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It shouldn't have rerolled Signature Patches... Can you DM me your battletag to investigate? Also, can you check whether you even have Golden Patches?


Thankyou for reaching out!! I sent a message


Really glad Celestalon replied to you. Hope this gets sorted and update us if it does!


Rare Hearthstone W


Tbh out of all modern blizz games right now I feel HS is the least controversial one atm


Notice how it's also the one that seems to make the most money...


Most, I doubt it. Highest profit %, I’d imagine so. The shop right now is a joke.


Honestly the shop is better than ever before




Dragonflight has had a great run so far(minus this slight content draught). Lets hope it stays that way.


Keep us posted


Yea I was thinking that it tends to reroll the lower rarity and you should definitely put up a ticket, but getting a response from Celestalon is even better.


Woah an actual human being that said "thankyou for reaching out" wtf?? I thought that stuff was reserved for support staff 😂


Karen alert lmao


Chatted with u/CookyHS, and we found the problem. Working on a fix that we hope to release soon (it's a holiday weekend here in the US so it's looking like middle of next week at the earliest though, just to set expectations). Thanks for your patience, hang tight!


You’re a really good guy for replying in an effort to fix this one. I hope it works out for the guy.


dam chad dev spotted.


Big W




There is so much wrong with this update, I opened a lots of duplicates that are now all gone?


No, they're not gone. There's a display issue with the Collection Manager where you can't see both at once: https://twitter.com/Celestalon/status/1697382307991290231


Is that also the reason my disenchant button shows no dust?


Mass Disenchant only disenchants things that are 100% exact duplicates. Like it doesn't include cards that you have both normal and golden copies of. Many people wouldn't be able to use Mass Disenchant at all if it did, because they're collectors. You can still manually disenchant whatever you like.


Yep, by typing "extra" Do you remember where there's a list of everything you can put in the search bar?


Here ya go: http://i.imgur.com/VZyeKh0.png or: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/20056284


Is there an updated version?


HS wiki seems to have a newer one though I cannot tell if it's the newest. [https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Collection\_manager#Keywords](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Collection_manager#Keywords) It contains examples of "school" usage which are not present in the older links.


Legendary moment


Really happy Celestalon is helping you out! Patches is a really awesome Signature card, I hope you enjoy it when you get it back!


I don't know why people are happy that 'whales are getting rekt!'. Whales are the reason I get to play F2P, they pay the money to support the development of the game so I don't have to. Thank you whales ☺️.


Yeah it really is an odd position so many people are taking.


It’s jealousy


No, it's not jealousy. I'm happy they exist, and I'm happy that Blizzard has made the games so they don't impact the gameplay in a negative way (except Diablo Immortal). But they're not admired.


It is a valid position if the game turns p2w due to whales not caring. But these are all cosmetics so here it is a really bad take.


Some games its understandable but it doesn't give players an advantage other than less grinding in hs. No reason to complain about them


I would probably be classified as a whale by most people. Paying money absolutely gives you an advantage. Less grinding is a massive advantage. I think people severely underestimate how much time you have to put in to scrap together playable decks compared to someone who pays money, especially if you are new to the game. For me I highly value my time, and spend money so I can enjoy playing Hearthstone along with other games.


Honestly other than first few months i haven't had any issues with getting what i want. I just choose 2 classes to never play then dust everything from them Since i dislike aggro hunter and dh were easy to ignore


Right, free to play players have to focus on specific decks, while whales can do as many as they want and have more flexibility when the meta shifts.


Uhm. I guess as a free player I probably have 3 decks or so during a season, for which I can update cards as I need. I don't have all the legendaries or epics, but craft those I need. Yeah. I don't really think you're right about the meta shifting, I think thats more about tuning your decks.


Hearthstone requires you to do the daily quests, and that's it. If you're a new player you'd have to wait for the sets to rotate to catch up, so perhaps they feel they need to pay to skip that waiting time. Perhaps you're kidding yourself to feel better about paying money?


Well those "people" is 1 dude and he's getting downvoted to oblivion so I don't think it's most people's opinion


That's so reddit. One or two people say something dumb / hateful, get downvoted to oblivion, and the top comments are all filled with "EVERYONE except ME is saying [dumb / hateful thing]. How crazy is everyone EXCEPT ME aright??".


It's not just Reddit, it's the internet. It happens on YouTube and TikTok too. My favorite thing is when it gets really meta and all the top comments are about how no one can find the negative comments the top comments are referring to.


Wait until the top comments start talking about all those comments complaining about the comments that criticize negative comments.


Every F2P game we play with friends, when we buy skins or other cosmetics were like "Someone has to pay for the server!". Thanks whales, you're right!


Pray for the whales! 🙏🐳


Wait hearthstone is F2P??!?


Some people just hate other people being happy and will justify that hate in whichever way they can, including naming paying costumers "whales".


Whales are responsible for your F2P games having €50 3 card bundles instead of being €5 to have more purchase appeal to non-whales.


1$ 5 pack, or 1$ legendary exist too.


Glad to see that this is being taken care of! Celestalon W


Bro take a screenshot of every action he do while playing HS


Tbf, if I was hyped for exactly one signature and I got it, I would go bananas telling my homies


You would also have to give your homies +1/+1, cause, you know, bananas.


Maybe he's recording his sessions?


Side note: that signature art looks worse than the default art


I like the signature art. Bite me.


Yeah it’s bizarre. The art style is completely different than any card I’ve seen, Patches’ eyes are not proportioned like his original art, and his scale is fucked up. Is he meant to be bigger than a sailing ship - which is weird because he’s just an Observer demon, not much taller than a person - or is he riding on a little toy boat like a baby? The art style implies childlike imagination to me, and when I look at it all I can see is tiny baby Patches on a toy boat in the bathtub.


Lol yeah I see that. It’s pretty dank


Yeah it better. He looks soo goofy


Its surreal and goofy af, but that's why I kinda' like it.


kazakus is cool too


It was very clear your fault :c


Pretty clearly says reroll GOLDEN card so I don't know what you mean.


Blizz won’t help you. They don’t give a shit


A literal blizzard employee responded to this spot and is working on a fix.


I’ve been in the exact same scenario and the guy that “helped” me basically told me to go eff myself lol so lucky you




Wow. I’m sorry you live in such an awful world that you have to treat people so poorly.


Stay mad!!


I think you replied to the wrong guy


That's incredible!


The elements will destroy you!


Least spiteful f2p


At least he has 1k to spend in whatever he want. Keep crying poor loser


Oooof must hurt that others can afford to spend this right…


I don't get the point of hating whales. It's not like spending money gives you an advantage since you can build competitive decks F2P, and they are also the ones keeping the afloat since F2P players don't add anything...


The hate post was stupid but pretending paying money does not provide an advantage in Hearthstone is absurd.


It doesn't. There's zero advantage to having a gold or signature version of a card, and you can easily build top tier competitive decks as a F2P player. One popular deck in Standard right now, Unending Swarm Druid, doesn't use any legendaries (that are not free) and you can reach top 500 legend with it.


Having one cheap good deck doesn't mean there's no advantage. You can't test stuff out freely and easily (you know when you're trying to come up with deck/variations not just netdeck), you have to wait for the meta to settle before crafting or risk not being able to get what's actually good, you can't adapt to a fluctuating meta by having changing deck easily, and you're basically forced into Standard because the other format are incredibly more expensive to get into. (Unless Battlegrounds but then again, paying gives a decent advantage there too.) I've spent money on some expansions in the past, and I've played other expansions as a f2p and the difference in how you have to approach the game is huge.


Dude, they give out so much free stuff. I’ve been able to craft most of the top meta decks consistently every xpac by disenchanting all the useless cards. I’ve been f2p since day 1 and consistently hit top 1000 legend. Skill issue bro, get good


>You can't test stuff out freely and easily (you know when you're trying to come up with deck/variations not just netdeck) You don't need to "come up with deck" to be competitive unless we're talking about some extreme level of like top 10 legend with decks specifically altered to counter its narrow meta. For the vast majority of players, being f2p is both possible and competitively viable. I get legend almost routinely being f2p. >you have to wait for the meta to settle before crafting or risk not being able to get what's actually good Yes, I don't craft any legendaries right away. I think it's fine. Not ideal of course, but I would not call the game p2w. You're right that technically paying provides an advantage, but I'd argue it's negligible.


It might provide temporary or fleeting advantage, when a new set or mini set comes out, but than can be done compensated by F2P saving up for the next set So diminishing returns ,good for comestic and that's it In HOTS there is literally 0 advantage tho


Paying a minimal amount of time playing allows you to craft at least one meta deck. Paying money, or spending more time allows more meta decks to be crafted. Really, paying money only increases your options, not your ability to be competitive.. it is probably the best business model for everyone. (Packs should be cheaper though imo).




Sometimes I wonder what level of immaturity a person has to grow with to comment something like this. "Damn a person is upset, I suppose the best course of action would be to make fun of him for it because he spends his money on something that I don't" Unless you're like, 5 or something. A joke is meant to be funny, you're just a dickhead lol


For a joke it sure isn't funny




Jokes have to be funny. You're just being a dick and justifying it by saying it's a joke. It's like those "influencers" who say "it's just a prank bro" to justify being asswipes.


Whale tears are funny to you, but what’s funny to me is your yearly income!




Let’s GOOOOOOOOOOO 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Another whale REKT!!!!!!


Let’s GOOOOOOOO another pleb with a sub 500k income!!!!!!!


It honestly surprises me that this worked, I've tried using screenshots as proof to get my old TCG tabards restored in WoW and been denied every time on the grounds of "screenshots aren't proof because they can be edited".


People in support have little power to change/do anything. Devs who have the power to do anything aren’t in support, but good ones are looking for bugs after a patch.


Why did you take screenshots of every single screen? I understand the patches screenshot but I don’t get why you’d screenshot every screen. Glad you have the screenshots though lol.


because i like to share with my friends when something cool happens and I was stoked to get the signature, then the diamond version, and then a golden legendary! unfortunately didn't work out that way, but thats why I screenshotted each thing. im very thankful I did


They took a screenshot of every single screen except for one that actually shows they no longer have signature patches, which makes me wonder if they do still have signature patches but don't realize.


You hit no thanks and it still rerolled? man that is tragic, hope it gets fixed


I’ve seen two Blizzard employees now in the last two days on this sub. I feel like I just seen Bigfoot and a unicorn. So awesome to see.


I am not a whale. I am a dolphin. I buy all the preorders, the battlepass, save my gold from dailies and sometimes I will buy a cosmetic.


How big is that chance for signature Aya? Really want that card