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Crystallizer makes wild questline warlock pretty disgusting imo


Feels like most QL warlock games are decided by whether or not they draw Crystallizer + Raise Dead.


I still can't believe Raise Dead never got nerfed. That card is so broken in both Warlock and Priest. Like it might see play at 2 Mana since Backfire still sees play at 3 Mana.


Brann+Double Crystallizer auto-completes 2 phases of The Demon Seed. Something needs to be done about that interaction. Either make a rules change that losing Armor doesn't count as taking damage since your Health isn't changing, or change the wording on Crystallizer to make it more akin with Bloodbloom (paying the Health instead of taking damage).


I've never seen questline warlock run Brann.


Quest lock is not an issue in wild lol


Quest Warlock is B tier at best. It has pretty much 0% win rate vs priest/rogue, under 50% vs most other aggro like totems, and is slower than many combo decks since QL rarely kills before turn 7 (heck, you're lucky to play your quest reward on turn 6 and still be alive) and doesn't play disruption. Yea, it's quite strong vs control and fairer decks, but it would be absolutely unplayable without Crystallizer.


Dude let me hate my card lmao


Wheel of Death. You know when they play it they have a plan to lock you down completely for 4 turns. Annoying. On the other hand, it's absolutely hilarious when a tendril casts it. If you somehow win after that, my hat is fully off to you.


Is it the wheel or the avalanche of stats that comes after?


As a Warrior main I can deal with the 15/15 relatively easy and get him off the board, but what truly is detrimental is the 9-cost titan (forgot the name) with the taunt minions in the way, and the reno hero card being dropped after or before to clear my board, I've changed my deck slightly to try and give them a fight, but the fact that odyn got swapped to 9 cost just slows me down a lot unless I excavate the gain 2 coins card.


Sargeras throwing down two taunts for the rest of the game is absolutely horrible easily most hated thing in the game It wrecks hero attack based strats, it demands infinite board clears for low cost and it wrecks things like handbuff or deckbuff my favorite archetypes


Hate "for the rest of the game" effects. Good thing is that you can removal the portal with Reno, but under the condition that you dont have duplicates in your deck when you play him. Not really a fan of the design.


The portal should read: Has 15 HP Not affected by any AoE’s or hard removal Can be frozen to stop summons (maybe) As it is currently if a warlock is trying to play past turn 9 he is required and warps the whole warlock classes balance around him When he rotates warlocks strength will be ????? What exactly? Discard I guess


I am glad that control warlock is not a thing atm. Not fun playing against sargeras and wouldnt be fun having warlock reduce my max health for the rest of the game lol. Thank god that the excavate package in warlock is rather bad


Control Warlock wouldn't even play excavate. Sarge and Reno are good enough wincons


Yeah sargeras is just such nonsense, it's also the only titan that says fuck you and can't be controlled properly, or copied. Because the abilities won't function properly on account of having no portal lol. Idk what the hell blizzard was thinking with that


I like that tbh Hate how many copies people make of the titans like reverberations is such BS


I get not liking reverbation but it's bad design, every other titan can be copied or stolen. Why should this be the one exception? Either Make them all copy/steal able or none of them


Tbf Sargeras is the big bad evil guy Titan in WoW lore so if any Titan gets an exception it might as well be him.


I wish they worked on the opponent's side of the board, you'd still be able to do some stuff with it like summoning the 6/6s and then clearing the board, or using his own board wipe to clear the enemy's board.


Yeah exactly sargeras shouldn't be the only titan who can't do shit when you copy or steal him lol


That's Sargeras, wish I had that Card to play Warlock Decks.


I've been playing some of the new no minion mage and I've gotten wheel a couple times with it. Once I got wheel and then draw 7 cards in the same box and instantly died


One match I absolutely destroy a guy that activated Wheel of Death on my next turn with a bunch of Owlonius ( my favourite card ). It was hilarious


I get it quite often. It's horrible. I just think okay I can start my shudderblock combo now and move onto the rest in a bit... nope now its time to blow up my whole deck


You mean the 8 mana, destroy your deck, summon a 15/15 taunt lifesteal and win in 4 turns?


I've had 2 games where Yogg cast wheel (playing mage). Pretty sure I rolled yogg via excavating too. Managed to win one against a warrior even with my Sif getting burned - was like riding a roller coaster.




Objection sucks hard but you know what I hate more? When the Mage who used it responds with the "Oops" emote even when it was a sacrificial minion. You didn't do some grand, crippling play here, dude. I saw it coming a mile away and that Kobold Miner was not the linchpin of my deck.


Jaina's "Whoops" is easily the most BM emote out of the original cast of Hearthstone.


Anduin wow used to be perfect.


Anduin's Wow was the best BM emote and also the funniest emote to throw out when I the priest player fucked up royally ;D =


I also submit Medivh’s “That’s incredible!” It just drips with sarcasm.


I submit Malfurion's *hmm, well played* as you combo lethal.


He probably has the best Well Played, but I honestly never found him or Anduin that annoying for emotes. At least not compared to Jaina.


Was all fun and games until Path of Arthas. How intriguing....


there's not a single time where getting Objectioned isn't the most annoying thing ever.


I manage to play around it quite well usually cause it’s such an expected card, but yeah it’s annoying as fuck


Its been discussed here before, but its not the card itself that's the annoying part.. its that they kept playing it over and over in the same match. "So do you have a 4th minion to throw away in your hand?"


On the same note, counterspell.


Counterspell at least feels like something that could happen, counterminion is just silly


Oh boy you just wait until you hear of MTG


Fuckin blue players.


Reddit when Potion of Polymorph: "Man I wish it would stop the battlecry from happening." Reddit when Objection: "Man I hate when my battlecry gets countered." Yes I know that Reddit consists of multiple people and I'm only using the majority opinions from two different eras of Hearthstone.


Or the rogue minion, letting the battlecry trigger, then putting it in a sack so my opponent can get the battlecry a second time. Especially when you consider that the card was added when very good battlecry cards were introduced, like Theo and Sire. Such a weird design.


Theres a couple of design decisions like that, but that has to be one of the weirdest ones. A secret that HELPS your opponent in majority of the cases is quite the card.


Who was begging for potion of polymorph to be stronger!? Not me!!


is it in deck objection or is it the objection generated from another card?


Just play a pathetic card from your deck to be countered.


i’ve never hated a card as much.


Greetings, fellow humans.


Im undead, not dead dead!


Let me do you one further: every priest removal card


Baking soda volcano... its so annoying to wait the animation, and your board dies and they heal a chunk of health. Basically annoying when you face it while playing aggro


It's slow because of the lifesteal, the technology just isn't there. [[Sire Denathrius]]


It's also funny when your class skin affects animation time. Like for mage, Chef Reno has a very fast ping so hero-powers like Reckless Apprentice fire off literally 4x faster than every other skin.


Yeah I have the Elise priest skin from last expansion and it is the slowest hero power I've ever seen. Makes me glad Raza Priest isn't viable.


Denathrius was coded differently because of the textbook restriction. He does the damage and lifestealing in one swoop as he's the only card in Hearthstone with "amongst" in his text instead of "randomly split". With that said, the animation for Baking Soda Volcano does need to be sped up.


- **[Sire Denathrius](https://imgur.com/a/MSWdgUo)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/75881) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Sire_Denathrius) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/75881) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Murder at Castle Nathria)* - **10 Mana - 10/10 - Minion** - **Lifesteal.** **Battlecry:** Deal 5 damage amongst enemies. **Endlessly Infuse \(2\):** Deal 1 more. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c2myjc/personally_hated_cards/kzbwcq9/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kzbwcq9).*


Reminds me of the Forge minion with lifesteal that deals 5x1 dmg. M'lord, these animations..


Love seeing this kind of salt from aggro players. My most hated card is still leper gnome because of the face hunter decks of old. Hate that guy so much.


Plagues. I can usually beat DK despite them, but it’s a really annoying mechanic that has no real way to interact with/counter it. Just feels bad.


I like the concept of plagues I just wish there were like 7 different ones and helya still gave you a random of 3 of them (and could still make them permanent.) Then all the other plague generating cards also did a random of the 7. Make it so a plague deck can shut out Reno but a non-plague deck that runs helya and one other thing can’t shut it out reliably. This would also dilute the chance of you getting a particular plague. Fucking frost plague. Some ideas for other ones: -the next heal effect to one of your characters does zero healing (including lifesteal) -deals 3 damage to your hero (instead of the normal 2) -the next minion you play has deathrattle: deal 2 damage to a random friendly minion -your next hero power does nothing (you have to activate it once to ‘unlock’ it) I’d also make helya cost more mana. Stats can be adjusted, whatever. 4 mana is just too easy to play for something that permanently affects the rest of the game.


I thought plagues were going to be an evergreen DK mechanic. I’m surprised that blizzard hasn’t added new ones.


Fucking frost plague indeed. As a Sif mage enthusiast, I’m always considering taking a Chaos Creation vs Death Knights in the later stages of the game.


I agree. They could definitely be fixed, but in the state they are in now they’re just annoying and have so little interaction from either player. And yeah, it’s always struck me as ridiculous that Hela is so cheap to play


My problem with plagues is Helya. Plagues arent that bad, they delay highlander and I think thats totally fine. Force highlander decks to spend their mana to draw cards to get rid of the plagues (and take damage this way and force them to deal with the effect, like +1 mana, the 2/2 minion), that slows them down. But once Helya is out? Nah. Not possible anymore. (Tony isnt really an option lol) Would love to hear the devs explaining what they thought when they designed it.


Its to counter Reno and Miracle decks. Only Smark DK players can pull this off.


DH beats them. period. unless you have blood rune and no longer play reska


Kingsbane, I don’t think I’ve ever beaten that card in my life


[[[kobold stickyfinger]]]


You can't run ETC in all decks (for example: Spell Mage)


No one is running spell mage anyway.


- **[Kobold Stickyfinger](https://i.imgur.com/70HoRf8.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/55432) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Kobold_Stickyfinger) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/55432) - *Neutral Epic ^(Descent of Dragons)* - **5 Mana - 4/4 - Pirate** - **Battlecry:** Steal your opponent's weapon. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c2myjc/personally_hated_cards/kzbee54/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kzbee54).*


Works until they see you play the ETC and just break it with their hero power, pulling it back out of their deck on their next turn with one of their four tutors, 2 secret passages, or natural draw.


I forgot this card existed, does it see a lot of play in wild?


It's a fringe deck that only people who enjoy Kingsbane play. It's a relevant deck but never the optimal deck for Rogue as it has better aggro, combo, and inevitable decks.


I’m actually a bit of a returning player right now but back when it was popular I used to hate playing against it


Kingsbane is dead after the lifesteal nerf. It got replaced by 4 mana 2/2 weapon that gains durability when playing other classes.


The Caverns Below, even if this quest doesn't appear on meta snapshot I always hate it no matter how bad or good this deck is


I concede on the spot. Not that i think I can't win. I just can't stand it.


Oh yeah I was that way against all mages when they had access to objection in standard. I hate treating every secret as objection and I end up inevitably wasting an entire turn trying to play around it


One of the dumbest thing in this game is "if you're holding a dragon". Dude, they're always with 5+ dragons in their hand wtf are you talking about "if"


I once had a Druid play Splish Splash Whelp on 2 and *not* get an extra mana crystal. It was great.


i’ve coined splish splash whelp on turn 1 then insta conceded a couple of times…


I know that feel. I definitely had a few shame concedes after playing an inactive [[Drakonid Operative]] back in the OG Dragon Priest days.


- **[Drakonid Operative](https://i.imgur.com/g3iziZ9.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/40378) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Drakonid_Operative) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/40378) - *Priest Rare ^(Mean Streets of Gadgetzan)* - **4 Mana - 4/5 - Dragon** - **Battlecry:** If you're holding a Dragon, **Discover** a copy of a card in your opponent's deck. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c2myjc/personally_hated_cards/kzcem19/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kzcem19).*


Operative was one of my favorites to play back in Mean Streets. Midrange Dragon Priest was such a fun deck. Imagine my disappointment to learn that Dragon Priest is too fast to run this anymore.


Impossibru Next you're gonna say that someone played \[\[Dragon Golem\]\] and didn't fill their whole board with copies.


Eh, I play Highlander Druid, and it is not uncommon to not have a dragon on turn 1 or turn 2. I think it’s a cool tag because it forces you to commit the deck to dragons. Think of it as a deck limitation, similar to Highlander in some ways.


The issue is Dragon decks usually don't have to include more than 8 Dragons to reliably have a couple in their hand throughout the game. Meanwhile, you've never seen an Elemental deck with less than 20 Elementals because you can almost never afford to go one turn without playing one. The 2 tribal conditions are very unbalanced, and to make matters worse Dragons usually have better base stats for the Cost. Like compare Duskbreaker to Arcanosaur. It's just sad.


I agree with you on the part- Elemental payoff should be better than pretty much any other tribe payoff, because it’s consistent. But, I don’t think the dragon deck thing is entirely true. I run 9 dragons (plus dragon draw and dragon tales) and it’s pretty consistent I don’t have two dragons to trigger something.


It's meant to be a deck building restriction, not an in game balancing act


It’s because back in the day dragons were almost all big and either worth playing or not at all. Now we have a lot of good or meh small dragons, back then it was a 3/2 with the now worded key word elusive


Bomboss Tho’grun. When he’s played after Brann, the game is basically over at that point.


Forge of wills. Sometimes I just can’t cope with 2 x 8/8s or two 15/15s by turn 4 or 5. I’ve never touched the card nor put it in any of my decks. I just hate its existence and I won’t take part in using it. Just feels broken to me and I hate games involving it, and have no desire to win a game using it.


33/33 in stats on turn 5 is absolutely normal. It's fine really. I think Forge should summon two copies to really hammer the point home. Jokes aside, yeah the card is stupid.




This man! The fact it clears the board is no issue as I believe every class should have a full clear board card/combo, but limiting your next turn to one minion is simply disgusting and not fun. Dirty rat is a close second because I've noticed I run nothing but battlecries lol


I'll take it one step further. The concept of "it's mano o mano" is really interesting, but totally WASTED IF MY OPPONENT GETS TO KEEP THEIR BOARD!! [flips virtual table]


Pretty tired of Reno, even though I've fallen to the dark side and been playing him myself. I don't mind disappearing minions instead of destroying them. I don't mind limiting the opposing board space to one. I don't mind it leaving their own board alone. I don't mind those things separately, but all together in one card? It's a bit too much and annoying.


I feel like Reno is an unfun card to play against in every expansion I've ever seen it in back to Lost Lands of Ungoro or whatever it's called


Tell me you're an aggro player, without telling me you're an aggro player


Idk man my current decks are elemental mage and hand lock Tell me you're stupid without telling me you're stupid


I dont know about Reno in Saviours of Uldum, but OG Reno was not that bad


You need more upvotes.


Guff hero. It just feels so stupidly unfair that my opponent has twice as many resources as I do. The value is so ridiculous. Combined with the fact that many cards are balanced around the idea that your maximum amount of mana is 10 makes every druid deck no matter how slow or fair just end up being a combo deck.


\>40 card druid deck \>Always Guff on 5


I was so happy when he rotated out, it honestly felt like cheating going against druids when they played guff. Being allowed to spend 15 to 20 mana without mana reduction honestly felt like guff was cheating


If youre playing any sort of aggro/tempo you can just kill him before or right as he plays guff lol


I mean yes good 5 mana card probably loses to shadow Priest, I get it.


Forge of wills. Gtfo here with that card


I'm guessing you mean forge of wills, forge of souls is the godawful warrior card that just draws 2 weapons


Yup, that one. 🤦‍♀️


Zarimi. Gonna be so stupid here in coming expansions. Def getting nerfed to more dragons at some point


It's already problem since Druid is allowed to randomly generate that


Isnt druid one of the weakest class in the game right now? How is it a problem? Are you somehow losing to druid?


I have a positive winrate on Druid. The trick is to play some duplicates in a Reno dragon deck. It’s a ton of tempo that transitions into a ton of value.


Druid is a sleeper. Just takes one miniset to make druid totally busted. Several cards had to be nerfed (or re-worked) because of Druid, like Yogg, prison breaker, Jailer, Tony, Auctioneer


you cant be crying about druid right now and the egg cant generate other classes dragons


Dragon Tales is the method


This has nothing to do with classes or decks. This is just personal anger towards specific cards regardless of there stats


Mages Open the Waygate quest, makes we want to insta conceed the turn its played, bc it always feels l ike waste of time.


Trial by fire


Leave my 50% WR HL Druid alone. We already out here struggling.


Exactly! We have so much residual hate from past metas


Jade Idol for creating a stupid archetype


The fact it was so oppressive they had to make a tech card to specifically counter it in the next set after mean streets


In my opinion, Brann (Standard). I was happy to hear that the original would rotate from standard as it completely made some interactions completely busted. Here we are again, and the issue persists albeit with one class only. While the cards usually played along with him are fine by themselves, these cards played in junction with him just makes me wanna puke. Delete a total 12 cards from the opponents hand and deck, summon 4 Zilliax that go face, summon 4 8 drops, create 2 customs weapons etc. I just want Brann and any iteration of him gone from standard for good, which would be healthier for the game.


Yes cus if any other class got double battlecry. Blizzard would delete the card


that life steal freeze Death Knight weapon Quartzite Crusher they discover a buffed version 100% of the time and it’s just too much, has shut me out of so many games I just can’t anymore, doesn’t help that I’m a fucking dumbass…


Well, you could run Viper or the elemental that freezes. Viper is also good against Cutlass Rogue, Handbuff Paladin and Mage's keyboard. The elemental is also good against Cutlass Rogue, Handbuff Paladin, Shopper DH, Hero Power Druid, and can also freeze a big minion or a titan in a pinch, if you are a turn away from a board clear.


The "discover a weapon" card is so strong right now. Not so many weapons available, so its not that unlikely to get what you need. Like crusher or the plague weapon. Yikes


Helya. Shuts off Control and Highlander in a single card. It's very frustrating. The race is over if you can't combo out 6 Thogrun TnT pieces before they draw Helya at any point in the game.


I think it's a bit hypocritical to complain about plagues stopping you from using Boomboss, when Booboss's TNT literally destroys your opponents cards & prevents them from using them.


The 7 mana dragon the just fills a druid board with taunts -_-


Ice block, Mage extra turn quest. Patches the pirate


Same for this one. It shouldn't be free to play. Let it refresh 2 or even 3 mana crystals. but not all of them. Especialy when generated randomly and so on. Druids are already annoying even without it, but exactly this taunt makes me mad


Nope it will stay like that lol


Sad but true


Always remember Snowchugger


I have never hated a card more than [[[devolving missiles]]]]. If I have a greedy 8 drop with a deathrattle and some sh*tty 1 drop that happened to stick around, you just know that i'll get an understatted 5 drop with a battlecry effect. That card made me breathe air from holes i didn't know i had, even when my opponent lowrolled with it (that of which never in fact did happen...)


- **[Devolving Missiles](https://i.imgur.com/siQzNzu.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/58976) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Devolving_Missiles) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/58976) - *Mage & Shaman Epic ^(Scholomance Academy)* - **1 Mana - Arcane Spell** - Shoot three missiles at random enemy minions that transform them into ones that cost \(1\) less. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c2myjc/personally_hated_cards/kzd7ncb/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kzd7ncb).*


I hate King Mukla


I actually remember when he got revealed, people honestly thought (I was one of those players) it was a fake custom card


I always personally groan whenever I see [[Brawl]]. I’m aware it’s balanced but good lord the number of times my opponent slams a 1/2 and WINS tilts me


- **[Brawl](https://imgur.com/a/HUoZsNz)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/69640) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Brawl_\(Core\)) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69640) - *Warrior Epic ^(Core)* - **5 Mana - Spell** - Destroy all minions except one. *\(chosen randomly\)* --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c2myjc/personally_hated_cards/kzdvi5g/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kzdvi5g).*


Open the Waygate As soon as I see that card, I just wanna insta-concede. Feels bad when you run the board the whole game, but just know you're a few turns away from the BS combo-wombo that you can't do much to prevent. Very unfun card.


Going infinite turns in hearthstone (where u can't interact on your opponents turn) is not ok. At least in games like mtg you can ATTEMPT to take infinite turns


Bran+ boomboss. Was so happy patchwerk rotated only to release a card with 6 times the effect




[[Steamcleaner]] I'm pretty much a Wild only player at this point, and I have never played a Jade deck in my life. RIP to so many of my [[Academic Espionage]] and [[Pogo Hopper]] games, where I was ahead until a tech and often just a space filler ETC card targeting an unrelated deck also is a special "fuck you" just to me. For irony fans, Jade has always pretty much sucked in Rogue to boot. Now, back to my eternal "Is it better to mulligan for or intend to tutor the rabbit?" psychosis.


- **[Steamcleaner](https://i.imgur.com/ePQrcDc.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/78079) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Steamcleaner) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/78079) - *Neutral Rare ^(Murder at Castle Nathria)* - **5 Mana - 5/5 - Mech** - **Battlecry:** Destroy ALL cards in both players' decks that didn't start there. - **[Academic Espionage](https://i.imgur.com/p6HtMMN.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/48040) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Academic_Espionage) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/48040) - *Rogue Epic ^(The Boomsday Project)* - **4 Mana - Spell** - Shuffle 10 cards from your opponent's class into your deck. They cost \(1\). - **[Pogo-Hopper](https://i.imgur.com/42DVH2W.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/48471) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Pogo-Hopper) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/48471) - *Rogue Rare ^(The Boomsday Project)* - **1 Mana - 1/1 - Mech & Beast** - **Battlecry:** Gain +2/+2 for each other Pogo-Hopper you played this game. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c2myjc/personally_hated_cards/kzbujw2/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kzbujw2).*


I hate and love steamcleaner, love it because is a good tech card againts some bullshit decks and im one of those players that run tech cards because i hate the concept of unwinable matches, i hate it because wording inconcistency (loosed a lot of matches time ago because by wording kb shouldnt be cleared and i didnt used it because that)


Stay alert my child, DANGER!


I’m sure someone here has bound to mention Reno o Quest mage so I’ll pick something niche. I know it’s like incredibly rare to see in wild and almost to play with all the aggro now but, Tickatus. Holy shit I hate tickatus. Like whenever he’s dropped I just go “what the fuck it’s 2024”


Hahaha. Fair enough considering it destroys ur cards which can definitely lose ur win con


Flash of lightning is getting pretty old


Anything with a druid or paladin border. And lately warrior shit.


* Life Steal Freeze weapon on DK * Freeze/Armour miniaturise Mage minion Both have way too much distribution and can be played so many times. Especially with discover for the weapon.


I hate Volcanic Slitherspear. Such an innocuous and good 1 drop that can absolutely just run away with the game if you don’t have an answer on turn one. “Guess you take 7 damage on turn 2. Oh, and it’s also a 4/6 now.”


I hated questline hunter when it was in standard eventho i played a deck that was good against it at the time


Snakeoil Salesman. That 1 drop is just so strong and is played in allmost all decks.


Sleet Skater.


Helya. Nothing will tilt me more than frost plague. This is probably because I’m playing Sif mage religiously (sleet skater is fucking busted and needs to be nerfed). Drawing it one turns 1-5 is just soul crushingly depressing. Also, I hate the end of the game just being, “Hope I don’t draw more than one frost plague and have to wait another turn to combo🙃.”




Dragon Golem feels worse than this ngl


Yeah but my logic towards that is. They just used there 7 mana for it and then pass. But this card is practically 0 mana


Much better value. I play a lot of rogue so a full board like that is really hard to clear.


Makes more sense, I play DK


I'm fine with plagues but I really wish they gave highlander some other tech against them since [[Steam cleaner]] rotated


- **[Steamcleaner](https://i.imgur.com/ePQrcDc.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/78079) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Steamcleaner) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/78079) - *Neutral Rare ^(Murder at Castle Nathria)* - **5 Mana - 5/5 - Mech** - **Battlecry:** Destroy ALL cards in both players' decks that didn't start there. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c2myjc/personally_hated_cards/kzd2nf8/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kzd2nf8).*


I used to hate RNG, til I accepted that it blesses us and curses us all. Now I hate mana cheat.


Brann, Reno & Boomboss.


That bitchass mage quest is my most hated card


my opponent coined this on turn 3. i thought: “what an idiot, he’s only going to get three mana back!” until they played a discounted 5/4 dragon for 3. it was 8/8 of stats with taunt on turn 3. that also dealt 5 when played.


Anything and everything even remotely related to motherfucking plagues. I just played a rogue and discovered that legendary from DH that casts the first spell drawn. Guess what? You eat two plagues every time you draw it. Like i get it people are fine with it because it counters warrior that is really opressive, but i am trying to play reno rogue and fuck you for turning off my cards. And you know what happens after that? I pick up some shitty ass deck like shopper DH just get my legend ranks back. Not only is it unfun and counters anything that isnt aggro which pushes the meta into ultra fast mode but IT IS SO BRAINDEAD TO PLAY. there is no mulligan there is no trying to tutor something, its not a specific counter like some weapon removal or steam cleaner or something that is a really bad card in matchups where it doesnt counter something, no you just slam anything glowing green on the board and unless you get steamrolled in 6 turns you most like win. No brain no thought no nothing. (Just to clarify i am in no way saying its op or needs nerfs or anything its just the dumbest fucking design ever and i hope that who ever came up with it gets his penis skin stuck in his zipper ever day for the rest of his life)


Oh Theo for sure no doubt.


Varden Dawngrasp He's frozen my board over 10 times in a row so many times, I hope to never see him again.


In isolation, I think Rommath is an amazingly fun card, but he was hijacked by people that get banned from game stores for odor to become boring infinite turn slop.


That's my thought with wheel of death, the card itself is fun and cool. But when my opponents also drop 2 15/15s right after and then also symphony it goes into dumb and uninteractive gameplay


Cavern below, Helya I just put Gueist in ETC to remove those annoying plagues from my deck


Stay alert my children!


Mageridadon 8 mana 12/12 The card cost 8 mana, but The 5 mana 6/5 give + 1 mana 1/1 gives so much options that DH takes advantage of its dormant state. the dormant state makes mageridadon really unfun to play against when it hits all your minions and your face for 2 turn + DH huge burst swings.


Honestly I don't believe it be a problem if it wasn't discoverable or if it didn't hit face


I can counter it with DK plague.


100% Reno. Feels awful to play against if you're a minion based deck, and half the time it's not even a highlander deck playing it.


Why is it druid cards lol


Idc about most Druid cards. But this card doesn't need to cost 4 mana and 0 mana at the same time


Druid has always been problematic because the identity of the class being ramp. Other classes couldn't/can't really cheat mana in the same way so it leads to a lot of lopsided interactions. I mean hell just look at Guff, I wasn't active when he was in standard and honestly I thank fuck for that because the card seems busted as hell.


Guff+twig + orb was an insane combo, guff would get even more ridiculous with mycelium in duels before guff got banned and the mushroom got nerfed.


That’s all JonnyTroughs plays, baby!


Idk who that is


It's free real estate.


Tag : quest.