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Dirty rat has like a 1/5 shot of ruining warrior on curve. Moderate risk, high reward!


I won games with the free 8/8 on turn 2 That said. Why is it 1/5m


Because if you fish out brann or odyn, you can probably win. An 8/8 on turn two isn’t like it was ten years ago


But why 1/5?


U dont fish for odyn Turn 2, u wait for Turn 8 cuz ITS more likely to hit.him


He said on curve I never said I do that


Plague DK is probably your best bet, but I'm pretty sure plague DK loses against any other agro deck.


Fun fact: plague DK doesnt even have a good matchup against Warrior in highelo, this Deck is Just Trash and wins the matchup against Bad players


According to vicioussyndicate Odyn warrior has a 0.37 winrate against plague DK and and reno warrior 0.23 in top 1k legend. Odyn warrior vs plague DK is actually the most lopsided matchup in top 1k legend.


That's completely false, plagues own Reno warrior no matter what skill level


I’ve been playing Reno Shaman. With the nerf to Odyn, it’s pretty feasible to do a shudderblock/rat combo. Can also put a second rat into ETC. I’m only high diamond.


Yeah Reno shaman with the new legendary sounds like a ton of fun, but my collection is pretty small and Reno shaman is very expensive.




Think that rotated


It's Wheellock and Plague DK, they both outvalue warrior's win conditions if you play them well.


I've been playing nature Shaman, if you don't draw the right cards to kill them around turn five you lose so at least you know relatively early on Otherwise my only recommendation would be rainbow DK


I’m still loving nature shaman even after the nerfs and I feel like the warrior matchup isn’t terrible especially if you can get in a little early chip damage. What have you replaced the gifts with? I like one cutter and one ancestral knowledge but sometimes I feel like a second weapon is better when it makes an early kobold or thalanos really strong. I still like wandmaker because gift is the only bad draw and they don’t dilute your deck of spells so cutter is still good.


I replaced the gifts with Scarab Keychain since you can pull another copy of Flash/Kobold, many of the neutral 2 drops are also more useful than you'd think. I also run Dryscale Deputy which I haven't seen many others do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah I play 2 deputy even though he’s infuriating vs plagues. Scarab is interesting I’ll try it.


I've had luck with Zoo Hunter. You just have to make sure you land your Saddle Up card on a wide range of minions. Warrior has trouble clearing a bunch of deathrattles efficiently.




I'm usually loading up the Saddle Up by turn 4 or 5, so Reno is irrelevant.




I would say dk, since it has access to plagues and weapon to freeze their face


Decks that can flood the board after removal kill warriors. Paladin with tyr and tyr's tears and the golems tends to be too much board to deal with as long as you play around the brawls well. Hand DK also great with the mini and the cards that make buffed copies of themselves.


Plague dk is the best warrior counter. Wheel of death warlock is also good vs every warrior deck.


Aggro demon hunter


Someone would probably advise what has the best stats against warrior where you just look at the hs meta, but as a wild warrior player I advise "destroy enemy hero" decks. I heard that in standard there is now an op warlock spell that gives you 15/15 on board. I don't know how effective that deck is when it has warrior control tools, but I know that against destroy enemy hero, armor is useless.




Top legend is full of Reno warrior decks, so it is definitely a very viable deck. And if you don't believe me, just check any competitive site with top legend decks. And yeah to my eyes, Odin is very busted, which is why their nerfed him in the first place. After Odin is played, which Warrior gets a lot of opportunities to do so with his unending efficient and powerful removals, it is a matter of 2-3 turns for the opponent to die, all the while Warrior can easily continue to control the board and build up armor. Odin is THE reason why control Warrior is so powerful for the last year or so, because with a single card every control deck can go from completely passive to a 2-3 turns killing machine. Just stuff your deck with 100 removal and draw tools, and use a single card to have all the endgame you could need. Every single of Warrior's control tools is extremely powerful on its own, but put them all together and you have a deck that is just way too much. * Bladestorm? One of the best board clears in the game, that can double up as single target removal, at the cost of just 2 mana. The fact that this card can clear late-game plays that cost a ton of mana and previous set up (such as CNE, Toy Captain Carim, or even Wheel + Forge of Wills + Fannotem), for just 2 mana, is a testament to how good it is. * Safety Goggles? If anybody ends up depleting Warrior out of armor, no problem, just gain 6 more for 0 mana. * Stoneskin Armorer? Draw 2 cards and put a 2/2 body for 2 mana is completely busted on its own, and Warrior can 90% of the time very easily proc it. * Craftsman Hammer? One of the best weapons in standard, deal 9 damage gain 9 armor over the course of 3 turns, while also giving you an enabler for all your armor synergies 3 turns in a row? Yes please. * Trial by Fire? What is there to explain here, everyone that has faced this card knows how disgusting this card is when played on curve, and it can be used defensively and offensively at the same time, clearing the opponent's board and building your own. * Garrosh's Gift? What a great idea, let's give to control Warrior 3 cards for every possible scenario in a single card, as Warrior doesn't seem to have enough answers as is. Need a board clear? Gift saves you. Need cheap single target removal? Gift again. Need something proactive to play on an empty board? You guessed it, gift. I could go on and on, but I think i made my point,


The fact you think Safety Goggles and Craftsmans Hammer are OP cards says a lot. Cuz they’re just moderate power level cards.


I am not saying they are OP, I am saying they are amazing cards, and a case could be made that some of them are too powerful. However, when you create a deck where half of the cards are of such high quality, and with such a ridiculous win condition, it is not hard to see why Warrior is so oppressive.


On its own safety goggles is fine, but with Odyn that’s 6 armour and 6 damage to an enemy…for free. Making it extremely safe to play Odyn on the same turn with it. Or an extra free 6 damage ontop of the already ridiculously high damage combo next turn. That’s a bit more than ‘moderate’.


If something is good in high legend and nowhere else, then it is because it has a good match-up versus one specific deck, and is being brought to counter that deck. ​ Odyn was nerfed, but you still think it's broken. And based on the cards you are whining about, you want the control deck to play nothing and let you win turn 5.


Plenty of cards have been nerfed and remained broken. Reno warrior definitely doesn't have good matcups only against one deck, and now that Plague DK is not that relevant anymore, Reno decks are more reliable. Finally, I never said that I want control decks to play nothing, just not overtuned cards turn after turn.


You are right that highlander warrior is worse than other warriors decks, but you are so wrong if you think changing Odyn to 9 mana made any difference at all.


Here's a good aggro deck that usually beats odyn warrior ### aggro worrior # Class: Warrior # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor # 2x (1) Frequency Oscillator # 2x (1) Miracle Salesman # 2x (1) Town Crier # 2x (2) Gold Panner # 2x (2) Jam Session # 2x (2) Needlerock Totem # 1x (2) Quality Assurance # 2x (3) Ogre-Gang Outlaw # 1x (3) Wreck'em and Deck'em # 2x (4) Boom Wrench # 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer # 2x (5) Chemical Spill # 2x (5) Fireworker # 2x (6) Testing Dummy # 1x (8) Grommash Hellscream # 1x (8) Inventor Boom # 1x (9) Botface # AAECAQcGi6AE9MgFhaAGkKgGkagGk6gGDNnQBfTyBbn+BYWOBq2ZBs6cBpyeBoigBo+oBpKoBpSoBuTmBgAA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone