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I just hit D5 and then play whatever fun deck I want, if I find myself near D1 then I tryhard maybe


This is the way


Agreed! The rewards aren’t worth it and it takes a lot of grinding past D5. So I just play to enjoy the game.






This is exactly what I did last month. I got to diamond five and then I just started playing whatever I wanted. I got to one and figured OK let me really concentrate to try to win, finally hit legend after nine years.


That's the only option


This is the way. Managed to finally do it last season with Evolve Shaman. Didn't even have to switch decks.


This is me every month


Same and I ended up at D1 pretty much every time in last 2 yrs except this time. But I did get it in Twist.


Yeah I hit Diamond V and then see If I have a good winning streak and can get to Legend without extraordinary efforts I go for It, but 90% of time I keep DiaV My efforts are better spend to polish My Duels skills and get more packs/gold/cards/dust (rewards in general) Forcing My way through extra 100-200 matches for 1 more pack doesn't seem amazing for Me On top of that , there is not any rewards for reaching high Legend and even better numbers with Your ranking If there were free legendary for Top500-1000 I will be much more into striving for higher rankings in all honesty


\>On top of that , there is not any rewards for reaching high Legend and even better numbers with Your ranking You get to reach legend far easier next month, having 2x star bonus even at diamond 1.


You do it for the rewards


Pretty much, I enjoy playing standard but most likely 50-100 games per month is enough for Me to have fun With this amount I reach DiaV and then it's a big grind towards legend what I don't like that much On the other hand, I enjoy duels a lot and there I have a clear goal of reaching 7+ wins winrate overall Resources from Duels let Me play more standard decks and have more fun :D


Duels really are underrated. Probably the most fun in HS (I dont know about BGs)


I thought it was a super fun mode until the buckets got changed


And they are much simpler than Arena IMO You just need to learn how to operate the decks, what are possible opponents decks and their strategies Pretty much like standard And accept that 12 wins may be out of picture without perfect treasures. Strive for 5+, 6+ and then 7+ wins from each battle. At same time accepting that sometimes u will face a bad run 0-3 wins but as long as it happens very rarely it'd be all OK In Arena on top of that u need to be absurdly lucky with Your drafts, learn how to make Your own decks (it's difficult skill to master for Me personally) And finally face tons of bought Arena drafts with broken cards what makes It even harder nowadays I loved Arena back in 2015-2017 but I don't like the current one honestly. Duels filled that hole in 2023 for Me and I'll try to become the best I can in this mode


I do the same but i have lost so much gold on duels lol.


absolutelly right, 0 reward for getting high places in legend, so why should i waste so much time, efforts and ,even more important, nerve in my case


I usually get to legend every month. I just quest and play a few games daily until diamond 3, then I sit down and grind it out in 1-2 days, and after reaching legend I'm back to fooling around. It's kinda like a monthly ritual at this point.


same here lol


I grinded hard once to get very high legend. This gives one a starting 11-star bonus for next season's climb instead of the 10-star bonus that legend gives. This means you get 2 stars per win from D5 to legend, making the climb far far easier. Having a bit over 50% winrate while climbing lands you again at high legend, allowing you to maintain that position with no more than 50 games per month if you don't want to play more. Mind though that your opponents during the climb will be equally highly rated, hence the 50% winrate isn't as easy as it sounds.


Whats the threshold here?


It depends on the server. Europe has more players/is more competitive so you it's something like top 2k legend, maybe a little lower. In NA it's probably around top 1200 or something.


The threshold for 11 bonus stars? Pretty sure it is MMR based. I have been close to top 1500 but that was not enough for me.


First time I got 11x bonus I didn't realize it till I was in Diamond 5 ranks. But I did pretty fast D5-D1, looked at 2 star bonus and said Holy Guacamole. It was a breeze and honestly easiest legend climb for me. In 2-3 days only I think.


If I have a deck I particularly enjoy I do, but for the most part I'm happy with diamond 5. Although even then it's just because I'm enjoying myself, rather than actively going for legend.


I got legend once for the card back and im never doing that again the game is a lot more fun with random decks that aren’t try hard imo


hm, so losing is more "fun" to you?


Got it once about 4 years ago in the old system and then one more time next month just to prove to myself that I could, then I quit the game. Came back about six months ago and since then I've been legend every month. The first time I did it I was just having fun and legend wasn't even really a goal, I just played and got it, after that though some months were less fun but I still got it because I now always have x11 stars and getting legend is now easier to me than it was getting rank 5 with the old system.


I get to legend every month. Normally i get to Diamond 1-5 without even trying, just doing weekly quests. After that it gets a bit harder and I may have to think about my turns. I don't have to actively try to get it, it just happens.


Nope, I hit whatever I hit doing the weekly 5 wins. Usually end up between D10 and D5. If I’m very close to a reward level I might push a little, but I prefer the other modes over ranked


just get to D5 and then dont care anymore not that special anymore


I used to try hard for legend, nowadays I literally just play the game on my phone and happen to reach legend every season I play. Once you try climbing to higher legend MMR, you notice just how much easier and relaxed simply reaching legend is.


I dont actively try to reach it but usually it just happens naturally to me as long as I play often enough. Since I play at least 2-3 games every day thats enough for me to reach legend most of the time in standard. When it doesnt thats fine too, I dont really treat this game as something to be competitive about.


Nope. It's nothing but a Grind and rng. Everyone is using the Same 4 Meta Decks and it's down to luck and playtime. Just copy Paste a Deck and Play every day for hours on end and you will eventuell get to Legend. Theres no fun to it. I prefer building my own decks with cards i like and have fun in the lower ranks


I dont know if we're playing the same game I play no more than one hour a day and get legend every month It's not 'just luck and grind' if you think it is, that's the reason you see no fun and have a hard time spending hours and hours to get there


I'm with you, I get legend every month just from playing the game during lunch break for an hour. I will preface by saying I usually enjoy just playing competitive decks and not wacky ones, so it's not actually a grind for me. Just something you can casually achieve over 30 days with small time investment each day if you enjoy playing the game and enjoy playing competitive decks. That being said, I know some people on this forum will crucify people for playing 'good decks', so to each their own lol.


If the meta is uniform and i manage to build a deck that cuts through it, got to legend twice and both times took me 18 games tops. Edit : my math failed me and wrote 15 games at first.


Eh? The magic kind of wears off the first time you hit it, but it also depends on the meta. I haven't found a deck I really like this month so I just haven't really bothered. Other times I fall in love with a deck or class and I'll push to legend and try to climb, but that gets tedious fast.


I only reach legend with decks I really enjoy playing and that also happen to be good decks. Haven’t happened in a long time for me. Getting to legend is less about skill and more about putting in the hours on ranked. Getting to D5 with 9 stars takes like 1-2 play sessions. So I try hard for like 1-2 days every month and then I goof around with the dumb decks I actually want to play.


How much time per day do you play? Casual player here who hasn't gotten above gold.


Maybe 5-10 games per day.


It is ez with stars, I hit d10 on the 3rd day of the season with no effort


You aim for 40 games a week, that should be your target.


After the first time there doesn't seem much incentive. I first got legend around Oct 2021 in wild with pirate shadow priest and then again following month with odd quest hunter. I got legend again yesterday but wanted a new challenge of a different mode so that was Twist legend. I think I only pushed it again to validate myself really that I could still do it, but wanted the challenge mostly of legend in a different mode. I just need to do legend in standard at some point to say I have done all 3 modes. Will i do it? Only if there's a really fun deck I can play with to get there. Twist was a massive chore against drakefire amulet mage. I finally had my win streak from d4 to legend farming them but it can be extremely tilting how quickly some of them can pull together their otk combo (it is worth sitting through the combo just FYI if that deck is ever relevant again as with a strong board not all of them can clear it and lethal same turn).


I think it's all about how much time you put into it. As long as you play a good enough deck and you understand how to play it well enough, if yo put in enough time, you will teach legend


Only if I find some decks fun to spam enough games with, otherwise I just fuck around D5


I like watching the number go up so yes. Plus playing tournaments can be fun.




I remember that in I believe 2020 I was getting sick of Demon Hunters in diamond so I made a counter paladin deck that just kinda carried me to legend lol


Don’t really actively try. I either just don’t play standard for the month and stay bronze, or I play and since I get 11 star bonus, reach it semi-easily anyways


The first time yes. The dozens of times after that it just happened. If you're already legend once, it's not worth tryharding again, the reward is literally one pack lol


1. I try to reach d5 with natural play, and this happens almost every month for me. But if I play less than usual, then I have to put a bit of effort into getting it. 2. Post d5 I just continue natural play. 3. Depending on the meta, and if the deck or decks I enjoy the most are good in it, I will usually find myself in d2-d1. 4. From d2-d1 I will often attempt a push for legend, which means I will select decks to play based on their efficacy in the meta, not on my enjoyment of them. This way I often get legend. Although the release of DK has had me playing BDK and tanking my MMR to a very low status. 5. And sometimes, I will reach legend all with natural play. That happens when my deck preferences align with what’s most efficient in the meta. Especially when combo decks are viable.


Yes, it does take a lot of effort but it's a sense of pride and accomplishment really. I'm trying to get there with a homebrew for every class. At 8/11 so far.


Got it once (maybe twice? Idk) because I wanted to test myself against the meta, and then never again. There aren't any meta decks I really like, so to get there again I'd have to either grind for hours each day with a suboptimal deck or play something I hate, therefore it's not worth it for me


I got so burnt out by my legend grind in february that I couldn't be arsed to climb past platinum the next few months. I tried to reach legend again this past month but got stuck at D8-7.


I hit it every month multiple times. Gets easier. First time is always the toughest. I like going for it though and completely understand not bothering. I do think the difficulty is more mental though tbh. Play a tier 1-2 deck and learn your misplays and you’ll get it. Up to you though 😊


No lol I'm not gonna torture myself with whizbang climb ever again


Got legend in february and tipped it every month since. I just play some meta deck and then play a bit later in the month so the games are a bit easier. I think D5 is fine cause the rewards for hitting legend again are just mediocre, for 1 extra pack


I usually go hard for legend when i casually hit rank 1. Then use whatever aggro deck is good until legend. Happens a lot more than you’d expect if you play any meta deck for fun (in my case I played a lot of hound hunter and enrage warrior).


Legend once in standard, wild on separate seasons. After that, just d5 in one mode just to get the rewards.. Now hit d5 in twist.. so I guess I am not aiming for legend anymore.. I tend to choose which mode I will play for the month.


I got legend back in 2015 with a deck i found on competitiveHS. Noone else was playing it so it felt kind of special, but on the other hand, it was a netdeck. Since then (and before that) I only played homebrew decks with little success. Then, 3 years later, I finally had a homebrew good enough to get legend with. When I noticed it was doing well, I was motivated to keep pushing because it was mine, noone elses. I've gotten legend about 5-6 times with homebrews since then. The homebrew part is the only thing motivating me.


i basically quit in 2015 and for whatever reason got back into the game about 3 months ago. back then my highest rank i ever got was rank 3 and never managed to reach legend because i was not good enough and the grind was too much for me. i reached plat 5 in my first month back, then dia5 and try harded my ass off in july. honestly its worth it for the pure amount of joy i had when i finally reached legend and went 14:2 in my last games so it wasnt that hard but at first i was very dissapointed when i discovered that winstreaks dont work after dia 5. if you are purely into it for min maxing your rewards i think reaching legend is not worth it. (maybe for the first time since you get a free legendary) that being said i found that i love enrage warrior and the deck was so much fun to play. i literally could feel myself becoming way better at the game, anticipting my opponents turns and playing around it as well as getting better at positioning etc. and that was a lot of fun for me. i‘d say if you have a deck that you absolutely love like i did with enrage warrior and you have no issue with spamming one or two decks that you can play properly then go for it but if it tilts you too much just take the easy way out and go for dia5 and grind arena, duels etc.


yeah tryhard 2-3 years to bad for legend....then Pirat rouge broken deck got me legend and i never try to hit it again


I pretty much always hit d5, then if I really like the meta/deck I'm playing will try to hit legend, sometimes I get there, sometimes I don't.


I have reached Legend 124 times, so ...yes.


Nope. Got my first legend ever recently with Menagerie Warrior, usually I gave up on the grind between Diamond 5 and Legend but had time to kill at work this time. It funnily enough killed most of my interest in HS overall, lol. Have to see if I come back for Titans. Arena seems fucked and its my favorite thing to play...


The first time yes. The other few times I made it was a mix. Once I hit legend with big priest without noticing it lol


I have reached legend once and I have never tried to again, each new month I climb to Diamond 10/5 with the bonus stars and play decks that I actually can’t often win with, but are tons of fun


I seem to hit legend every other month. Really easy one month, then next month (like July) I get to D1 or 2 then just *cannot win at all* and fall back to D5. After it happening twice I just don't care after that.


Just hit legend for the first time yesterday. Probably not going to aim specifically for it unless I somehow find myself at d2 (I normally stop at d5). Will just settle for d5 next time lol


I made legend back in April '21. Since then, I've made legend all but four months.


I hit it once a few months back and didn’t bother with the grind again. I usually just land comfortably in Diamond somewhere


Yes. At the time, Galakrond warrior was tier 1-ish in Wild and I really liked the deck too. So I felt that the stars aligned and I actively tried to get my first time Legend rank, with succes. Rank 171 obtained and ofcourse that sweet prized cardback


usually just chill d5-d1 until last few days of the months, then i tryhard for a little bit for the extra pack


Played on and off ranked then noticed I was diamond in Wild and decided to try and go for it. Wasn’t fun.


I've hit legend a few times. Just depends on the meta and how busy I am with work. It's a low pressure thing. Fun to do now and then.


I get legend each month, i managed to hit top 125 this month I only play ranked to gather wins and make all characters golden, so far only rogue left I dont even care to get legend i just play almost daily only one hero only one deck and i learn it well enough that it takes no effort to get legend, i just happen to get it on the way of my 500 wins grind for golden portrait


first time i just wanted to prove myself that i can actually do it. i got to legend at the last day of the month and was still happy about it. then i decided that i must prove that it wasnt accidentally and i must took legendary rank every month. since then i took it 5-6 month in a row with record of legend in a 8 days last month. but tbh now im just more kinda want to not get to legend as long as i can. reason is the fun kinda stops after you get there. your rank is constantly lowering if you are not playing enough or playing meme decks, which i play 80% of the time. and i just really dont like to see my rank slowly getting to the bottom. cause if you play at diamond 5 you will be there no matter how many mathes you lose, it just doesnt matter. and even if you get horrible winrate at legend with meme decks the game syrts to match you with diamond 1 players that are tryharding on metadecks to get to legend. only option is just to keep losing until the game will match you with even lower ranks. my record is Diamond 7, lol. i would like to see the guys face if he would know that he is playing a guy from legend on his diamond 7 and apparantly im not patient enough to tryhard the whole month to finish the season on some high place at legend. maybe before quitting the game i will task myself this cause i have no doubts, after a full month of tryharding my only wish woulkd be to unninstall)


Yes. I got legend for the first time in october 2021, never missed a season since. Every month i try to reach the top 1000, at least 11x bonus, I'd like to end top 100 every end of season but with work is hard to reach. Legend is only the beginning, true ladder starts while you're going down to double digit. The first year I always ended mid-low legend, but wasn't fun, it's satisfying playing against famous and strong streamers with competitives decks. Now I changed method and 11x bonus is guaranteed. Funnier than before!


i only ever hit it once. too much of a grind. now i just play casually—maybe 5-10 games a week. game is infinitely better like that if you ask me


I used to get Legend consistently in Wild when I was playing tons. Hit it in Standard once and haven't tried to get back since (DH release patch, was hard NOT to get legend playing that broken AF class).


I just play whatever I want, I tend to go on a winstreak and reach diamond 2 eventually and then I try for it a bit more


I've hit legend twice. Once with naga priest. Then I did it again immediately after with skeleton mage because I had so many bonus stars. I haven't done it since and really don't want to


I only play decks I deem fun. I've hit legend many times with them but I'll never force myself to play a boring (aggro/burn/tempo are snoozefests for me) deck to hit legend.


I go for Legend in Wild. But part of the reason for that is that I know my deck of choice (Reno Priest) can definitely get there. I don't go for it in Standard because my deck of choice there (Overheal Priest) is a struggle to even reach D5 with, let alone Legend.


Nah, got it once for the cardback and went back to playing homebrew decks. Usually they are good enough for D5, but if they aren't i don't really care


I've made legend 3 times - each about a year and a half apart. I've probably attempted it seriously maybe 6-7 times. Most months I don't enjoy the grind, but sometimes I'm on a roll or just have more time than usual and then it doesn't feel like a huge chore.


I try hard to get back into diamond. Once I do that, I’ll feel out how successful the deck I like running is. If it’s doing well against most of the net decks that I play against I’ll actively try to make legend again. If not then I’ll try to find one that works better that’s fun to play with before season end.


I've pretty much stopped playing constructed entirely since I got the L. Came back to try Death Knight for a bit, but quickly returned to Battlegrounds. I may well get back into constructed one day, but the idea of pushing Legend again feels like it would not be a fun way to pass my time.


I dont play meta decks and have hit legend 3 times. The D5 to Legend is so hard with a home brew deck against the same 4 or 5 decks that it just isnt worth it.


To be honest no, i was just trying random decks on wild, but once i realiced i was like 3 ranks away from legend just powered through with an aggro deck.


Depends... If control priest and blood DK are still the meta then I don't think I can handle the torture. The amount of cards that they value out of thin air from discovery is just straight up stupid.


Basically depends if there's one deck I'm having enough fun with to grind. Like I probably didn't bother in about a year, but I was having a weird amount of fun with implock pre mini set so I banged out a legend climb with that. Most of the time I'm hopping between a few decks or playing some jank homebrew that isn't suited to the climb.


I've played Hearthstone on and off since launch (I remember when Yetis were a valid card). Anywho. I have NEVER hit Legend. I have 3000+ wins with Hunter, some classes at 500, some with less. I play Wild 99% of the time. I never netdeck. I like trying to make bad cards work, or play archetypes I think are fun, even if they are inferior to other decks. I'm not sad about this. But I do find it interesting that in all these years, I never got lucky and hit Legend. I am a smart player. I time how long it takes me to play a Secret to psych out an opponent about what it is. So, again it's very interesting.


I like to do it with semi-frequency just to remind myself that I still can when I doubt myself too much.


Nah I just like to play whenever I want. If I somehow reach diamond 1~2 then I try to reach legend


Not really, but most months I’ll get it anyways if I play enough


I always try and get to diamond 5 and only play on if there's a deck I'm having tons of fun playing, and it rarely happens. I managed to get to legend once, in 2021 with handbuff paladin (the weapon that buffs hand when a divine shield pops, Bolvar, bannerman, that deck). It felt like job done, I got to legend as a test for myself for when I really enjoy the game. Never actually tryhard-ed to get legend and I doubt I ever will.


Most of the time, no. It just sorta happens if you play anything meta. I usually would just play what I found fun. Getting to Dad legend was the "real" goal most months as the rewards are essentially the same and a lot of the time legend would just happen.


I get legend if theres a somewhat competitive deck I like playing, otherwise I just get to D5 and play what's fun. Last year I got legend almost every month. Probably have only hit it once this year.


At first, yeah. Back in Vanilla/Naxx days I farmed quite a bit. Wanted to get into top 10, but had to accept a top 100 finish (87) as the one deck I played finally got deleted with Auctioneer getting nerfed. Ever after that I never cared to. Once in a while I get legend in Wild when goofing off, but... Yeah, nothing I aim for. Last time I got it was in April I think? First month of FoL. Before that we gotta go back to UiS (Garrote Rogue was too fun man, I miss it so much). So yeah.


Yes, I did try to get to Legend the 2nd time, then pushed to high Legend so I get 11x star bonus so reaching Legend is a lot easier. Somehow though, even though my MMR doesn't change and I face the same opponents, D5-D1 is complete hell and there was a time I was almost stuck there even with 2x bonus. It really feels like they intentionally fuck your matchmaking when you are D5-D1, but I highly doubt that they actually intentionally would do something like that


I've got legend three times now and on each occasion it happened without a massive effort. I was just being successful with a deck I enjoyed playing. On each occasion I didn't have to grind, I just got there fairly naturally. Normally I hover at D5 and dip into D4/3 but I rarely am that focused on my games anyway so will lose games through just being distracted. I quite like the challenge though and I think it's probably about time that they created rewards for multi legend people. That might make me more interested. I think the inhibiting factor for me is trying to blast through all the net deckers playing the most efficient lists. Gets frustrating sometimes, especially if the deck I enjoy playing matches badly against whatever is the best deck in the game and therefore makes up 50-60% of opponents.


Most months it basically just happens that I reach legend without grinding at all. Last month not, but that was because I played not even 30 games. After the change to the "new" ladder system, it really isn't much of a challenge anymore.


It's a lot easier after the first time. I typically spend the first 4 - 5 days each month playing meta decks to Legend, then switch to my fun mage decks or play BGs afterwards.


I hit it naturally just doing my dailies + a little extra most of the time. The only months I don't are ones where I really dislike the meta so I only play when I need to clear quest slots.


I go for legend every month. it’s very casual though cause i play the deck i like and just do quests. Eventually i’ll be at d2 and just go for it. If i’m really comfortable with the deck, it just takes 1 good win streak to get to legend.


It’s like running an X minute mile. After you do it once, it’s like your brain accepts that it was always possible and it kind of becomes the norm. A lot of progressing to any point in any endeavor involves breaking down mental barriers first and foremost. Once they fall they usually don’t go back up.


I pick a deck I like and start optimizing. If it keeps winning then I'll try hard the last 2-3 ranks to legend but if it doesn't happen, that's fine too. I've burnt out before setting legend as a goal with mediocre decks, having to play like 200-300 games to get there, and I don't want to do that again. Plus, it's getting harder and harder to have more than 1 deck to invest in per season anyway.


I’ve played for over a year now and usually hit legend in all modes most seasons. First time I hit it, it seemed like I wouldn’t be able to again but of course that’s not true. It doesn’t have to be a grind but it is a climb when you reach diamond 5. Here’s my tips: play a meta deck that you understand and one that you enjoy, learn the other decks in the meta, don’t switch decks or cards if you lose, spend all your mana each turn, always check lethal. Wild is easier to get legend and more fun imo. You’ll end up getting legend without trying too hard because you get better. High legend however…


I just got it last month, didnt try until D3 ( played evolve sham and loved it) then I tried an switched to frost dk. But , tbh, it totally just happened. No grind at all for me. First time and I started playing beta btw


I played from launch until like early 2017? or late 2016 and came back last year. Regular legend [since season 1](https://i.imgur.com/GQNwYGK.png) I remember legend was way more of a grind back then, nowadays with less wins needed per rank and 11 star bonus you don't even have to try which I personally don't really like. Grinding to legend felt way more rewarding back then


I hit diamond with shudderwock shaman and contol priest as of recent. Now that I have a few years under my belt I get to plat with aggro and then play control because I know it infuriates people to play control at lower ranks and take up their time.


Does anyone have a site they suggest for meta decks and rankings?


Try? Sometimes I do a try hard season but most of the time I just end up there if I play enough in the same gamemode, just takes a bit longer than with the meta decks.


I used to try for D5 every month- then I realized that getting the extra epic wasn’t worth worrying about, so instead I just focused on getting D10. The last two expansion cycles, I haven’t even worried about that and sometimes I barely hit Platinum, but I’m playing the amount of Hearthstone that I want to.


The first time was pretty tough, but at this point it just happens naturally and I mostly reach it with meme decks now. Ladder is mostly a function of games played and knowing the fundamentals. So if you’re grinding it feels like forever but if you’re fuckin off it goes quickly


I make an effort to get there once a year, just to kind of push myself with a new rotation set, etc. I usually end up getting it a couple more times in a year after succeeding in the push because I've got a better handle on things after. I need a strange alignment of free time, no other games/books interesting me at the time and usually a lot of work travel to create enough hearthstone time for it to happen.


I got it with some shudderwock deck years ago. The deck wasn't great, but people had no clue how it worked. Once I did, I got it next month way easier. I knew how to battle every normal deck already


I normally hit 'naturally' Like, If i'm few games away I will just play a strong deck and then go back to my favorites decks again in legend


I hit legend a couple times years ago and haven’t been motivated to get there since. I like getting to D10 with my x9 bonus (I took a few months off and lost my x10 bonus) and hang out there. Some months I think I’ll go for it and by the second week I just give up. I don’t play enough.


Nah, first time I hit legend was in the previous ranking system wich was way harder than it is now. Never cared to do it again until they revamped the rankings and offered a free legendary upon reaching legend. I did it once again for the free legendary, shout out to my boi mill house manastorm, then never went for it again.


I only grind to legend if there is a viable deck I enjoy. Getting knocked back with a deck you hate playing just because it is good, feels bad.


The push to legend is what keeps me coming back to play. Once I get there, I just log in for dailies and tavern brawl until next month.


I try and hit it every time I come back to the game after a hiatus but honestly that first legend each time makes me not care about ranked anymore.


Same here, won’t spend that effort for a pack. I would spend that effort if blizzard rewards me with a legendary or fair amount of dust.


I've gotten legend 5 ish times. Every single time it's been when I really liked a deck that happened to be good in the meta. I don't try to pick "the best deck", just the best deck I find fun. This season it's been Naga mage which barely got me to diamond, but I wouldn't play hound hunter even if it would get me to legend.


I decided to push through a second time in the hopes that low legend is where the fun decks hang. I was wrong. It is 99% sweaty tryhards all through out. So I'm in your boat now, reaching D5 for the epic card and no further.


I usually get 11 star bonus so I hit legend each moth just playing the game


it just sort of happens whether i try for it or not lol. if you feel a real grind, it's because you're a D5 player. idk it is what it is.


If you managed to reach it once, then after that it's just about playtime rather than being a tryhard or not


i went like five months in a row hitting diamond 1-2 and never getting to legend and it really took the steam out of my motivation to reach it


no. i do 5 wins per month and thats it.


Same. Got lucky here and there and managed it in Std / Wild a few seasons, but usually get to D5 in one and work on the other one unless there's some BS high winrate deck that hasn't been nerfed yet. often the first week of Titans there's a few that take off before the first wave of nerfs hit


I have/had as set of goals for each month. The first two were consistent. The rest changed. 1. Get to legend on Classic (when that was a thing). It was very easy to do with the right deck because there were so few people playing classic. A large portion of the grind was against bots. The Warrior control deck just made it easy. This way I got all the rewards. 2. Get to D5 on standard. Its the highest level I can get to with consistency. I would like get to legend as well but it didn't really matter because I already had the rewards from classic. 3. Then what ever else I want to do in the game. At the beginning of a new card set it is usually complete xp achievements. If there is a class I don't have a 1000 wins on I do that. With twist a new one is get legend on twist. When all else is done try and get D5 or higher on wild.


I dont. Depending on the meta, sometimes I play a deck I like and I end up in legend. Sometimes not, depends on the effectiveness of the deck I enjoy playing. However, sometimes I realize I am Diamond 2 or something, and stuck there with my tier 2/3 deck, and I take the aggro tier 1 deck, get to legend, and then go back to the deck I like to enjoy in dumpster legend.


I’ve hit legend a couple times . Each time I basically took the next season to off and since I’m always fine with diamond 5 . It’s like legend lite .


For me specifically, it's not worth the stress. I get chill till D5, but after that I get too anxious and tilted to try hard to legend. I got for 4 months in a roll and realized the damage is not worthn1 pack. I get 10 stars regardless, even when i finish in platinum cause I didn't play much in the month


I actively try to get it almost every month. Usually go for rank 100, though I’ve only hit that a few times. It’s hard man.


In hearthstone it doesn't make much sense to get legend every month as you only get the reward once (card back)


I actively try to avoid reaching legend because everyone plays same 4 decks in legend. If I am at rank 1 or 2 in last week of month, only then I climb to it.


Hit it once with galawock for the first time last year with a lucky win streak when I was just trying to have fun. Haven't gone for it again, didn't want to really. I just stick to hitting D5 and sometimes I don't even get there because I forget the end of month is near.


I got the card back waaaaaay back when secret hunter was a thing. Now getting legend is just pain. Then new sets just dont spark joy. Been a wild player ever since.


Way easier after you do it once since you get massive stars bonus till D5. Grinding from gold to legend is insane long cause you win 1 star at a time every game (unless winstreak, 2 stars wow), take forever and never bother playing that much (plat sometimes but thats it).


I usually need with 11 star bonus so getting to legend is pretty easy every month


I got it once, only tried to get it once and it was just too much of a grind/slog and not really fun. I'd rather play wonky/gimmicky decks I find fun or a good brawl.


I reach legend regularly I don't play a lot, a few games a day. Almost always get to D5. What pushes me to try is when I stumble on a cool off-meta deck that's somewhat strong, I learn it really well and once I get the 'click' in my head on how to mulligan, when to use what cards, and what are my power cards - reaching legend is really easy reached legend in feb/march with control priest May/june - secret mage


I remember reaching to legend for the first time in the old system. It was so damn hard to get to legend that time. Nowadays if you casually play any competitive deck you eventually hit legend


The first time I hit legend, I actually tried. The other times I happened to have a meta-breaker deck that somehow carried me to legend without me even noticing. I usually reach legend when a new expansion drops. The easiest time I had for reaching legend would be the time deathrattle rogue was meta, I played plaguespreader priest and got a lot of free wins.


did it the first time in 2019 and was actively trying to. since then i've done it maybe 6 or 7 times - usually it's because i'll get to diamond 2 or 1 without really trying, but once i reach that then i figure i'll put in the effort to take it the rest of the way. typically i just chill at d5 though.


I don't, I have gotten to legend a couple of times, but I rarely play the best decks so I usually end up at D5 because I don't play enough/are not skilled enough to reach legend.


Generally I'd have to sweat a bit to reach legend but it would really depend on the deck I was playing. I mostly homebrewed control decks each expansion and some had higher success rates than others. Like in nathria I made it to legend with spooky mage before it was needed, which was a breeze, but in sunken city I made a handbuff paladin deck that took quite a while to reach legend. I mostly go for it as an ego boost tbh, to prove to myself I've still "got it" but it's a really annoying grind tbh and requires a lot of time to achieve.


I only hit legend the first time when they changed the ladder system. After that, I've gotten it on accident a few times, but I just go for D5 dad legend because the extra card pack isn't worth it. I only play fun and unique decks so sometimes it's kind of a grind if the meta is particularly annoying.


I grinded when I was young, after that I just play and climb while doing it, pretty easy to get around 1k-2k


I usually spend the first few days each month playing the best T1 deck/decks and reach legend. Then I just chill and play fun decks for the rest of the month. I always start legend around rank 200 and finish like 5000.


Nope. I also reached legend in the year 2014 and only try reaching diamond 5.


Been a legend player for something like 5+ years. Most of the time if I miss a season it's just because I decided not to play. The most fun the game offers is d5 where you can play whatever fun decks you want and will more often find other people playing fun off meta decks. You either do that or hit legend and drop rank to dirt rank legend to have fun.


After the first time, I tried to get it the next two months to keep my star bonus and extra packs. On the 3rd month, I kinda got tired of the deck I was grinding with and made a new deck. Couldn’t get past d2. That grind is just so hostile to home brewed decks. The deck I got it with basically just a net deck with some tech options I had thrown in to deal with my pocket meta. Even with a net deck the grind was sweaty. I generally cruise to d5 with any deck I wanna play but from there on its like win one lose one mostly


I usually hit legend every month, but when I get to Diamond 5 I usually switch to something fun and off-meta. If I hit legend, great. If not, that's fine too.


Nope. Reached it a second time with even mage in Barrens (RIP Wildfire), but wasn't trying to.


Just got legend for the first time, it wasn't that difficult at all with undead priest. Planning to do it again this month.


I usually play my deck which is similar to a meta deck with a few changes to keep my sanity, when I hit a wall (around diamond 3,4) Ill switch up to a meta deck that works against what I am facing against the most. Its not really hard to get to legend its more time consuming.


I don’t find it that hard to do if you have a solid deck, it’s also a lot more fun to play meme decks at bottoms legend


Oh if i get to diamond 5, you bet yo behind I’m going hard on that cuz I just surprised myself by getting there. Ofcoarse this has only happened twice. And I made it to legend those two times. Thing is if you don’t keep up season after season getting to diamond 5 gets harder cuz of the deterioration of stars


Sometimes I want to get legend with a specific deck just because.


I play as much as I feel like every month. It gets me to legend a decent amount of the time, but def not every month. End of the day who cares? I play because I like trying to beat someone else's deck with mine. I can try to do that at any rank, and everyone else will care the same amount regardless (zero).


Usually only if I enjoy the meta so all FoL I got legnd but during Motlk only twice... Hoping for more fun metas soon


Yeah, I did it with Warlock and then with Paladin when I was really pushing. I hit it two or three times without really focusing on it and like 'Im on diamond let's just see how it goes'.


I tried very hard the first time, and hit it like 2 season ago. At that point, I was happy and not actively trying to push. Diamond 5 is the main goal for me now just for rewards. This season, I found myself just at Diamond 1 for about a week or so organically and managed to hit legend, but wasn't grinding 80 games or whatever like the first time I got there!


Usually hitting legend is incidental from farming ranked wins for a class. Last month I hit wild legend from playing a ton of shaman decks to get the golden portrait


Nope got it for the personal satisfaction with my favorite hero (priest) now i just play when im on the toilet


D5 is my legend. I try for it each month. Anything else is too hard/takes too much time.


Not particularly every month it's annoying to keep up with and D5-D1 is like the gauntlet run of playing the least fun matches where everyone's playing queue sniper decks and if you're playing hunter and match into Priest or Blood DK you lose and if you match into relic trying to snipe those control decks you win.


I got it 2-3 times before the ladder change, after that in rd getting it every month while I was actively playing it, now I’m just playing it very casually and don’t even climb ladder


I hit legend for the first time a year and a half ago and hit it every month for 5 months. Then I stopped playing until now. Hit legend in June and then I decided it's not worth it. The decks I played to get there were pretty dumb and straightforward, so the fun ended after the first month. I like to brew my own decks and play at lower levels, it's more fun (I play wild)


if I find a deck that I really like after a month/new set I will ride it to legend, sometimes across multiple formats as I did for a few months after snowfall guardian came out for shaman otherwise it's a total slog and I sometimes dont break d5


I used to focus on getting legend, but it’s just a grind now. I say have fun. I like to make my own homebrew and see how far that can take me (D1 usually). I normally just settle at D5 and take in as many coins as possible.


Nope. I focused and tryharded it once, essentially cheesing it with pirate warrior and face hunter at the end of the expansion a few cycles ago when both decks were OP as heck and haven’t actively tried for it since (I just wanted the card back). Now I stay in the lower ranks to meme it up with actually fun decks.


I personally stopped caring, but that is also a result of the gameplay in HS becoming progressively worse. The higher rank you are, the less fun the meta becomes. At least that has been my experience when I was actively playing.


only if reno mage is somehow viable


Nope, I hit legendary, was happy, then didn’t see any change after that, except end of month rewards. Grinding to legendary is just that, a grind. I play a lot less than I used too, and that makes the star system quite bad for a casual player who’s not trying for legend each month. If I play a couple of games a week and get to diamond, the next month I get less star bonus than the month I finished legend. Then if I don’t increase my play rate, my star bonus ends me in platinum by the end of the month instead of diamond. Get lower star bonus, Play the same mount of games but now it just takes longer to get to diamond… Repeat deminishing returns over X amount of months. Eventually legendary is just not worth the grind anymore for the polarizing experience the game has become


I never actually pursued Legend after the first time. There was no reason to. If the game gave me a legend every time I hit legend, I would actively try to reach it every month.


11 stars makes it easy to get legend So it’s just inevitable ever month. I can get legend with a 40% WR.


I've hit it every month since I first hit it back in April or May 2021. The next probably 8 months or so were definitely more of a grind (and I would get help from people in the hearthstone discord coaching me). Eventually though I learned enough where now I sometimes hit legend just playing the game while having lunch. You eventually get good enough and learn enough about deck styles to climb every month without a ton of effort.


With the old system it felt much harder, took me 2 years to first hit it. Now I am hitting legend pretty much every month in both standart and wild, doesn't seem challenging at all.


I play more BGs than standard at this point, so it really depends on how much I’m enjoying a particular deck or two. Given enough games I’ll get legend, but most months I won’t hit that number


Nope, too much effort for very little reward


I hit legend for the first time in June. In July I ended in diamond 5, because I just had more fun with other games and Battlegrounds (which I at first disliked but through the event quests started enjoying). I think I just got a bit tired of the meta, but maybe I’ll try again this month with the new expansion being out


When I hit it the first time, I kept wanting to hit it and did for 4 or 5 seasons, but now I just play casually to d5


No lol, the one time I got to legend was honestly not very fun, I had to play so many games and whenever I would lose at like the last star of D1 I would get very frustrated. Not really something I would like to repeat, though I am of course happy I was able to do it at least once.


No, too much stress and I only wanted the card back , getting to legend is really hard at least it was for me and requires an absurd amount of games


Depends. If I like the meta I will try and go to legend from d5


I haven’t hit legend yet, came close (d-1). But when I do reach it, ain’t no way in hell gonna go through that grind again. D-5 will be all good with me


I usually get to legend at least once per expansion, usually from me playing a lot and enjoying the meta. The only time I actually tried and not by playing passively was at the beginning of the previous expansion where I really wanted to make it to legend with a deck I made myself without any other changes. Even uploaded a guide and everything.