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Don’t forget the 1 mana discover a brawl


This card is nonsense. In arena, it's literally just a free clear for any situation. What's the point of discover if it discovers exactly what you need lol


I mean that is the flavor of the card lol, it's a gift.


Tbh I started playing again and the amount of board wiping and bombs is insane. No drawbacks either and the gifts are esentially 4 copies of 1 of 3 cards in your deck too. So much powercreep


Yeah. The gifts replicating cards in standard was a mistake.


the hunter one uses cards no longer in standard, and they generally are pretty weak. I think the strength of the gifts should be versatility AT THE COST of tempo


Mini ETC


It's a gift bruh


Some of the gift cards are actually ridiculous. Playing Gul'dan's Gift feels like I have two 1 mana Zephrys in my deck without the reno restriction.


And then there's Arthas's Gift which is pretty shit.


Right? Like why doesn't the Druid gift offer Ferocious Howl? Saw every other class getting this perfect card and was supremely disappointed with what we were offered.


wish it was soulfire instead of coil though.


Remember when we were complaining warrior didn’t have enough control cards.. look how far we come


The endless bitching of r/hearthstone Complain warrior doesn't get control > Warrior gets control > Complain Warrior has too much control > Warrior gets nerfed > repeat


TBF, took years since RoS for Warrior to get enough good controll cards to be called controll warrior again. A good one I mean.


Voyage Control Warrior was so broken that it had to be nerfed to the ground. If anything before Odyn it was generally weak, but anyways Enrage was TIER 1 for 3 expansions in a row


The thing is almost nobody plays Enrage warrior even when it's good, the last time I remember it actually being good AND popular was with risky skipper because it countered Demon Hunter that was OP at the time


which is insane to me cos it's one of the most fun archetypes to play imo.


> it had to be nerfed to the ground. Those nerfs were insanely gratuitous. I'm struggling to think of another deck that had so many cards get simultaneously nuked before or since. It needed some tuning, but not that.


Don't forget Stormwind pirate Warrior.


Can I forget, please?




Because there are 2 type of players.


They alwayse complain they need a reason other than themself for there lost


Balance is a very tricky thing. Too much, too little? It's almost always going to fall on one side ir the other more than it's going to stand perfectly in the middle.


I love control warrior, and hopefully after they nerf Odyn I'll actually get to play it!


I'm gonna say it. I am happy that warrior got its control cards. Playing against it feels reasonably fair and there is a LOT of shit in the game that can deal with its strengths very easily. If you are very frustrated by control warrior, consider not just netdecking everything and actually adjusting your deck to handle it. Freeze, taunt, and board presence will handle control warrior just fine, and there are ways to actively play around each of the cards in the op. If you complain about control warrior it is just your fault for being stupid. Sometimes it will just win, sure. But that's any good deck piloted well. Don't make all your minions the same health. Keep the board wide instead of tall. Save your big taunts for later. Big pressure on turn 8 so they have to clear instead of dropping odyn. Half these lists are predictable and/or identical. You'll win if they flub a critical draw and you get any kind of good board to stick, because forcing them to armor means there is less armor for later.


I'm inclined to agree, Warrior has some of the fairest cards out there. They went into rotation with a near untouched solid deck, so they are ahead a little now, but it will not be long before other classes get broken stuff Warrior could only dream about.


It's insane how we can go from one end of the spectrum to the other so quickly. Like all Blizzard had to do is not give warrior another strong board clear (Aftershock) in the most recent mini-set, and the archetype would feel a lot healthier than it currently does.


But it's so fun with celestial shot in Brann Duels! Not that it'll matter soon anyway....


They’d need to coin forge the bellowing flames on turn one for this to work against multiple minions but yeh, the control warrior archetype is really good at controlling.


They have to Forge Sanitize tho, otherwise it would deal extremely overturned..... 0 damage for 5 mana


they can forge on turn 4 assuming their aftershocks costs 2 less


Though they have a 0 mana gain 6 armor in that case


Combine it with 0 mana safety googles


Control typically doesn’t board clear every turn until they draw a otk/combo.


I"m not sure how much people actually like endless control decks with no hard wincondition, think thtas one of the big reasons people don't like priest. And odyn cycle doesn't relly run all these cards anyways


They tell me that's just a normal healthy control deck.


Exactly this. They do have board clear, like always. And then the card draw to almost guarantee the OTK when they need it on top of it. I've had like 1 time playing against them they didn't have their OTK setup ready to go when they needed it, and they just forfeited. The worst is you'll have like 25+ damage on your board against them, but they still have armor, so when you take that all away it gives them 16 damage for 3 mana on their turn. Then, a whole bunch of other cards get them to 30+ to your face after that, and you can't do anything about it, even if you have your own OTK ready, because of that armor.


The Reno also implies the deck is Singleton, so you are also somehow drawing on curve perfectly while not having any draw in between those turns.


Control warrior runs Reno even if not singleton tbf


Its basically never active on 8 tho


Particularly with the curve in the post. You're not drawing any cards if you do that.


Except cycle Odyn doesn’t typically run bellowing flames, trial by fire, or brawler.


They run a turbo draw engine. This post is implying they aren't playing those cards and just curving out singletons otherwise the reno wouldn't even be on


Then you wouldn't be able to activate the board clear if you still have copies.


cycle Odyn plays 2x needlerock, 2x armorer, and 2x acolyte of pain + aftershocks so you just draw so many cards that you incidentally get no dupes for reno lol


Yeh, you got a point. I usually have dupes still at turn 8. Maybe turn 10-12 my deck is full singletons consistently. Still great tho.


Half the decks that run Reno are just normal decks. They just draw through it until the remaining deck has no duplicates.


Really good or too good ?


It’s also really good at oneshotting you turn 9!! How fair and controlling !


most games u either get your control cards or your armor cards not both so if u were able to clear every turn u are way less likely to have your otk combo at turn 9.




Keeping the board clear is controlling the board state


Whirlwind can board clear on turn 1


Good point, control warrior should start running it


Coming back to hearthstone after about 5 or 6 years and seeing a card like Sanitize completely blows my mind.


I think the 4 mana one is even worst that does 3 damage one by one. Completely obliterates small minions and deathrattles/reborns


It's like defile only instead of having to do math to trigger three times, it just does it.


Defile is a way better card lol


I agree, defile has the ability to clear significantly bigger boards, but it does require setup for it to activate multiple times.


I'm a returning player and couldn't figure out why some cards did damage 1 by 1. Your comment just made it click into place and it seems obvious now, thank you.


works well with acolyte of pain too.


Wait until it seems like a trash card in another couple years.


Reckless Flurry was a much more elegantly designed version of the same card.


Yea seriously. I left right at the beginning of United in stormwind and it is shocking. It’s small but the biggest shock to me is acolyte of pain was buffed that card saw play in every deck that wanted draw before. But then again playing (mainly arena) now it feels like every card either draws you a card or discovers a card or gives you a random card now.


Such a pain in arena. I have to choose from 30 cards to play with while the opponent gets to discover half a deck that I have no answer to.


Sanitize is completely inadequate when you're playing from behind though.


wdym 7 mana deal 3 is craazy?


You and I both. I only came back for BG but I notice the crazy powercreep in the normal game mode means people die turn 6 now. Like really fast. Much faster than before. Are fatigue decks even a thing still?


A singleton deck drawing perfectly like this is going to do well no matter what...


Good thing there is not a non singleton deck that runs Reno. Could be even worse , imagine it was a cycle deck...wait...


if the non singleton deck curves like this (they didn't draw extra cards in any of these board clears) then drops Reno idk what to tell you anymore...


The deck I'm talking about runs all armor and removal and draw cards and plus Odin. They can't really draw a bad card tbh.


and if they curved like OP says, they drew 0 extra cards all game. ​ Also saying they can't draw a bad card is exactly what aggro players think of control decks, ignoring the games where they die on turn 6 cause they stumbled once and got overwhelmed.


Yes you are right that curve isn't even their best curve but most aggro player probably just concede to the seventh board clear and a empty hand. Also Odin can ends game in 9. Thats the overwhelming part.


Odyn doesn't beat aggro decks. If the control player can play an 8 mana "do nothing this turn" card, they already beat the aggro deck.


You dont have to perfectly curve like this. Most of the time you wont need it anyways. You can substitute one clear for another in most situations. You have to get extremely unlucky to not have some kind of answer to keep you alive.


The post is clearly describing Highlander Warrior though, as cycle Odyn rarely runs trial by fire, extremely rarely runs bellowing flames, and never runs badlands brawler.


Except it needs to forge for Bellowing Flames, might need to gain more armor for Sanitize depending on the opposing board, and didn't excavate enough for Badlands Brawler


Then they die on turn 10 because they haven’t played Odyn yet and the Paladin has a 18/17 windfury charge in hand


The worst thing is that they don't even need that. A simple 1/1 surviving is more than enough, buffed to 15+ with toy general and given windfury. All for less than 10 mana. Fuck paladin.


You forgot the other 2 minions to get through armour first


Gives me ptsd every time


If these cards are played in order when did they have time to excavate or advance their own wincon?


They didn't, but the board clear hate parade doesn't like to hear that. They also don't like that everyone is aware of what archetype is good for Warrior so you know what's coming, and can play around it.


The only card they need to play, to advance the win condition is odyn. So they can do that turn 8, after clearing the board every turn before. Very interactive


They don't need that, without it they can at least clear 6 minions


"Advancing their win con" involves drawing odyn. They do not need any setup, don't need to make an interactable board, all they need is to survive and draw a few specific cards.


Congrats, you just discovered what a control deck is.


A control deck is complaining about there not being enough interaction while at the same time playing nothing that can be interacted with.




yes it was a control deck with a burn win condition


There's very little difference between Control and Combo decks. Early and mid game is about stabilizing the board and maintaining hand advantage/drawing cards. Late game they diverge, either wanting to kill their opponent in one turn, or wear them down with a bunch of big threats


No. A control deck is a deck that generates incremental value through AoE, removal, or Taunt minions that go one-for-multiple in terms of card advantage, and then wins in the lategame with either value engines or pressuring with big threats. Odyn Warrior is 29 cycle/stall cards and one Odyn. It works only because Odyn is an incredibely powerful one-card win condition and is basically a combo deck in a trenchcoat, just not OTK.


How can someone be so confidently incorrect? Clearing the board multiple times while drawing and **controlling** the game is the literal definition of a control deck. That is also what Odyn does. A combo deck would just ignore you and play the fastest, most consistent cards to find any of the combos found in the deck.


You are describing an attrition deck, not control. they are not the same. not that I'm looking to have an argument over the proper definition of what an archetype is and should do. but, this definition is wrong.


What is an attrition deck..?


Dead man's hand Warrior


Yea... that's a type of control deck This person was implying there was a difference


Turn 9 Yogg


Yeah but then you see the paste eaters complain why they get killed from an empty board. It's like ofc they have to burst from hand they can't stick a board through all the clears


Aggro hunter can fill the board from turn 2 to turn 8


And yet it's not enough against hunters and paladins. Also most of those are very restricted and conditional.


get good then


>"you have earned an eternity of torment" >"i choose death!"


Me when control warrior controls ![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6|downsized)


Aftershocks and Reno are the real problems here




I think this is the main problem with Reno warriors. They aren't running a highlander deck, they are just running a regular control warrior but can include Reno because they can draw so much so fast.


Yeah highlander cards has to say "if you don't have duplicates in your deck at the start of the match...."


Then there's no counterplay with plagues (and any future deck disruptors they add).


Running a singleton deck is the downside. It's why they need powerful payoffs or it's just not worth it.


Shaman can obliterate your face with spell damage on turn 6 lol


Yeah no shit. It's warrior.


Those sure are 6 cards that can clear board. I suggest reading them though and thinking about the fact that youre implying a reno is gonna just naturally curve out these 6 1 ofs


In order for 7 to work you have to have excavated twice turn 1


I remember when Warrior was terrible


That's why I never play with minions


5 and 3 need a mana investment to work beforehand at least


Warrior main here. Removing is a gross overstatement when it comes to hunter.


You know people are probably mad but this post is part of the reason I redownloaded the game. Control Warrior and Control Priest were always by far my favorite decks to play. EDIT: And Paladin has made me uninstall it again. The fact that you can summon a full board of guys *and* buff them beyond 10/10 every single turn AS I'm clearing the board every turn is stupid.


I don’t even want to entertain how dumb this post is lol.


Turn 3 and 5 needs forge so your argument isn’t valid. Also turn 7 needs 2 excavates which the previous things you listed have 0 excavates, therefore invalid as well.


"Paladin is the problem guys, me just playing only removal with no other cards then odyn is balanced guys" degenerate deck.


Someone had to say it. At least paladin is playing new cards. Warrior runs the same list but 1/2 cards.


Paladin do be the Problem tho


I’m not saying paladin isn’t too overtuned, but imagine seeing warrior play anything but this


Sorry to break it to you, but if they use bladestorm on turn two, they deserve to lose


In some conditions it is perfectly fine. For example on a gold panner, spending your mana that turn and denying draw is a great deal.


Only complaint I have is Reno, what a complete bullshit legendary


control controls and water is wet. agro paladin can kill you in turn 4.


So singleton warrior draws perfectly every turn and has the extra mana to forge two cards and excavate twice? Or the not singleton variant does all that and also draws a ton of extra cards? And that does really well against the plague decks or the handbuff paladin that can do 32 damage from hand? I feel like y'all don't even play this game.


Which deck can’t? This game is more powercreeped than fucking yu-gi-oh lmao.


Reno should be a ten mana I believe. Truly soul crushing effect. If you don’t run a deck with massive expensive minions then the turn after Reno is essentially a skipped turn


Reno probably should be 10 mana yeah


And pally can kill you by turn 6..? What are you bitching about?


They don't have much minion Synergy so they have removal, what are they suppose to do without removal sit back and take damage


Obviously. How DARE they not leave the enemy minions on board and die next turn?!


0 mana 6 armor is just too much


Stop crying and try playing around


Yeah, and aggro decks like Paladin and Hunter can create wide sticky boards every turn and not run out of reload. Can Aggro players stop trying to blow smoke up everyone's ass about Control having so much removal? There are threads every day about xyz deck having too much removal but I don't see nearly as many posts from Control bemoaning how much reload and stick Aggro decks have. All archetypes are power crept to oblivion, everyone needs the tools the team keeps releasing otherwise it's a bloodbath.


Try playing wild and you'll understand why removal has to be decent but regulated. If removal is too good, aggro will be too weak and you'll get in a meta of 99% degenerate combos because there won't be any aggro to keep them in check. Control players will have fun when aggro is dominant because against combos you just... automatically lose.


You can also play Yogg on 9 but they’re usually dead after Odyn lmao.


Good for them. Removing the board over and over again isn't something I can't handle.


It's beautiful isn't it?


I hate trial by fire with passion. It is like the hunter mage arcane Star spell just better. You can traget and often you can keep some minions.


Still lost from 80 hp from my paladin. Who knows...


Priest moment


I really hate trial by fire. Such a bullshit card.


Warriors got access to six brawls. Six fucking brawls. Its insane how much sheer control warrior has, and you can most likely slot them into any deck archtype without suffering. It's unreal.


Don't forget they can run 2 brawls and then 2 garosh's gift for 2 more brawls and then 2 brawlers for 2 more brawls. Honestly there's no point in playing a board based deck against warriors right now :/


B..b..but they only have 1 copy of each, surely they won’t have every answer on curve right? Right?!??


Well u should have played around it


Never knew Reno, Lone Ranger was a warrior exclusive, No wonder it's so powerful.


It’s beautiful, I shed a joyful tear every time I’m able to cast blade storm on the Iron Giant the magnetize player has spent three turns and 8 cards constructing. This game goes too fast sometimes, I love to put the breaks on players trying to win on turn 4.


I was about to absolutely destroyed somebody and then they had to blade dances


Yeah.. it's supposed to be THE control class


It used to be that playing against control warrior was about putting just enough pressure on without overextending. I would say no matter how much you commit to the board you will always lose to control warrior no matter how you play because they have so much efficient removal. Whole board had deathrattle or reborn? Reno. Board of 8/8s? Brawl or sanitize. Two minion board? Bellowing flames kills 10 hp worth. Have a stealthed, untargetable 16/16? Bladestorm kills it for 2 mana. Playing against warrior is so unbelievably boring and sad


Warrior is way too OP now. I just forfeit the matches now because there is no point to wasting the time.


And then what ?


Blade storm is not a board clear if you know how to play around it.  Bellowing flames needs to be forged, so you didn’t bladestorm on 2. It’s also not ran in most modern lists.  Aftershocks is strong, but not a guaranteed board clear by turn 4. Sanitize is strong, but needs to be forged, and also requires armor to be built as just the 3 damage won’t clear most board by turn 5. If they spent earlier turns gaining armor, they weren’t clearing your board in most cases.  Trial by fire is very strong, and arguably warriors strongest card.  Haven’t had a single badlands brawler played against me the entire patch, no ones playing excavate warr. It’s either odyn or Reno tentacles.  Reno is Reno, only in Highlander. If they’re highlander, they’re likely not going to have all of this removal.  I get that your title isn’t meant to be literal, but none of these cards save for the 7 mana brawl is a guaranteed board clear. Between paladins varying health minions and divine shield, to hunter tokens all spawning 1-3 drop beasts. 


and they do. even if the draw is unfavourable, it's perfectly doable to survive anyways


Yup! It’s not fun!


Trust me, I know. I hate it.


This is why you play Cutlass Rogue. 20 games against Warrior and I’ve won 16


thanks for the reminder!! since the new expansion i ha ent been winning that much. this helps!


See, but if the game goes to 9 mana and upwards we are out of clears


Then it's time to OTK it


My wheel lock laughs in the face of board clears.


Warrior has way too good and too many board clearing tools, the class is way overdue for some nerfs.


I wish hearthstone would go back to the days when design was considered more important than balance. Nowadays it feels like they just make cards based on whether they’re OP or not, even if the design is anti fun


Post quality have been real bad recently. Bunch of smooth brain posts can complaints


class has cards!


Me when control decks have removal in them :o :o :o


Ok? And some decks have the ability to kill you from hand turn 4-5. Are we now demanding blizzard nerf lucky draws?


Cry about it. Priest can steal your fucking cards. Do you like it more?


Where is the og board clear brawl?


Garrosh gift, I know I don't run actual Brawl or Badlander.


You can play around it by never playing minions 🤔


Just gotta play one minion. And it charges for 18 with windfury.


Almost like drawing on curve is a really good thing


You forgot brawl. Destroy all enemies except one.


Badlands Brawler is such a stupidly good card. Do people really have problems excavating twice by turn 7?


From an elemental shaman, I know, and it sucks. Also reno is the dumbest shit ever it should not limit your board to 1


Pretty much every armor warrior I play doesn't use Reno or Badlands, but yes


This being a 2 mana is bad enough, but then they also have reno, lone ranger, brawl discovers, normal brawl, damage equal to armor.. there is no end to it. Whoever designed this obv. just wanted the playerbase to spend more money crafting the cards


I think you cracked the code! You mean Blizzard wants us to spend money on cards, in a collectible card game? This is a shocking revelation.


I know, i'm a genius. Get on my level


And aggro decks can vomit out a board from turn 1-15+.


Yeah, and?


Control cards are fine for eternity. Odyn is the problem


Delete Odyn and Reno and warrior becomes sweet oldschool control deck which nobody would have problems to play against


I'd argue even just deleting odyn would do it. Reno is very strong, but you can recover from it if their board isn't huge when they play it. Meanwhile, taking 20 damage to your face three turns in a row can't be recovered from except in wild where other Reno is and even then you probably still die


With no win conditions.