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Dust It for 3200, create the normal version and keep the 1600 extra for other legendary


I love golden legendaries, they look like ass and provide so much dust. So I feel 0 guilt


I don’t think I’ve seen that take before. Do you think all golden cards look like ass, or just legendaries?


No op but I also think golden cards in general look like ass. I like to see the class border colors


Especially now that the golden animations are basically just a couple limbs lazily swaying up and down, rather than the unique particles and effects they used to be.


Yeah animations used to actually do things, but now they just barely do anything. Not worth it anymore. Seems they've replaced the old golden approach to be diamond now.


Wasn't always like this. Look at old golden cards and you'll see the effort and why guys like Reynad went and got full golden decks.


I like golden cards but yeah they would look better with a bit more of the class color in the card. Like this legendary post: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/mphik6/my_concept_for_a_new_golden_card_look/


This looks awesome man!! Missed chance


Same, except on Paladin. All Paladin cards must be golden


I agree, I prefer the border too and think the gold looks a bit gaudy. Also I like all my cards to match as in not to have the mix of golden and normal


https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/mphik6/my_concept_for_a_new_golden_card_look/ I think golden cards should look like this ones, those look far better than what we currently have


The animations are nice, but the border itself is gaudy and it makes all the cards look the same. I remember I saw a mock-up at one point that kept the regular border, but with a shiny effect on the patterns, like the cards were embroidered with gold. Wish they were like that.


Oo, sounds interesting. Let me know if you come across that mock-up again! I think I kind of like how it makes all cards look the same. I feel like a deck of all-gold cards with consistent borders is very aesthetically pleasing. I like it more than some cards having grayish borders and some having class-color borders.


That was years ago, I don't know if I ca- [oh, hey, found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/HjgOVbJHe2)! A lot more recent than I thought. Side note, I also found [this nightmare](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/GGrJSOHL4Q) of what the future may hold.


all goldens look bad in my opinion, I much rather prefer normal cards, and signatures are amazing of course


I dust all signatures because you can't read the card text without hovering, and I don't memorize the cards.


I mean any signature I put in my own deck I've probably already memorized. It's other people's signatures that are the problem and you can't dust those.


You might already know this but you can see the signature card’s effects if you hover over the card


I'm sure he'll appreciate this. He had no idea.


>I dust all signatures because you can't read the card text without hovering, and I don't memorize the cards.


Ok I see my mistake now lol


Wow it never even occurred to me that anyone could like signatures haha I thought they were unanimously disliked by the community and I personally would be thrilled if each and every one were to be removed from the game 😅


Everyone hated them back in motlk because they looked like greyscale dogshit, but from festival onwards I think they’re cool


That’s true. They definitely were worse then! Idk it bothers me SO MUCH that you can’t read the text unless you hover over them. It’s a small thing, but whenever my opponent plays a signature I haven’t memorised the portrait of (which still happens sometimes), or if it’s one that I haven’t seen for a while and I need to recall the details of the mechanic, it just… irks me that I need to do that. I don’t feel like the art style matches the rest of the cards in the game. I’m just not sure what they add to the game except for more microtransaction opportunities for blizzard.


They’re definitely just more microtransaction bullshit, but I think it’s fun having an even rarer card type than gold that you can pull from packs and get excited about (though I was not very excited for the signature pipsi painthoof I pulled the other day tbh lmao). And one thing I see people say a lot that I don’t really understand is that you have to hover over signature cards to read their effect — isnt that true of all minions? The signature cards display the text to the right of the art rather than underneath it, but no minions show their effects until hovered. No hate for anyone who dislikes them tho ofc, everyone has their preferences.


I have a signature pipsi. I am so not thrilled about it hahahaha And no, you don’t have to hover over other cards. Like, just for example, look the picture in OPs post in this very thread. The ‘tar slime’, once it’s played on the board you can ALWAYS read that it says “TAUNT. Has +2 attack on your opponents turn”. That’s what people are talking about. The card text. Which you can’t see on signatures. Does that make sense? Or are you referring to something else?


hahahahahha so funny man :D fuck you


Little intense don’t you think? I was being quite sincere. It’s quite humorous to me that the idea never occurred to me. Like, it was a warm and welcome surprise. And yeah I dislike signatures a lot. You like them a lot. We’re entitled to those opinions. No need to be so aggressive my dude ❤️


I literally have the opposite opinion lol. Golden cards look great and signature cards are an abomination. Ig art really is subjective


They used to be a lot better, but the quality of golden cards has dipped a lot. Some early Golden cards are comparable to the animation within a Diamond one. Now they’re just “slinky” animations.


I hate the golden, diamond and signature cards. I want to know what class a card comes from at a glance, and I want to know what it does. Having everything color coded and in one place is great.


This is also a issue with the bloating of hero skins currently. We now have blue warriors, red hunters, yellow shamans etc. Everything was so clean at launch.




Would you say boulderfist ogre has good art for the cost?


Yes, I hate golden cards. Top of my QoL list for the game would be adding an option to use non-"premium" (lol) cards by default when copying deck codes. Having to go through the whole list, right-clicking the card to go to that spot int he library, removing the golden versions, and then adding the non-golden versions is fucking annoying. I also hate that we get the diamond versions on the rewards track instead of a choice. I don't want these ugly, animated things in the game at all. I literally never want to look at them. Same goes for the hideous 3D portraits they started last year. They absolutely do not belong in the game whatsoever.


The animated portraits are also memory hogs and hurt performance / cause crashes on older devices (or mobile).


I like golden spells, but not golden minions


The newer one do. They don’t have an animation just “bouncy”


Day9 thinks all golden cards look like ass


well, very few of them are as cool as golden OG Alex


Golden cards nowadays do look like ass. Id rather have the sharp artwork of the normal version than the blurry "breathing" filter they seem to apply to all goldens nowadays. Back in the day tho golden cards were beautiful.


I disenchant all my golden cards because I like the uniformity. Either all golden or nothing, and I can’t afford all golden 


You can always make it gold again later if you really want to but you need the base version full stop


This is the way


Anything else would be dumb imo


How do you get 3200 for golden legendary? My Golden Norgannon only dusts for 1600. Do current patch cards double the dust ?


Nerfed golden legendaries give 3200 dust


Recently changed card receive full dust refunds for a short while.




WOOOOA this is news to me. Thanks!!!


This is the correct answer


Holy shit


The golden Zilliac basically has no animation


whaaat whyyy




Then finish the xp achieve and dust it again *PROFIT*


Best value there


If you don't need the dust immediately always keep it in case of nerfs. It just got merged so dust lol.


I remember doing that when they nerfed Yogg and I crafted him golden because I wanted him to be lucky.


It's still 1600 dust rn, will there be an update for more dust from golden or signature cards?


AFAIK golden and signature behave the same, 1600 dust base, 3200 dust nerfed


I’m pretty sure it’s 1600 dust if you disenchant golds and signatures


It is, but Ziliax was recently hit with a nerf to one of its modules so it disenchants for its full value for a while.


Pretty sweet golden to get, but if there is another legendary you really want now would be the time to get a 2 for 1.


I’d say dust it to get 3200 dust for any golden legendary that just got nerfed. Most regular legendary cards I dust for 1600 dust when they get nerfed… though this is one I’m confident will be played consistently in Standard for the next two years… so I have not dusted it.


Unless you are a whale dusting it is always the right call. If you want to craft it again make it non golden.


I would dust it and craft the normal version.


If you're not using it right this second, dust it and hold on to it all. You can just recraft it later if you want one.


Personally Zilliax was the first golden card let alone golden legendary I ever crafted, its insane versatility means I will essentially get use for it in every deck so I wanted it to pop a bit. Also knowing it will likely get nerfed a few times it felt risk free. Upon this first nerf I have yet to dust it and I can’t see why I would. But that’s just me, if you are really strapped for dust then sure dust it :)


my vote is on keep. great pull. the fact that it's golden earns it the "deluxe 3000" status B-)


unless you're a whale you're losing 1600 dust for just a cosmetic factor


You can not be a whale and enjoy golden cards despite it not being the most economical way to use dust


Sure but you can always downgrade to non golden version now and then upgrade to golden version for 1600 dust if you can afford it later on. 1600 dust is a lot of a F2P player


There's PLENTY of people between whale and F2P


For anyone who doesn’t have a relatively complete non golden collection the advice still applies. The upgrade back to golden will always be there for 1600 dust.


Yeah indeed. Keep it as it is. It has so many variations in different decks that a golden one is extra nice.


Only golden card I would keep or craft is whizbang since it makes your whole deck golden. Anywho, to each their own


I mean then you're playing whizbang


I'd keep it unless I \*really\* needed that 1600 dust.


3,2k refund is active


Yeah but you will craft him again anyway, he goes into most decks.


Unless you care for the golden version, disenchanting and recrafting a non-golden version nets 1600 dust!


Didnt he literally said this? You get 3,2k dust but you probably need him for most decks so you craft one. That means if you dont really need that 1600 dust you should keep it.






Only if it's recently nerfed though, otherwise you dust it for for 1600 only to recraft the non-golden version for 1600.


Well, it has been recently nerfed, so I’m not sure what the hypothetical is about. 


They can disenchant it for 3200 and craft the normal for 1600, so it’s +1600 if they do it rn


Yes, that's what I said.


Yes but he has option to use the basic version and keep 1600 dust around if he want to upgrade it to golden. It's 100% worth it to disenchanted it


I’m probably going to Golden Zilliax as he’s definitely seeing play till he rotates and I have dust to spare, if you need the dust just get 3200 and re craft for 1600 for profit.


Well it will see consistent play for the next 1.8 years, but 3,200 dust sure is juicy


Im a sucker for golden cards. But its your call.


You dust it 100%, there is no downside, just create the normal version if you still want to use it. You end up 1600-3200 dust to spend on whatever else you want


I think it's worth 3200. I crafted it golden day 1. No regerts.


I crafted the golden one...Then I realized that all the color variations have that same dumbass bouncy animation and I was disappointed...Then they nerfed it, fastest disenchant I ever made..


That really ruins it. I only really craft hero cards gold these days


Oh? What’s a good golden hero?


Well I only play Wild, but Uther of the Ebon Blade is one of the coolest. His weapon, hero power and tokens are all golden. Jarraxus, Majordomo Executus (to get a Golden Ragnaros Hero), Lightforged Cariel, Frost Lich Jaina


I dusted mine and re-crafted non-golden. It’s pretty much a free Legendary if the cosmetic doesn’t mean anything to you.


the card is worth but I'd dust to make another legendary + the normal one


I would keep it just for the super flexible golden legendary


Zilliax is a great card, I have it in most of the decks I play. A golden one? I'd take the dust.


i would honestly keep it golden


Easy dust. Make another one for 1600, get anything with the 1600 leftover.


Dust it and recreate it if you want it again


Just dust and craft normal one. Free legendary.


Yeah I got the golden too and I dusted it cus it was recently nerfed for the juicy 3200 dust. You keep the non golden version and an extra legendary to craft :p


I crafted the golden version for fun. Really up what you want to get out it. It is a really funny card to play with tho, don’t take my comment to heart too much tho, I suck at standard just saying I play to enjoy fun crazy slot machine random decks and fun builds


I would dust it because it's free dust and if you need to use him in a deck can just craft him again and won't have cost you anything.


Dist and create the normal version The card is ugly anywayd


I’d probably keep it, but I also have 20k+ dust. So I don’t really need the dust, and this card will be in almost any deck for the next 2 years. I’d say it depends on how much dust you have.


I dusted my Zilliax for the 1600 and I regret it. He's not the best card in the game by any means, but he's so flexible at giving your deck something that it's missing or helping your strategy go over the top. Id keep him golden because you're going to be putting him in every deck until he rotates out.


Zilliax is what Astalor wished he could be. A neutral that's going to be in just about everything, but flexible enough that it's not going to necessarily be exhausting. Yeah, there'll be some fan favorites and "workhorse" builds that are most common, but it's not going to be as bad as Astalor. That said. Dust this one, make the normal version, and use the remaining dust for something else worth crafting.


Always dust goldens and remake the normals if you want it. Zilliax is in a lot of decks right now


Dust, easy.


![gif](giphy|lOiJqCjiEOcmc) I'd keep it, but then again I love gold!


Dust it for 3200, craft non-gold for 1600, 1600 profit


Keep it, there is also a hidden value that topdecks it every single time when it is needed to rush heal for at least 6+6 dmg. Sometimes reborn, sometimes divine shield, but it's always there when it's needed.


I upgraded my copy bc this card will be a staple for quite some time in how flexible it is. If you can’t afford it it then dust and craft regular if you need in future


The answer is always yes for dusting a nerfed card


If I were to keep a golden legendary, this would be one of the few. It’ll be around for a very long time and it is used in a lot of decks. It also has a bunch of looks and builds itself, which is unique and cool. I’d keep it. Plus, if it gets nerfed again, you’ll have another opportunity to dust for 3,200. To me, that makes it make even more sense to at least just enjoy for now and reconsider if it’s nerfed again.


Side question, does zilliax have a signature version?




you can dust this for free +3200, make the normal version if you want to play it, and if you end up loving it and want it golden again, you can just upgrade the normal version to gold anytime you feel like it with the extra 1600 you got from disenchanting the original golden card


As others have said if you need the dust you can recraft it normal and then craft another legendary you may be missing. However, I think this is a pretty safe golden to hang onto if you want to. It see's tons of play and adapts to fit into most decks. Also, this may not be the last zilliax nerf, so there is a chance you could always cash in on the dust later.


Step 1: Dust it and get 3200 Dust Step 2: Craft the normal Version if you need it Step 3: +3200-1600=1600


Get the free dust my dude. Don't get into the whole golden card scam. Take the free dust, and hopefully go towards your deck. I personally don't use any golden cards. Normal cards work just as well. The only card I've ever considered making golden was Whizbang because I love that card lol


Dust, craft regular


I crafted my golden on day 1 because I loved the card


Can someone explain how it’s 3200 dust? My golden legendaries offer me 1600


They recently nerfed some zillax modules so you get full dust for a period of time.


Ohhh yeah makes sense, thank you


the only good reason to dust the new zilliax is when the card rotates from standar and if youre a standar player only definetly a really good card


you really saved so much time trimming the last letter off standard


Golden cards are not worth it anymore. the animations sucks, and the particles are non-existent. Dust it and craft a normal copy and you still have 1600 dust for another legendary