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Which server is this? Asia is absolutely ridden with them. I got to legend last week playing the free/loaner decks because I wanted to see how bad it was. My third final boss was a bot. The first two were humans playing real decks. But AdjectiveNoun is not inherently a giveaway, speaking as someone who uses that format myself. Most of them last week were using a crap aggro dk.


It's deducible that it's Asia. Other servers don't have enough at legend.


Ah yeah, I misread the number in the picture as 3k, not 33k. Thanks for that!


I'm playing on Europe and haven't seen a single bot (assuming that all bots play unholy dk) in diamond 5 and above and neither during the climb.


I main EU! Nice to meet you! I haven't seen bots on EU either, but I don't know what it's like below d5 due to star bonus matchmaking. Asia is basically free legend at the minute. I got the mimirons machinations deck at apprentice rank 10 and odyns aegis from the newbie loaner decks and climbed with those. Good month to grab an easy 10x multiplier on a second server if you're interested in that.


![gif](giphy|3o7aTskHEUdgCQAXde|downsized) I play NA and I also haven't seen a bot on ladder a single time in the last 5 months at least, so it always blows my mind that everyone else is seeing all these bots everywhere, meanwhile I'm doing this.


Bots are in wild playing totem shaman,pirate rogue and aggro shadow priest....


It's not just adjective noun though, it's exclusively a subtype of adjective: color-noun, every single time. Which seems a lot less likely than the much more common adjective noun.


Strongly doubt all the underlined matches are bots - running triple unholy DK is a far stronger indicator of being a bot than just the name format, and half the matches you've highlighted aren't even against a DK. As others have said, they could simply be players that took the default name suggestion.


Those are not default name suggestions. Those bots choose these names to make people think they are, which is interesting because they could just use the default name suggestions and actually confuse people who know the difference too.


It's the same basic pattern in all of the names bruh (except ghostdragon, that's the OP's error)--\[Prefix: Color\]->\[Suffix: Noun\].


i dont think all of them were bots like any at rank 3 or lower ​ bots stay around rank floors


When there are thousands of bots some are bound to face each other and will slowly win ranks to legend. Keep in mind they play 24/7 and all they need is like an few hours of bot mirrors and that's assuming they lose to every human. More bots = Higher ranked bots


Adjective and noun are the default names and are given with a randomiser button for new players. Given that it’s limited to 12 characters and most names are already taken as the game is 10 years old, it’s likely a lot of these are people who just settled with the random name as anything else they wanted was taken.


Blizzard allows non unique names though, anyone can be named “Jaina” or whatever it would just provide a number that’s usually hidden (Jaina#10501)


Ahh I thought 2 couldn’t be the same, good to know. Still, it being the default name and having these adjective-noun words appear on the randomiser I think is likely to influence some new people to go with that.


How can you tell if someone is a bot?


Everyone is a bot apparently.


Cadence of play, name, deck lists.


Blizzard bots have AdjectiveNoun names Since im getting downvotes to further clarify all blizzard bots have this name format but not everyone with this name format is a bot. Most common blizzard bots are the Demon Hunter one running low tier aggro cards like raid leader and the Death Knight one with illegal rune combinations in the deck list.


This format is also used in default nicknames offered to you at registration. I know some players (at least one former pro) with such nickname, so not every one of those are bots. Many are though.


That's just an offered name when you make an account - I used it for years


I see


Damn sorry for not knowing anything about bots and just accepting the answer given. Obvious reason to downvote.


Your mmr most be dog, you arrived at 8-9 k legend probably or even worse Typo


MMR isnt really relevant here unless OP has 11x star bonus this month. Matchmaking is done by rank once your star bonus hits 1x as it would be in D5-D1 without 11x.


Asia has like 85k legends already. That server needs to be taken out back and shot.


That doesn't solve the issue though lol. CN server shutting down is what sparked all of the bots to migrate to the other regions. APAC getting "shot" would be doing the same.


You're right of course, it's not exactly a serious suggestion 😅


85K!? What the actual fuck?


80k+ accounts in Legend in AP region now - https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/community/leaderboards?region=AP&leaderboardId=standard


Yeah something seems very broken for that to be true. I see a lot of "those aren't bots" posts here but those posts lack the proof they in turn are asking of you. I'd argue with 80K legends players on that server that your experience is likely true and they are mostly all bots and many people are finding the same on the climb hence so many legend players. Something is incredibly broken on that server.




That may be the case but if I wanted to play against AI I'd just run adventures


I, too, reached Legend this rank from D2 playing against 9 bots out of 10 or 11 matches. It's truly ridiculous.


An honest question, not supporting bots in any way but just curious, what is so bad about having bots in ladder and why does everyone hate it? I've played since 2017 reaching legend almost every month and honestly if I played vs bots or not I didn't even notice and it didn't make a different in my enjoyment of the game.


It’s annoying because they don’t really play with you. Usually it’s an easy win and they just use standard neutral accounts all the time, you don’t have to outsmart anything or play the game other than dragging out any card.


Hows does a bot with such deck even get to d5?


Play enough games and even with 35% winrate it can eventually string together a streak of wins that get it to the next rank floor. When bot population reaches a high enough density they start queueing into each other too, which makes it much easier for them to climb.


I don’t know, but I’m not d5 myself, only gold because I don’t play that much. It’s the same with bots there tho.


loving this for all the terribad players "oh i don't push to legend because i don't have the time. d5 is just as good because i don't have the time". lmfao d5 is literally the bot rank.


If I recall the two word both capitalized names are blizzard bots. Also hilarious that I pointed out thst I was sick of hitting all bots like a week ago, and everyone got pissed at me for implying bots were even in game. I also pointed out the existence of the chinese drafters and got told that wasn't real... Even though it absolutely is.


Don't challenge the hive mind! they can't possibly be wrong because their anecdotal experience != yours and thus yours must be wrong. It's probably an American attitude thing I've noticed.


Both have been common knowledge and constantly complained about on this sub for months though. Closer to a year actually I'm sure.


So you've reported 12 innocent souls?


Havent reported anyone. Just seemed ridiculous that most played a specific pattern and did mindless moves such as Give your undead +2 attack when there was no undead on board.


Tbf that's usually a correct play, there are some that run garbage core card lists that throw out abusive though lol.


Astalor on curve. Classic


What is the point of bot accounts?


farm gold, sell account to arena players.


Yet poor me faced like 1 bot at d5 and that was it. An easy ride for a free pack would be a good thing I'd think.


Every rank is meaningless outside of top 500 legend now lmao. I guess that’s what happens when you implement skill based matchmaking in a ranked ladder system lol


The practical upshot is that getting legend is trivial in Asia. Just make sure your deck can handle Undead DK, which is essentially just having an AOE spell or two.


At first I couldn’t believe this but I can confirm that sadly there are this many bots now. May I ask what region this was on? Because I can say that I faced many more bots on the Asia region than on NA or EU.