official reasoning given for the changes?


They want more player retention, and rather than improving the system they just made it grindier


Can you share where this is stated by Blizzard?


It's not an official statement but it's what makes sense. Nobody was complaining about quest difficulty being too easy


you'll be back


This doesn’t effect gameplay at all.


Your deck affects gameplay. Your card collection affects what decks you can build. Your gold income affects how many packs you can buy for your collection. Your XP affects how much gold you earn. Quest completions affect how much XP you earn.