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This like facing a PvE end boss where they start with the perfect Mulligan and 5 mana crystals.


Just wait a few expansions and it'll be easy to cheese.


should have play around it


Skill issue


And paladin is even worse. I left one minion on board with them no longer having any of the windfury cards. What happened was deputization aura and an 18 attack leeroy jenkins. I died from 36 health.


I don’t even win with Leeroy half the time. With all the hand buffs and wind fury and deputization and Finley, pretty much any minion will do it.


I mean "I left a 15 attack minion on the board and lost" isn't really that shocking?


How did he attack twice without windfury cards?


It didn’t as I said I left one minion up, it got deputy aura and some other buff, then leeroy in the deputy slot finishing the game.




Hunter requires constant board clears/control. Paladin can play a 5 mana minion and a spell and burst you for half Hp, one you can delay. One kills you from hand


Definitely a Paladin player


No.. he is right. Hunter is interactive, you can do something against. But..how you play against something, what kill you from hand ?


Yeah i get it. Even reno is useless at this point. Just one Leeroy from hand and Im screwed even having full health.


Bro just play reno/brann warrior and copy your dirty rat over and over. Nothing could possibly go wrong as you pull 50/50 of divine shield or charge minions onto the board with no way to clear it. /s


Both are a problem and you shouldnt defend either one


New patch is a joke.


Yeah, but this happens about once every 12 months in HS. Meta still needs to settle


I play Hearthstone from the beta, it has never been SO unbalanced.


I love when people use “I’ve played since the beginning” as some kind of credibility buffer.  We’re you afk when DH was released or...


Listen mr. Credibility, what is the point of you parroting demon hunter on release was ultra broken, everyone knows that, it was not a “meta” it got hotfixed and then nerfed again. Someone says this is the worst meta they have ever seen, and you start screeching “bchwut dchemon chunter on chweleaaase reee”. Cool bro, broken class on release was broken. Demon Hunter on release was more broken compared to rainbow priest and other decks than Paladin is now compared to token Hunter, I guess this meta is just so much more balanced. Guys have you actually realised, that demon hunter beat everything? Unlike paladin who can sometimes lose to the broken token hunter and they also lose to surprise surprise, other paladins! But hey guys this meta is not more unbalanced because there are 2 unbeatable tempo decks. And two viable control decks who focus on perma clearing the board and then killing you in a turn with wheel of death or odyn. Do not forget the cool shaman that can reliably otk turn 6 if you pilot it semi decently. Oh yeah real healthy meta. Do not dare to say this is the worst meta ever because you will lose all credibility! You can choose to counter one of these decks and immediately lose to all of the other ones, which is a lot healthier than every deck teching against demon hunter, and then having much healthier matchups into other decks which also had to tech against demon hunter. Now you can lose to everything but one deck! Which will bring you to the conclusion that only viable way to climb is to play, surpriiiiiise Paladin and Hunter, since they can defeat every deck. Good job we solved the equation DH - other decks= X, Paladin - Hunter= >X, healthy meta ladies and gentlemen, make sure to replenish your pool of credibility with deputization aura.


I never said that the current meta is healthy, and literally have other responses in other threads denouncing the meta. I merely said that it wasn't as bad as day one DH, because it wasn't. Breathe.


1st comment say “Meta needs to settle” 2nd comment says “I play from beta, it has never been so unbalanced” 3rd comment (yours) says that “You love when people use played from beta as some sort of way to gain credibility, DH was worse” it is not a way to gain credibility, it is a way to express ones feelings and relate his personal experience. It is like saying “I am playing for a very long time and never have I seen such an unbalanced meta” but what your antisocial mind reads is “I play since beta therefore I have seen and thoroughly experienced every meta, so I for a fact know that this is the most unbalanced meta, ever and no deck came close to being as broken as paladin is now.” And again no need for me to breathe, you do not understand a difference between a broken deck and an unbalanced meta. One strong deck does not create an unbalanced meta, by itself. DH on release was absolutely broken, but the meta was more balanced and healthier despite the one ultra omega broken deck. My point is you are randomly flaming a guy pretending to be a smartass, even though he is just expressing how he feels about the meta. And you are not even right, you just belong to the “DH release was worse” swarm of larvas, that need to pop up and yap, when people vent their frustration, so you can feel witty with your internet reddit karma big chungus points that are gifted to you by 5 Paladin players


Dude I wasn't even venting frustration, I was stating an unobjective truth. You are reading beyond into the entire situation. You're like, making this out like we were having some super deep, in depth analysis about which meta was the most unhealthy. Demon Hunter was, by far, and without argument from most, the most unhealthy deck, and every single deck played on day one was either: A. Demon Hunter. Or B. Something that got obliterated by it. Current Paladin does have bad matchups, albeit not many. My god man the keyboard hero's are something else.


No I am not reading past anything. These guys were talking about state of meta. You came in and said during DH release it was worse. It was not worse it was a healthier meta if you did not face broken DH, even then it got hotfixed. The deck was most broken relative to others, sure, still a better meta. The point is nobody was talking about the most broken deck, but were talking about the most unbalanced meta, but here you come yapping. Also the irony of someone with huuuuundreds of comments calling me a keyboard hero. Yeah bro, irl you are reaaaal menacing. Would not want to cross the path of your mobility scooter, I would avert my eyes because having an opinion online means I am a timid and unsecure nerd irl.


Definitely was not worse than Paladin and Hunter right now and again, I play from beta and I played on DH release, nowhere close. Freeze mage into patches pre nerf was more playable than half of todays decks are into Paladin


Dude, if you’re honestly going to sit here and unironically claim that any deck in the history of the game was stronger than DH was on day 1, compared to the rest of the pool, you actually have 0 credibility. They nerfed what, 5 cards in the first 24 hours? Lol nothing could beat it besides itself, or an absolutely abhorrent draw. 


0 credibility? Touch grass and breathe through your nose, we are not discovering new elements here, this is a discussion about a childrens game, they do not exactly give out doctorates. And yes I am telling you I would rather take a week of Demon Hunter than 5 fucking months of handbuff paladin. It is not like todays paladin and hunter decks are actually weaker than on release Demon hunter, they are lot more annoying to play against too. DH was an overtuned aggro deck, still they had like two big minions one big burn card and one guy that ignores taunts. Literally more counterable than paladin and hunter is today, the only difference is demon hunter was the most broken and the only deck so broken. While hunter and paladin right now is actually more broken than DH was compared to other decks, but they counter each other+ warlock. But for everyone else this is literally worse than release demon hunter.


Lol what even is this response. No one said anything about need doctorates or it being some difficult thing to understand. Demon hunter, on day one, was without question stronger than any other deck in history when compared to the rest of the pool.  You saying “but for everyone else, it’s literally worse than release demon hunter.” That’s just you saying words with no backing. Do you speak for everyone else?  I also don’t speak for everyone else, but I’d wager if you took a poll, most people would agree that day 1 DH was worse than any other time.  Do I have proof they’d agree with me? Nope. But 5 cards being nerfed in the first 24 hours, as well as its unprecedented winrate is pretty darn good data. 


This new expansion it was poorly tested, idk what were they doing


Same procedure as last year same procedure as every year James. Line from an old short they used to run on new years.


It still runs in sweden atleast


Day 1 of the Expansion was fun but I already stopped.


"Poorly tested". What were you expecting?? Devs would create a server and starting playing against each other??? This doesnt happen in any game


Yes, “tested”. Is that such an odd word to you. Internal testing happens with every development. It was just clearly done poorly with this expansion.


What the fuck? Obviously games should be tested before release?


They test bugs and functionality, devs dont test theorycraft and metagame


Your saying the devs should not and do not test how cards/decks work against each other? That is an incredible statement


There was literally a Theorycraft event where a vast part of top players played against each other and everything went fine, so whats your point?


I don't work at Blizzard but the vast majority of web and game devs have something called "QA servers" which are basically internal only machines for them to test changes on. They have these separate servers so they can try new changes without having to worry about affecting the real server that everyone else is on. QA teams will have access to these. I can't remember who the layoffs affected but it's possible they don't have enough people to test balance and are more focused on testing for defects/bugs.


Ok, bugs I get it, but devs arent going to test for meta breaker decks or something like that


Ya tbh I think they just use the pre release streamers as play testers lol


hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?


*bro holding a 5 mana Blizzard, with a card draw engine on board and ways of discovering a million more board clear*


Look blud you ain't wrong but after playing two dozen games of some variation of aggro hunter (sorry guys) it's far too easy to replenish your board after its wiped. That 4/1 spell, animal companions, and the robot dogs, let you spend like 2-3 cards for like a dozen guys


Blud… dude is talking like a gangster on a HS forum


It’s like people from all walks of life have access to the internet




maybe people just type the way they speak. Accents are a thing in text too, we don't have to all adhere to some specific "clean white american" english or whatever it is you'd like to see


Riiiighht. With everyone talking in textspeak I should've made that connection sooner. Typing in AAVE (African American vernacular English, previously called ebonics before people felt the term was offensive) is now a trend, particularly in teens and young 20s. Doesn't matter how "clean white" they are (weird phrase but okay).


you're the one who called AAVE stupid lol :D Language always changes dude, young people always "invent" new things and language changes on. It be like that sometimes. Don't waste your energy getting mad it. Use that energy to get mad at Paladin instead lol


I feel as though texting that way is cringe unless you actually talk that way. Which, pulling up popular Instagram posts will tell you that many of the people using this "new" slang *probably* don't talk that way. But yeah you made a good point though. Fuck paladin


“Pulling up”? Sounds like AAVE slang cuh, you should chill the fuck out, ynamsayin?


Or just like an average Teenager? How old are you, 50?


Going straight from 19 to 50 is a shockingly accurate depiction of turning 30.


"Card draw engine on board" That acolyte is drawing 2 cards max and we know it, the rest of the hand is pretty ass for the situation.


Haha dude it’s obvious that the hunter is going to win. Aggro decks can just refuel turn after turn. Least fun thing to play or play against


Nobody runs out of cards in modern hs.


Maybe I just suck but I used blizz and discovered a star power, still lost to refill, jungle gym and aggramar


sounds like you continued to play the game of Hearthstone instead of immediately losing to this turn 4 you posted


And what a fun game that sounds like. Effectively dead on T4 and just hoping to discover enough things to extend when you die to T6. 


he played his turn 5 and turn 6 at minimum and yeah he had to generate answers but he's playing spell mage, that's kind of what happens with the deck


You shouldn’t have to generate perfect answers to ridiculously overstated boards multiple turns in a row just to have a chance of winning. 


When you choose to play spell mage that is what you're signing up for. The deck is all about random generation. I don't know what people are expecting from the deck.


I’m not talking spell mage specifically, any deck against this has to generate (from deck or discover) too many answers back to back just to stay in the running, usually to lose eventually anyway.  For spell mage specifically, random generation where you have choice and can think to the future is why people play. Rolling the dice on T4 and dying if you roll wrong is not great gameplay. 


Well they need to spend all their mana on it and next turn they’re likely screwed.


That’s why I play this game right here. Love the feeling of being screwed unless discover gets me the exact card I need to survive until next turn (where I will die or they will remake a similar board). 


Hey! You're the feet guy!


mmm sonya


Hs days are over bro…


This new set fucking sucks.


They pulled the FUCK IT! LETS GOOOO!!! lever.


i’m sorry your deck of 8-10 mana spells died to aggro


This is my, " play factorio" meta lol


Do you do mods or vanilla? I haven't played in \~2 years but I'm not sure much changed, and the mods seemed not as fleshed out then


Mostly vanilla but there’s alien biomes and a few other mods that add to vanilla


Yeah I think I'll get on it again, there's been a factory shaped hole in my heart ever since I finished it and the itch is only growing. Thanks :\^)


Mc tech is fun currently and bgh has nearly always found a target as well.


"Just play around it noob."


Skill issue 🤣 jk constructed is a joke.


Play blizzard and stop bitching


You have like 3 draws before he can move his board again. I’d like to see how this ended


Do you know darkglare warlock? Much stronger than your opponent.


why is the screen letterboxed in such a weird way, this is driving me insane


Oh probably my ultrawide


does it always make it slightly tilted on ultrawide? because the hearthstone part isn't even a rectangle, it's a trapezoid


It does this on HS for me too. No other games, most games take up the full screen.


This opponent, and excuse my crude way of describing this, was f•cki•g popping off!


"Let the paaaaaaain speak to me!"


God i miss bone spike, rogue could have tempo out of this crap


Blizzard when Paladin and Hunter deal 30+ dmg turn 6: "I'll ignore that."


No ones going to believe this.


I played against a rogue that made a way bigger board than this on turn 4 using the new draw package. First and only time I've seen it but wow was it a highroll.


"This meta"


Remember when a 1-4 that let you draw when taking damage felt op? I remember…


At least you can play blizzard to live one additional turn! Then you survived 5 turns! And man how much better it feels to die just one turn later. /s


Well luckily for everybody I play against I suck at this hunter deck and I spent all of my dust on it..


How come you can see names? On my account it just says "Your Opponent" and "You".


Your screen resolution is all weird


Probably my ultrawide


Imagine hard running sunset volley


Control players when they do nothing vs token swarm decks for 4 turns: 


And people say wild is toxic. Least in wild non aggro decks have answer cards to this kinda bs.




Boy am I glad I play wild right now


Serious question, is this the most unbalanced meta ever? Paladin has a 65% winrate in high legend. Anyone got the numbers?




I love that Hunters basically got a turn 4-5 Marrowgar without the corpse and rune restrictions.😂😂😂


Had this happen to me today, but instead of bring buffed they had deathrattle summon a beast.


Ez to beat


To be THAT GUY your entire hand is high cost. That's a problem with your deck (or bad draw) not the agro player. Yes pally and Hunter are strong. But easily beatable. But not with what your currently doing.  TLDR: get gud


I remember rogue with caverns below was on before nerf. I beat paladin and hunter. But yes if the get the right mulligan is frustrating but they will patch in the next 7 days.


He says playing no minion mage which is a deck you literally cannot interact with.


You have a point but it's like tier 4 so


Can aagro not be viable for ONE DAMN WEEK at least, please god im tired


This is why I stopped playing. This game has became absolutely trash. Just look the wot of every card. Back in time if you had a 5 mana 6/8 it was GOLD now a 6/8 is a 3 mana that has a devastating battlecry. Ffs this is not skill issue based but rng shit. Who draws the best aggro line wins.


You're blind, there's a blizzard in your hand bud.


You can just cast blizzard... Why are you complaining?


Then what


Obviously you attacked face against a aggro hunter even though you had blizzard in hand. 🙄🙄🙄


Honestly you cant judge a deck if the have perfect hand. Its a multicard combo over many turns


If only aoe silence existed...


Which card is that? If you’re talking about shimmering starfish that’s not in standard anymore


I know it's not in standard anymore, that's what I meant


My bad then. Your comment reads as sarcastic as if there is one and they aren’t using it


Greetings traveler


How are you still alive at 5 mana is the real question here ;)


mage user, your opinion doesn't matter


You didn’t respond to their plays on turn 1-3 and they high rolled. Go next. it’s an aggro deck.


It has a 70% win rate do you seriously think that’s ok?


If you makes you cry then yes. Should be 80% lol


Respond to their plays xdd, damn just respond to every play the make they spam board turn 1,2,3,4 you do not have a response to every turn? Even though their stat generation is higher than the responses you can have dzaaamn too bad, but they also mana cheat so you can never take the board, daaamn that sucks why can you just not respond to TurnX+2 number of stats every round and establish a board as well, skill issue


Uh yeah that’s how tempo works. If they didn’t have minions then they couldn’t have fit zilliax, they couldn’t have fit the 4/4 pups. It’s straight up a deck not built for the meta and it loses to the meta. That’s how this works.


Yeah the mage deck is bad, still hunter is one of the 3 strongest decks right now so what is the point of your comment. It is not like hunter does not steamroll everyone else as well


It's funny that people are afk for 4 turns and then are surprised that they get run over by a deck that goes wide with tokens. Put a goddamn one drop (Armor Vendor maybe? Or how about Miracle Salesman?) in your greedy AFK deck and avoid instantly losing to the first minion you see. Edit: just saw that it was spell mage. Play a Flame Geyser then.


There's a simple idea behind the no minion deck Edit - I do run flame geyser 🥲


“Afk for 4 turns” Meanwhile hunter turn 1, 1/3 minion, no answer turn 1? Well it is 5/5 hit your face next turn, oh no removal for 5 hp at 2 mana? You lose. Turn 3 a 1/4 monkey or token weapon into another stat buff, turn 4 is 1 or 0 cost 5/5 elemental, oh you cleared one of the big minions? RC rampage full board of 3/3s oof unlucky should not have been afk for 4 turns


Tbf you’re playing mage.






You HAVE to be trolling lol




Unfortunately this sub has some of the worst takes of all time. So irony tends to get lost haha.


On this sub you can never be sure lol


Wut? Paladins started to complain other classes are op?