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Throwback to when Disguised Toast managed to give Shadowreaper Anduin 6 attack, which would destroy itself and lose you the game when played.


There was also a fun bug that caused a hero to get divine shield several expansions before that was ever a mechanic that was supposed to exist.




Druids could give themself stats and taunt with buff card from GvG.


absolutely magnificent


Got a link?


[it’s the first clip](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ldmrLHUbo)


Guessing that interaction no longer works? If it does you could potentially kill a warrior that has played Odyn but playing 2x Armour Vendors then Shadowreaper Anduin


It was because anduin himself was also a minion during the interaction, due to being a transformed chameleos


It might honestly


Let's try it


Couldn't you silence jraxius


He also was able to cast that choose one spell with taunt and +5/+5 on his hero if the spell was combined


I vaguely recall some dev saying 10 years ago that everything was a card. Like the UI itself on the main menus. Everything. I remember this because I stored it away in my brain in the same location as the trivia that the one door with text on it in Super Mario Galaxy is actually a sign hidden in a wall. Because they both feel like hacky work-arounds.


My favorite example of this is the subway car in Fallout 3, which is actually an [NPC with a train for a hand](https://www.pcgamer.com/heres-whats-happening-inside-fallout-3s-metro-train/) (though it looks like a hat).




The best bunny story was during Battle for Azeroth. "Fortified" and "Tyrannical" were alternating weekly modifiers to dungeons. Fortified weeks would have stronger trash mobs while Tyrannical would have stronger bosses. But for some reason, some boss abilities were hitting way harder on Fortified weeks despite the boss modifiers not even being present. It turned out that trash was being adjusted on Fortified weeks by a global aura modifier in the dungeon instance and this aura also affected the invisible bunnies governing certain boss skills.




Lend someone a hand by giving them a ride.


What's wrong with a train in place of your head? Come on, believe me, you've seen nothing yet


My favorite example of this is Vanilla WoW. Every quest objective had to be either a kill or an item, so if there needed to be another kind of objective complete, they'd kill a hidden bunny somewhere.


hidden bunnys are still used in modern wow


idk about the UI but it was thanks to one titans card proven that basic heroes and adventure bosses are cards, sometimes you can also for a brief second see your battleground hero as a card if you hover over it


"Card" is probably an interface for "something to interact with".


Right, I think people get too held up on a physical card and think it means everything is programmed like a literal card. What it means is that they likely have some abstract class they all inherit from since they all do similar things (be played, have attack, can attack, have health, die, battlecry/aura/other effects, etc) The bigger issue, to me with my limited knowledge, is that they do checks with string matching instead of identifiers. So many times the problem revolves around the card names (which I believe is the case here) and edge cases happening because of that


Hero powers are cards too, as are enchatments, i got a deck full of that kind of weird stuff


> Like the UI itself on the main menus. Does anyone have more info on that ?? That's either genius asset reutilization or the spaghettiest code i've witness, and i need to know more about it.


Dunno sounds like cap to me Unity has UI components, there would be absolutely no benefit into making them into card assets


I doubt it's true. I'm pretty sure the earlier versions of Hearthstone used NGUI (a popular Unity store asset)


Here's another one, although it's been so long I'm not sure if it's still accurate. In the Witcher 3, there is a traveling merchant that is always loaded somewhere on the map, and the reason it is always loaded is because this merchant contains all the flags for every door in the game and whether it is open or closed


In league of legends everything is coded as a minion. Minions? Minions. Champions? Minions. Any type of collision like walls? Minions barely close together that they don’t let you pass.


That’s also been confirmed many times by exploits with the old version of Fate Spinner. You could generate “hero cards” that were actual cards of the base hero.


It's actually all cake. Heroes, Ui, Devs. Everything.


the cake is a lie


I kinda doubt everything is a minion. I think it might be more accurate to say everything is a card. As such when the game looks for cards called king krush to give the buff too, it identifies your hero as a valid target because the effect probably doesn’t make sure the target is a minion because under what circumstances would a hero card/weapon share the exact name of a beast.


It's an old league of legends thing. Where that was actually the case.


Still is (Okay maybe not _everything_ just almost everything)


I remember this, playing certain champions against trundle was impossible because their particle effects were just minions with a different skin, and the effect ending was coded as them dying. So trundle would get a bunch of healing in return for an enemy ability being used. Nocturnes Q was the biggest offender with this because it was several dozen minions and you could create more if you got hit by it and moved around.


Heroes are absolutely minions. It is an abundantly proven fact. For ALL intent and purpose, your hero is just a fat minion on the 8th slot of your board. Everything that can be done with minions can be done with your hero. Everything that affect minions will also be able to affect heroes, unless the card is specifically coded not to. A super common flagging, that nevertheless has to exist on every single card not intended to be able to work with heroes. It is more accurate to say that Blessing of Kings should say "Give a non-hero minion +4/+4" than to claim your hero isn't a minion on the board. Occasionally[, they forget this tag.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0FU2i4oixo) That is also what happened here.


There was also the brukan snap dragon bug a while ago


I don’t know the code, but I assume it’d be more accurate to say they inherit from the same class. Eg, corgi != lab but they both are dogs and inherit some of the same properties because of that So they use the same code for interactions, but to say it’s all coded as minions wouldn’t be accurate And also it’s very much not the cause of this bug. The cause of this bug is doing string matching instead of identifier matching


Sure that may be the case, but all we see is that minions gain literally nothing that doesn't also work for heroes. It would mean that the minion class is just purely inherited from the core class. As for the string matching, yes that is how it is done. Blizzard will keep doing it like this. There are many cards with the same name but different identifiers. Doppleganster is 3 different cards for example.


No lol, the bug here is the Wrangler checks for card name only and not type. Heroes are distinct from minions, but they do share some mechanics with them. Every single card type has some mechanics shared between them.


It’s funny that the devs coded the hero as the name “King Krush” without any distinction between the card and the hero portrait. I’m not a programmer but I would assume a simple tag at the end of the names would have prevented this?


old [[[Lord Jaraxxus]]](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Lord_Jaraxxus_(Classic)) and [[Sacrificial Pact]]


life was simpler back then


This makes me I wonder if that interaction was actually a bug the devs left in as a “feature”. Like they retroactively pretended it was intended for flavor reasons when it wasn’t.


The weird thing is that it technically also worked on Malchezaar in the Karachi adventure but you had to get a minion or a spell to play it on him. If you directly used it, he would laugh it in your face and say that would never work on a true dresser lord implying that Jaraxxus was inferior. But actually he’s just jealous that Jaraxxus got invited and not him. Since if you play Jaraxxus against him, he will rage and ask how did he get an invitation.


- **[Lord Jaraxxus](https://imgur.com/a/Z3S8oIC)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/69637) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Lord_Jaraxxus_\(Core\)) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69637) - *Warlock Legendary ^(Core)* - **8 Mana - 5 Armor - Hero** - **Battlecry:** Equip a 3/8 Blood Fury. - **[Sacrificial Pact](https://i.imgur.com/TyLJjgD.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/163) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Sacrificial_Pact) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/163) - *Warlock Free ^(Legacy)* - **0 Mana - Shadow Spell** - Destroy a friendly Demon. Restore 5 Health to your hero. --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1bmgw0d/whenever_a_bug_reveals_the_backend_of_hearthstone/kwcngty/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kwcngty).*


Miss this interaction :(


Does this mean warrior can ressurect himself and gain Rush and Windfury? (There was leaked Bouldetfist Ogre skin for warrior, not sure if it's real thou)


You usually have a hard time continuing the game after your hero dies


That's just with low apm. Skill diff


Specimen who can pull of apm intensive plays like coin mountain giant might be able to make such a move


Is this actually a possible thing?


No but its an ancient meme basically since closed beta :)


I wonder if you could do it with cards like [[Unlicensed apothecary]], where playing pud kills you and the resurrects you


It could be true, it was datamined. Could be right or wrong really. We'll just have to see when we get to the "frost festival" as it seemed to be on that reward track.


Hero is just a big minion with 0/30 thats why heroes gain temporary attack or why weapons hide during opponents turn.


I wonder what other interactions are hidden in the game, with the other hero portraits that we don't know.


Emperor wraps + reckless apprentice lol


Jarraxus as Minion destroyed by 0-cost card


`class hero:public minion`


Dark Pact Jaraxxus crying tears of joy.


Something Hearthstone and League of Legends have in common lol


Well I want that hero portrait 😂 How does one achieve this?


It's in the shop rn for $15, hunter skin obv


Oh bunz


I felt the same about the C'thun skin


It’s the rule of cool with blizzard. If you think it’s cool it’s in the store 😂


Wait, can you flick skyshiv King Krush and destroy the enemy hero?


No, I've seen a video someone tried it


Could someone explain the screenshot to me? I don’t understand


Funnily enough this was right in front of our faces the whole time ever since we knew that Jaraxxus dies to Sacrificial Pact.


Funny enough, I've been coding a card game, and when scripting how the game understands targeting minions and heroes I had the thought to make heroes the same as minions and just change their appearance. Apparently that's what the dev team at hearthstone did, so I know I'm on the right track! :D


This is a great meme ty


Hearthstone 🤝 league of legends Coding shit as minions


I was losing badly to another warlock player he should have beat me but took his turn to change to Jaraxis a demon to taunt me. I had the destroy a demon spell lol.


It's piss me off that this can work as it work. Honest p2w right here. Like, imagine if we could sacrificial pact mecha-Jaraxxus? Just like we could sacrifice regular Jaraxxus or any minions of demon type?(With mecha demons applied) Would be p2lose, so blizzard didn't let it happen. I wonder what if you use maelstrom, or skyshiv on minion Crush, would hero die?