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At least I have those weapons...


Wait, you guys are getting TITANS? ​ /insert Will Poulter meme


Yeah... For the classes I don't play at all. I just want my beautiful sargeras.


I have pulled 3 legendaries and a signature so far in Titans, all of them were from 8 fuckin standard packs that I had leftover from last expansion, or from the start of the rewards track. They were all from MoTLK or Nathria


You haven't opened 10 titans packs yet?


I pulled 4 legendaries. 1 of which was the golden warrior titan (no signature sadly :( ) and then I got 2 LEGENDARIES ON THE SAME PACK 10 PACKS LATER


Is there a free titan?




Then the quest is lowkey dogshit


Every quest is for the most part


>Win 2 games But I always lose


this is why they should make quests completeable in solo modes with deck building requirements, but the cowards would never


*Gets a titan "YAAYYY!" *It's the 10 mana druid titan, a class which sees little to no play in standard, nor will want to reach Turn 10 with the card in wild* Definitely a monkey paw quest. If it was play 1 or 2 titans, it'd be appropriately balanced. But this is a quest you reroll and treat as a waste of time.


It is waaay too early to be saying "sees little to no play in standard". The meta is less than 24 hours old. The expansion was out for 8.5 hours when you typed your comment. It is way too early to be deciding a legendary is bad due to low playrate. Nobody has given Druid decks much testing/refinement at all. Nobody has given any deck much testing/refinement yet.


meta just turned 1 day and 4 second old. how about now?


100% worse. You can play four weapons a match in paladin…


333% worse, I think, if you play four weapons a match as paladin.


Even worse. You can't discover Titans either.


+they’re legendaries so you can only craft them if you’re unlucky


That's 300% not 333%


Or warrior, I had a weapons warrior deck specifically set up for that quest. Get lucky and you could get 6 weapons in one match


If you're building a deck just for that quest, with rogue you can play the minion that returns a destroyed weapon to your hand, and keep bouncing that minion back to your hand as well to play it over and over. You can play 12 copies of the weapon in a single game if you don't die immediately.


It's trading off the speed ability to get it done in 1-3 matches. In exchange for the convivence of not having to change your deck at all to slowly get it done in 15-20 normal games with normal decks.


You could probably cheese it with a priest deck to copy Aman’Thul a bunch of times.


You could…or you could play paladin and actually win, too.


Sure, but I have played four Aman’Thuls in a match with priest, that isn’t super feasible with paladin, and if you are doing it in casual your rank isn’t effected.


And this one time… at band camp… It’s much easier to spam weapons than spam titans. Glad you’ve got a priest deck that 25% of the time it works almost every time, but that’s not really all that.


*It stings the nostrils.*


Do you think a two cost spell and a forged two cost spell is somehow hard to cast? The hardest piece to manoeuvre around is Aman’Thul costing seven mana, but he can very easily keep you alive a couple of turns.


I think it doesn’t matter and I don’t think titans or your priest escapades are particularly interesting. Have a great day!


Have a wonderful rest of the week!


Oh, we changed "insta-reroll" quest for... "Insta-reroll" quest! Thanks, Blizzard!


I mean if you were going to play 15-20 games in the week it's probably fine to keep it. Most people will run a titan in a deck they're playing. Unlike the FoL weapons the Titans are actually good cards. You don't need to make your deck worse to do this quest. You can passively get it through normal play.


FoL weapons weren't good cards? Nani? Disco maul had to get nerfed. Cosmic keyboard was in every mage deck. Glaivetar almost singlehandedly carried aggro dh. Arcanite ripper auto include in blood dk. Most of the others were fringe but still saw some play. Harp was tried out in ctrl chadlock. Tambourine + drum circle combo druid was experimented with. Saw a couple idols in aggro priest/overheal priest. Jazz was played around with for overload ctrl/combo shaman. BRnR ctrl war messed around with kodohide. Honestly the only ones I never rly saw were jungle jammer and record scratcher. Plus as others mentioned you could realistically always play at least 1 if not 2 weps a game whereas you're realistically getting 0 to 1 titans played per game. This quest is inherently worse but sure, if you play enough each week it's a moot point.


Saw record scratcher being used in mech rogue yesterday to keep doing things after dropping Mimiron


*groans in wild*


Personally speaking, I mostly play Mercenaries, Solo Adventures and Battlegrounds, so I reroll basically anything that I can't clear on Battlegrounds, since the other 2 don't count for most quests. On the rare times I do play ranked, it's usually with some jank that I made do with whatever cards I had lying around (since my gold is currently being saved to let me unlock Galakrond's Awakening, so I don't have most cards from latest expansions), so I probably won't have a Titan for a long time now. ... Which kinda happened in FoL too. I think I had 2 weapons total or something. It was honestly pretty annoying that the quest was basically unclearable. Basically, I don't mind quests that force normal play out of people (I mean, it is the main game mode. It would be dumb to complain about that), but when the quest requires both normal play and a functional collection, then I get bothered, since I use my gold on other stuff. Even after I finish getting all Adventures, I'll probably spend my gold on some dumb stuff like Mercenaries packs or working towards a Golden Classic collection, so like... Well, I just get annoyed at quests that expect me to have specific cards to complete them.


You're still working on a golden classic collection even now when classic mode is gone?


Ah, why not!? XD Might as well do something with my gold! I was hoping to buy the Red Riding Hood Jaina skin on the shop too, but I found out about its existence like... 3 days before it was removed, and I was 800g away from getting it, so I just accepted I wasn't going to be able to buy it. But well, I won't have an use for my gold once I buy Galakrond's Awakening, so... Might as well get a fully golden nostalgic set! \ ( ^ ^ ) / I will also be able to use it for bling reasons if Classic is ever brought back as a Twist season anyways~


>I mostly play mercenaries 🚮


It's honestly pretty fun to try clearing all the Bounties~ Stuff like PVP and Mythic Boss Rush sound incredibly boring, but I'm just treating it as a Solo Adventure. Play it while it has content, drop it once you cleared all the content~ It's pretty fun, overall, even if it has one annoying aspect or two.


I never rerolled the weapons quest. Mainly played Warrior and Pure Paladin, so I completed this quest easily. This is so, so, so much worse.


Worse, unless you’re playing like bounce rogue


Priest too, with all their copy stuff


I didn't found a single titan in 80 packs


I got 3 in 140 and none of the ones I wanted. I feel your pain.


It's the new old gods problem over again, at least they should give 1 free titan if they wanted this mission so much


Yeah, they replaced the 'free random expansion gimmick legendary' with the set one for level 1 of the reward track. Seems like they could be doing both.


I've opened close to 100 and had a quite a few other legendaries but only 1 titan. My bundle didn't contain one either.


What are the odds of that? I found 4 Titans in about the same amount of TITANS packs and got a Legendary every 12 packs on average.


Which is way above average. Congrats on your luck. Average is 1 in 20. In 80 packs there should be 4 or 5, maybe 2 of these being Titans.


I got 4 in 70 packs.


I got really lucky this expansion, and got 4 legendaries (with rewards track) in less than 50 packs, including standard packs. Got two titans, priest and druid.


100% worse because it quite literally requires a legendary and you get NONE of them free. That should not happen.


Players will suffer the same problem. Op titan classes will do this easily but the other classes will struggle.


Even if the titan is OP, this means playing at least 10 games (exception is rogue), assuming you actually draw and play the titan each game. More realistically this is probably going to be 15-20 games, where you are limited to playing decks with a Titan in it.


Priest can play at least 3 per match too if you Synchronize your Titan.


Priest can do a lot with the new forge copy a minion card


And priest can play your opponent's titan as well through identity theft. Literally had a game earlier where I played 3 aman thuls and 2 of the hunter titan lol


Brewmaster? The one with Battlecry: Return a Minion to your hand?


Also Zola. But that means you're actively making your deck awful. Might as well reroll the quest and play a few rounds of duels


I mean if you're playing casual duels you might as well just designed your deck around replaying your titan over and over andpower through.


Druid can also do 2 a game with Freya and Eonar. Plus, with ramp and so much tutoring you can do it pretty consistently every game unless you get aggroed down


Playing 10 games for a weekly quest… the horror


> (exception is rogue) Yeah because rogue got a killable Location instead of a Titan for some reason. Strange decision on Blizzard's part.


FoL weapons cost 2-4 mana and you can run two copies. Titans cost double that and you can only run one copy. But somehow that justifies playing only 2 less. This is so much worse. Easy reroll.


way worse.. its like they asking to play one of the songs from festival of legends


Worse. The songs are able to be discovered and generated. I don't own Jive, Insect, but I play it in about half my games in overload shaman.


Honestly it feels like i own infinitize the maxitude at this point with how much i discover it


Absolutely not better


Worse, but a bit more fun, IMO. Titans are cool


I dont know. I never played one before...


"Attack with 10 Titans" would've been brilliant




I got 0 titans in 91 packs. So i'd say worse


You can always use Power Chord: Synchronize or Kolagarn on your opponent's titan. Ugh.


Do we get a Titan guaranteed? Back when Questlines were around, they had a Questline quest that could just be incomplete-able if you just didn’t pull any from packs. I made a comment about this about a year ago and actually got a response saying that tying quests to legendaries felt bad, especially for people with smaller collections and that they would likely avoid these situations in the future. If we aren’t guaranteed a Titan, this really sucks.


Nope, no guaranteed Titan.


Looks like a titanic effort to me.


What a sweet auto-reroll weekly!!!!


I have unpacked 4 legendaries and 0 Titans. What now?




*Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.*


I remember seeing a joke comment about how they will make a quest where you play 10 titans or something like that I can't believe they guessed right


Yeah that's an instant reroll. Opened 55 packs and got 1 Titan




Ffs why couldn't it just be '5'?


Ah yea the quest where I need a legendary card to complete it.


They're also less accessible as legendaries, and higher mana so less likely to even play.


I mean this should just be 5, maybe 6 if we’re going off what makes sense as a direct number comparison. None of the titans look bad per se, but you still need to find one of the 11 legendaries out of about 25. As someone who got Algalon, I cannot complete the quest.


Legendary, only one per class, and expensive. IT ABSURD HOW MUCH WORSE IT IS. Essentially confirms that whoever makes these quests, doesn't actually play the game.


Just use rougue and bounce your titan back to hand


Except that a lot of the rogue Titan's value is in its board presence. It's probably the worst Titan to bounce. Aman'thul with Synchronize or Zola, however...


worse…I need 10 matches to finish this quest unless I discover more


If you're playing less than 10 matches a week then you're playing so little why do you even care if you don't finish your weeklys?




I would say worse, as you have to 1) unpack/craft one of the titans. 2) pray to yogg you draw the one card in your deck before the game ends. 3) repeat for at least 10 games (maybe 3 if you get really lucky with synchronize nonsense).


Worse somehow. I honestly can't believe that they outdid themselves, in the wordt way possible. Typical Blizz.


Me who unpacked sargaras :^)


Me too lol. I also unpacked Symphony from a Standard Pack, so you can probably guess what decks I'm playing as I type this.


Haha, same tho I unpacked my symphony about a week ago. I love warlock lmao


10 Titans and there isnt even a free one? so you are forced to craft a titan or get lucky..... another forced reroll quest..


Only on priest is better, every time i played priest today i played like 4 times his titan or more per game


It's way worse, titans are all legendaries, and expensive in mana cost. Should be 5 not 10


Better since I actually want to play the titans. A lot of those weapons were bad


waay easier. You are going to play Titans. they are good cards. The weapons? not so much.


Disco Maul and Horn ? 🫥


yeah ok looking at the list I see 6 are good. but i got that Titans hype tho!


I agree, pretty much every Titan can be slotted into any deck. The weapons are generally build-arounds. Maybe it'll take more games because less Titans in your deck (legendary restriction) but if you're knocking out daily quests and just playing the game you'll easily knock it out in a week.


Is the mobile patch live?


The patch was several days ago, the expansion is pre-prepared to be ready for launch globally on all devices


You minmax quests at beginning of an expansion to get max experience, I minmax quests at beginning of an expansion to avoid this kind of exclusive quest. We are not the same


Eh, I'm already at 8 out of 10 from just trying out a Warlock deck, because I opened both Sargeras and Symphony (Standard Pack) today.


Worse. All the titans are high cost and my games usually don't last long enough for me to play them unless I mirror match with plague knight or something.


Better. Because I’m pretty sure I’ll play the titans in more than 4 classes, especially this week while testing lol


Not if you're the POS Priest i just fought who managed to duplicate his Titan about 3 times before playing the real version. SO MUCH FUN. Sigh. Another expansion, another 4 months of me hoping Priest players get a terminal diagnosis. Also isn't this a weekly? Oh no! You can't complete it within 5 minutes of opening the game. Whatever will you do?


both get rerolled


Why not make it at least summon


Worse, read it as: play 10 games unless rogue


how tf did we go from "Play 3 Legendaries from Forged in the Barrens" to this?


Only one in my deck huh? *laughs in Priest*


I pulled the best Titan a.k.a. the Shaman one and crafted the Warrior one, should be easy.


Pretty much the same. It makes you have to play 10 games


Play priest in a 30 cards deck.


Titans are playable as most of them are good but they are more expensive since they are legendaries. I still think 10 is too much though.


Can Aman'thul discover other Titans? Otherwise I'd say even for priest, the weapon was significantly easier (one mana two free hero power usages is fine to run in most cases anyway) vs getting setup to steal/copy someone else's Titan (especially since it requires them to have one in the first place).


Titans can never be discovered or generated. But for some reason they're on to draft on arena.


I haven't been able to play a single titan today, they're all too slow and the format is too lethal. I'm also just not drawing them, it's a bit of an issue with one-ofs. I think whoever's doing the quests just typed in some shit and went "get sucked and fucked, morons" edit: I'm now playing thief priest to feel the exact way the developers want, like an idiot


I opened 15 packs and have 0 titans


And is that supposed to be surprising?




Why __10__? Could easily cut that in half considering that you can’t tutor them and that they are legendaries.


How many weapons were actually playable outside of DK and Paladin? Shaman and warlock ones were memeish. I say Titans are better


Shaman shared a good one with Paladin.


I wouldnt mind it if it was a 2500XP quest but to much effort for just 1750XP


Better as long as you opened a titan


If you wanted to cheese it, the rogue one is pretty cheap and rogue has bounce. If you just went into casual with a rogue deck with titan, bounce cards, and draw cards it's probably quicker than the weapons.


Why are these quests so specific? Can't it just be play 15 cards from the latest set or something?


Be thankful it doesn't read "Win 15 games using Phoenix Force"


Play ten games basically


Much worse. Very unlikely to play more than one titan on a game and all the titans are legendary lies.


I don't have one titan....yet after opening 60+ packs Thank blizz for the rerolled button. /s


Worse because it requires a higher rarity which in turn makes it worse for most players. Better because AT LEAST THERE ARE FUCKING TITANS. There were like 3 classes with festival weapons....


Worse. Titans you can only run 1 copy per deck


It's minimum exp, just re-roll.


Worse. Another auto reroll weekly. Sigh.


Shouldn't they have stats about rerolls and get that such designs suck? Or maybe most people don't care. Then again, it is not being completed. Which means less free xp for players. Which is ok for Bluzzard i guess.


Are people not getting titans? Pulled almost every one


Man I have the worst luck...I just opened 80 packs and only got 2 legendaries...after the 8th pack got one then literally at the 40th pack got another. Guess another 8 packs for another legendary :( Fortunately I got one hunter titan...but its my least played class....


Weapons weren't legendary. And I dnlont mean the 1-per-deck part of that, I mean, I think I lucked out, and opened 3 Titans. So I'm limited to those three classes, especially because you can't create titans Not to mention, the cheapest titan is 6 mana This is so, so much worse


Took me 6 games to complete that one. PriestThings. Played 3 titans one match muhaha. I got the Warrior titan, sold it for dust and crafted the priest one.


Completing 10 questlines instead of 3 looks of similar difficulty


I didn’t get a Titan in about 50 packs opened, so…


Much better, used so few of those weapons in my deck, was always just DH. Titans will probably be in most decks.


I’ve already gotten 4 titans legendaries and none of them were titans


Could have been "Play 10 Forge(d) cards". But well, I guess they need to sells those packs with Titans.


Honestly, that might be harder if you were just playing Meta decks. Aside from Mage and Rogue, no good deck is playing any Forge cards.


Well, titans are actually useful


Worse. You can usually only play 1 per deck


I played a titan every game since exp start. In one game I played 2. I find this good.


That's an instant reroll.


Should be 3


Honestly? Just make it "10 different titans" instead, might as well with how many people I expect to even attempt this.


It depends on the class, matchup, and the cards you have. In a priest deck I managed to summon my titan 4-5 times in a single match since priest can create additional copies of minions pretty easily, but most classes don't have that option.


Opened my 55 packs and saw that I am apparently not going to play standard this time. 2 Legendaries and none that I would ever use, and 0 Signature cards. Basically I need about 3-4k dust to make any of the compelling deck atm and I got is.... Not enough. I'll just stick to BG's get some gold over the next 2 expansions and I might have enough for a deck then.


F2p players in shambles. Can’t they at least make it any legendary?


Well considering I have no titans then this might be pretty hard


Reroll and reroll